9M-MRO, the missing aircraft, at Charles de Gaulle Airport in 2011
BBC News | - |
Asian states have joined forces to search waters between Malaysia and
Vietnam after a Malaysia Airlines plane vanished on a flight to Beijing,
with 239 people on board.
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
![[image] [image]](http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a588/SUPERHOD/taroticon_zpsbf486b8c.jpg)
9TH MARCH 2014

I have been asked about the latest disappearance of a Malaysian Aircraft that is in the headlines right now. I really do not know if Tarot can help although I have looked previously at another airline disaster and had a few correct results being given a four and it was the distance that aeroplane was from the coast. I also had the coast of Africa which was correct for Air France.
However, I think I have been asked a little late to look at this situation as I feel Tarot may not be able to assist. Only time will tell.
My Tarot system is not guaranteed so I feel I have to remind you as always that I can only make suggestions and thats all. The rest has to be revealed at its own time and speed. I am very sorry to hear of this situation however, and my entire sympathies go out to the family and passengers.
This card you see here is a Work card and the first thing that came to mind was KOREA (Career) also the card is initially South and there is 9 upon it. This could be distance or timing. Now we have to bear in mind that this Aeroplane was travelling from the South at Kuala Lumpur to Beiijing which is a pretty straight line from what I can see on the Map but slightly North East.
It is said that there are oil slicks near Vietnam and this card would produce a 'V' sign within the journey of these wands. I do worry about the fact that we have a 'hurt man' on our card because often the first thing that would be natural to assume is an 'attack' and some kind of preparation for an onslaught. This plane is 'between places' and our card is going to show that so Tarot recognises the question.
This is a 'hot card' and can signify 'fire'. It can also give green mountain ranges. The other direction on this card is South East.
Im being shown a Thursday.
I am not really sure what to tell you all because this is a completions card when there is a 9 and it seems that there was some action or energy at the inception of this craft taking off. With the fire elements it makes me wonder if there has been a fire aboard of course that cannot be all here when there is a sign of attack. But it could in loose perpetrate attack of fire on board. I feel that is what is being shown to me unless it is a physical attack. Of course it is rather a difficult card to be given as our next card would produce a certain amount of treachery and when there are documents involved as there are in the 10 of wands it can show a link to those false identities aboard. Other 'arrows' might be seen too which could suggest that attack but that is Tarot's way of trying to explain that something has happened to that plane that has affected it Im afraid.
Air France did not really seem 'cleared up' in anyones mind and that was a terrible situation too.
I am mindful of distressed relatives and its very hard to look at their pictures waiting at the airport at the other end. I cannot promise good things because if I link up my 9s I am going to be seeing Water twice in them, some form of 'security' but I dont know how that word is going to truly fall in whether 'security' to do with people or in uniform. I feel the sense of 'defense'.
I do not want to write more on this for the moment but Im wondering if this plane was going to change direction as I have a turning point here and a 'target' so part of me felt that it was going to try to take a different course. I could be wrong. I have a letter Y but whether that has anything to do with things I really am not sure. I was asked to look at this Tarot but I must say I felt very reluctant to want to do so particularly in the wake of Air France.
I think I should leave it here for the moment and wait to see if there is any confirmation as to whether this aircraft has been found. If it is not found within a week I will come and have another look. Answers may take up to 9 weeks to discover exactly what the situation is.
As always I accept that Tarot cannot give me names and it is very difficult on a world map when the language barrier is there on the land as I cannot always make a suggestion as to 'what point' Im looking at as I cannot compare what Im seeing in Tarot against a 'foreign name'. I will keep you updated with news..
The Guardian -
BBC News | - |
signals show a Malaysia Airlines plane that has been missing for more
than 24 hours may have turned back, Malaysian officials have said.
Daily Mirror @DailyMirror
Daily Mirror
Missing Malaysia Airlines flight live: Search team finds suspected fragments of plane believed to be door and tail http://mirr.im/1imyQiT
Yellow Fragments found in sea.
There is a live update on the link above to keep updated with events.
There is a live update on the link above to keep updated with events.
Financial Times | - |
apparent loss of a Malaysia Airlines flight over the South China Sea
has sparked a rare display of co-operation among countries more used to
sparring with each other over their contested territorial claims in the
of the two men who boarded the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370
with a stolen passport has been identified by police. Investigators from
Malaysia and the United States have been examining closed-circuit
television feeds from Kuala Lumpur airport ...
Authorities are expanding their search for a missing Malaysia Airlines plane to the Malacca Strait, far from its last confirmed location, the airline said Tuesday, injecting new mystery into an invest…
"It changed course after Kota Bharu and took a lower altitude. It made it into the Malacca Strait," the military official, who has been briefed on investigations, told Reuters.
Authorities are expanding their search for a missing Malaysia Airlines plane to the Malacca Strait, far from its last confirmed location, the airline said Tuesday, injecting new mystery into an invest…
"It changed course after Kota Bharu and took a lower altitude. It made it into the Malacca Strait," the military official, who has been briefed on investigations, told Reuters.
Malaysian military: Missing jet veered far off course in last hour
The Malaysia Airlines flight missing since Saturday had veered hundreds of miles off its flight path by the time of its last radar tracking and appeared to be flying in the opposite direction from its intended destination of Beijing.
How the search is being stepped up
How the search is widening - but has still to
find a thing: Strait of Malacca is now main focus of air and sea search
but China is deploying ships, planes and helicopters to the South China
Sea to try to find any trace of the Boeing 777. Its authorities say more
needs to be done to find what happened to the plane.
hey em you said this plane may have turned back read this wow Air force chief: Malaysia jet may have turned back http://news.yahoo.com/air-force-chief-malaysia-jet-may-turned-back-060410114.html
The fact that we are unable to find any debris so far appears to indicate that the aircraft is likely to have disintegrated at around 35,000 feet," a source involved in the investigations in Malaysia told Reuters.Asked about the possibility of an explosion, such as a bomb, the source said there was no evidence yet of foul play and that the aircraft could have broken up due to mechanical causes. this could be the fire you saw.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/09/missing-plane-disintegrated-malaysian-airlines_n_4930152.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000063
The two men who boarded Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 with stolen passports have been identified as Iranians, but authorities today downplayed any possible connection to terrorism and the missing jetliner.
Malaysian police chief Khalid Abu Bakar said the first man, named Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad, 19, was likely trying to enter Germany to seek asylum. His mother contacted authorities after he didn't arrive in Frankfurt.
Interpol later identified the other man as Delavar Syed Mohammad Reza, 29.
An image from Interpol showed the two men boarding a plane at the same time. Interpol secretary general Ronald K. Noble said Tuesday the two men traveled to Malaysia on their Iranian passports, then apparently switched to the stolen Austrian and Italian documents. http://gma.yahoo.com/mh370-passengers-stolen-passports-identified-iranians-105628437--abc-news-topstories.html
Dear Empathy,
Thank you for showing this! (I'm the girl who emailed you on 12th March 3:55pm requesting a Tarot for MH370). I'm sorry I did not search through your site thoroughly!
You are welcome :)
Heres your Michael...
On your statement on the raft..fisherman found a life rafe bearing word "Boarding" near Port Dickson ..
Thank you for the link of information.
Thank you for this link of information.
Thank you for this link of information.
Thank you for this news report.
Emps have you seen this?
"Reuters, citing unidentified sources familiar with the investigation, reported that whoever was piloting the vanished jet was following navigational waypoints that would have taken the plane over the Andaman Islands."
This is so close to my home, so close to my heart. My prayers for the pasengers and crew of MH370. There so many theories and speculation on this case. Its been 8 days and they still have not find the aircarft. How can a hi-tech 777 just vanish like that from the radar? And with the hi tech world that we are living in now still cannot detect the air craft.
So so strange.
Tomnod search: How you can help find MH370 plane via satellite from your laptop
(SOS) YAHOO UPDATE 11.45AM : 2.3 million join in search for missing MH370
More than 2.3 million people worldwide are giving up their time to help search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
However, they are not on the 57 ships and 48 aircraft but at home on their computers.
The "volunteers" are part of the crowdsourcing appeal on the Tomnod website – the online search party scanning more than 24,000 square kilometres of satellite imagery in hopes of finding a clue that will lead to the discovery of MH370, reports The Guardian.
Tomnod is run by commercial satellite company DigitalGlobe, which soon after the plane’s disappearance repositioned two of its five satellites over the plane's last known location in the Gulf of Thailand, and have since moved them as the search headed west.
Tomnod users are provided with a randomly chosen map from the search area and are told to drop a pin if they see signs of aeroplane wreckage, life rafts, oil slicks or anything that looks “suspicious”.
An algorithm then finds where there is overlap in tags from people who tagged the same location, and the most notable areas are shared with authorities. A Tomnod spokesperson said that as of Thursday every pixel had been looked at by human eyes at least 30 times, The Guardian report said.
However, the Tomnod hunt has so far proved inconclusive.
It does appear that the pilots did something since they were still calm after the transponder and ACARS were shut off.
This pilot did mention there could be a fire:
Sorry if Im on the wrong part of your site, I'd like to request a reading for the missing woman Barbara Finn from Coventry UK. She was reported to police missing in early 1990s, now almost certainly dead. I know you are busy so there will be a wait, and I appreciate you taking the time to read this. Thankyou for your work. xx
Malaysia PM just conclude that MH370 have crashed in the Indian Ocean. ;.(
These articles have got absolute sense devoid of confusing the readers.important site
Here is a report that came out yesterday about this flight. Very sad.
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