In the absence of concrete information and actions by the authorities to investigate or locate Jesus Francisco Valderrama Sanchez victim of a forced disappearance by agents of the State Preventive Police, family, friends and neighbors this morning held a protest march there in Ciudad Guadalupe Victoria.
The mother of the disappeared, María Esther Sánchez Díaz, 65, requires authorities to give him his son Jesus Francisco, 30, who on Monday passed April 4, was removed 43 items from the Pep however deny that they were seen by dozens of people.
Today marks two weeks that the son of Mrs. Esther Sánchez Díaz was deprived of her freedom and she feared for her life, with this attitude of the government, the families expressed their disappointment and concern, as they have not done anything about it yet already filed the complaint.
The march began on Third Street in front of a grocery store "El Rey" and found in the little park which is opposite the premises of the State Attorney's Office. .. We want to say they did to Jesus Francisco, climbed many saw as one of his pickups of the PEP, they said.
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Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the TAROT understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
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« August 11 2011 at 15:16 »
I have been asked on the Blogger to read Tarot for Jesus Sanchez. I could only find a translation of events and I am not quite clear about the initial circumstances of when Jesus went missing but I am assuming it must be April 4th. The above information that is published regarding Jesus was dated August 2011.
I feel this is a slightly complicated matter and I'm not sure that I can offer very much help when it involves Police departments. However, I could try to just see what Tarot might give on the basis of how this report reads.
Please be reminded that Tarot can pick up glimpses but is never 100 per cent accurate. Generally, it covers past present and future trends. Please seek other factual sources of information.
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I see to have Jesus tied in to financial and possibly 'work' matters. Im not sure but feel he needed to make extra money and wanted to evaluate the situation by wondering whether he should 'cash in' or continue to accumulate finance. If this is to do with work, then the same frame of mind would apply. For some reason I am getting Jesus linked to 'an apprenticeship' its almost like he has to learn the ropes or the trade that he could be involved in? I feel it could earn him good money and ample security but at the same time I see he might either have to work alone or perhaps there is a certain amount of 'security' in this work.
There may be an 'exchange' of money or 'goods'. I think he wanted to secure a family home? or that there might be 'big business'? I also seem to feel perhaps he had to look at his 'options' for the future? Certainly there is a possible concern over making the right working/financial decisions. The initial direction I have for him (assuming tarot was correct) is due North.
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Our next card is also due North in direction. I think its possible that Jesus is facing crucial situations regarding work/unemployment and a great deal of hardship as this card really does seem to show that this person could ask for help but for some reason either appears not to want to do that or there are some other really big problems why not. I see that something could be said but ..there is a but here and a big one.
This card can represent many kinds of issues. Wasteful spending, illhealth, even possible 'addictions' can be here and it seems to me that this card could suggest a degree of loneliness and feeling dejected or even rejected. This to me seems that there is a dire situation with finance/health and well being and working situations as it suggests unemployment is a problem or could be past tense where it was a problem. Not the best card Im afraid and Im not feeling there is a 'fair exchange' here.
This card is a working/business/finance card so when we ask where Jesus might be all I can seem to do here is link him to business of some kind. However, sometimes this card can represent spiritual elements such as churches/cemetaries/ or names of places that might have that kind of name incorporated within them. Its a card that shows a building and going past this. Note that there is snow in the picture. I really feel that this card shows the person wishes to be at Liberty. This is the best I can do regarding location unless something comes up in the find card. As an outside thought this run of cards can lead eventually to a family home or a place that could be considered the 'family'. It might be guarded by two dogs.
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Asking when Jesus might be found we have the Star Card which is number 17. Perhaps the 17 might be a figure of time before he is located. The Star can be a Christmas card so maybe it is before Xmas however I do not have a precise year on this to quote. The card I have shows a lot of illhealth and many concerns and we have to bear in mind that our previous card also seems to indicate a feeling of hopelessness or very little hope. There is difficulties for his mother in this card and as we are very near the Moon reversed we do have to look at possible drug involvement as this really seems to come out as an issue that might have no end. The Moon is also a water card so we could expect somewhere near water.
At the moment I am just concerned for Jesus' health and wellbeing as I feel that would be important to his family. I do see some problems here though and that he has been through a lot. I think that we have to take the initial direction which has appeared in two of my cards which was NORTH - I am not sure that I am able to throw further light on the location other than what I have suggested. I feel there is something 'more' to his disappearance that might not ring true or maybe he knew but could not say at one time or at some time because the Star reversed can tell us about 'false' situations. Indeed it can also say that we dont need to look for Jesus which might be rather odd.
At the extreme however, Star reversed is saying keep hoping but dont be hopeful of an exact time. So, he could be already found or indeed there is an un named time being suggested here. Buildings associated to Jesus might be searched perhaps as even they might yield some clues particular where he made money or did business or might link to somewhere he wanted to support with the same. I feel he has spent time in a basement or lower level of a building at some point perhaps?
I hope Jesus is found and that problems can be overcome but the cards are concerned for him.
Please remember Tarot is not 100 per cent accurate but may pick out some useful thoughts to ponder.
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