Search for missing Devon teenager Harry Martin called off
BBC News-4 Jan 2014
search for a Devon teenager who has not been seen since going out to
take photographs of stormy seas has been called off for a second ...
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
I have done a little 'location' tarot for Harry. The news on google has already suggested what has happened to him so I thought perhaps I would look at where he might be and when he is likely to be found. As you all know 'location' in Tarot will give surrounding areas and try to describe the possibilities. It is not always going to pinpoint the exact spot with a big arrow. We can but try considering this is a young man of only 18.
My first card is a pentacles card. Pentacles can bring up cameras in the Page later in the suit but as you can see this card though can agree that cameras and photography are part of the equation and work is showing environment. This is what I have asked for.
This card is going to bring up woods and nature but also rivulets or streams ie Water elements. The number on this card is a 3 which might help for distance timing or route. The primary direction on this card is considered North.
This can mean starting or ending points so I will emphasise that when looking at a map. Harry disappeared from Noss Mayo in Devon.
This card will show that there is an achievement of ones ambitions so Harry set out to do something he wanted to do by using 'attention to detail'. There is a school later in this suit. I am looking at the Map and notice that North are woods and water and a school so surroundings seem to tie in. The colour on this card is going to give GREEN which could represent valleys parks woods and nature elements.
The three on the map seems to show areas around Yealmpton. Again be careful as it could be surrounding areas North. We also have South attached to this card so unless there is an area with either North or South in the name I guess it must be showing location directions. This card can give bones dental or skeletal structures or knees come up. That makes me think of Crawling so perhaps Crawl Woods is showing as surrounding elements and that is North.
There is an 'excess of cold' in this card which can affect the health. However, I also see an 'arch' in this picture so I will put that out and possible buildings. An arch can be anything from a bridge to some kind of bowed structure.
Descriptions for areas which can be a name in the description or simply surroundings to bear in mind are farms, farming equipment, wood stores or woods and places where farm animals might roam. Fallow or bare land, barren fields, bushy and thorny low dark places.
Could also link to boats etc. Confined spaces come up here, church yards and ruins. Walls garden fences gateposts and seperation of territory such as borders. There is a yacht club opposite Noss Mayo so it could be trying to show us the overall area connected to this boy.
North and South seem to be what I have on this first card and routes connected to number 3. The colour Black.
I am not sure where Harry lived or where he set out from which is not helpful except that he is connected to Newton Ferrers. I see him 'outside' the 'town'.
Asking when Harry might be found I have the Queen of Pentacles reversed. Numbers on this card could also link in to road/routes or numbers for them. Our card has a 13 on it - added together is a 4 so I need to give that number in terms of search and find.
This card is also going to show much of the type of description given in the first card for locational surroundings ie woods water/streams etc. The timing on this card goes up to January 9th so maybe searches will continue until then at least. I do see some isolation here. I do not see manifestation as yet on this card.
Getting the words Ash and Cook, Gold, land and water and yellow. I am also seeing a 'woman' here. Im just wondering if he intended to meet someone? Maybe some news between now and January 19th? I wondered about the boat link - Queen Anne Battery came to mind for some reason.
I hope he will be found but the search must not lack motivation. Tarot cannot promise or guarantee location but sometimes has been helpful. Maybe something here is useful only time will tell. Meanwhile I hope there will be some news. If he is not found by 21st of January I will look again.
Its possible that some areas should be re-searched.
Having an afterthought, I do normally read three card spreads and I only looked at Location possibilities and Search/Find for Harry, but I felt prompted to come back immediately and look at what might have happened. So I will complete this reading fully. This card is normally the first thing I ask.
This card is showing clearly being inland from water but being caught 'off guard'. This can affect the balance somewhat. Again it is a South card. The number is 2 for route road distance or timing and we do read all three cards to find/locate. I will get a map up so you will need to check back for that. There are ships/boats in this picture so I do feel either cliff or waterside is prominent somewhere in the vicinity. I also sense some kind of indecision here also. The colour RED comes up here. There is a domination factor here now I am not sure if it is to do with other people or whether there is someone else in the picture here but did he have expensive equipment that anyone would wish to take? if not the domination could be of another force or source.
Caught out by a surprise factor or possibly even a quarrel is very much what I am seeing here. This card is giving me East but it is reversed so we are being given the South West. But Harry comes from the South West of England. I am just going to not attempt to make more of what I get but just write it. Someone here with thinning of hair? I am seeing construction? Possiby a thief could show up in this card or the loss of something. Other clues are Smiths, shops, furnaces, slaughterhouses, places where bricks or charcoal is burnt, chimneys, forges. Burns come up. Words such as Laurel, bend, bow, arch or 'V'. So I will leave this as well for what it might be worth.
Dee has compiled a map following Tarot instructions/directions which merely outlines POSSIBILITIES of all the areas that Tarot may be touching on or may be describing. Please bear in mind that this is not guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.
Tarot mentions 'Smith' so I do think Smithaleigh should be on the map too but we do have a route arm stretched towards the East. So I think we are taking in a large vicinity on the map but we just have to see how it works out. Areas can be connected to other people so its important to mention everything possible.
Im glad to hear the search is going to continue.
Search for missing teenager Harry Martin will continue all week
Plymouth Herald-21 hours ago
THE search for missing Newton Ferrers teenager Harry Martin will ... The 18-year-old went missing on Thursday last week, and hundreds of ...
Body found in Sea - Carswell Cove East of Noss Mayo
Insp John Livingstone, of Devon and Cornwall Police, said the body was found in Carswell Cove in the Noss Mayo area by members of the public searching in canoes and kayaks at about 10:40 GMT.
He added that Mr Martin's family had been at the waterside when the body was brought ashore.
Body found in Sea - Carswell Cove East of Noss Mayo
Insp John Livingstone, of Devon and Cornwall Police, said the body was found in Carswell Cove in the Noss Mayo area by members of the public searching in canoes and kayaks at about 10:40 GMT.
He added that Mr Martin's family had been at the waterside when the body was brought ashore.
Missing Student Harry Martin: Body Found
Sky News-2 hours ago
Emergency services searching for a student who disappeared after going out to take pictures of stormy seas have found a body. Harry Martin ...
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