Davor Santrac- Help me find my brother - Facebook Statistics
Davor Santrac- Help me find my brother | Facebook
To connect with Davor Santrac- Help me find my brother, sign up for Facebook ... Trying to find my brother who went missing 24 years ago in Vukovar, Croatia
![[image] [image]](http://vvv.pictonale.net/2011/02/27/064d6mb/mid-important.gif)
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It doesnt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
![[image] [image]](http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n163/odmod/tarot3_logo.gif)
I have had a request to look at Tarot for Davor Santrac. Davor disappeared many years ago in 1988 on August 16th.Davor was last seen at the public swimming pool in Borovo (Vukovar, Croatia) and he was 9 years old at the time.
Tarot hopes to produce glimpses of past present and future which may be able to give some information or clues or at least shed a little light on the situation. It is sensible to consider the Tarot as possibilities whilst reading and not Fact UNLESS something comes up to validate it.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r/r33.jpg)
The first card that we have here is the page of cups. Note that this is next to the travel card of the Knight and it would somehow insinuate that there is another person here likely a male. When this card is reversed it can indicate that the person might be known in some way however loosely that might be but the Knight of cups is never up to anything good when its reversed.
It can show someone who might be friendly but when reversed will show that the person is unlikely to have our best interests at heart. The whole picture of the page of cups is water. The first direction that comes up is normally West on this card but this is reversed so I will look at that again in a moment. West an also be the name of a road to as well as a wind direction.
I get concerned when I see reversed cups in this part of the cups journey because there is an obvious link to transport whether that is a motorcyle or car or bike it doesnt matter, what it implies is that the person connected to it is no good.
They are cultivating friendship on a bad premise and have other more cunning or unfriendly thoughts in mind. It is also thought to be suicidal to be around or involved with these cups around a knight reversed. I would honestly then have to say that on this first card someone has tried to influence this boy pretending to be friendly and might have gone somewhere there is water or a lake or even a boat come to that. The whole emphasis being on water either by name or by vicinity.
The not so nice side of this card might suggest someone who is perverse manipulating selfish and even possibly intoxicated. This is someone who gives false promises so might have said something to Davor that was not true. This will put Davor into an insecure position.
An M or a W might come up and a bridge with a river or stream.word Bell?
I really think Davor knows the person as this is deception from a close colleague or friend who might be known to the family or has passed false messages on somehow.
As seduction is part of this card the fact that intentions might be unsavoury is possible.
This is someone who might be too interested in the youth. This page has the number 11 which could break down to a 2 therefore Im wondering if this case involves more then just Davor?
Has anyone else gone missing from the area? This is someone who 'hangs around' and also likes strange films. There are church elements here.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r40.jpg)
At first glance I would have said this boy is somewhere just outside of a town. The direction appears to be North and I have the word BANK here . It is very likely near water or has a water name and the number 4 may be of help. This four might link to a father figure or someone older or it could link to a vehicle.
There may be a place like a valley or park nearby or perhaps thats the name of the road or area. I can still see some kind of stream or brook or water source and a possible arch or bridge. Perhaps names referring to money or gold? Buying and selling. Something here to do with bicycles?
South also comes up whether that is a name of a road or area.
The colour Green.
Places that may indicate where Davor might be or keywords that might assist are linked to farms, farming equipment, wood stores or where there may be farm animals fallow or bare land, barren fields, bushy and thorny, or linked to farmers. There might be a name like school/college name nearby. Ships and sails can come up in this card so possibly even where you find boats or places they are stored.
Walls, garden fences, gates gateposts or international borders can come up. So can churchs, churchyards or ruines. Feeling a confined space and there may even be waste disposal elements like drains, sewers or even basements or cellars. other keywords are deserts, woods, obscure valleys, caves, dens, holes, mountains, church-yards, ruined buildings, coal-mines, sinks, dirty muddy places, wells and houses or offices
Someone could be described as average height pale complexion, muddy looking, broad forehead, thik lips and nose possible trace of beard dark hair. Possible respiration problems, initials B J D or R may come up for people or places and someone who is abusive and nasty. They do not look a nice person to me. I am seeing somewhere 'out of the way'.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r51.jpg)
According to this search and find card it will be a huge challenge to find Davor and there may be some very dubious factors involved. It may even create arguments or big problems because it will be having to really think about the situation over again. Really, the truth is things might not be as they appear and there could be someone that has been overlooked here and searching needs to be in areas that have been searched before or someone who is not considered a problem is a problem and might have something to do with this but is not considered as being so.
This is a 1 card, that could give a 1 route and it is also a month card so it could suggest that information or ideas that could have been formed in a 'month' (not sure which) might link in somehow. There are two islands here and water and someone is being blinded to the truth.
This card always throws up the 'real truth' . It suggests that perhaps a PI should be involved to look at this case again. There may be legal matters involved too and matters of abusive behaviour.
Is there more then one person missing from the area? This card tells us that there are opportunities to find the truth and recover Davor. Therefore it is not impossible to find him.
There may be something linked to an 'accident' too or being found by accident any kind of stone structure like a well or bridge or old building might come up. The answer to finding Davor is intelligence and it means brainstorming and putting together the pieces to see clearly that Truth.
Because this card gives a unity and origin it may be telling us that he is not that far away. I am not completely sure about that but I give what it could be suggesting. I also feel that this card is East and that might be the name of an area but I think there are three people connected here somehow.
The cards do give more then one area Im afraid and that might link to other people but there are cutting links in this last card. I also see the word Hart or Heart.
Someone knows something and they might say something at a later date if they have not already.
Perhaps they need talking to again ?
All the information in the second card needs to be taken into consideration also that this is a water rocks stone and canyon card.
Not only is East involved here but so is North West, the North East.
Airports, railways and golf courses could be in the vicinity but also pipes or pipelines? . I feel the most answers lie in the keyword descriptions already posted but a circle might be involved here, so somewhere you would turnaround or perhaps you would need to go back and look at things again. Something is missing with information perhaps. Quite often this card might tell us that once we start finding answers it is going to uncover OTHER information that might link to other people. I have a Friday a Saturday and a Wednesday being given.
I cannot guarantee all that is here or whether it will assist but I do think everything should be read in combination as it is past present and future tense. I also cannot say how the information will come forward or what will be validated at this time.
Do I think Davor will be found? I think that as this card is an Ace and a beginning, it is not saying it is impossible, it is saying that one has to go back to the beginning and re trace, and brainstorm all the initial information because something might come to light that lifts the lid on the matter and perhaps other things as well. That rather makes me feel that it is difficult but not out of the question.
Tarot only gives POSSIBILITIES not FACT and I would ask you to bear this in mind.
![[image] [image]](http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/artua/pirates/256/treasure-map-icon.png)
Dee has compiled a map which OUTLINES all the areas that Tarot may be touching on or may be describing. Please bear in mind that this is not guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.
(Hit the Grey word that says MAPS)
Show on Maps
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