September 20, 1988, Tara left her home at about 9:30 in the morning to go on her customary bike ride. She told her mother, Patty Doel, to come and get her if she was not home by noon. Patty went searching for Tara along her usual bike route, but could not find her and contacted the police. Part of her sony walkman and a boston cassette tape were discovered along the route and Patty believed that Tara may have left these items in an attempt to mark her trail.
Tara Calico - The Doe Network
The Doe Network: Case File 257DFNM. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Age-progression. Right: Age-Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
31 OCTOBER 2012
I have been asked to look at the Tarot for Tara Calico who went missing on September 20th 1988.
Tarot generally produces glimpses of past present and future and I write down what I have been given. I would ask you to read the notes on this post regarding Tarot so that you are able to understand what it can /cannot do and also to go to other factual sources of information.
Tarot is likely to repeat some background in 'past tense' but hopefully may be able to bring forward other ideas.
Not a great card to begin with because it seems to show some kind of abusive situation here. This could be an on coming car. Someone known to family seems to suggest itself? The number 7 may represent a route or have some other significance but even seeing a 7 I think about possible deceits and whether or not correct information has been received or is there a reason to deceive in the situation.
I can see the probability of some belongings being found and I note that is the case, but were there any problems with father or mother or some other family member known (lover) ? because that could be showing up here. Did Tara have any secrets of her own? There is a possibility of someone who might have been 'behind her' and there being a fast vehicle involved here.
There is even a possibility of there being a stalker and if the extreme occurred, a hit and run due to the runaway nature of the vehicle or losing balance which could symbolise 'car crash' that seems to show up here and the fact that there is some kind of overpowering or senseless violence on this card. North may come up here even though South and South West might be indicated. Also indicated are difficulties with respiration so it might imply that someone got hurt. I then seeing being hidden or concealed (in the dark?) possibly in the back of a vehicle under a canopy.
I hear a voice that implies ' I didn't say that'??
Here we have a water card (Water appears in the first card too but no doubt the same descriptions will come out so I have not printed them in the first card). Generally we have the direction West or West in a route/road or area. The number here is 14 which could add up to a 5 or 41 could appear here. I am getting the North or North East here though but still think South West should form part of the map as this card is reversed and may be throwing indications/connections to other areas.
There is a possibility of a sexual predator here unfortunately because sexual touch can come from both of the cards and their connecting factors.
However, first lets just describe vicinity/landscape or names of places that might SOUND like areas that connect to Tara. The first indication is a hostile environment which may show fear or threat, because of being in a restricted or confined spot maybe where there is not a lot of light or feeling imprisoned. There are some kind of church elements here so people or places of that nature but Im seeing deserted places or locations where water damp mould or muddy or swampy grounds, bogs, marshes, might be. Either actual or in a name.
Ice or snow, smelly lakes, ruined houses near water, sewers or drains cant be discounted. Basically sensing 'under' somewhere and also the name CLAY comes up. Black mud? I think its possible to include cellars or basements or untenanted properites that might need renovation or are in a bad way. But also feeling confined comes up so do potholes, puddles ponds and north facing walls.
Person description might be well built, strong hairy, dark eyes hair, short neck face square squat appearance. There is a secondary person appearance also and I am feeling that there are two people involved in these cards. I might be wrong. But I also have some links to smiths, shops, furnaces, slaughterhouses, places where bricks or charcoal is burnt, chimneys, forges whether they describe place links to another person or attempt names I cannot be sure but second person Tarot sees is described as fair/sandy or red haired. brown complexion or ruddy, piercing hazel eyes average height big boned but not particularly fat. Someone pretends to help but in fact they are perjurers and liars.
Drink drugs come up here and a smothering element. A ring or necklace? somewhere near water or Lake someone you might feel you could trust but it is false. Possibly someone linked to a motorcyle. Boats/fishing could come up.
This could be outside the home town between 10 or 14. Or under somewhere in home town. The initials M or W can come up as do Bell, white bridge and a reference to possibly two people missing? So perhaps this has happened before ?
An unlikely person?
Generally a King of cups if it refers to a person can demonstrate a fatherly person (might have been younger at the time) ie, someone older but it could also be a drug councellor, ex minister of church, teacher, cook, home maker or friend of the family or a 'client' . Someone who is linked to water? possibly fishing/boats. I could be wrong incidently but I write possibilities. This king tends to suggest not to get involved with this kind of man because he hides his emotions so you would not know what he was capable of.
Some kind of legal problems here or manipulation, heavy drinker?
House on a Hill? with river or stream nearby?
This card gives me an 8 and a postponement until then. It may be a route number but clearly cannot be 2008 because that has come and gone. The direction here is East and it seems more information should be released in order to get more chances of finding Tara. This card can show being tied up but when this card is reversed it tends to knock that idea aside as we are tied or stuck in this card but suggests release on reverse. (Of course the 8th Month could mean 'before October')? BUT not which one.
Maybe we have to release thoughts of finding Tara by asking WHEN because Im not sure I have a 'when' answer, something seems to put a hold on it but does not cancel out completely the fact that she could be found. I think there is a certain possibility of treachery or deceits here because the difficulty could be evidence covered up or witness statements not being wholly factual. The first card does imply some kind of accident on the day that Tara disappeared and it could be the reason why she has not been found currently. This would apply if it was a hit and run perhaps going to prison might not have appealed to a possible perpetrator if that were the case?
This card can show deceit in the past so that is not very helpful.
Meanwhile, this card can give other thoughts a building/castle on a hill, a mountain the hill is 'grey'? water and boggy type land (mixture). A blanket/carpet being wrapped up? but it could also be a way of implying things 'covered up' once again.
Colour Yellow and railways airports or transportation elements in the vicinity?
Water rocks stone concrete.
Bedroom or bedroom materials?
Hills and mountains, high places, barns and storehouses can represent names, places or 'sound' like them. Names that represent Money or coins, wallet and purses. Places high off the ground so must be somewhere in an area that represents that. as windows or rooms that are notably light, bright and 'airy'. Prodigality still seems to be the case Im afraid.
But links to May might be useful? the feeling of being withheld or information withheld comes with this card and links to tradesmen's shops, markets, fairs, schools, common halls, bowling-alleys, tennis courts?
This is a very brief overview but hopefully something will assist. Nothing can be guaranteed but I write down what Tarot gives to me. It is best to combine all information and read together.
Dee has compiled a map which OUTLINES all the areas that Tarot may be touching on or may be describing. Please bear in mind that this is not guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.
(Hit the Grey word that says MAPS)
Show on Maps
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