Alejandro Borja Verduzco
SEXO: Masculino EDAD: 24 años
ESTATURA: 1.73 m TEZ: Morena Clara
Café claros
TIPO DE OJOS: Medianos
LUGAR Y FECHA DE EXTRAVIO: Distrito Federal el 3 de julio de 2006.
53 46 42 68 y 53 46 42 67. DEL INTERIOR DE LA REPUBLICA AL 01-800-00-252-00 SIN COSTO
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following

18TH MAY 2012
I have been requested here on the blogger to look at TAROT in respect of Alejandro who went missing on July 3rd 2006. If this information is not correct please let me know in the comments section. There is nothing I can offer in 'English' as to descriptions or any other details only what you read above.
Please remember to read all the notes about Tarot and note that everything that it offers is in past present and future trends. Tarot is not considered 100 per cent accurate by Law so please make sure you refer to any factual sources of information you can find.
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This first card that I have may tell us that Alejandro could have come up against a form of violence.Its not necessarily the case but it could be suggesting this or just warmongering and disagreements.
There seems to be many problems around him, not sure whether it is close relationships or people known to him or family but this card is reversed and can seem to project someone who may have followed him. I am not clear if I am seeing an 'affair' here or whether it is simply three people or a three way relationship but it could suggest someone who has stalking qualities so perhaps he was followed or there were disagreeable elements around him with certain people.
I see also that we might have a car here that could have problems with it. A car that might be brought to a halt or a car crash. I would have thought anything like that would be spotted and reported so it could refer to other elements suggesting that a situation got out of control and resulted in great difficulty. Respiration can be affected in these cards.
Cliffs or Rocks could be part of the scenery landscape that is barren looking or possibly mountainous but may have a stream running through or near.
The Chariot gives us number 7 which may link to the month of July itself. If that is the case it would seem to me that there were problems possibly in the air before that month. Its possible that the initials D or R or B and J could come up as either initials of people or places. Im seeing some relationship or relationships coming to an end here and many quarrels disputes or even jealousies arising.
Im wondering if some message or news was given either about him or to him at the time? perhaps this caused the trouble behind this disappearance. I am seeing some form of illhealth here and either this man was not well or became that way.
I am seeing a choice being difficult to make over certain matters either with family or work or having to balance the two. I seem to think of North as being a primary direction here. Water, seashores, ponds or marshy land can come up here as can cellars and basements of homes.
I feel like a trip was cancelled or plans were changed.
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Tarot seems to give me the world card as to where Alejandro might be which suggests travel and a change of residence. Areas or descriptions that might be significant around him at the current time could be Deserts, woods, valleys, caves, dens, holes, mountains, church-yards, ruinous buildings, coal-mines, muddy places, wells and houses of offices. I am also being given a 'saturday'.
The number 21 comes up here as does number 30 which may be a THREE. 21 also adds up to three so perhaps a three is significant. Here we are presented with a 'circle' in travel.
However, South and North West may play a part for example North has already appeared here in the tarot depending on where Alejandro lived one place may be the starting point.
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Oddly a three comes to us once again in our card asking when or if Alejandro would be found. This card is a card of delay and seems to say that there is a lack of clarity in this question being answered right now. I see him near a building or even under one. Not far away appears to be a beach or coastline or maybe even an ocean or the sea. I could be wrong but that is what this picture depicts. It does not show him on the shoreline but inland. If Alejandro is found there may be some difficulties and legalities involved in the process either during the search for him or after.
It does seem to me that no progress is being made and good opportunities which may not present themselves again, or are being missed or ignored. Therefore it must be possible to find him but for some reason this has not occurred due to lack of opportunity which has been there. Perhaps he has been 'overlooked' and new searches should be ignited in places already considered. Places that might involve any work that he does for example or around the home some clues?
There may be some who should search for him but who have 'mixed loyalties'. That should be set aside in order to find him. All information should be checked again and all fine print or documentation that has been presented in respect of him.
Perhaps there is a connection EAST - the landscape I see here is Sandy and hilly ground, newly built land or where construction work is taking place. Land where sheep and small cattle feed or stables for small animals. Uninhabited places where criminals find refuge. Fire comes up here as do scalds and burns, chimneys, fireplaces, 'somewhere hot' - and possibly even firemen. Right now I am feeling that it is difficult to say when he will be found when we have this card come to us reversed.
I am feeling a strong delay but perhaps the best time to be able to find Alejandro are in the months of March and April though I cannot give a year for this. Boats may come up in this card so i will mention that as well as 'cliff's' - I just see the opportunity slipping away all the time to find Alejandro so Im not feeling optimistic at this moment. I wish I could help further but I can only give what I believe Tarot is telling me. Hopefully he will be found and all will end well, but this cannot be guaranteed and I would ask people to continue to look and do not lose faith or let frustration get in the way. I hope something here is useful.
em im sorry i cant find anything on this guy,i dont even know where he went missing from. dee hitt
Perhaps the person who requested the reading could tell us more Dee.
Thank you very much for the reading, we don't have much information either, he is from Mexico.
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