![[image] [image]](http://www.helpfindthemissing.org/missing_database/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/halliehincheethumbnail.jpg)
Tallahassee, FL - The Leon County Sheriff’s Office is requesting assistance in locating Hallie Irene Hinchee. Hinchee was last seen by her family on January 7, 2011 on Ausley Road in Tallahassee.
Hinchee’s destination and mode of travel are unknown.
Hallie is 24 years old and is 5-05 and weighs 120 pounds. She has red hair and hazel eyes. (WCTV has included a photo of her)
If you have seen Hallie Irene Hinchee or have any information on her whereabouts, please contact the Leon County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 922-3300.
![[image] [image]](http://shotk-ks.org/cms/images/stories/important.jpg)
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the TAROT understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
![[image] [image]](http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n163/odmod/tarot3_logo.gif)
« Thread Started 3RD FEBRUARY 2011 at 1:09 »
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r/r21.jpg)
Tarot is looking at the case of Hallie Hinchee who went missing on January 7th 2011. Tarot is NOT 100 per cent accurate and not all details will apply. Tarot looks at glimpses of what may have occurred, where Hallie might be and when she might be found. Tarot will provide possibilities that might link in from the past present or future.
This is a very preliminary synopsis of events.
This first card is Judgement reversed. First look at Hallie and I thought I dont think she was very well in recent times, I feel a lot of stress with her. I feel like the 'family' is upside down, life is upside down and everything has been too much for her. Illhealth, maybe loosing a lawsuit, sickness etc it all seems to be on this card. Also its representative of bitterness, loneliness, oh its not a nice card and I feel sorry for Hallie. Its like not being able to make any plans for the future at all. Its like she needed to review life, try to put the past behind her as she feared death whether through illness or something else I cant be certain but its all very negative about the past I think.
Ive got a problem asking where Hallie is. I received a Knight of Swords reversed and I also have a Page of Pentacles reversed. I see a military man in the picture perhaps a soldier. Its cold and it might be pointing to WEST. But theres something wrong with this question that I have asked. I feel that maybe I should,nt have asked this and Im not sure why that is. I dont know if this lady has been hurt but just not tracked down yet meaning she is,nt missing exactly its just that she has,nt been caught up with.
I think this is just telling me that I can have north south east or west I see a vehicle and it has stopped.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r67.jpg)
I see there is an opportunity for Haillee to be found within the figure of THREE. Wands are normally weeks - three weeks but it might even be before. The Page of Pentacles can be CCTV also thought I would mention that. She may be seen perhaps she was on the move initially in the tarot with Travel card the world which is attached to the request asking where she might be. The Three of wands normally indicates SOUTH when found near water but the next card also gives us a home/building/hotel etc and this could be the surroundings. I think she wanted a new life.
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