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Monday, 13 January 2014



Help Us Find Sandra House | Facebook‎

I have had a request for some time on the blogger to look at Tarot for Sandra House. I seemed to remember her name but realised I only had a missing alert up. I will look at Sandras Tarot to see if there is anything there that might help.

As per usual it is wise to read the notes I put on this page so that you are aware of what Tarot actually can/cannot do. Tarot is not fact, it is only offering possibilities. Nothing is actualised unless reports come in to validate it. I write what I see and that is all I can do personally.

I have left a link above about Sandra who has not been seen since December 24th 2010. Sandra House, disappeared last Christmas Eve from a motel on the city's near east side. Her boyfriend thought she'd been abducted, but more than six months later her son, John Seals, said he fears much worse.There was an administrative hearing scheduled for shortly after House's disappearance and she was supposed to receive a significant sum of money, but she never showed up at court. She also didn't attend the family Christmas Day celebrations at her mother's house. She left behind three children. Few details are available in House's case.

If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:
Indianapolis Police Department


Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.

It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.

Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.

Please always read the following


which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.





There are very few details regarding Sandra but I have posted the little there is above. In some way the less detail the better it is for me to read as it does not complicate matters with printed opinion. The card first of all is a number 7 and a North direction. Now there is no background to Sandra's actual life - what she did or anything but here is a money card. The last report was that Sandra was actually going to collect money but she did not show up according to what has been published and that the last sighting was in a motel.

Obviously if someone is going to 'get money' they are going to be visible and collect. Sandra didnt according to reports. But this card actually does tell me that she was contemplating that money because as you can see she is wondering whether to save it or spend it as she would need to consider how to invest it wisely.

However this entire situation even though it is based on upright cards aso has its dark side. It can suggest that someone actually has it in mind to rob her of her money, or do her out of it if possible then there are gambling aspects. It can suggest someone who might have gambled large amount of monies and then found they could not pay the debt. So its an interesting card to get. Obviously this card is not reversed but thats the underlying factors so it could be that this lady's money was pre-owed somewhere? Thats just a possibility and perhaps part of a reason not to collect and if not, well pentacles are health cards and there can be various insecurity on these cards just sitting around the corner on any one of them.

It seems to me that Sandra was evaluating the future and this card will show her pausing to do just that. But there may be those around her that would like 'some of that money' or want a loan, she herself could have taken a loan on the back of things or the promise of what was to come. There are plans being made here but I cannot be sure who is making them but someone is and its to do with money. These cards are upright so there is a positive element here not a negative one though a negative one trails underneath. Perhaps there are problems with the Law?

This card is North and the 7 could represent a road route, timing or distance, there might even be a 7 year cycle involved here whatever the case the number has its own significance. Perhaps someone was hoping to tell her what to invest the money in or wanted to control it??? this could be someone that Sandra knew and certainly would have been an improved position for them through her. It seems to me that that possibility is there.

Also though there could have been a few altercations and arguments about 'what to do with it' but seems to me that investment ideas were there either put to her or somehow just in the mix. Or... a pledge was made and suspicion that it wouldnt be carried out came to the table. I cant quite put my finger on it but the idea of possibe money coming in and not wanting it to get spent immediately is what I think I feel is the case. Its just who is thinking that? I dont often see bad things with upright cards but there may be someone here with not the best intentions perhaps.
The colour Green is seen here.

I have a few descriptions and other thoughts linked to this card. For example, there might be a person or character here who could be described as short in height, broad forehead, largish head, prominent mouth lips dark hair, rugged kind of dark hair and 'dirty hands' almost like a farmer or someone who meddles with cars/mechanic etc. The South East comes up here too. Throat neck ad shoulders are the most physical elements if for example there were problems with health these would come up as areas to concern about. Descriptions of places might be within the words here or actual places which are stables /horses/cattle.

Farm land or pasture land away from houses perhaps barns/storehouses/outhouses, single type of buildings ie bungalows cottages even cellars. It could represent areas that are low down or describe being 'low' could even be in a place/street name.

Seeing someone who is willing to spend money randomly. And possible places where you drink alehouses ect but also gardens, fountains, bridle or bride, lodgings, beds, hangings dancing schools, wardrobes. These might describe places in the area. I generally always think of this card as having colleges or schools or universities or those kind of names nearby and also rental property and a businessman or accountant as we are dealing with figures here. Farms certainly seem to come up . Bird Manor and being alone at some stage also show here.

I should be able to spot something detrimental here and I could easily do that if I looked at any one of the pentacles and reversed them. So I would suggest that if this lady has not gone off on her own then somebody compromised her safety for gain because thieves can be here. There is also the elements I have mentioned about spending in advance or loaning or debts. The possibilities are there and that is all I can realy get from this that and possible jealousy or not wanting to share.

However it is not published that Sandra got this money so its all a bit odd at this point. Does the money ever get released if she cannot be found? There is something about 2 jobs here too although Im not quite sure how that might figure.


Meanwhile a card hoping to show where she might be. Well this card can tell me two things. One that there is a male influence and a very strong one here who might be able to say where Sandra is or two that she is linked to a vehicle or transport/travel. The number here is 4 which can represent a four door car or can be a route distance or timing. Two people can give good advice on where Sandra is because they know where she is. There are two keys here or there is a 'k' initial or quay or lock that I can see.

There are church elements here too but there are two others and they might be known by family members? Sometimes this card can represent a boss, a spouse or someone that is an authority figure or comes across that way. Im not sure if I can see Ohio here but I note that this lady is from Indianapolis. This card is a card of SIGHT - so suggests being seen but I must get a map to see exactly where this lady last was.

I now have a map and I am looking at North State Avenue and see just North of there a road which is a 70 route that would nicely cover the number 7 in the first card. There is a place called Carmel which is North whether it means anything or not I cant be sure .

The problem with Tarot is that it gives surrounding vicinity but can mean a point from where the person was last seen or indeed where they are so its a bit of a guessing game but we do have East here and left we have Speedway and Girls school Road so thats West from East where Sandra was last seen (hope you follow that) and then of course if we do look East we have that 70 route running there and in left and right directions. We also have East New York which is also where Sandra was last seen. The 70 also drops down to Carson Park. These really could just be surrounding areas so I try not to enforce these thoughts as I cannot do that anyway.

Other descriptions I have is someone with bald or thinning hair and perhaps a tan and possible hazel eyes (some key words there could be places) also sandy and hilly ground, newly built land or where construction work is taking place. Land where sheep for small cattle feed or stables for small animals. Pets or vets or animals can come up here. Also seeing possible criminal activity or where they might hide? Getting heat sources colour red anything that might describe things like chimneys etc or forges but smiths and shops come up here.

As before all I can say is that location ideas are not guaranteed as Tarot can just be picking up the vicinity area and provides its own way of trying to explain exactly where. Quite often after Tarot has been written Dee and I might see it all more clearly when its in plain language!! but its got to be appreciated that Tarot does not come with names of every street and place in the world.


The feeling with this card in respect of when Sandra might be found is a kind of 'anyday card' it could even describe Dayton but the card is suggesting that she can be found but at the same time I think this could only be by 'chance'. Thats how it seems to me. There is an M and W on this card and also I link this to a possible white bridge and a river as this is a water card or some kind of water name or place or element. I also have the colour silver , the word Bell and generally five ponds of water. There is often an 'island' symbolic on this with a tree name. Stone can also come up here.

This card stands for a 1 or indeed a 0 which who knows if you take this card backwards you are going to land on the King of Cups and if you and there it is a 14 card so perhaps it could even be this year though I cant promise that. Perhaps something might come to light even but anyday just means that. It is not saying No Sandra wont be found anymore then it is affirming it.
But, there is a family disunion here on this card so I do see some kind of seperation here .

Please take into account the information I gave about a 5 further back in this reading.

Maybe there is some kind of unexpected news? BUT I see some kind of delay maybe its not news one would wish for?

There is a 4 or 40 linked to this. Maybe someone caused some unhappiness for this lady? I cannot be sure but West is the primary direction here and of course water is linked to her in some way.
I simply see some kind of suspension here.

I wish I could say or give more but I cant see anything else at the moment.
Everything must of course be read together and combined and past present and future elements attached in the reading but these are only possibilities and most certainly not facts. I do see a 12 or a 3 coming up here so I wil leave those numbers as well they might represent a form of timing or distance or have another significance. I need to leave it there for the moment as there is a limited prospective here and I do see this vehicle or male figure here that might create a problem? oF course the possibility is that I have read the information wrongly or misunderstood the messages but
I hope something will be useful.



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