Avonte Oquendo Search Update: Search Enters Third Month
![[image] [image]](http://www.clker.com/cliparts/M/Q/u/K/q/z/note-important-message-md.png)
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
![[image] [image]](http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a588/SUPERHOD/taroticon_zpsbf486b8c.jpg)
I have had a request on the blog here for a Tarot reading for Avonte Quendo. It does appear to be from a family member but I did not get a confirmation to that. However, Avonte is still missing and I feel that I should look at this situation.
As always please remember, I dont get every single detail I just write what I see and thats all I can do - right or wrong. Tarot gives advice the best way it can and does not have the ability to name names but does its level best to tune in to help. Tarot is written in past present and future trends and that will reflect in the reading. Please read my notes on this page and remember this Tarot is about possibilities and not facts. However, I hope something will be useful.
It seems this lovely young boy has been missing since October 4th and he has autism. The Police are very worried now as of course its gone into four months since he has been missing. I dont think he has been found as far as I can see. What Im going to do is go to the date of missing and see what I can pick up.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/s/r8.jpg)
At first glance Im being given the Chariot which rather seems like a vehicle to me. This car is a number 7 and it may represent routes/numbers or part numbers of roads or timings. Sometimes when its next to the Strength card it can represent appointments such as with the dentist ect but I have not seen anything except for a couple of reports saying that he slipped out of an exit and was gone. He apparently also was not reported missing for an hour. Hummm. Thats worrying!
So firstly, we have a family card, then we have a vehicle and then we have what appears to be a possible dental link or appointment. A white vehicle here. The card will show you a red cross link which sometimes means a hospital. Maybe Im not seeing it clearly but thats a vehicle there and for some reason it has come up right away so it must be saying something!
The downside of this card is simply 'escaping' - which this boy did according to reports but the downside of the next card does affect respiration so I hope there is nothing negative there.
For some reason this card seems to connect to home. So Im not sure what to make of that Im afraid. This seems like plans that were made but Im not sure who made them but this boy seems to have a positive card there about going somewhere and it doesnt seem to be anything negative that I can see but who knows maybe Im the one whose wrong. I feel as though why he disappeared is because he had good advice from two people - and I do see the school/teacher there or some teacher because we bounce off the Heirophant so really I will have to look at the other cards to see what I can make of that.
Meanwhile just to mention that 7 can be a deceitful card if it goes into the minor because it can be that this boy gets imagined worries and concerns and a journey is often on there but theres something jiggery pokery about it . Did he need medicines? I wonder if something is amiss here. I just seem to think that he was going to see a man and possibly one with a beard? and he chose to go and do that. I have mentioned possible dental appointent because that does show and so do bones and skeletal matters and oral matters. The colour White comes up here and a feeling of not being afraid?
Im not sure what lesson he was in but I think he was on his way to technology class. I will need to look things up to see if something jumps out at me. Meanwhile though Im not sure if its a good thing or bad sitting next to a card that could theoretically affect the respiration but Im seeing some kind of appointment here so .............I wont go round in circles but it is directly inked to family as family card shows before hand at least that is how it appears. I do see trouble ' with the speech' here. I do have some water elements here too and I wonder if this boy might have wanted to go to the toilet??? Does he have a weak stomach at all? or need to see a nurse?
I have south west here or a branch off to the left. Getting other colours beside White - Silver and Beige and descriptions of places are water based so anywhere that might incorporate these names or suggestions. The sea, rivers and places near ponds or waters - brooks, springs, wells, wash-houses, sea shores, marshy land. It could represents cellars, cisterns, bathrooms and places near water if its inside a building. Im also getting North.
I hope nobody pressurised him into doing something because that could work against him and he certainy would not like that. I feel as though he was in a hurry to either escape a situation or go somewhere pretty quickly. Those are the descriptions I have anyway. Water elements are here though and I need to see a map to see where abouts this school is.
Is there a car park outside? I might be seeing some kind of canopy also might be on a vehicle but its just an outside thought. Abduction is not out of the question of course. I just see travel links to this boy and not much else right now.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/s/r/r31.jpg)
Again here is another water card. When I see this card I think of kitchens, food, drink, drains, anything where there is water whether in name or actual. Here we have a reversed 9 so Im looking once more at the 8 so 9 and 8 for routes/roads distance or timing all come up here. I still do not have a map in front of me but will look shortly. This card is showing some kind of problem at home and a cant live with and cant live without situation so I dont know why but I see his home town but not sure if he is actually around his home here.
The indication on this card is West. I have the Moon on the first card which often represents the mother and the colour Blue, a fence and an area or enclosure and again those water links. Im also seeing some lack of material goods and money and that seems to be showing on this card. Was everything ok at home? Well I have a map in front of me now and see that West of this boy heads straight to the water and a tunnel toll road. Im wondering if he headed that way.
I notice the cancer links and the Waterfront Crab house so that kind of make sense too. Was it lunchtime? wondering if he might have been hungry too and decided to go and get something. I have the oral element dental teeth and wonder about the food connotation in this card which can show someone who eats and drinks and then wonders if they should have done that . I do need to ponder on this. I also note the Brighter Babies Day care in the area and the midwife link does appear on the first card too so it is telling me in the first card about the position of this school.
Also notice on the other side of that river on the West is an 8 and 9 route. So thats a pinpoint at this juncture. However......... I am getting North West and all the Water signs which I dont much like because of course it could suggest being in the water. Had that been the case I would have thought he would have been found by now. Despite being graphic if somebody goes into the water they generally do float to the top after two weeks so I cannot see that being the case and its been nearly four months so its difficult being just left with water for a location????
However if there are place names that relate to any of these descriptions it might be helpful . Fishponds, rivers, springs, watermills, water pumps, wells, marshy or watery ground, moats, springs, the ocean, and all places near to water inside or around the building. Solitude can come up here and also containers and/or church names or spiritual elements.
Maybe hes not far from the College/school but I feel a bit frustrated as I do not know where this boy actually lives to look at the map and see that.
I do see that Union City is nearby a 9 route so I might mention that also M and W the colour silver the word BELL and a white bridge 5 ponds of water and a Tree name might come up. Im sorry its not much. Wools or woolens do show up to so New Jersey City is likely the meaning of that. Wouldnt harm to consider LIncoln Highway either. Moonachie?
Large fat man with a beard on this card or could have shaved it off.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/s/r/r50.jpg)
Well I do think Avonte will be found because this is 14 card and we are in 2014 but I think healthwise he might be affected as I see a lot of insecurity here. I also think that numbers 1 and 4 and 14 should be applied to the map for distance timing and routes and also add it to make 5.
I think before May he will be found but not sure exactly when.
Places that have been searched have to be researched because something has been overlooked. Also I am seeing possible breaking in to somewhere or something like that. This is also a school card too but I think if all the grounds and the school have been checked then check them again just to be sure as the school itself is a watername. Check the roof and anywhere below and canopys and containers.
I would interview all the teachers at school as well. Sorry but has to be done. Kyron Hormon has a card that links well with what Im seeing here and for some reason nobody seemed to know about his appointments etc and there he slipped out of school and was not seen again . So security needs to be checked . I would also search around the local parks because this is a nature card and center blvd.
The Colour Green comes up here. Possibly also that area called Circus warehouse and that bridge just there as I have South East here as well as NORTH so if we took the school to be North then I guess South East might cover this little area. No promises of course but there are a few 'green' name theres and a water treatment place and even around Calvalry Cemetary. I get very frustrated when I cant name a place its so annoying because I try really hard to nail the place but I have to leave it to Dee to pick the places up and put them on a map.
A diamond.
What seem like odd descriptions may come up here but they will have some meaning whether in a word or a description but I have stables where horses and cattle barns/outhouses. Farm land or pasture land away from houses. Single storey buildings cellars or low rooms. Im getting a Friday and a mean and lazy man. Not sure who that is or someone who is controlling about money? see a non biological factor. If I get more I will come and post it. I just need to break away for now and hope I can read through to see if anything makes some sense.
PLEASE REMEMBER Tarot is not fact it only produces possibilities and nothing is guaranteed.
If the reading is read with all cards combined perhaps something can help. I will come back to this.
![[image] [image]](http://www.swiha.co.uk/PICTURES/news.gif)
I have been waiting for the map to post but meanwhile its possible we might not need it as unfortunately I have just been informed 4 days after writing the Tarot that this little boy MIGHT have been found. At the moment it seems that reports are suggesting he could have been discovered by the Whitestone Bridge. Right now I can only post this news from various reports below as apparently body parts have been discovered last night - Today is Friday that this news has come to me. I will be back to update.
NYPD investigating if remains may be those of Avonte Oquendo ...
Newsday-7 hours ago
are trying to determine if human body parts recovered from the
shoreline just west of the Whitestone Bridge in College Point, Queens, ...
Torso, left arm, legs and sneakers found on Thursday night on a ...
Daily Mail-1 hour ago
Avonte Oquendo disappeared from his Long Island City school, New York on October 4. The remains were found
- Hollywood Life - 1 hour ago
Avonte Oquendo: Fears After Second Arm Found
Sky News-10 hours ago
Avonte Oquendo's family are said to be clinging to the hope that the remains do not belong to their 14-year-old relative who was last seen on ...
vonte Oquendo family will delay lawsuit until remains are ...
attorney for the family of a missing autistic teenager said Sunday he
will probably delay suing New York City until authorities confirm ..
Avonte may have drowned after running from dog: sources
New York Post-18 Jan 2014
Missing autistic teen Avonte Oquendo was seen running from a dog at a nearby park right after he slipped out of his Queens school, and he ...
DNA Test Results In Oquendo Disappearance Could Be Ready By ...
CBS Local-13 hours ago
Results of a DNA test that will determine if the remains are those of missing autistic teenager Avonte Oquendo will not be available until later ...
- Daily Mail - 10 hours agoAuthorities investigating whether remains found washed up on a New York beach belong to missing autistic teenager Avonte Oquendo have ...
- New York's PIX11 / WPIX-TV - 8 hours ago
- TIME - by Charlotte Alter - 15 hours ago
Avonte Oquendo's family to sue city of New York after his remains ...
Daily Mail-19 hours agoHuman remains found washed up on a New York beach do belong to missing autistic teenager Avonte Oquendo, the New York City medical ...
- New York Daily News - 49 minutes agoAvonte Oquendo, the 14-year-old autistic boy found dead four months after he disappeared from his Queens school, will be laid to rest ...
Avonte Oquendo funeral draws hundreds of mourners
Newsday-2 hours agoSeveral hundred mourners filled a Manhattan church for a Mass for Avonte Oquendo, who wandered from his Queens school in October, ...
Avonte Oquendo's family seeks NYPD files on his disappearance
CNN-14 hours agoA lawyer for Vanessa Fontaine, mother of Avonte Oquendo, filed an order to show cause in Manhattan Supreme Court Wednesday seeking to ...
Avonte Oquendo Left School Through Open Door, New Surveillance ...
Newly obtained surveillance footage shows Avonte Oquendo walking through a school door left open for more than 30 minutes, NY1 reports
I realise now why I kept seeing school/college for this boy because he was found at College Point and there were various other factors that attempted to give us clues in the Tarot though the feeling I have is he went somewhere else before ending up there. I note the news below and I am a little concerned that this matter might get swept under the carpet. It is not my feeling the boy just drowned but Tarot is not here to investigate the wheres/whyfores but the main issue is to locate. Avonte is found and I will simply try to update news as it appears if there is an ongoing investigation.
- Newsday - 5 hours ago
They found body parts by the whitestone bridge in college point last night. In queens,ny. It washed ashore. A teenager found them. Police say the clothes match what he was last seen wearing ;( You kept seeing water. You were right. I rather know he killed himself and someone didn't hurt him.
DNA results confirm that it's him . So sad . Grateful because now the family has closure .
This makes me so sad, I have an autistic son, this haunts me
I think he was abducted, assaulted, held, then murdered by the mean fat recently bearded man you kept alluding to. Maybe driven away in a white vehicle? So sad a homicide was not investigated.
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