Investigators told the BBC they have substantial evidence that Madeleine
is dead - but this is not enough to take the suspect to court. The
three-year-old disappeared while on holiday in Portugal in 2007. The
suspect, 43, has been named by German media as Christian B. Madeleine McCann: Who is the German suspect
Madeleine was the initial reason for the creation of this site. Its quite a few years ago now as originally I had an online forum set up shortly after Madeleine disappeared. There were many people who wanted to discuss the case and of course as a 'Reader' I was asked to write Tarot which I did having first offered a few insights. Its funny how time just evaporates as after a couple of years with the Forum I decided to upload all the Tarot written here. It just seemed a good idea to keep Readings in one place. Obviously many other requests were made and a lot of cases were transferred here hence there are a huge amount of readings to be found on this site. When you visit here you are actually looking at 13 years of work for MISSING PERSONS.
I just wanted to offer that little bit of background regarding Madeleines influence and readings here. I think I had a huge library of insights which incidentally each new reading just proved to confirm the one before and in the end you have to understand that your FIRST READINGS ARE GENERALLY THE ONES TO CONNECT TO. I always stick with my original thoughts! As you know there has been a new bit of information (see the BBC report above) and I have remarked on it in recent times as there is another post stating a thought about this new development.
I have to declare as I always have, that NOTHING I saw initially in the Tarot confirmed that Madeleine was deceased. I really could not have just said that and had conviction that was the case. I just really did not have that kind of clarity on it. I do want to pull a card on Madeleine TODAY and I will put my thoughts on Tarot's response a bit later today. So please check back!

Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore
one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out
stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick
that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see
what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken
as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
I did actually pull two cards. The first card was really to look at where Madeleine might be and Im really just getting inland from a seashore or an area where you could see the sea and outcrops of rocks. Maybe a mountainous area connected South somewhere. I did feel that asking the question was like trying to open up a 'no go' path. Almost secret society - so my whole feeling of trying to pinpoint where Madeleine is does not seem to be the major need. I felt a long time ago to stop asking that question because I had many replies from Tarot that asked me to step back about it. I just complied with that and I just felt as soon as I saw Tarot's response that nothing has changed. The feeling I have is that we should not ask at all. There could be a lot of reasons for that because perhaps it would open up other cans of worms ? I really feel uncomfortable with the question. I feel that its not the question we need to pursue. Its the WRONG question perhaps? OR maybe it is tied to a situation that if explored would bring up things we wish we didnt know?
The card I was given is a cutting card. When I have had it before I have literally had people who have been dismembered and scattered. However, that is not what the card was telling me. What it was actually saying is that there is some kind of AFTERMATH going on regarding her disappearance WHEREBY there was a HUGE QUARREL or disagreement and where she is will be based on how that quarrel was resolved. Its also almost like the blueprints of this case have been put aside. I dont know what the plan is to find her anymore do you? is it even a good idea? If she were with us still and alive there would be a whole heap of things to consider. I saw the card as telling me that the situation did not call for publicity. Maybe some initial details were not publicised? maybe we did not have all the details at all as they really were. There are many things we could say BUT I still think that the question of where Madeleine is could be resolved when the blindfolds come off. Yes its true, it all sounds a bit strange what I am saying but I have worked on Tarot for Madeleine for a very long time. I was never too convinced about certain elements that were thrown out there, however, there is more to it all and we need to know that somehow and perhaps not feel it is as simple as discovering where she is.That was my first card.
This was my second card asking a different question so is really a different 'tact'. It is to ask about the new evidence and how should we think or view it? and we receive this six of swords. In short it doesnt take us on a voyage of discovery, it kind of gave the impression it might and then its lulling and stagnating like a stinking pond. Nobody is going anywhere with this for the moment. We cant just say this guy took her and thats it as the card upright might show and note there are three people on that boat not two! so someone else is being suggested?
The new information truly is stagnant as it stands. However, there is one interesting thing that comes up - BOAT/BOATS - Maybe we should be looking at any evidence regarding boats/marinas/sea faring elements. Did conversation /thoughts about boats just disappear or were they not pursued? Tarot may be giving some kind of NO regarding abduction via Christian B - I dont really feel that Abduction is the word to use. It think thats the problem I have had. We have to always remember Tarot is an experiment and not set in stone or fact - its a suggestive element and only real proof can confirm or dismiss it.
I think if we look at the question that has been asked of Tarot we are clearly being shown some kind of postponement a bit of a 'hold your horses' element. There is not enough to back up this evidence at all. If there were more at any stage, its not there now is it? There does not seem to be enough to float the evidence being presented at the moment. I think that because there is 'nothing else' that this is a grab at some kind of hope for now but I feel its all very diluted and I think somehow there is something missing here so Tarot is not feeling very positive about the new evidence. I might be wrong but there seems to be a lot of obstacles to the pursuit of this evidence and it could just go nowhere? and linked in to this question ? there is no evidence that Madeleine is deceased at the current time.
The situation is ...STALEMATE.
Don't worry empathy she is still considered missing officially they still don't have substantial evidence she is dead there are mixed news about her wherebauts from investigators from what i have been reading from various websites so let's hope she is alive
I agree. I feel this suspect is a scapegoat to cover up links to sex trafficking that goes much deeper! Curious political timing!
I just want you to know that we appreciate all your years of time and energy on this sad and perplexing case!
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