officialtravisfimmel.com/Travis Fimmel - Wikipedia
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.

30TH APRIL 2017
As all regular readers know, the majority of Tarot found here on this site is for Missing Persons but every now and then I write a miscellaneous Tarot 'for interest' and often include a celebrity write up. You can find all the Miscellaneous Tarot by scrolling down the right hand margin.
This Tarot is for Travis Fimmel who if you have not heard of him by now - will not be able to continually miss the Talent of this wonderful actor. 'The Vikings' is an amazing series of which Travis stars as King Ragnar Lodbrok and it is utterly breathtaking both with acting talent and scenery I have left a link to Travis's website above to check it all out.
Travis has an incredible amount of 'fans' all of whom have very likely loved him in his Viking role but now that the spotlight is on Travis Im sure the fullness of his talent is going to be seen in entirety. He has films lined up and finds himself much in demand.
So what has Tarot given as an insight for Travis.

Here we have the 7 of cups. Choices! The future is going to hold many choices and options for Travis and huge temptations that loom out of nowhere. Its almost as much as King Midas turned everything to Gold, for Travis all these cups of different opportunity/offers and 'temptations' are going to be many.
Maybe too many? and not everything in those cups is good for you! especially the 'liquid stuff'.
Is this a good card for him though? yes and no. His life is full of people. So many people. But there are times he might like to just put his hand up and say NO to one of those cups. Maybe its just nice to sit under that tree. Maybe its nice to just sit alone, hey how about an island ? even that might be good? but still those offers/opportunities flow towards him like a huge unstoppable river - rivers can drown a person. With a card like this Travis is over run with options. Cups that hold every kind of everything and he is going to weigh up those options very very carefully. He is someone who can 'take it or leave it' too and whether or not he has heavily invested in something, he can if that moment arrives in his head, walk away because emotionally he cannot allow himself to be 'stuck'.
In the future he is going to re-locate. He has incredible will power and he really is extremely skilled. He is very happy to show all those skills and lay them out before the adoring crowd but he is a Magician with a scientific way of thinking. He is strategic and he will show you what you want to see . You will be amazed of course because he will enthrall you BUT he is a Magician and a Magician is well honed in all his skills as how else can a Magician saw a person in half and put them together again before your very eyes?
Travis theoretically does that with his acting. He has some 'old tricks' but they are made fresh in every bit of filming that he takes on and the reason why is because he knows his audience and he knows what they want and quite simply, he gives it to them AND THAT seperates the good Magicians from the ones that dont look after their props or meticulously shape their act. Of course anything can go wrong with a Magicians trick but a professional one will soon work his way out of any goofs. He has the Will and he has the way. But he also has SECRETS. Yes. Travis is a secretive man he has his own script for life and it is not fully unveiled because he keeps parts of himself for himself. There is something he is not telling ...
His future ultimately does promise a family home and two children. There should have been three but for some reason I only see two. That is his rainbow in the sky and the garland on his gate. A home that is privately enclosed , meaning private home life for him and those he loves. His true rays of sunshine sit overhead that picture.
There are times when he will 'ponder' at his work and his finance and wonder if its time to 'cash in' the labour has been long and hard and for the next 7 years this thought will come to mind probably on a frequent basis. He is still 'learning' in his mind, he is still the pupil and he may not ever really think differently to that yet his future will be self accumulated yet at the same time there is a distinct feeling that he will desire to spend time alone regardless. There is a lot of vegetation around him its very green and for some reason there may even be eventually an interest in magnificent birds of prey.
His intentions are fairly based in 'tradition or family tradition' and he will have a couple of dogs there where he eventually resides in the future. Two in particular. The family home is the temple and foundation of stability. However, we have a great sensitivity and feeling of humanitarian coming through these cards but also a need to indulge the senses to be able to deal with the pressures of the options that will forever come his way. He is going to be HUGE but though this is wonderful it also saps every pore leaving little time to truly relax. Relaxing is going to be very important. He has to be careful not to scatter his energies too much and to keep things REALISTIC if they are goal orientated. He must also realise that some temptations are not suitable and have wisdom to disengage. With this card a person can be pulled in a lot of different directions emotionally. He is extremely creative and must never allow daydreams to over rule reality. He needs to gather up all his creativity and stop it from running loose. Goals always need a straight path or you never find your garden gate..right? Because cups are emotional and this card represents choices, he has to learn to make the choice himself about what he wants and what he really feels is best for him. If he is over run or cannot ultimately choose he could desire to escape reality. This is an important factor for him to be in control of HIS feelings and choose wisely as there will always be those that attempt deception and he needs to be aware of that. His life. His choice but he must not deceive himself with all those options they are not all good ones. Good choices take him to where he wants to go. Temptations simply disrupt the journey.
I see him in the future taking a role in a film relating to fishermen or even a spiritual type of offering. He will be the man with everything but I see a lot of cups around him and he has to be careful not to fill them up with liquid but leave them only as symbols /trophies to his credit. There will be many accolades.
He will be a businessman, a home man, a traveller in the world who will go full circle until he can dance to his own tune. Though he has made expressions of wishing to have a farmers life he will also live somewhere there is a lot of water around.
He has much to do but when he is through with that - he is through!
Hello - all I can say to that is Mr Travis will more then likely keep his private life to himself. A very secretive man on that level! But he is hugely gifted and if he plays his cards right he will not be forgotten in a hurry!
Hi! What type of woman will Travis end up with?
Hi Kylie, she has hair that is 'lighter' could be strawberry blonde. She is a shoulder for him to cry on and she is older than him. She would not be a limelight type of person and lives and lets live. I am not feeling she is a celebrity type in so much that she does not look/crave for attention. If she has been in the limelight she would play that down, be retired or be in the background in some way. She may be the reclusive type. Not a big social circle. This would be his soulmate and likely he was not looking for her or her him at the time. Hopefully this is what you were asking.
Thank you so much!
Can you a do more recent reading on Travis Fimmel….. L
Yes, that would be great if you could do a more recent reading on Travis!
Please can you tell us more about Travis Fimmels future wife and when he might meet her
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