State history. Native Americans. Missing persons. 1932-08
... scouring the territory around Strawberry mountain, near here, today in search of seven-year-old Wesley Dave Piatote, Indian boy, lost since Thursday evening.![[image] [image]](
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
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I have been asked about this little boy who disappeared over 80 years ago when he was only seven years of age. The date given by the enquirer is 8th of April 1932 but seems to clash with the information on the link above which suggests the disappearance date was 6th August 1932. All I have is the initial newspaper clip above which is 'state history' and no picture. Obviously it is hardly likely that there will be any validations for this Tarot with so little information or queries to follow on this child since the time of that publishing. Also there are no indications of whether or not he has been found.
There is an alert for information regarding Wesley here on the blog to keep Wesley profiled. I would ask that you consider all notes regarding Tarot on this page and remember that Tarot gives 'glimpses' only of past present and future but may be able to tell us something of interest.
Checking facts elsewhere is going to be rather difficult for this case but as always I invite you to do that outside of what Tarot gives to us.
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I felt this would be a very difficult Tarot with no little face to meditate on and then receiving this card the Ace of Wands which really is quite an adventure card theoretically. This card can show the origins or the beginning of the situation which would give us creative activity. Note that the thumb is up in this card. So why is this little lad showing us a thumb. Probably because I wanted to know what happened from the start and it rightly begins with himself and his family and a thumbs up as an okay.
Now this card leads to cards that show us a Hill and this child was on Strawberry Mountain so we need to go with that flow of energy. I wonder if they were picking the huckleberries and putting them or packing them into boxes or containers? I am seeing standing up high on a ledge but surveying the view and having to 'work' or get involved in the action. The Ace is a source of great power and force but it is linked to a Masculine element?
South and 1 is on the card. So perhaps there is something about 'one week' ? or perhaps being 'too weak'. I also wondered about whether the thumb sticking up was a 'thumb prick' because fire is attached to this card and suggests heat. If you prick your fingers assuming there are prickles it would cause a very burning sensation and that seemed to drop into my mind also nature animals and living 'things' do come up here but also quick action like stepping back perhaps by surprise.
This masculine energy is exactly what it says but whether it is a person or not I cant be sure it is primal energy and the other sides of wands can be violence cruelty and being involved in tussles and quarrels.
This card is not exactly suggesting that but there could be underlying elements which could make that suggestion perhaps. A cruel or strong masculine energy perhaps but the Ace is renowned for its 'grasp and grab' quality and there is a suggestion of something or someone grabbing the boy. I cannot state here in this card that there is definitely a violence attached but the grab would be strong or the grasp would be strong but I do see a 'tool' here. In our picture it is a Wand which could represent a Branch of a tree or a big stick or pole like feature.
There is also a strong element of heat or fire and wood is strong in this card. The negative side of this card can suggest ' to perish' so there was a possibility there of some kind of danger that presented itself in strength.
I am also shown ' a dry river in a valley' but also with the reference to Hill in this card and in other linking cards.
In current readings of today the thumbs up sign to me is hitch hiking and therefore movement can come up on this card but really I feel could be indicating a thumbs up to the area that he was in at the time of disappearance. .
In this upright position I would not have normally read this as a violent card but one where something occurs rapidly that propels a change or new situation. Also it can show a 'new home/dwelling' or where there is now a hotel or place where you can stay such as a B and B lodgings? or approaching one or can just show a feeling of complete freedom referring to the space around him. This may be near an actual river flow or a 'moat' or have a connection to a bridge or 'castle' name. Perhaps we see this in the distance as we survey the land?
However we cannot discount that someone might have been trying to hide behind something or have been hurt as those possibilities could present themselves. So ultimately there is the story that could suggest the boy being taken by a bear but also there is equally a possibility of being grabbed by a male its just identifying that energy.
Certainly something sudden, incidental and /or accidental may come into play here with that quick surprise element that can cause someone to 'descend' so maybe 'fall down' or fall back. Quite often a 'coiled serpent' can be linked to this card so if we were to consider animals as possibilities such as a bear we would also have to consider a snake. Im undecided on this and need to see other cards. Perhaps snake is in a name. Other ideas that could show up here are mines or mining coal or coal pits.
The number here on this card is a 1 and South but East comes up here.
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This card is a natural East with a clear indication of water with two islands in the background and a mountain. However it could also be an illusion of running water and be a dried up old creek bed that since perhaps has sprung to life.
The number here is two and I get feelings of secrets with a mother. I feel as though we are being given one story that over rides quite a different one. I also have 'below the mountain' here. West also comes into play here. I wonder if there is an air force base near there constructed over the years or someplace in the vicinity surrounding the area. I need to look at a map. Gravelly ground and wood or sawpits comes up here old hangars barns or outhouses. Perhaps I should give the number 2 also as possible route. Church elements or names that link or religious names come in here.
We have possible areas that might be in the vicinity that might link to hunting and hawking. Wind apparatus or wind power sources can come up here which makes me think of air force. Maybe its a way of describing a name. Very curious. There may even be church names here. I am not familiar with the 'country' or place where this child disappeared. I do think he was 'grabbed'.
There are also some 'strange music elements' which I cannot explain but could 'name' an area. I just feel that had there been any further news of him it has not been printed as all these cards point to that non communication. Swords are communication but when they are reversed like this any evidence, facts or information is blurry and truth cant be found nor given. Its almost like a duplicity of the situation or being hoodwinked because we cant find anything pertaining to him.
There was at some stage a link to 'grandmother' according to Tarot .
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My last card seems to indicate an 8 or number 8 generally this card is for search and find. Maybe they searched until he was 8 but this card can suggest also being found at 8 which again just presents a further puzzle or could be connected to an 8 route? . This card is a North card and seems to be telling us that not enough attention was paid to detail as areas needed to be researched.
There may be records somewhere that have not been uncovered or documents perhaps? not that I can swear to that, only that possibilities could show themselves. We are given the fact that to find someone you just 'never have to give up' and keep working at it and work with details you have in order to study and uncover more. Im not banking on any progress unless something is out there and comes to light.
It certainly would take a lot of effort for this find question to become a yes so therefore the only way to know if this lad will be found is to go through the details with a toothcomb.
Obviously the only person/people who could do that are those who are directly currently connected but I am getting that there were certain things we can do now that perhaps were not quite so through then , I assume referring to fingerprinting etc or different search values, it seems that some 'lessons' were not learned or perhaps some fields of study not as acute as they are today. It is said that many went to search and without any success which sounds so sad when you think of all the years gone by.
I certainly would be intrigued to hear more of this matter but I feel as though there are so many parts missing here and they do not seem to connect properly. North and 8 are here though and so is the South West. This is an agricultural card and it most certainly brings up animals and refers to the 'screams' of this child. But I just get the fact that 'something' is missing and I do not just mean Wesley. Perhaps its part of the landscape or construction work that has taken place?
Meanwhile, I feel as though there is such a detachment here and see rural surroundings and farms and just a feeling that this child over the years may have been overlooked. Of course as Im writing I thinking 8 could be 80 and not a route? and of course Tarot may be just agreeing and telling us that he has not been found these last 80 years and he wont be unless a great deal of effort is put in to study the facts and really work hard at it.
I notice on the map I have found that Strawberry Mountain has Gold Creek Nearby and Rattlesnake Trail. I also notice that there is a Moses Mountain South West the areas around there are number 2 and 21 interesting since we do have the 1 in the first card and 2 in the second. Going directly South West would take us to Wenatchee. Interesting also that Bell comes up in the Pentacles and this makes me wonder if any relatives were connected to Bellingham which is directly West to the water because over that side there are direct links to the wands cards with Victoria.
You would need to zoom into the map to see the numbered routes.
Pentacles are generally money cards they can also link to schools/college names farms and farmland and the Ace can refer to gold so I was quite surprised to see a map showing me these things.
I will leave the map link to this area out of interest.
Castlegar in the North, Sandpoint (Very interesting area) to the East and Spokane further South but East a very 'communicative' name perfect for a sword card since it is a name and reversed would show it would be a name rather than an actual line of communication. Also I notice 'strawberry creek' - agricultural 'corn and grain' can come up in these cards, I would have thought the word Straw would theoretically link to grain so maybe that creek would be of interest too.
Perhaps its worth just taking the numbers and following the lines of the 2 or 20 over to the west side and 21 to the East side as looking at that map I can how the terrain and vicinity is being quite well described.
I will come back to this Tarot when I am able to and consider it further. I generally give a brief outline and not an indepth reading but this is a very interesting case and deserves a lot more study and even more important it would be on behalf of a 7 year old boy who went to pick some Huckleberries, we owe him to keep his profile out there. I want to thank the person who brought forward the story of Wesley. I may need a good think about this.
I had to pop back in because I was wondering about that first card and 'Armstrong Creek'. Wouldn't that be a perfect name place to describe this card. Of course I might be just off with the fairies speculating but I really had to come back to write that but I cant remember where that is on the map. Im sure I saw it 'somewhere'!!
(Edit, just found it and note it is in the same areas of Strawberry Mountain vicinity.)
Looking at the wider picture, I can see the reference to Banks Lake and Steamboat Rock State Park in both the two of Swords and the 8 of pentacles as 'run up areas'. Note that 2 route right underneath them. No idea how/why they connect only that the area is Nespelam. Theres the big wide Columbia River running below south of Strawberry Mountain and wonderful to see another name I recognise from tarot and that is BREWSTER which is South West and comes up also with the Sword card so I can most certainly see many areas in the vicinity that make a lot of sense to the cards that have been given.
On a last note I thought it was interesting too that in the town of Nespelam there is a road called Cashe Creek and left of that is a school. Whether anything that has come up is going to be useful or not I have absolutely no idea but it has been very absorbing whatever the outcome. I may keep this as an open 'tarot study' as more thoughts come to mind. There is clearly more to be seen here.
you are just amazing...
i red a book missing411 and there was this case about this boy, there are around houndreds similair cases of missing children in wild woods in us and canada
you mentioned fire and heat as you did in other cases of missing children in national parks, mentioned muscalar power and it is something betwen bearan human
these facts are just mentioned also that this boy was grabbed
i am convinced that these children are taken by bigfoot...and this is book it was many facts of seeing hairy creature while these abductions happened
also you said these man is hidding...and it doesnt want to be seen
you are truly amazing psychic
just great!
I too have e been reading missing 411. I have been looking up the cases in that book on here. Stacey arras, jimmy Duffy, and Dennis martin case are freakishly familiar. They too are frequenting a "tall, hairy, strong, prominent brow, quick, shifty figure in those tarrots. As well as this one. Something is occuring in these national parks and that fact that this very dark presence is claiming these children and others strikes a very deep fear in my being. I'm wondering empathyinsights if you can provide any clues to what is happening?
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