Heather Elvis is missing: Reward increases, search broadens
Examiner.com - 2 days ago
The search for Heather Elvis, the 20-year-old Socastee, S. C., woman that went missing nearly two weeks ago, intensified over the weekend as ...
![[image] [image]](http://www.clker.com/cliparts/M/Q/u/K/q/z/note-important-message-md.png)
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
![[image] [image]](http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a588/SUPERHOD/taroticon_zpsbf486b8c.jpg)
I have had many people asking me about Tarot for Heather Elvis. There is an alert here on the blogger to help to profile Heather and there are many people searching for her. Heather's car was found abandoned along the Waccamaw River on Dec. 19 2013 and I understand she went missing on 17th December 2013. As far as I am aware she is still missing. I cannot promise myself to tell people where Heather is, all I can do is include her in Tarot's 'experiment' here on the blog and see what it can pick up and hope that it does uncover some useful points. I would ask you to remember this and read my notes on this page.
Tarot is written in past present and future trends and it WILL pick up information from those periods of time. Not all details will apply but I write what I get and hope something can help.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/s/r/r58.jpg)
It seems that Heathers situation has 'gone viral' but I have not gone into the details I am simply looking at her picture to see what I can pick up whether or not it agrees with what others know or what has been said. I will look at that later. Meanwhile all I seem to have received here is the 8 of swords reversed.
Right away it would seem to me that there may have been some kind of argument or difficulty here because this all seems to be the aftermath of that and there is a possible abduction element here. The water elements are seen here immediately in this card as we are close to water at some point and 'dangerously so'. We see in this card that we are tied up or bound in some way or that we feel restricted. However, there are possibly two other people in this row of cards which can suggest they are mislaid for some time or one of them is.
Sometimes this card can show us a 'maze' of possibilities and it is not the best card to get.
Water Rock Stone Cement, bluff or con are all connections to this card and trying to free ourselves from a very difficut situaton. Even prison can come up on this card and show we are trying to release ourselves or may even point to someone released from prison. So its a form of wanting to get free or trying to free ourselves. I feel as though there is some kind of 'past problem' here? This could even be a relationship matter and wanting to get away from someone.
Drugs and drink could/can come up in this card. It is not always the case but I have to give all the possibilities as that is what Tarot is about. Note that the card is East and the number is 8. We can have health problems with this card or they can show up. Mentally there is some kind of problem as there is a form of disorientation here of some form. Being near water, riverbank can figure at some point. I also feel that there is difficulty in being able to see or being blindsided somehow.
There may be an accident here or some past event that has influenced the situation. Grandparents and computers can come up with a nearby card whether significant or not. There also seems to be some kind of roguery or treachery so it looks like Heather may have run into some problems or that this is not the most pleasant situation. There may be someone around who is less then favourable. The word Free comes up.
My cards can show seperation, cutting elements, weapons and some unpleasant aspects at first look.
The number 8 may signify part of a road or route distance or timing so I will leave that but I think its important to also look at number 7 areas. I also need to look at the map. This card is reversed but is naturally an East card but may show West too. It does not indicate starting or ending points so a map is provided to show what is around the areas that are picked out as it could be West or where this girl lives or East but shows vicinity. I am given railways, airports, golf courses as possible surrounding elements or somewhere in the vicinity.
I also have some connections to Hills and mountains, high places, barns/ storehouses corn and grain. Libraries and studies, walls of houses, the hall, playrooms, chests, drawers, money names such as banks purses etc anywhere that links to air or brightness. In rooms could be bedrooms if she was in a house at any point. Links also to shops, markets, fairs, schools, halls, bowling-alleys, tennis courts.
My card will just give clues whether names of places or linked to others and all I do is write that down. However, there is a shifty character being shown to me as someone who might be thin with a high forehead, long face darkish eyes, no facial hair, olive or chestnut colour complexion possible darkish brown hair. Another description may show someone who is similar so could be the same person but am given the word Hazel or hazel eyes. Possiby glasses?
Overall there are respiratory problems given as a possibility in these cards as our 8 could link in to health matters.
There may even be problems with the law. I am seeing some kind of document or something written down also. Feeling like someone is mentally disturbed or something with their head? Dental issues, bones or colour White.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/s/r/r21.jpg)
My card judgement gives me a number 2 or 20 again which might help with distance or a part of a route number or timing. Here it seems to me we are connected to the past. Strange how that was shown in the first card also.
Our card is showing tombs, churchyards or things rearing up from the past and also some adverse health aspects here. So we are asked to look at some past events to work this one out which is not the best of help to me as my card tells me that some events could not be brought to conclusion and this is as difficult as that. But there is a red cross on here and some unhelpful healthy elements as I see sickness and illness here? The colour red could come in here, it might be a red sign or a banner or something red. Possibly a physical wall? but seeing someone here that is masculine and someone in the past or someone from the past being in the picture somehow.
I have to be careful when trying to describe location. However, I seem to see restriction and confinement. The word BLACK, possible word Clay.
Perhaps somewhere near water or somewhere damp and even ruined buildings by water or some basement cellar or waste disposal not seeing what I think is a nice place even tunnels can come up here. Rats/vermin but they could all be part of a name of a place and that is what you must be careful of in that they are trying to describe somewhere. Stagnant Ponds. Marshes and church/spiritual elements can show up here. A road with the word pond in it. Some sexual element perhaps?
This card can give North East but I think its possible also to be South because of being reversed so might even be South West. I wish I could be clearer but we also have a person description that might link in or have names within that refer to places and that description is someone who is well built and of strong constitution. Quite a hairy person and the person is dark hair and eyes which are penetrating short neck and squat broad appearance.
Bear in mind that somewhere dark could also be described here remembering the word black. Also the word Snow or Ice could come up and there is a link to Summer at some point. Tailor, Dyer, Cook, Smith and Baker are all names that can come up with this card though I cannot say in what context. Shops can show and also the feeling of heat or chimneys, slaughterhouses (butcher)? and bricks etc come up.
I am seeing someone or some indication of murder in the area or that someone is capable of extreme violence, either that or places that might suggest it.
I also have someone again with this description though again it could be words that try to hold within names of places . But I have some reference to big bones, lean, a brown ruddy complexion of a brown, ruddy colour, or high colour hair red or sandy flaxen, crisping or curling. Sharp, hazel piercing eyes not afraid of much? Is this a dangerous person who has done things before? I have seen a 'bad man' who for some reason not much evidence can be found. But, I also see that there may be a lot of lies deceit and perjury so Im not sure why there is a connection here but I will just give it.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/s/r/r44.jpg)
Obviously the question is when this girl will be found or if she is going to be. We do not always get yes or no answers but we get information regarding searching and finding. That means that Tarot may show what has already been done or what is to do.
I do have another 8 card. The one thing I feel with this card is that anywhere that is being searched must be searched again because there could be fingerprints and there could be something about films or cameras further along in this cards row. This card is generally primarily North and the number 8 or number 7 is likely to be useful whether distance timing or route number or part of it. There is also something here about 'the last 7 years'.
The colour Green comes up on this card. I have something about college or university here or dropping out of school not sure how that relates? OR a teacher OR ex pupil. Farms, abandoned houses, and a lot of agricultural parks/greens/woods and various areas of that nature are shown on this card maybe it means that an area near a school is or was searched or places that link in to college/university. There is also some kind of animal link such as pets or vets and a health element like a hospital or something like that. Let me see further.
Something linked to financial elements ransom or other concern. Not sure exactly but maybe its the reward here being mentioned as it is a card linking to the find and a reward is put up to find this girl? The answer to finding Heather is not a yes or no but a maybe because we are told it is going to require a lot of effort to achieve and a 7 or 8 might help in terms of that whether thats timing or otherwise. Its not impossible though from what I can see here. A lot more detail needs to be shifted through because there is something here that might be overlooked even Heather herself .
I have a circle - something that is a circle at some point in these cards however that wants to represent itself. This card is generally a North card and we also have South West on it which I have already mentioned. I know its difficult to work out but the pointers will be on a map.
I see something about a 'shout' so maybe someone has shouted and not been heard?
The references I have for this card which might be names of places and note CORN is mentioned in one of the above cards are as follows - these could be places searched or to search or names that might assist as to what to look for. They could also be surrounding vicinity and therefore we have agriculture, harvest and agricultural storage, dairies, granaries, malt-houses breweries cornfields, hay-ricks, greenhouses, anywhere/thing connected to barley, wheat or peas or where cheese and butter is churned or stored.
Could be farms? Seeing books pens, libraries, halls computers. Medicine or health matters. Storage areas or places you mend things or even annexes or spare rooms or anywhere you put things you are not using. Tools perhaps. Seeing animals so maybe pets or animal names such as dog or bird names or perhaps vets? Again these places are mentioned shops, markets, fairs, schools, halls, bowling-alleys, tennis courts as before in the other card.
But I have been given a Wednesday for something and there is someone out there who is a bit of a liar and likely trying to somehow divert things? I generally find when Ive written tarot that I feel I missed something and likely I might have done but I have given what I have. The word Gold might come up too but be careful with money issues here and a businessman? I hope that this girl can be found. I think its a matter of attention to detail - it takes patience.
I am seeing a 'music element' too which is a bit odd perhaps facing the music about something or a genuine music link but it can represent the word of a place too. I wish I could be more help but I cannot guarantee anything I give unless something comes up to make a sound suggestion. Gardens parks Gates, boundaries etc I do see being searched with a toothcomb but any of the areas I have mentioned could be in the vicinity so everything is worth a try. I will come back and add if I see more.
Please combine the information of all the cards and also remember that Tarot gives possibilities and not Facts.
![[image] [image]](http://www.swiha.co.uk/PICTURES/news.gif)
Myhorrynews - 1 day agoHeather Elvis holds onto the family dog Maci in this photo taken shortly before she ... Elvis' daughter Heather has been missing since Dec. 18.- Examiner.com - by Cindy Adams - 19 hours ago
Dee and I are currently working on the map and many areas have come up which means we have to really think things through. We will try to post results tomorrow.
This could be the 'illness' in the judgement card....at least whether actual or not strange it has come up...
Heather Elvis may have been pregnant by married man
allvoices-18 Jan 2014Did a married man get Heather Elvis pregnant? It seems like a sensational plotline found in a movie, but something foul is definitely going on in ...
Tarot has also mentioned hospital .......
Brittanie drexel has alot of the same. Possibilities?
I read your comment on the 12th and ALOT of things you have stated are HERE... not just locations...circumstances...numbers...areas...If this pans out like it looks as though it is your reading was HEAD ON! Thank you for what you do for the families of the missing...everyone may not believe in the cards...but sometimes it is hard not to!
Do you think anything about monck corners area. Seems most sc missing circle that area. Do you think this is one of others.
Have you looked at this area on the map? http://goo.gl/maps/GVUnK
You have absolutely no clue how spot on you are!! Please, if you haven't yet. Take a look at the most recent updates on this case! Cameras, films, and financial elements are all spot on and linked directly to the case. You are amazing! I have never believed like I do now.
I will go and have a look - thank you for a heads up and your kind support for the Tarot.
The two street names given in the police report where Tammy and Sidney were charged with indecent exposure are celebrity circle in Myrtle beach and century circle in Conway . This could this be the circle mentioned in your cards linked to her find? Can you do one last reading now that the case has come this far and tell us what you see? Please!! It may help us find heather! Bc everything you have said connects
Hi i love ur work!! I was wondering if u have any new updates for this case? Also was wondering if u could do a few others who i dont see on the list (in which i may have just overlooked their names, i apologize if so) RELISHA RUDD and also BROOKELYN FARTHING? thank if u for any input u have, appreciate it!
Thannks vеry nic blog!
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