![[image] [image]](http://imagenes.sandiegored.com/uploads/news/thumbs/news_thumb_16060_630.jpg)
http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://www.sandiegored.com/noticias/16060/Buscan-a-nino-extraviado/&ei=iuY2Ts_DGInBhAeLlNTzCg&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=resu lt&resnum=2&ved=0CCQQ7gEwAQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3DHaziel%2BRuiz%2BFuentes%2Bmissing%26hl%3Den%26gl%3Duk%26prmd%3Divnso
Translation from above link
Haziel Ruiz Fuentes, 11 years old, went missing on Tuesday July 26 in the municipality of Ensenada at about 2 pm after leaving the parental home.
The child uses a magnifying glass (Means Child wears glasses?), tea is light brown, straight hair black, measures 1.45 tall and weighs approximately 55 kilos.
The child was wearing black shorts, short sleeve shirt with navy blue print, black colored tennis shoes with red and carrying a yellow cap. He was last seen in the park on Calle Pedro Loyola Avenue Granite and Fractionation of Punta Banda with a youth of about 17 years old, black hair, white teas and 1.65 tall wearing a gray T-shirt stamped back and blue jeans.
The Ensenada area Deputy Attorney requests the support of citizens to obtain data that will help the authority to determine the whereabouts of the child.
Any information regarding this case, please inform the 066 emergency phone number and / or 089, as well as the offices of the state police at (646) 172.3520.
![[image] [image]](http://shotk-ks.org/cms/images/stories/important.jpg)
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the TAROT understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
![[image] [image]](http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n163/odmod/tarot3_logo.gif)
« Thread Started 2ND AUGUST 2011 at 2:24 »
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r/r72.jpg)
The first card that I have for Haziel is a South Direction on the Wands card, this can alter when it is reversed and become South West or North West. It can indicate the starting point of his journey.
This card could show difficult situations as this boy might have been playing in a situation where a group of other boys could come onto the scene. This playing might turn out to be more then rough and tumble and could even suggest he was attacked or even bullied. It is not necessarily the case but it does come up here in this card as a possibility. There may be a hotel or motel somewhere near the area. This card can also show us agricultural ground and also could still be somewhere near the town. The Five indicates sports or fields or anything that relates to sports area or where you would play games.
There may be fences or barriers in the scenery or concrete or tarmac on the ground. Its possible if a game went wrong he might not have been able to stand up for himself as he is oppressed by the seven of wands. There may be an area described as a Hill or Mound. I feel he is away from buildings in this run of cards and I also feel that its possible someone has not said something here as I see messages are not received if something went wrong and was seen.
I do see some kind of vehicle here but Im not quite sure how this connects right now or whether it connects directly to Haziel. I can see something about 'flying in the air' perhaps an airport in the vicinity? or he was knocked down by someone forcibly. A younger person seems to be here and a fast car. It just could be crossing over roads with fast vehicles? or maybe someone offering him a lift? I just feel that its possible someone with or in a vehicle might know something and has said nothing? There is someone here with a very bad temper.
I feel his ribs are bruised or that he is breathless in this card for some reason. Sexual matters can sometimes be part of wands and so can weapons however, I only mention that because it CAN come into the situation but NOT necessarily so, it is very dependable on the overall reading.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r66.jpg)
Here we see that according to this card this young boy is South in Direction, he is with another person and I seem to see a building which they could be on top of. Perhaps even the Roof at some stage. Here we have a scenery that tends to show us looking out over the water. There could be a dominant male here and it can represent sexual relationship or having some kind of domination over the child. I am always weary to suggest sexual matters because it could simply be same sex people. What we do know is that he is dominated by someone older then him.
All I have here is the landscape description and a possible building and South. I just see there are opportunities here for somebody and they are taking them. Again the outlook does appear to be somewhere near water and even possibly boats on the horizon but also some kind of building and I thought I saw a motel or some place like that in the original cards.
Of course there could be some bad intention here but again it would be difficult to say for sure. There is some kind of adventure here that might have gone wrong. Somebody might be trying to obtain wealth illegally so I am not sure this is good company that this boy is in or there is something untoward here .
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r/r34.jpg)
The Knight of cups reversed tells me of a place near or sounding like Water. Sometimes it can be related to names to do with horses. Going East or West. There is a 13 on this card and it is somewhere away from where Boats are as I do see boats for some reason though do not know the area so I cannot be sure how this would figure.
This Knight is not a good card reversed because it shows someone who is not being honest here and I also see deceptive influences on this card also . I think he is within 10 of his home or 13 of his home which could mean routes roads or miles or some form of distance.
I hope he will be found but it would be good if the person who knows came forward and said where he was because he does know and this person is up to the age of 35 years old. I see there might be fraud and cunning and manipulation in this matter.
I will update if Haziel is not found within 13 days.
Tarot is not 100 per cent accurate but perhaps some of the information might be useful.
![[image] [image]](http://shotk-ks.org/cms/images/stories/important.jpg)
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the TAROT understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
![[image] [image]](http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n163/odmod/tarot3_logo.gif)
![[image] [image]](http://imagenes.sandiegored.com/uploads/news/thumbs/news_thumb_16060_630.jpg)
22ND AUGUST 2011 Further Commentary.
I have had several requests to read again for Haziel.
I generally always feel that the first reading gives a guide to what the circumstances and situation might be though I have also always reminded any reader that Tarot is not 100 per cent accurate and that errors can be made in translation.
I do feel the first reading is going to be the most helpful information I am able to give but I understand and realise the frustrations of when a child is missing. Unfortunately Tarot sometimes does not always give us many more clues other than what is written. I did say I would look again in 13 days if nothing had come up about Haziel.
The first reading is a brief overview and when I look at this and what Tarot has given us I think a little more time has to pass by. The knight of cups is a 13 card and generally cups are days.
However, this card is reversed and often I have felt it could be that a person can be found under the time given. Sometimes this is NOT always the case but instead may be referring us to the number 13 which could be a distance or a time marker of some description. Therefore the find card is not absolutely definate to the time Haziel might be found.
The Knight always tells us to 'check with a third party' therefore I have felt that someone should or does know where he is and its up to them to come forward and say so. Cups are very watery cards as a rule and this card would also suggest lakes/boat and travel. It is reversed and seems to stop in a location where there is water.
I understand now that the location of where Haziel went missing is a community that is near coastline and therefore Tarot does seem to make sense on that point. However, I cannot get further then the fact that I have an East/West (Primarily West) direction for Haziel. All I can see is literally - the Sea for being the place where he may be found or perhaps in that locality?
Theft in the 8 of wands reversed can possibly produce 'child snatch' if it is not a personal robbery of possessions and the domination of the two of wands is pretty strong. Here we can see an outlook that is distinctly giving a horizon scene over water and the suggestion there is South.
South and West appear to be the strongest links as to where Haziel might be. The Two of wands can be verandahs, piers, balustrades, places with balconies from an elevated position this might even be the description of a name but of course names of places around the area that Haziel went missing are not known to me and I am not able to translate my descriptions into a name. Buildings might be around the area but there are also 'sporty' links in the cards that might come up.
The Wands card tells us it is a hot country and this would be the case. Tarot is past present and future and between these three cards that come out in the reading on 2nd August could represent events and descriptions of places visited or encountered during any of these epochs of time. They might not be in the right order except that the trends and tendencies are apparent. If Haziel was offered to go somewhere he should have given a message that he was doing this but I do not see that any such message has come forward. Queen and King of Cups can represent persons who are insensitive and even possible disorientation and drugs which is not always the case but possible.
The Knight of cups is a card that does not always represent good trends certainly shows someone who is not trustworthy to mix with or believe in.
The Knight of cups can suggest a 13 day period, also the Two of wands is a two week period which suggests a period of about two weeks in both cards.
The first card shows us under 8 weeks or it could represent the month of August. We have reached august and are now shortly entering the fourth week so I am feeling that if he is found someone has either not said so, or he has not been identified. If that is not the case then we have to try to look at the possibility of this card in another way and just give 13 as a possible distance marker.
There is a mother and a father figure here and I see seperation from them with a kind of indifference which I cannot explain. I do not know any true details of Haziels background to be able to even make assumptions here and regard that as off limit territory. Clearly, I cannot do or say very much more then what I have been given.
The 10 of cups seems to represent family which is a couple of cards near to the Knight and the Page would show me that there would be a message to come to the family from someone but as that is reversed and the person appears to be estranged there is very little else I can suggest right now.
I think someone drinks and takes drugs either around this boy or company he has kept with or got caught up in. All the water is never a good sign because it shows a lot of emotional problems.
All I can do is keep an eye on the situation and hope that news is reported to me.
I wish I could do more.
This is the only update I could find in respect of Haziel.
Sadly I do have to report that Haziel is deceased. I am really very sorry that this has happened as Haziel was only a very young boy with his life ahead of him. My sympathies are truly with this boy. Looking at the comments section here and the outcome of this boys destiny, it appears that Tarot has reported fairly accurately in some aspects.
Thank you for all the updates that you have all posted.
A very sad outcome.
Haziel killed "to rebuild their lives"
De las canchas el niño se fue con un joven, resultó ser sobrino del asesino. In the court the boy was with a young nephew was found to be the murderer.
Welcome, today is September 10, 2011: It is 5:30 am in Ensenada
Haziel killed "to rebuild their lives"
In the court the boy was with a young nephew was found to be the murderer.
* Su padrastro confesó el crimen His stepfather confessed to the crime
* Si era Haziel el niño muerto del salitral If the child was dead Haziel salitral
* Localizan a hermanitas sanas y salvas Sisters locate safe and sound
* Transporte en Ensenada. Transportation in Ensenada. aumenta de 8 a 10 pesos increases from 8 to 10 pesos
* Pide calma protección Civil de Ensenada Civil protection calls for calm in Ensenada
* Apagón, evidencia a sociedad y autoridades vulnerables Blackout, evidence vulnerable society and the authorities
Posted September 9, 2011
por Elizabeth Vargas by Elizabeth Vargas
The Attorney General of the State (PGJE) issued a statement that clarifies for Haziel, from identifying the body to establish how they were facts.
It was reported that the body found last August 19 in the area known as The Salitral corresponds to less Haziel Ruiz Fuentes, 11-year-old who was missing since July 26 this year.
As a result of the autopsy of applicable law practiced by forensic pathologists, was the cause of death asphyxia due to suffocation as a result determined the three weeks cronotanatodiagnòstico least four days.
..... possible to clarify the murder and capture of two suspects.
As accused of murder perpetrated against Haziel Ruiz Fuentes, 11 years old, were captured today, the child's stepfather, Joel Reyna Rodriguez, and his nephew Arthur "N", 17 years old.
Through research conducted by the ministry officials and information provided by citizens, were able to establish the location of detainees at the time and place of the murder.
On 26 July at 14:30 Haziel was in the sports fields located on Granite Street and Peter Loyola, fractionation Punta Banda. . Place left in the company of Arthur "N" and Joel, the latter was parked a block away.
Both were taken to trick the victim, who asked not to give notice at home that would be absent because they would plan a surprise party for her mother, who, to say Joel was stressed.
The three went to the beach located at the height of salitral and place, Joel the pretext to "teach" as was done Haziel a key to subdue a criminal, smothered him until the victim until he lost knowledge.
Then, hit him in the face repeatedly and placed tape on the nose to the chin.
With the help of his nephew, went to the vehicle body, owned by the mother of the victim, and threw him on a country road in the area cited above, where Joel injured the victim in the neck with a sharp, pointed weapon and fled immediately from place.
After the capture of both involved, it was established that Joel Reyna Rodriguez, planned the murder because he wanted to reclaim their lives with Karla Vargas Fuentes, without the slightest.
Reported by: San Diego 6 News Team
Email: newstips@sandiego6.com
Last Update: 9/10 6:24 pm
ENSENADA, Mexico – Baja Authorities confirmed Friday night that the body of 11 year old Haziel Ruiz-Fuentes, reported missing in late July, was found and that the minor was murdered.
According to information by the Baja State Attorney’s office, Haziel was murdered by his mom’s boyfriend’s and his nephew, this because he had become an obstacle in their relationship.
The discovery was made after the mother’s boyfriend, Joel Reyna-Rodríguez, confessed he had planned out the minor’s murder with the help of his 17 year old nephew who lured the Haziel away from the home telling him they would go to play wrestling.
I wonder when he published another tarot reading
please another tarot reading
Hello, Tarot for Haziel is very 'fresh' and I am not sure that there is much to add to this at the moment. It is better to wait a while before consulting Tarot again. Was there anything specific you wished to focus on?
please another tarot reading...I think at this point is convenient as it is new news.
please another tarot reading.... its very important ib this moments
Has there been a search near the water? it does seem to come up in the Tarot. The Two of wands seems to suggest a perfect picture of where this young boy might be.
do you think this child will be found alive?
please new information
a dead body was found near to water, please find if it´is Haziel
Ensenada is coastal city
The body is from a 12 yrs old boy with similar clothes but not same as relatives said, this is bad bad coincidence, he has violence marks, please, if you can check... Thank you, ah the boy body
You can ask if Haziel is alive? A dead body was found in an area called The Salitral .. questions if they made a search near the water, but in general is a coastal city Ensenada .. please make another reading!
Amazing!!, you describe the area south of Ensenada as if you have been here Empathy, every single landmark you described is there or very near by. We(my wife and me) have been very worried since this boy disapeared. Thank you for your time........ always.
Your description is close to exact of the are where they found a body of an unknown 12 year old, the police have not confirmed who this boy was. they will confirm after necropsy.
Thank you for your kind comments and your updates.
I have to say that I do not wish to ask Tarot about life or death of a child. All my readings are written to take into consideration the feelings of families and friends and it is my policy that if I see negative things that I attempt always to be discreet and thoughtful.
My work here is to try to help understand the situation where children go missing and as best as possible hope that Tarot can give us some direction to where they would be. I would rather not enquire whether a child is alive or dead. It is not in my heart to do this.
I think you're right what you say in that you must be discreet with the negative things you see in the tarot, but this body was found and I think everyone would like some indication of Ensenada about this because we want to continue helping search.
Moreover, the answer that you would give us much hope and could give new clues or things you see to make finding it.
Thank you.
If a body has been found the Police must deal with this and there will be an identification. I think it is best to wait for their information at the current time?
Well, a body of a child was found in El Salitral, which is in Maneadero, they are doing DNA tests. First, the PGJE said his organs were removed, now they are denying that. Some reports are saying that this child's hands are missing and there is injury to one of his legs, it was torn open - the body is in advanced state of decomposition. It is unknown at this point if these wounds were inflicted or caused by animals - the area he was found in is rural, yet close to the estuary. The Mother could not identify the body and the clothes on the child they found were not Haziel's.
Now, the reports are different on where exactly he was abducted, but both locations are south of Ensenada. First they said he was abducted in the Punta Banda neighborhood, which is in Ensenada and just north of El Cipress (Military base and air base), south of Ensenada and facing west towards the ocean. This neighborhood is on the ocean.
Now the reports are that he was taken from Punta Banda the community which is south of Ensenada which is on the ocean. There is a baseball field which faces southwest and a nearby Hotel, in fact, two of them. There are boats here and in the estuary, and a lot of narcotics and smuggling.
Thank you so much for all this information. I personally have not been able to find reports so I guess most of them will be local news which does not travel? Meanwhile, I am very sorry the parent had to go through with this ordeal particularly if she was not able to identify the child. Dental records usually are helpful in investigations as to identity so I am sure that they must be doing all they can to find out who this child is?
I think the wisest advice is to sit it out for the moment.
I would like to know because I have not wanted to talk about this case or you wanted to do more lectruas for details .. I have read other cases in this page and I noticed that they have done several readings in each and have given many details about those responsible, the situation, among other key things .. and in this case you have not given many details and now no longer speak of the .. quiros Why?
Hope you do not take this the wrong comment, are only doubts I have.
Thank you.
Tarot was updated just five days ago on 22nd August 2011.
I do not deal with 'crime' or 'criminals' I only post what I receive in respect of situation, location and circumstance regarding any one individual and Tarot has done that.
Now is a time to 'wait'.
Traduscando en espanol, la gente de ensemada b,c no entiende nadaa!
Thank you
pongan la direccion en esta pagina y lo traducira al epanol se impresionaran de lo acertado de la vidente gracias por su apoyo emphaty
do not understand anything! Haziel body is found or not ?...... the stepfather was the murderer? ... that's mom defends her partner Haziel assuming that the already confessed to the crime? compelled to testify could have that? ... the breast will not have anything to do with crime?
Tarot is only written to help locate and find a child and if possible discover the circumstances.
Tarot does not look for criminals though often unfortunately it can point to those responsible without me asking that question.
In this case Tarot appeared to point at the 'family' and from reports it seems this is the case. This is all Tarot has to write as we must respect this little child and he must be at peace.
I thank everyone for their updates and reports to help me see what transpired and I do thank you so much for taking an interest in recovering this little boy. RIP dear Haziel and god bless.
Sorry .. is that the tarot is to find people not guilty .. but now that they caught the culprit, the family, including his own mother Haziel insists that the stepfather is not guilty .. You said I could ask the tarot who was the culprit .. could? that we are all already very confused .. Police say he was the stepfather who killed him and the mother says it was not on .. could also be involved breast?
Empathy, please note that aunt of Haziel and his grandmather say since the begining that the body does not look and fit with Haziel, and elizabeth vargas is NOT A GOOD CRITERIA journalist,PLEASE TAKE A BREAK TO SEE ABOUT WHAT FAMILIARES SAID IN THIS CASE
Please copy and paste this link in your search option on computer. This is the latest report of 9th September 2011.
Reported by: San Diego 6 News Team
Email: newstips@sandiego6.com
Last Update: 9/10 6:24 pm
ENSENADA, Mexico – Baja Authorities confirmed Friday night that the body of 11 year old Haziel Ruiz-Fuentes, reported missing in late July, was found and that the minor was murdered.
According to information by the Baja State Attorney’s office, Haziel was murdered by his mom’s boyfriend’s and his nephew, this because he had become an obstacle in their relationship.
The discovery was made after the mother’s boyfriend, Joel Reyna-Rodríguez, confessed he had planned out the minor’s murder with the help of his 17 year old nephew who lured the Haziel away from the home telling him they would go to play wrestling.
Investigators confirmed Friday that Haziel Ruiz-Fuentes, who’s body was discovered on August 16, was choked to death, hit in the face and the body dumped at the area known as “El Salitral” south of Ensenada.
Authorities in Baja issued a state-wide Ambar alert after eleven year old Haziel Ruiz-Fuentes was reported missing from the Punta Banda Community south of Ensenada on July 26.
I think we all refer to it, not if you read the latest news?
These are the latest news to us and we are talking about in confusion
Good heavens! What a mess this is turning out to be!
Reports did say that forensics said the DNA matched the child? Very confusing I agree.
Well, we shall have to see what further news there is. Why would there be a confession as stated in the news reports if it is not true?
Again, time will tell. Thank you for posting these conflicting reports but of course I can only report what Tarot has told to me and so far it has coincided with the news reports that have come out.
Let us wait a while to see what else transpires.
felicidades no puedo creer lo exacto de la descripcion, muchisimas gracias por parte de la comunidad que seguimos este caso
Thank you for your gracious comment x
Thank you for posting this report.
I wonder if you can do a tarot for this girl whos name is Magaly salazar bravo, the girl that is missing. From Tijuana Mexico,..
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