Parker Austin Hale, 16 years old
DOB 5/14/96
Missing Tuesday 11/13/2012 from Bellevue WA
5'3" 115 lbs Brown Hair, Blue Eyes
Driving 1995 Black Jeep Cherokee Limited Edition WA Plate AHZ5822
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Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
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I have been sent an urgent request to look at Tarot for Parker Hale. As always I must ask you the reader to consider the notes on this blogger and note that all information will relate to past present or future. Please also go to other sources of information for facts.
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The very first card I have here is Strength reverse which does seem to indicate some form of illness and respiration problem. The number here on this card is an 8 which might represent a route or distance. Strength is an 'Oral' card therefore looking at Parker's poster where illness is mentioned this could come up as to why he is missing. If there is a need to take a medicine orally that might show up here. It is possible. However, illness seems to be the main culprit on this card. A vehicle is likely to show up here and possible problems with that. Meanwhile here on this card we seem to have a rural background with a 'mountain' and a river or water/stream element running through.
I am however also noting possible 'dominant behaviour' in this card and though I can never be 100 per cent sure it could suggest being oppressed by another in some way or two people for that matter.
Certainly obstacles and adversity does appear to be present. It is possible initials for people or places might show up as B or J - or D or R. I am thinking of a vehicle out of control which is a big possibility due to our Chariot being reversed. I have the colour White here but I am not quite sure how that figures at the current time.
I feel he might be hidden or concealed and Im sensing 'dark' or a hole but there is a sense of a HILL or 'Beacon' or perhaps its the brow of a hill . Words such as Bright or Hill may appear.
Its possible there are camp sites or scouting elements in the area but I can also see an older man here who may have had a beard but could have shaved it off. Im seeing a Tuesday for some reason and something about someone who 'grabs'. Though it might NOT be the case there could be someone here who has some kind of obsession and sometimes it can be sexual but this is not always set in stone.
There is a possibility of a 'bad influence' here or being led astray?
Basically involving others or a vehicle there appears to be some bad decision making here.
Tarot gives past present and future events and therefore can pick up past present and future places/locations so all needs to be read carefully.
Initially the impression I am getting is South East but North East or a connection there appears to come in.
There is a person description here should it apply and that would be someone who is Large, round head with prominent eyes. Strong body, bigger and taller then average, broad shoulders, fair or sandy hair or a bit of red within or a curl however, baldness can also show up and someone could even be angry about health.
This card projecting the Lion may give the heart, so it may be referring to the heart of the matter is illness as to why/what has happened or been at the root cause or the fact that this boy is ill.
Stomach/throat and respiration come up here as a problem.
First locations mentioned here are 'sound a like' names or could actually be represented in some way as 'majestic' type names such as King or Queen or Prince or Princess any name that sounds royal seems to be of some relevance. Also there are indications regarding theatres, lavish public buildings and monuments, public halls, auditoriums, parks; palaces, castles, forts or places with these kind of names could come up but also perhaps in the vicinity are inaccessible places, deserts, forests and areas where there are wild animals. Im seeing heat sources here. Possibly also the name Michael.
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Trying to look into more location elements I am given the Hanged man which is a number 12 or 21.
This makes me feel that one is hanging out or hanging around?
This is one of those very difficult cards when it comes to description of location, the first conclusion is water or somewhere near water or a location linking to water. Parker comes from WASHINGTON so Im wondering it is a water name as in place name or if we should also look at the number 3 and incude that to this card being as our hanged man adds up to 3.
All numbers could be routes or distances or have another significance.
Generally this card gives us a 'tree' or perhaps a tree name and suggests some kind of suspension or balancing?
It might also be linked to a place that Parker was in September.
The North West links in here but so do water named places either actual or in the vicinity and/or could be descriptions of places within these categories - fishponds, rivers, springs, watermills, water pumps, wells, marshy or watery ground, moats, springs, the ocean, and all places near to water inside or even possibly around the house. Plumbers and fishermen can come up in these water elements.
Spiritual, church names or actual links to church in some way can also show up. Places that are quiet or serene or provide a sense of seclusion.
Students in university or college also show up connected to this card. Again one might even consider places names of the same equivalent.
Someone here who acts very moral (hypocritically religious)? but in fact is less then that and I do see someone who could have lighter coloured hair or for some reason is now bald and with a beard but I still see the possibility of that shaven off.
These cards can represent a stalker but one has to be careful when suggesting that.
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This card connects to all elements of search and find. There is an indication with this card that either Parker or his vehicle will be found but I am not sure which of these options comes first. This card is a 12 card so Parker will be found this year of that I feel sure. The indication here is very quick action though this card is armour and could show metal which could indicate travel ie. Vehicle showing strongly. So perhaps both Parker and vehicle will be recovered. This knight can show weapons such as guns but it could also represent a soldier or someone in uniform equally, it can show a foreign element or someone with a stammer.
There is an airport or railway connection here. I also see something to do with a computer connection and a grandmother? Swords are generally very unkind cards and do not always predict the very best of health in matters or show optimism but one has to hope that Parker can be found. The direction I have here is primarily East but also West comes up so all these directions will need to go on a map to assist the different directions.
I am seeing some kind of 'mental' illness here or some kind of problems with the head back or neurological problems. Again distinct references to names or places that could be in the vicinity are hills and mountains, high places, barns and storehouses for corn and grain. Libraries and studies, the walls of houses, the hall, playrooms, chests, drawers, (searching these areas might help as some belongings could be found ie wallet or other articles) - perhaps something in the bedroom? as this card can link to places high off the ground and upper rooms. As it is a search and find card there may be things to be found in these places.
There is also some kind of distinct reference to a 'fork in the road' twin peaks or a 'mountain' but some connection to family also.
There may with the reference to 'money' be links to places that describe money also such as BANK ie riverbank, or places such as (example type name) 'Rich'mond - anywhere that appears to link to money names could come up. I have to put all the possibilities in order for something to trigger a thought and there are many options with these cards. There may also be a link to tradesmen's shops, markets, fairs, schools, common halls, bowling-alleys, tennis courts and a link to 8 0 clock on a Wednesday?
There may be problems finding Parker but I do feel that he will be found. There are many suggestions here but also a feeling of oppression it could just be Parker's own feelings and wanting to do things his way or of course it could be another making him feel a certain way but he will be found eventually. However, with reversed swords we can also get dealings with rogues and thieves who may try to steal things from us and this also has to be borne in mind.
There may be someone with hazel eyes sandy hair.
There may be a link to construction or construction worker or where construction is taking place. Criminals can be attached here not always the case but it has to be considered. Again sandy and hilly ground comes up.
If a stalker is involved here then abduction/kidnap could be raised as possible reason for this disappearance but equally our swords can indicate being withheld or stuck (suspension) OR someone who has run away. It is difficult to make an accurate suggestion but it may be thought Parker has run away and turn out not to be the case therefore it has to be considered a criminal matter and treated that way from the outset so that full alert is on both Parker and any other possibility as joint options rather than opting for one. There is also the issue with the vehicle which seems to have come to a halt but in a sudden way which can show a car out of control therefore one has to read all the information and hope there is some useful element here.
This is an incredibly brief overview and I am aware that I need to write a bit more here and will do this ( and punctuate grammar) but will post this information in case it is useful in the meanwhile. Tarot cannot guarantee every detail but offers all options as to possibilities in general.
PS. Just realised that the first card is possibly relating to Burger KING - oral - ie food place oral consumption but there is a respiration problem there.
Just also want to point out the connections to of M and W and Bell which would come through on the Lovers card connected to the Knight. This would give us connections to Parkers own home and hometown. Whether that is past present or future though I cannot be 100 per cent sure. I leave it and hope that something comes up but there is a bridge in this outline also which could be white. Might just be describing connecting vicinity to Parker as a matter of course in the Tarot - also want to point out TWO PEOPLE may have disappeared or two people may be found. I cant be sure.
Adding in - water stone rock and concrete can also come up. I note the Huntzinger Road in Vantage. Wonder if this road has significance? Following the 12 route? I note there is a place called Richland. Everything I suggest is merely by looking at a map but in NO WAY must be considered as factual. I feel the maps from Tarot often go right by or near where a person is found but when naming a place it really must be considered possible vicinities rather then a definite place. Its possible there are only connections and nothing more linked. I just wondered about this place due to the 'money' names but it may be referring to something else please bear that in mind. I note there is a golf course there which could come up on the journey of the last card but again I would follow the route 12 which seems to be quite a long one!
I note also near Huntzinger Road there is Iron Horse Trail. No idea if these areas are helpful because they might just be linking in to the vicinity of Vantage . All the described areas should be taken into account or combined.
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Dee has compiled a map which OUTLINES all the areas that Tarot may be touching on or may be describing. Please bear in mind that this is not guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.
(Hit the Grey word that says MAPS)
Show on Google
Bearing in mind the fragility of using Tarot with Maps I want to also mention that Swords are communication cards so I would like to include Spokane as an outside link or possibility and Nine Mile Falls. Any of the destinations mentioned could be helpful so its worth mentioning everything thats possible.
Dee also sent me this map showing White Trail Road - note that the route 21 goes down and links through that area and East is Spokane. It also lands on a 90 route. All numbers and areas that could be of interest. Just click the link and zoom in or out to see the placement and surrounding areas.
CLICK HERE TO Show on Google Maps
Other possibilities that are mentioned in Tarot shown on map below.
click to Show on Google Maps
Anyone with information on Hale’s whereabouts should call 911 or the Clyde Hill police at (425) 454-7187.
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Other elements that I did not write in depth in the Tarot due to the rush to put information out is that there may be a link to Music through the Queen of Swords, at least 'dancing' comes up - however, we also get 'silver' something black or shiny and/or Jewels or jewelry as WORDS that could be useful.
There seems to be a reference to 'one who passes by another' indicating two people here. There is a big search for the truth of the matter and I see something about roses or red roses here.
There is some kind of 'divorce or seperation' or sense of widow hood here though I am not sure quite yet how this ties in. Windswept trees and a river form part of scenery somewhere to the East.
There is an outside possibility that someone tried to 'right a wrong' or sort out a 'debt' ? and this situation may permeate around the disappearance in some way or other because justice is here and that can refer to matters of the law indicating even a possible revenge situation but that being said it is not clarified to any strong extent to make this an issue here in the tarot but I mention it just in case it raises itself. Barns sheds outhouses or places that lie away from other dwellings could come up here maybe even storage places. Again much of the information regarding hills mountains has been mentioned but communication towers, gravelly or sandy ground could also show and any construction materials which could be in the form of stone, wood or anything of that connection. How it forms up to a place name I cannot be sure or whether it links to a person again I also cannot be perfectly sure only that these things can show.
A 'Friday' can also be significant. I will update again with more thoughts as they come to me with reference to the tarot I have been given , once again this is an East card but also linked West. These can be areas or place names. I feel that the areas that might be useful are those linked to the numbers.
Neptune throws up a lot of illusions in the hanged man as well as it being a water card. Very peculiar things happen when Neptune shows up. The key number shape on that card being the number 4 which is often linked to vehicles or even abusing authority. Therefore it has to be taken into account for whatever reason it wishes to put itself forward. Though it may just be random moot points there is an indication with the illusions of neptune that things are not quite what they seem but deceptive in some way.
Neptune also rules derangement, guilt persecution and describes the potentiality for experiences related to confinement abandonment addiction or physical intolerance to drugs or even alchohol though what type of drug is not specific here. The escapism element may show a need to escape from this in some way. I think it would be quite easy to traverse this route of planetary information however I feel the crux of what Tarot wishes to say has been posted. I am at least convinced that Parker will be found. All one can do is wait.
You will note that I mentioned an area '3' and the word 'Silver'. Tarot cannot name where a person IS but it can offer many route /descriptions which can be linked to the person missing, or their home or indeed anyone else that is linked to them. That is why Tarot is considered experimental and in particular the Locations section as you will see from my information posts.
However, looking at the Map it is interesting to note that our swords could theoretically bring up more then one island near water. Obviously there are many of them on the map but there is an area 3 near to a Naval Airbase called Silverdale. This may not represent an ending location but it could theoretically be considered as somewhere that might come up.
It could just be pointing out an area that surrounds the vicinity of where this boy lived ie near Seattle but it is my duty to report all small details no matter how insignificant they may be or how they tie in so I would mention that and also the word 'Garden'. I will continue to update any outside thoughts as per necessary. Please also note that the maps will run through as many possible routes that Tarot can deliver and being past present and future can track connections in that vein. Church links and water have earlier been spotted in Tarot and this may also come up but whether this is a spiritual element or a road/route or suggesting place name I cannot be sure however Dee has pointed out areas that relate to this also.
The indications of quarrels or unpleasantries or domination by another or others has also been seen in the Tarot but it all depends what vein it shows itself in ultimately. Sharp objects or pointed things or points can come up as can seperation and cutting. Again this could refer to cutting ties but I think it is unwise to speculate every detail as Tarot cannot give every detail only 'glimpses' of possibilities that may be somewhere in the mix.
Please read everything and combine all the information together and I would ask you do not email about this matter to me but refer to the Tarot as I will try to keep updates here as much as possible.
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I have been told that Parker has been found alive. This is wonderful news for his family. I felt quite sure he would be. However, the circumstances of where he was found or other details are not available at the current time.
I do have some validations in this Tarot including places and place name but I will not be commenting or outlining these at the current time without express permission. This family need their privacy.