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Monday 30 September 2024






Time to talk aout Kamala Harris - she could after all become the next President at least that is what she is aiming for. I feel I should offer a few words. I am neutral in my opinion and I am simply looking at her aspects and give some kind of round idea of her nature.  Of course this kind of work is never accepted as 'actuality' but I present the findings all the same.

When you watch Kamala in any video or any presentation many comment on her being rather OTT and having a strange way of laughing at things.  It may not surprise you that she has Gemini Ascending.  That certainly explains everything to me. I was more worried about Mars in Leo and her Moon in Aries.  I feel like this lady is extremely extrovert and she really does like to know EVERYTHING and in a way because of that and the NEED to want to know everything actually could end up giving her all kinds of information not all helpful.  

Too much information might not keep her informed it could instead overload her thinking and thats not great when it comes to decisions.   She could be susceptible to taking on board contradicting information including OTHER PEOPLES OPINIONS and then result in confusion for her and a negative in the ability to form her own real truth.   She could run with new information without really knowing enough and other people will think ...Really ?  so she has to be very careful how she presents herself. Its not a good thing to get into subjects without all the background foundation.  This is what the possibility is if she is not careful. She MUST BE SURE what she is talking about as you cannot be superficial or take the word of another and put it out there in a responsible position.

Kamala needs to form her own identity and not form it through what OTHERS think or be swayed to as otherwise she will never be grounded in her convictions and people are going to be put off by her.

She is a very naturally bubby person  - cue a little Gemini streak in her charts (yes we know she is Libra)  - friendly, chatty etc yet sometimes she may feel a bit inferior but wont let that show if possible. The thing is that its not about getting people to like you and she definitely tries to be jolly in order to be accepted however she can and may come across as superficial through it so on the one hand she can get a lot of friends but if she keeps being witty in conversations that perhaps need a little less of that she could really put people off as she can appear to be distracted and come across as someone who doesnt really have a direction with what they are saying or doing. That could really make her someone the smart people try to outsmart so she needs to be careful. Her sense of humour needs tempering because it really will annoy anyone that doesnt 'get her'.   

She has to keep clear of what she is thinking - get it all in a sensible and coherent order - ignore everything else . eliminate distraction and then she might be able to put out strong and steady conviction that she not only believes but others will but she has to work hard because that Gemini element and with Aries can make her seem a bit flakey and brash and slightly give off  a lack of empathy.   
To be honest there is a weak streak with Kamala.  Its just like the kid who was never QUITE SURE if they were going to fit in with the other kids even if ability was there. Something was kinda missing.

She has to be completely focused and goal oriented to be a success.   Its possible she doesnt plan ahead. That is a big red flag if she is inclined to wing it and go by intuition as that is just not enough when running a country. One has to be very firm about thinking and be able to stabalise it and ground it.  She will face stiff competition and it really is not something that is suited  to her as it can dent her composure.  She doesnt like conflict. She will flap it away with whatever comes out and that is what the issue is.  Its like making a mistake and getting an eraser and rubbing it out publically. It really can depress her as she is sensitive enough to want happy relations .  She will just kind of 'blind eye' conflict and wait and see what happens  because she doesnt like enemies and she doesnt want any attention for the kind of situations that are tricky for her to attack.  

This woman on the surface is not suited to be a President and its not because shes not nice, she actually IS NICE and thats the issue.  Her thinking is like a box of spaghetti she may stab at the right decisions some of the time but it could be guesswork because she goes more by intuition than planning. That might be tricky?

Everything about Kamala is nicely presented. She likes to PRESENT and she is charming and she looks great.  She has principles and she wont sacrifice them just to stand out.  She has a perfectionist quality and can take on too much at times. She loves good living and she likes to take center stage in a courteous and harmonious way and she does possess diplomacy and justice which would keep her popular and allow her friends she can count on. 

 Kamala should consider whether she is emotionally suited for Presidency. She wont like that but she will know that former President Donald Trump had a brush with death twice.  Deep down there is always going to be the worry of that and the stress that can get attached to that.   Her state of health could be affected because it will be her EMOTIONAL balance due to work overload. You cant be everything to everyone and there are also some unscrupulous people who may wish to take advantage of her.   She may see these people as a form of attention for her but thats a mistake they are out for themselves and she may not see it. Kamala may wish to make decisions about her future. She may even ask herself 'is it worth it to me'?
Only she can answer that because sometimes what seems so great  on the surface is NEVER WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE.  What else can one say here?

In life there are certain kinds of attention, some good and some that you really dont need and she has to be aware of that second category.  Kamala is definitely a person who believes her reason will get everything done but it wont because if she allows her sensitivity to get in the way then she is going to be in conflict with others often when dealing with them.  It cannot be my way or the highway, diplomacy is something that she does have and she will have to use that by spadefuls and not take everything on board that brings tension to her. She needs to take care of her health and calm down a bit do relaxation and meditation to chill out as she seems to live on this 'up nervous energy style '. Issues with her heart whether emotionally or otherwise could come up. She needs to truly wind down from time to time

Kamala must let go of any ego as she could develop it and not realise how others see her as she is just believing in her own image.  She has a fiery streak and it makes it difficult for her to take any suggestions from others around her.  In some ways she has to be careful it does not turn into bloodymindedness just because she wants her ideas to stand out and to be right.  

Kamala is great at talking she is intellectual and she has those abilities but she just does not know everything in detail and she needs to focus her mind better.  She needs to learn to be humble. Step back from the Kamala train remember its not all about power. She has good ideas but she needs the foundation knowledge to push them forward. Others can see the holes. Its important that she understand that she needs to hone down on certain subjects and be good at those rather than everything. Science and the unknown/secrets are of interest to her.

Kamala will show a positive optimistic character that blooms with self confidence but there is a chink of doubt that contradicts it She will get some enemies. Enemies are something that could upset her.

Kamala really will have a problem accepting other peoples opinions YET there are some opinions she listens to that are not good to do so.

Kamala has an Aries Moon. Her emotions are to go after what she wants and try to get them. Its a very direct sign. Its a fighting sign and not one to give up easily either.  What she feels she wants she is not going to let go of easily whether something material or just personal opinion.  She is not the type to want to back down. She is also a Chinese Dragon - remember they breathe fire!  but she is a Chinese Wood Dragon so she must be careful she doesnt burn herself.  

Everything points to someone who wants to do good, be seen as a good person, be seen as successful, be liked , but there is  a gaping hole in there and it could actually turn out to be Kamala's very inner person that is not as confident as it wants to be when someone else comes up with something undeniably better as a strategy or opinion.  She naturally wont want anyone else to have the edge over her.  Common sense says to keep the balance of the Libra that she is.  Chew the fat on the one side and then on the other BEFORE JUDGEMENT OR OPINION IS DELIVERED.  

Should Kamala be a good President?   Well she has her future to think about she needs to be comfortable and she has to look after the future for herself and those in her life.  She might expand in business pursuits and influence and recognition all in her career sector.  She has to make sure she does not get greedy or fanatical  or one sided in her opinions because once she displays any of that people will fall away like nine pins.  She will have anyway have to face a LOT of power struggles with people who compete with her. I dont envy her at all. I think she is fundamentally a nice woman but she could crack the whip in the wrong way and the public are not forgiving if the people at the top let them down.  Kamala is all for humane society but for who? society is made up of all kinds of people but most of her campaigning and speech will be for the good of all but will it be? or her idea of it - thats always the issue. Kamala may end up being someone who has to say things that she doesnt want to say. Support things she does not want to support. Her job is not the top job after all - is it?

Presidency is a full time job.  You cant just be negligent because you did tons of stuff for the last month - there are obligations and you have to live and breathe that role and always use integrity day after day. There is no break. Once there you are there  everything else is another world because the world will become people and business most of the time. Kamala would need to ask herself if that is what she REALLY REALLY WANTS. She would embrace it but its the pace of it.  Its ok to be popular but you have to earn it and you have to show complete fairness.   As I said Kamala is a nice woman but sadly she will accept that the world is a very corrupt place and she will have to not only see it but have it visited to her and this will or may have an impact on what she feels about the future.  What does she treasure most?  Sometimes there is a huge wave to jump on and the feeling of flying on that white watery surf is like flying success but sometimes the wave can get big , much much bigger than one can handle and thats when you need to know what to do when the wave collapses on you.   Someone with skill will ride it and enjoy the ride safely and others will get klonked by their surf board or take in too much water .  

Kamala is sunny she likes to play pranks and have fun its great in her eyes but often embarrassing to some others. She has a natural goof of a Gemini at times.  Everyone LOVES a Gemini even if its just a little spot in a personality - their wit and their quickness is amazing but the best Gemini influences are good when they are tempered with steady thinking. Without that or the ability to make good sensible decisions that are thought out through pure KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING  then one should be wise and honest to oneself.  In a situation a person should ask DO I REALLY WANT THIS? in Kamalas situation the answer is yes because she just wants to be 'that person.    Luck however is something that happens but it can run out. Lucky streaks, lucky gambles, lucky intuitive thoughts, spontaneous behaviour - I would be wondering whether there are a few sharks out there.  People can smell Geminis. Kamala is not one but she has that sign in her chart in a strong position and its going to be a real big problem for all those studious strategic and manipulative types who are nothing more then big crocodiles with big smiles.  Libra is Kamalas sign but one of the things known about Libra is decision/indecision - ie what sock to put on first. That is a simple thing that can become a Libran dilemma.  They are all about balance so they do want to think things through its just making sure that they actually do it. 

An interesting thing about Aries is that they can go after something they want with absolute total dedication almost obsession and determination can fuel the quest then when they have it............................. its not so interesting anymore... I can hear B.B. King 'the thrill has gone'.  

Kamala is a charming woman very bright very intelligent. She means well but it has to be directed at everyone. There is always something about 'top tier that when you get there something pollutes the integrity of a person. Hopefully that wont happen to Kamala but only she can make sure of that!


Well I wish I could just be her friend and say Hey Kamala you are such a great mind you should truly go into psychology because you really could be massively brilliant at that.

Alas, personal opinions are just defunct when you put out Tarot or Astrology opinions.

She is going to obvious have a lot of events going on this year  and she is going to want to get herself involved in situations that interest her as well as areas that are not familiar to her. She will keep up her good humour. A good deal of travel to many  places will be there for her. She has a plan for her future and she is/will want to carry it out. She has faith in herself but she could make mistakes  through being over optimistic and visualising things before they even materialise and she will have a tendency to ignore any potential dangers. She will regret mistakes that she made but she may not have taken on board the potential problems that she knew were there. Its simple. She has to be realistic and while still maintaining positivity, she must direct her energy correctly. Her spirit of adventure is such that she doesnt slow down its always new this and that.   She will meet certain people who are unstable and changing which will make her feel that she needs more stability.  She will certainly be undecided about situations and people  Gemini people could actually be helpful to her funnily enough.

Kamala needs to be careful of a Scandal.
Kamala will get fed up with routine.
People will try to exercise authority over her.
Kamala will be confronted with people or powerful situations that will put to test all of her strength. She will need to look inwardly and look at any inner negative tendencies.
Kamala may or could be impatient with people who just dont share her way of thinking or those who just cross her path. This could result in fights, confrontations, conflicts and ruptures in relationships in general. Kamalas sense of justice will increase together with the desire to acquire more knowledge during the rest of this year.   I wish her luck with her endeavours. She wont have an easy ride to be sure.  There will be great feelings of euphoria but theres a little voice that is trying to tell her something from the cosmos its just whether she can hear it or not. 

Kamala is a very driven woman she expects the best  of situations and strives for that but she can expect too much. High expectation is often a very disappointing pair of shoes to put on. They can be uncomfortable but accepting something less can sometimes mean they are not so pretty and inviting but hell they are far more comfortable to walk with. I guess a decision will always be something ahead of her with whatever she is presented with. 

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