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Thursday 16 August 2012



Non-Family Abduction from Santa Rosa, California since June 12, 2012
Age: 17 -- Height: 4'9" -- Weight: 155 lbs -- Hair Color: Brown -- Eye Color: Brown

Jackelin Lizete Panigua was last seen on June 12, 2012. She may be in the company of an adult male. They may be traveling in a burgundy 1998 Toyota Camry with California license plate 6LOB753. NCMEC


Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.

It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.

Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.

Please always read the following


which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.



16 AUGUST 2012

I have a request here on the blogger to look at Tarot for Jackelin who as far as I know is still missing and has been since June 12th this year.

Please read all the notes on Tarot supplied on the blogger so that you are aware of specific information and how Tarot works. Please also go to factual sources of information as Tarot is not considered by law to be 100 per cent accurate.


Right away here we have a male who may be under 35 and described as 'a lover' or at least someone that Jackelin might feel she could trust. Someone that you can put out feelings to or talk to so I would be under the impression that the person here is thought to be a 'friend' to her. However, it is not really the wisest thing to trust a knight of cups reversed as it is often considered a suicidal card. I would have thought that this person could be a flirtatious love em' and leave em' type so if she has invested any energy there perhaps it is not the best course of action?

I doubt very much that this relationship/friendship would be approved of either. This is a number 12 card and we can use that as possible distance or route and perhaps number 21 or number three could come up here. There is a possible third party element here also.

I am certainly seeing a lot of deceptive charm and unfortunately someone can quite easily turn around and be quite violent in Jackelin's life and this may be around her at some point. There are also pointers towards manipulation here and someone who is not prepared to commit themselves to a relationship.
It has to be borne in mind that this is a water card as well as emotional output the direction firstly coming up being West. If she has accepted a lift from anyone this would not be considered a good idea as this Knight is a 'no no no'.

Maybe she did not accept a lift at all and perhaps it is telling us that, but I would give all possibilities and the main thing here is that things are 'wrong at home' maybe in Jakelin's eyes or just in general as this card does bounce off the fact that home life was difficult for her or there may have been problems there. Again whether that is in Jackelin's opinion or whether it is actual I cannot form an opinion. Perhaps this relationship was just not approved. Whatever the case it does bring up someone here that might not be the best person around this girl. Anything regarding proposals put to her should have been avoided with this card presented in this way.

A stream and cliffs could be in this card but also the accent is on water which might just be the name of a place or where she went or connected in some way.

I would probably pick NORTH WEST for direction and expect some kind of connection to the following whether picked up in place names or actual as the accent here is on water. Fishponds, rivers, springs, watermills, water pumps, wells, marshy or watery ground, moats, springs fountains, the ocean, and all places near to water inside or around the house. Hermitages, monasteries, churches or church links or places of seclusion or retreat. Someone may wear a ring.

I am being given short stature, plump and swellings or water retention. Large full face, pale complexion, skin disorders, slouching posture someone lacking in vitality. Also I have a Thursday.
Someone may be hypocritically religious or appear moralistic but very ignorant. There may be a scar or mole on one of the feet. This is just a possibility and this card can take us to a Lake or near the name of one or link to boats.


Here I have a man again and someone that should be avoided. The card is West the number is 14 we could add that together to make number 5 and this should help with distance route or otherwise. This is the card of a priest, church but a Ring can come up here so can a Ruby. Much water in the card and the feeling that the location must be to do with water. This is an older man like a father figure. Drugs can come up in this card or even being drugged. Drowning can come up in both the first card and second but that is because there is a lot of underwater features. It may not be so but it has to be pointed out as a possibility or just that we must look at the water names.

There is a lot of deception here from an older man who keeps his feelings hidden, but someone here is crafty and smothering and could resort to violence. Grey Yellow and Green may come up here. A boat or something on or near the sea perhaps , the word Dolphin could come up.

If anyone offers help one should be weary of a fair haired man but church links are here again could be in the name of place or road or some religious/spiritual connections. Someone who acts as a guide or teacher comes up here. Perhaps a drinker. I am seeing some sexual elements here also and the NORTH EAST so all these directions may pinpoint areas whether coming from, going to or connected to individuals but must keep WEST in mind here.

Tarot is past present and future but I am given a hostile environment, fear or threat, or a dark place with restricted movement perhaps deserted places, prisons or churches.
Locations connected to water and where water collects and stagnates: muddy or swampy grounds, bogs, marshes, and quagmires. Ice or snow? Smelly lakes, ruined houses by water, drains swers places of filth and vermin. Black mud or places underground or pipes etc, flooded land or somewhere wet or damp. Things made of clay like benches or structures.

Perhaps somewhere underground or low down but again still water present. Sinks, drains, toilets, places for eliminating waste, cupboards, cellars, pantries or larders may show up for whatever reason. Untenanted parts of a building such as basement or just buildings that nobody lives in or have damp and decay. Muddy places, sunless walls North facing, inaccessible areas. Maybe place by water or even near a Bridge?

Perhaps we are getting elements of the third party or third person? I cannot be sure if there are three but I give what I have as one description might just be mirroring the first.

There is someone with a large body and well built and a strong constitution who is possibly quite hairy. Hair features quite dark with dark eyes and penetrating. Square or broad face with short neck and a bit squat in appearance. I also have some connection to a person who MAY be tall and slender but well proportioned. Round face, usually attractive, clear complexion but perhaps pimples or dimpled skin, fair hair, hair that is capable of growing long. Therefore maybe their hair is short or was cut or someone balding?

Other information that MIGHT be useful or link in somehow is mountains and hillsides, windmills or places that deal with wind power. Airports, airforce bases, high communication towers, sandy and gravely ground, saw-pits, places where wood is cut or stored, and to barns or out-houses that are away from other buildings, but back inside a building places near windows or off the floor towards the ceiling, ventilation ducts, the upper rooms in houses, rooms inside rooms such as attics or wardrobes.
These descriptions could be place names but I leave them for possible clues or connections.

THERE IS NO LOVE HERE but may be some connection to 'music' ? Gardens and fountains and possibly even some kind of lodgings.
An M or W might come up.

Has it been confirmed that she definitely went off with somebody?
There may be a fair haired man in the picture somewhere. Or maybe the word FAIR ??


Asking when Jakelin will be found, it seems its down to this man who is a liar, deceptive, smothering, clingy and given to mood swings and possible violence. This is a father figure figure again it is linked very much to the card above as it is simply the reverse of that.

Therefore all the traits will apply and so will all the directions. This card generally shows DAYS so the word Day might be important but we have a 14 here and though Jakelin will be found I cannot say for sure WHEN except to give the 14 or 41 or 5 (and possibly church or spiritual links )as route markers or numbers that are designed to assist on this card. ANY DAY might be the answer one this person speaks up!! We are in limbo here until something cracks but there is a destructive element on this card and perhaps its a matter of finding out about another situation that will lead to Jakelin being found. Not a great card and certainly not a good feeling on the character I see here. There appears to be 'double crossing' going on here. There may be some scandal.

So at the moment, anyday or that the situation is unreliable to make a statement of exactly when this young girl will be found. I would have thought she is near to home or on the border of a nearby town the directions and information all related to the first and second card.
Tarot cannot guarantee all it has been given but hopefully something will help.



Dee has compiled a map which OUTLINES all the areas that Tarot may be touching on or may be describing. Please bear in mind that this is not guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.

(Hit the Grey word that says MAPS)

Show on  Maps

NB: I would personally like to mention POPE VALLEY and the area of the airport Anguin Parrett Field and also Pope Valley Road, Knights Landing, Garden Hwy, Lincoln, Lake Berryessa and Route 505 and Woodland on Route 5 linking in to Sacramento and Fair Oaks, and West Side Hwy as possible areas of interest or as possible connections in some way. Maybe as far as Lake Tahoe?


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Below are 'resolved' Missing Persons cases detailing news events after the person was found. Sadly some did not survive. On many, Tarot has described accurately either events, landscape or named Locations or suggested when the person would be found. The details of the validations differ on each case. This section will help assess Tarot's ability to assist in its ongoing experiment.






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