Missing Aurora Teen Could Be Human Trafficking Victim « CBS Denver
If you have any information, call Aurora Police at 303-627-3100 or Crimestoppers at 720-913-7867

Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following

have received a request from Lashaya's mother via email to have a look
at Tarot for her daughter. I am inundated with pending requests from
families and sometimes I simply cannot do them at the time that I am
asked and I do apologise for the delay in this. I wish to remind all
readers that my site is a metaphysical experiment and I simply write
down the messages that I receive. Tarot may offer glimpses of past
present and future. Nothing is guaranteed but I offer what I am shown.
Perhaps something will resonate or may prove useful. I always
recommend seeking out solid sources of information and not just rely on
Tarot insights which cannot be proven or validated unless something
appears in the news to do so.
to the flyer I have been sent Lashaya is just a young girl - only 16 at
the time of disappearance and there was surveillance footage seen of
her walking very late in the early morning. Lashaya disappeared on 15th
July 2016 - two years ago. She has not been seen since but was last
seen in the area of Montview Boulevard and North Peoria Street.
My first card for Lashaya is the Lovers reversed. This is a Major Arcana card the results of receiving this is obviously to do with a life changing event . I have the number 6 and 9 and possibly 3. These numbers may reference distance, timing, part of a route number or have some other significant relevance. With reversed cards often it can be difficult with direction but as a rule this card would be North but predominantly I am getting two pointers WEST. Perhaps West direction is going to come up in actuality or in a name. I note that there is a park in the area that this young girl was last seen and please note that there are Garden/park elements in the Lovers card. I just like to see something that makes sense. I understand that this girl was last seen around 1600 block of North Peoria Street approximately 1.2 miles from her home address. That would be a 3 minute car journey or around 25 minutes walk. We need to bear in mind that if this young girl was on camera seen at this spot that she could have been walking for almost half an hour? if spotted at 2.30am may have left home around 2am ? Reversed cards can tip direction to the South or show a Southern area or address . Perhaps going to from or going from to, so bear it all in mind.
Im getting 'no air - oxygen'. No space? Let me tell you that the Lovers card reversed is possibly unwanted attention. Stalker elements can come up here or some kind of obsession or forbidden type of love - definitely a WRONG DECISION has been made. Rejection of lifestyle choices also - and someone around the family or connected or close to has something possibly to do with things because the Lovers card shows contrarities in the family or around the family. Maybe the person is known as clearly there is someone else here in the mix for sure. Lust not love can be part of this card and its all about sexual elements because the genitals in this card are pushed forward ie the card is upside down and everything from the waist down is exposed and given as a possibility for what might have been going on or some kind of 'feeling' around the issue. Of course it is NOT always necessarily so it really could be that there is something here to do with infidelity or unfaithfulness in relationships, untruths etc that is standing out .
Was there a male around this family who could be a problem at all?
Not that it has to be a male BUT I will give some descriptions here. Take them as you find them. Im just the messenger.
Someone has a well proportioned body, inclines more towards being tall and slender than short and fleshy. The face is rounded and usually attractive with a clear complexion, though there is an inclination towards pimples and dimpled skin if the person is older and the hair appears to be 'fair' and can appear to be short or long. If short it suggests that it can be grown long hence healthy hair?
is someone who could be white/dark perhaps ethnic mix but not
completely sure , eyes a little black; a round face and not large, fair
hair, smooth, and plenty of it, and it usually of a light brown
colour; someone with a 'wondering eye' so a very amorous temperament
and probably like the opposite sex. Im not seeing this person as tall ?
so I am not sure if two people are similar but different height here so
please be careful.
is someone here who is riotous and expensive meaning that is their
nature and they are pretty loose and lewd around women. Not a great
reputation, jump into beds often but there is some kind of incest
element that could pop up here. ???? this person could be an
adulterer, just spends money in alehouses, taverns or anywhere that
suits their fancy they are thought of as pretty lazy and mean and
basically go against the grain. Perhaps they just DONT CARE??? they do
not seem to be religious so they might have no boundaries or
description (please do not worry if you cannot understand these - the
pointers go on a map which will be posted in due course.
Air and light are being shown. Seeing high off the ground (could be suggesting higher/upper names) - mountains /hillsides - also could be names. Windmills/windpower. Hunting/hawking. Air force bases, airports, high communication towers. Sandy gravely ground. saw-pits, places where wood is cut or stored, and to barns or out-houses that lie away from other dwellings.
At some point see off the ground - ceiling, ventilation ducts, bedrooms, closets /walk-in wardrobes.
Name Tailor - jewelry or name Jewel. Music ? gloves
Seeing also 8am on Friday morning ?
Air and light are being shown. Seeing high off the ground (could be suggesting higher/upper names) - mountains /hillsides - also could be names. Windmills/windpower. Hunting/hawking. Air force bases, airports, high communication towers. Sandy gravely ground. saw-pits, places where wood is cut or stored, and to barns or out-houses that lie away from other dwellings.
At some point see off the ground - ceiling, ventilation ducts, bedrooms, closets /walk-in wardrobes.
Name Tailor - jewelry or name Jewel. Music ? gloves
Seeing also 8am on Friday morning ?
Possibility of subtlety, tricks, devices, and perjury.
I am also being shown a Wednesday. Possible drugs NOT guaranteed element but can see alcohol.
Another person description but MAY be same person as already described or one of three people. This person is tall straight thin body, a high forehead and s narrow long face, long nose; fair eyes, neither black or grey, thin lips and nose, little hair on the chin but may suggest stubble therefore a male person ? , but PLENTY of hair on the head sad brown colour - leaning towards black hair. They may have long arms, fingers and hands; complexion like an olive or chestnut colour possiby shifty looking. This person could be a thief and a liar bragging personality - know it all.
Possible three way triangle relationship?
Lashaya may have been wondering if she had been followed.
Someone is an alcoholic or enjoys a drink. Abuse?
Getting B, J, D, R initials of people/places - the 'secret is out' ??
See the ditch?? ditched? ditch - orchard , bird, spring, hollow.
Seeing word Copper - (Copper flats and apartments)?
End of a situation. End of family cycle ? abortion.
Letter 'G' - Pink. Deep blue - Yellow An Opal. - Ash - Elm.
Someone may lie in this situation in order to shift the blame.
The Knight of Pentacles is attempting to show us where Lashaya is. I think it is VERY important to read ALL THREE CARDS to combine information for location possibilities. Bear in mind, they are only possibilities or little clues.
this card is number 13 number 13 is going to be representative of where
this girl may be whether its is a route number, distance or timing or
have some other significance. Together this number is also number 4 ,
so please consider number 4, 1, 3 and 13. Im seeing 'follow the money'
??? hiking, walking, cycling.
Name Tailor - jewelry or name Jewel. Music ? gloves
Seeing also 8am on Friday morning ?
Also this person again.
There is someone who could be white/dark
perhaps ethnic mix but not completely sure , eyes a little black; a
round face and not large, fair hair, smooth, and plenty of it, and it
usually of a light brown colour; someone with a 'wondering eye' so a
very amorous temperament and probably like the opposite sex. Im not
seeing this person as tall ? so I am not sure if two people are similar
but different height here so please be careful.
Someone MIGHT wear glasses ???
Someone MIGHT wear glasses ???
is someone here who is riotous and expensive meaning that is their
nature and they are pretty loose and lewd around women. Not a great
reputation, jump into beds often but there is some kind of incest
element that could pop up here. ???? this person could be an
adulterer, just spends money in alehouses, taverns or anywhere that
suits their fancy they are thought of as pretty lazy and mean and
basically go against the grain. Perhaps they just DONT CARE??? they do
not seem to be religious so they might have no boundaries or
Here I have someone described as strong and well-set stature, not tall shortness. Broad forehead, large head - the eyes, mouth and lips are usually prominent. Dark hair or complexionblack, rugged hair and unpleasant hands might be dirty Im not sure.
South or South by east.
Seeing throat, neck and shoulders
Seeing animals, vets etc. Possibly names that are like stables where horses and cattle or their implements are kept. Barns perhaps? Farm land or pasture land away from housing estates. Bungalows, cottages, low rooms or cellars. Feel there is affinity with Copper or word copper.
Gardens, fountains, bridal-chambers, fair, bed and breakfast, dancing schools, wardrobes.
South by west.
Person coming up again who is medium height slender with straight, angular features. The lips are thin and the forehead may be high, with the eyes small and piercing. The hair is typically dark. Person has high pitched voice - maybe a shout/scream - quick movement -
Seeing farms, farmer fields, agriculture, harvest and agricultural storage, dairies, granaries, malt-houses breweries)cornfields, hay-ricks, greenhouses, places connected to barley, wheat or peas or where cheese and butter is churned or stored. Any of these words can appear on a map to connect the dots or apply or connect to any of the people described.
Computer comes up here. Medicines drug stores. Animals - vets pets zoos, animal sanctuarys.
Tradesmen's shops, markets, fairs, schools, common halls, bowling-alleys, tennis courts.
Possible landowners - or some animal link.
People walking dogs ????
when Lashaya will be found we are shown the Justice card in reverse.
The number on this card is 11 or 2 and that could represent a period of
time, unless it has some other significance here, ie distance, route number etc. Often if Justice is
reversed we dont get Justice. Either we dont find what we are looking
for or if we do for some reason there is not a lot of Justice in it for
could be some kind of legal elements like lawsuits or even protection
elements here. If this girl is found perhaps there may be things we are
not allowed to know? I think that has to be be borne in mind. It could
be because of the nature of why she disappeared I cant be sure. I dont
ask about a persons health so I wont be doing that here either.
there is something here that is against the LAW so its obvious to me
that we might not get to know everything. I could be wrong but all I can
do is say that I get. Perhaps there are some elements that cannot be
spoken about? Two people might know more so perhaps its them that have
to spill the beans on something to help the case along? I feel as
though there is some kind of DEBT here or maybe something owed even,
some kind of blockage that prevents all knowledge coming forward in all
feel as though there could be prosecutions or something with held until
some kind of decision is made, it might be legal as I said. Either way I
cant be definite about when Lashaya will be found. Maybe it will be
through betrayal ?
I have any further additional insight or information that comes to mind
I will come back and add this. Please combine all cards and remember
that no information can be guaranteed
Maps are compiled following Tarot suggestions/directions which merely outlines POSSIBILITIES of all the areas that Tarot may be touching on or may be describing. They may touch upon areas connected to other people linked to the case. Please bear in mind that maps cannot be guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.

Maps are compiled following Tarot suggestions/directions which merely outlines POSSIBILITIES of all the areas that Tarot may be touching on or may be describing. They may touch upon areas connected to other people linked to the case. Please bear in mind that maps cannot be guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.
I would like to add Centennial, Dove Valley, Wheatridge and Westminster areas also.
I would like to add Centennial, Dove Valley, Wheatridge and Westminster areas also.
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