2. Email me at to tell me the reading you would like and ask for the paypal link
2. Email me at to tell me the reading you would like and ask for the paypal link
3. Receive your reading within 24 -48 hours!
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SINGLE QUESTIONS £12.00 GBP (British Pounds Sterling) Quick questions direct to the point.
A FULL DETAILED TAROT READING - £61.00 GBP - (British Pounds Sterling plus paypal fee) The most thorough and popular reading that covers General, Finance, Work and Love . Pick 5 questions in any of those categories . This reading is sent to you direct within 48 hours of payment. Many happy customers recommend this excellent value reading which has 6 months ahead general guide also included.
ASTROLOGICAL REPORT - (Personal Trends - Covers 6 Months Ahead) £12.00 GBP (British Pounds Sterling) - This reading is a general overview of a half year.
LOVE COMPABILITY ASTROLOGICAL/TAROT FORECAST BETWEEN YOURSELF AND ANOTHER PLUS SIX MONTHS AHEAD. £12.00 GBP (British Pounds Sterling) A reading designed for all those who just wish to know about their love prospects with another person. Complete with trends and tarot /astrological factors.
ASTROLOGICAL LIFE GUIDANCE - AND YOUR POSSIBILITIES: £12.00 GBP (British Pounds Sterling) A reading to help people who have problems understanding themselves and what they are 'supposed to do' in life. This report helps you understand yourself and gives you ideas of what you might consider in your life regarding your vocation. A very helpful reading for those who need a good bit of inspiration about 'where their path lies'.
PAST LIFE READING TAROT/ASTRO. £12.00 GBP (British Pounds Sterling) This reading looks at your past life, what you may have 'been' occupationally and how to learn the lessons your past has taught you.
PERSONAL MONTHLY TAROT HOROSCOPE/ FULL READING £40.00 GBP (British Pounds Sterling per month ) This reading gives you a full Tarot Horoscope reading for your month ahead. It is emailed to you 2/3 days before the beginning of the month
NEW! Angel card readings
£10.00 GBP (British Pounds Sterling ) a lovely little reading that is inspiring and spiritually uplifting.
£10.00 GBP (British Pounds Sterling ) a lovely little reading that is inspiring and spiritually uplifting.
Please note that all readings include paypal fees.

Hi Empathy,
Thanks so much for doing this for me, you are spot on with everything you say, I gave you very little to go on and I am amazed at what you came up with.
« Reply #53 on Mar 12, 2008, 1:47 »
Hi Empathy
A very special thank you to you for doing this reading. I am definitely not upset with you! I do not want to have what my cards reveal "sugared over" if you know what I mean.
You have been amazingly accurate, especially with regard to situations at home.
« Reply #55 on Mar 12, 2008, 8:41 »
Hi Empathy,
It's funny you should come up with that, because in my son's last job he had been promoted to on that you mention this
« Reply #62 on Mar 12, 2008, 23:49 »
Morning Empathy
Thanks for doing this so quickly. I'm gobsmacked :o.
Have you met my must have....the reason for his indecisiveness is just that: perceived lack of knowledge as well as the fact he underestimates his ability when it comes to his job; this new opportunity is in the same line as he is in at the moment
« Reply #205 on Apr 22, 2008, 5:46 »
Hi empathy
Thankyou so much for giving your time to give the reading.
I can totally understand everything you have said with relation to me....
« Reply #69 on Mar 13, 2008, 14:45 »
My word Empathy you couldnt have got that more spot on!
Reply #80 on Mar 20, 2008, 15:43 »
Hi Empathy and again many thanks taking time to answer
so quickly. You are so right with your analysis !
« Reply #101 on Mar 23, 2008, 20:21 »
Hi Empathy, A THOUSAND THANKS for your answer !
As I'm writing to you, tears come from my eyes thinking
that you truly contacted my mother ! The detail about
the neckless and ring proves me that she was here with you !
All you wrote is perfectly right, personality and way of
« Reply #164 on Apr 3, 2008, 8:04 »
Good morning Empathy,
I have no words Empathy and don't know how I could
thank you for your work and answer you gave me !
« Reply #166 on Apr 4, 2008, 7:40 »
My kitchen improvements you are right about too i've been doing a battle with housing association for nearly two years
« Reply #170 on Apr 4, 2008, 22:04 »
Thanks empathy!! :-*
WOW!! You couldnt have got that more right! I have been very indecisive about work and what i want to do and spookily enough i have been thinking more after the summer holidays and then look for a 6 month contract for which i was doing before, customer services/admin/general office clerk!! I have done this before and loved it!!!
:o Very accurate empathy!! Thanks for doing it for me ;D
« Reply #896 on Mar 17, 2009, 22:56 »
Empathy, THANK YOU ;D
Yep, you've hit the nail right on the head
« Reply #835 on Feb 6, 2009, 9:58 »
My God. You are an amazing person! I am taken aback by your answer! You have mentioned things that I truly did not think to mention to you! Thank you very, very much!
I am just astounded. I am tearing up now. You're a keeper!
Thank you again. God Bless You!!
« Reply #791 on Jan 16, 2009, 1:59 »
Thanks Empathy and WOW! That certainly is very true.....Thanks for doing this Empathy. You really are amazing with your tarot and very accurate. xx
« Reply #773 on Jan 14, 2009, 9:27 »
Hi Empathy. Many heartfelt thanks. I was simply blown away by the accuracy of your reading. I wasn't expecting such detail, analysis and advice. The truth is upto now I have always been a little sceptical. You told be things about my life you could have never known. I will seriously take your advice on board. Many many thanks for you advice and direction. Kx
Hello Empathy,
Thank you very much for the accuracy about a reading you did make in August. I did ask you to look at the cards for my daughter's new job.. The cards did tell you it could be difficult because she loved her old job. She didn't know I did ask you to do the reading till she told me she resigned the new and still will stay at her old job... I am proud of you, you are amazing. I know the cards do tell this to you, but.............!!!!!!!
I will keep in touch.
Kind regards with love from Holland
Dear Empathy,
Thank you so much for your reading. You amaze me with the accuracy of your insight!
I don't know how you do it, but am grateful for your words.
Thank you for your patience with my questions Empathy Your reading was excellent. You were right about the past and I know what I have to do. Your reading has answered so much for me.
Gordon H.
I have to say Empathy that you were right on about my question regarding my "relationship" with a certain person. As ashamed as I am to say it, you knew without me telling you that I was involved in a clandestine affair. And the things around it have already blown up, you did say you didn't really think it would work out. You're amazing!!! Now can you just send Mr. Right my way lol???
I just want to say that again, you were right on about a situation in my life. I asked you about finding a job after being notified of impending layoff, and tarot said quickly and I would likely have 2 offers. I received one offer Friday morning, then an immediate and much better counter-offer from another employer within a day. Thanks sooooo much for advising me this would work out! I have tons of faith in you!
My reading was very true! Thank you Empathy.
I have had many reading from you Empathy ' my guiding light' and every time you come through for me.
I stumbled upon Empathy when looking to see if any new info has been updated about a local missing boy...I don't watch the news. I found empathy and couldn't believe what I read what she wrote about where she believed he might be. It was exactly the same area and since I live here, it's my neighborhood, I can confirm that her insight was amazingly accurate- and this is NOT where he went missing. A little further away . Sadly, he has not been found and as far as I know, this area has never been searched. Anyhow, I needed some questions answered myself. I've used in-person and online psychics and empaths. I had a feeling Empathy might be quite good. Wasn't yet ready for the full tarot but I am now! I got an Astro chart done, it's been a VERY long time and Empathy was friendly, communicative and responded quickly with the reading. WOW- spot on! And I got A LOT of information for about $15USD! I wouldn't hesitate using Empathy again, in fact, I will very soon have her do a full tarot. I'm always skeptical about paying that much online, I have used online psychics and empaths before but short reads, lower cost so not much to lose and although I've had some accurate responses, I can usually ditch immediately the readings that just seem like garbage and usually are...without losing much financially. But Empathy seems to be very talented and the work she does for free to help others, I highly recommend Empathy. I will post again about my tarot reading when I get one. THANK YOU! ~Kristie
Thank you for your Tarot advice Empathy. You have been right for me before and I your guidance is appreciated.
Empathy, the last 3yrs of my life have been gut wrenchingly painful and yet beautiful as well.
I Asked a question for you to read tarot regarding my future and the answer that came through was confirmation of what my gut was telling me all ready ,which made me appreciate my intuition again and embrace "myself" . I'm on track and exactly where I'm supposed to be, my divorce, my ex , that relationship wasn't a failure , it was a step that was required to get me "here" so I'm thankful for it. Your reading of tarot was so honest and skilled. The straight forward approach and your classy ethics was wonderfully given to me , felt like sharing a cup of tea with a friend.
Kerri reading requested & received on Oct 2,2012
Thanks Empathy, for the accurate reading! You said many things that hit the nail on the head. I will cherish the advices and may God bless you for your kindness.
Many thanks Empathy for your reading. I am amazed how much information you got from my question. I am taking your advice and staying on top of the situation, which has already moved part way to resolution. I will let a few of my friends know of your fantastic gift as I know they would love to contact you.
Thank you for sharing your gift with the rest of us!
Thank you so much Empathy. Your reading has given me a good wake up call and it was exactly what I needed. I found a lot of meaning in the reading, and it's just amazing how much of what you said resonated with where I am in my life right now. Not enough words can express my thanks.
And thank you for being so incredibly helpful and sincere, and replying so promptly to emails! And thank you for sharing your wonderful gift with the world - what you are doing here with the missing people is so incredibly noble.
Empathy you are the best! You are always right on my questions (and I've asked a few lol) and when I ponder upon the cards Tarot gives me, there is always very valuable information, wisdom, and insight in each one.
You never gloss it over, I totally appreciate the straight-up answers to my questions, and you are so communicative! You have blown me away more than once with Tarot's advice and I would never ask anyone else to read for me!
"I found that Empathy’s reading was so accurate with the use of words that I felt tears in my eyes. The advice and different perspective that I was given really touched something deep in me, that I felt a shift, an alignment happening within my body, that hope opened up, like a part of me was reawakening. There is such a deep practicalness and directness about the reading, which I was very grateful for. It was uplifting and encouraging, and came at a time when I was feeling rather unclear and ungrounded, and likely to do something on a whim without thinking it through. The reading brought me back myself, who I am, and simple things I can do to feel more satisfied, and gave me that extra dimension and perspective to see outside of the situation. I truly recommend it for anyone who feels drawn to it, and that you can trust the integrity with which Empathy shares her gift."
Hello empathy
Thank you very much for your reading it was spot on. This is the second time I have had a reading from you and you was excellent then as well. Thank you once again.
Dear Empathy;
I came to you almost three years ago because I had some doubts about a relationship that I was just beginning. You had been helpful to me in my job search prior to that, and I sought your advice again. The card drawn was the 7 of Swords, reversed, and this is not good. Your advice was that this man was 'not free to love' and probably 'deceitful', an 'unworthy and untrustworthy lover'. You told me communication would be an issue, but that this man would always apologize, have an excuse for everything and I would believe it.
I ruminated on the advice but I did not heed it. I didn't see the evidence of any of those traits. But three years later I can say that you were incredibly dead on in your prediction. Not only did I discover late in the relationship that this man had lied about being divorced (not free to love and deceitful), he was an incredible liar with a narcissistic personality disorder. Unworthy and untrustworthy does not begin to describe the deceit, lies and unfaithfulness that I suffered from this relationship.
I wanted to tell you of this, as I am just beginning to put the pieces of my life back together. The reading was ahead of its time, and sometimes the tarot does not give us the answers we want immediately and in the moment. Nonetheless, it was precisely accurate, every word and although I was not strong enough to heed the advice; I am deeply grateful for your gift and your advice. Should any client of yours have their doubts about your readings, please direct them to me!
In Kindness,
Hi Empathy,
Thank you so much for my reading and astrology report! You've given me so clear insight on what to focus on. I really appreciate that!
Blessings and thanks,
Empathy, you did a reading for me April 7, 2009. I came across it three years, one month and one day later. I asked the questions that i could come up with (a friend had given me this reading as a gift). I didn't really have any real questions at the time, however, in retrospect all the questions did have importance and the answers you gave, were eerily correct... Thank you, everything turned out or is turning out just as you said.
Thank you very much for my reading.
You are spot on.
You hit the nail Thanks again. I am sure i will consult you again in the future!
Dear Empathy,
Thank you so much for my reading, I was blown away by your accuracy. My question consisted of one very short sentence and I was truly amazed at how much infomation you got from this. I did not give anything away yet you seemed to know it all !! The information was so spot on and the advice was honest and kind. I will definitely consult you again in the future and I will definitely recommend you to my friends.
Thank you so much :)
Dear Empathy, thank you so much for the reading you provided me. As in the past, you are always dead on in your readings. After a year of being unemployed and looking for work I was getting desperate. I asked why I wasn't being selected for hire and when I would find work. Your reading encouraged me to be less formal in interviews, to relax and that something would come along in April or May. You also told me it may be a step down, and not exactly what I wanted, but it is work and to take it. On May 29 I was finally offered a position, which was a step down but that's ok. I took your advice and strived to be more casual in the three interviews with this company. I thank you so much for your advice and your gift in reading tarot. You brought some much needed calm to a very fretful situation. Blessings to you Empathy.
Dear Empathy,
Thanks again for another very helpful detailed reading.
Everything you say makes so much sense and I'm going to take all this good advice on board.You have an amazing gift and I am so glad I found you - one in a million !!
Lots of good wishes to you :)
Thank you Empathy. Another direct hit on my problems you are very gifted intuitively and have helped me again. I will follow your advice.
Thank you for your prompt service Empathy. I feel I know you as a personal friend and felt your warmth and concern. You were highly recommended to me and I was not disappointed!
Nailed it - again! Thank you!
Thank you Empathy,
You have answered my question and confirmed my feelings regarding the situation.
I am in awe of what you do for people with missing loved ones.
Sharing your gift...with such insight and compassion.
Thank you..thank you.I will be directing many people to your website. Thanks again..Your time is so precious with the amazing work you do! Thankyou for being such a personable person and sharing your extra insight with me. I will be contacting you again soon
Well, that's very interesting, thank you! It's funny how the Tarot tells me stuff that I already know deep down but don't seem to realise it until I hear/read it. Great stuff, thanks Em. :-)
Hi Empathy,
I just had to let you know the more times I re-read your reading the clearer it became. You have picked up on so much!! I am not only amazed at how much of your reading makes sense,I am truly grateful for your insight and advise. You dont just 'read'cards you clearly tune into the person you are reading for and make it a very personable reading.I have posted your site on my face book with a message regarding the amazing work you do!
Your words of encouragement and wisdom have been a gift to me.
Sincere thanks Empathy,
Good morning, thank you for my reading, it was very accurate.
Dear Empathy, I really appreciate your honesty, professionalism, efficiency and everything you have done for me, i will keep you posted as soon as i have any news. God bless you!
Thank you empathy your readings are amazing and I have found them always to be spot on , thank you once again x
I truly am amzed at how you confirm my thoughts through your readings! Thank you so much Empathy!
I have refered another friend to you as Im always so impressed by your readings!Thank you pleased with the reading.
Best wishes,
I was amazed at the accuracy of your mc stay reading. As you pointed out...November and the number 13...the precise date that their bodies were the motorcycle that you sad.,
Thank you so much! Everything that tarot said is 100% accurate. Everything it said was exactly right.
Thank you so much for such a detailed, caring and compassionate reading.
You hit the nail on the head with regards to how I'm feeling.
Everything you said makes a lot of sense and will take on board of all of this.
Best wishes for a wonderful New Year x
Every reading I have had from you empathy has been amazing ,you blow my mind how spot on you are.thank you so much x
Thank you so much empathy, very good and accurate reading, i appreciate your help in this matter, will contact you for future readings! Thanks again
Thank you empathy , the reading was spot on x
Thank you soooo much for the reading, Empathy!
Can't express in words how happy and grateful I am for it now.
Your every word simply stuck deep in my heart.
Thanks to your reading
Thank you for my reading. Unbelievable,everything u picked up is me right down to the t :).i will definitely be in touch again and have recommended you to my friends :).
Thank you again
Thank you so much for the October reading, Empathy.
First of all, your September reading has helped me a lot to predict things how it would go.
What I can say is that your reading was really amazing!
I'll keep your every single advice in my mind for the coming month too!
I'd like you to continue my monthly reading
Thank you so much!!! I feel more at peace now things seem more clear.
Your reading is so accurate I cannot thank you enough :)
Hi Empathy -
You nailed it!
I very much appreciate your thoughtful and insightful analysis of my situation and look forward to asking more questions as I ponder this situation further.
Hi Empathy - have just received your reading and I am absolutely blown away by the accuracy! Thank you so much! Everything makes sense - thanks for your time and effort.
Hi Empathy
Wow, just wow. I know deep down you are right about so many things mentioned. The information you mentioned was spot on .
Thank-you, thank-you so much. I hope I can consult you again at a future time if need be.
You really are gifted.
Just wanted to feedback that I previously ordered 1 tarot question from you in April this year. The advice given by Tarot was amazingly accurate although I couldn't confirm it until recently
Thank you, that is such a lovely, uplifting reading!
Thank you for the wonderful reading. As I read through each paragraph, I found myself saying a yes & a yes each time all the way to the very end. I can say that your reading is actually an imprint of my existence.
My best regards & enormous praise for ur insights & helping the most desperate to track their loved ones
Wow. Everything I needed to hear. You are amazing. Thank you. Lee.
Thank you for the reading and it is Spot On, even quotes that you stated are exactly the words I use and think! Warmest Regards, Chris
Dear Empathy
Thank you for that reading ,just to let you know that your reading makes sense to me .
The description of place is spot on as ONE location we have looked at another with place names is a place we will be having a holiday tomorrow theses place names are rare in Australia as we are a modern colony we did not have many forts so to speak I will send you a photo of where we are going to show you how spot on you are.maybe will will move there if we love it who knows? Michelle.
Thank you Empathy, much appreciated.
Hi Empathy,
Thank you so much for my readings!
The past life reading is also quite interesting. I find myself nodding a lot while reading it. Warmest regards M.
Thank you for the reading!
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