Hello Everyone!
Thank you to all those who read this site and who have requested Tarot's input on this particular issue. I have now had a look and please find Tarot's advice on the matter.
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following

I realise there are many people who are very concerned over the Election in America this year. Currently Donald Trump is the American President and his 'rival' is Joe Biden. I expect there will be a lot of mixed feelings about who would like which man to succeed and have their own reasons for it.
I thought I would simply ask if President Trump was going to win the election again. This card is showing a male Rule and it is a very positive and strong card. The man sitting in this chair is an EMPEROR and he rules over the Kingdom. It rather suggests to me that Tarot is telling us that the one that Rules at the moment is the one who will rule so, Im wondering if in fact President Trump is going to continue in his current seat? This card is a 4 and I think its generally a four year term. He has had a four year term though so the downside of this card could suggest that YES Donald will be President but only for four years - but we are asking about the FUTURE This card allows a person to fulfil plans . If its Donalds plan to stay President then it rather seems its possible for him to continue to do so.
This card gives us the month of November as it falls under Scorpio as well as Aries, but I do think that something might pop up in April , possibly April to come. We maybe need to look out for that month. Aries is also the card of WAR - so there could be a lot of tension in the air.
This is going to be a weird comment perhaps but, if Donald does not keep the Whitehouse then someone who is old and wise may surprise. It would be interesting to know 'who the church would want' - AND who is good for science and groups/clubs and organisations/education. There has to be a good FIRST LADY here too - she will be a mother and have a maternal attitude. She wants to see growth and I just see Green elements.
You may ask about Joe Biden but even before I wrote this Tarot I do not have the right connection for him. Even if he were to be President I dont think its his calling. It just isnt the right fit.
I remember saying a long time ago that Donald was a 'maker of Bridges' and he was. Nobody can forget how astonished everybody was when he met up with Kim Jong Un that was absolutely unbelievable. The point is, he DID do this and nobody else has. Donald has his good points. He is very very stubborn. There is nobody more stubborn or more determined to get their own way than Donald Trump. However, its possible he may continue his Presidency. If not, there has to be a very strong candidate to rule him out. Tarot can only tell you what it THINKS and advise on that - if I interpret this wrong then of course I have to admit I have misread that advice. Donald himself wants to hang on to his Presidency in that he will not wish to give it up. He still thinks he has more bridges to build - he is not out of the woods for illness YET but I did once say also that he may not have realised what he was dealing with when winning the Presidency in the first place.
The Emperor is a very stern card - it is a lucky one though so even though people might think Donald Trump is not liked - they are wrong. He is liked and he is backed by a lot of fans and he is more loved then people are really either aware of or refuse to accept. For me, I would say that he has a very good chance of staying BUT this has been one really weird year where many unexpected things have occurred. Though I do not think of the Emperor as a shocking card which it isnt, it is a strong one so we will just have to see. I am quite prepared to be wrong with my thoughts on this Emperor but I think it favours Donald - if not then I dont think the choice is going to be very helpful to America out of the remaining ones.
Incidently - you might like to peruse this.
I did think there was a woman around somewhere. I felt like she propped up the presidency but its hard to figure out why I said that the last Tarot where I mentioned this. Lets see what happens and I will pop back to add some more thoughts if I decide that I missed something here.
Other previous insights.
I hope i didn't force you to do the reading empathy do your best i just was curious since this is probaably most consequential election of all time
I have just posted it.
Wonderful reading on many levels. Thank you Empathy!
Would it be possible to have a look into whether (what I consider to be a PLANDEMIC used to push a Communist Agenda) will come to an end after Trump is re elected, please? I am getting mixed and confusing insights...
I will try to write a post about it.
Just asking empathy do you see violence during or before election day or vote fraud.Because i somewhat have feeling that this election is going to be stolen from trump
Hi Roger, I will need to find a space to look at this.
Iam sorry to say this empathy it looks like they are going to cheat and take it away from donald trump.You are right empathy trump is actually winner but it is stolen from him
Hello Roger that could very well be.
Just asking empathy is it possible for you to write something about this election results chaos.Whether the counting has been done fairly or not?How long will we know the winner of the election
Hello Frank, thank you for your comment and question. Let me see what I can do time willing.
One thing for sure Trump is not going to give up the Presidency so easily and we are seeing that now!
Yes because there was voter fraud in key swing states no iam not saying by having seen conservatives channels even some liberal leaders have admitted to voter fraud and plus there is recount in georgia,pensylvania,michigan.wisconsin and Arizona is not called yet so why should he give up.Media declared Gore as president 20 years ago but we know how it turned up
Yes why should he.Recount still going on there are evidence of dead people voting.Until all those are settled he his still the president
Huge News!Some 12000 odd ballots in georgia rejected state may well flip in trumps favour.In pennsylvania there are lot of dead people who voted which are going to be rejected so it could well make difference if trump flips so just let's hold on for final decision
It's not over yet! Empathy DID say November! I still feel he will not concede as there's too much evidence and too much left for him to expose. Look forward to empathy's insights!
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