![[image] [image]](http://vvv.pictonale.net/2011/02/27/064d6mb/mid-important.gif)
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
![[image] [image]](http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n163/odmod/tarot3_logo.gif)
I have a request on blogger to look at Tarot for Jill Meagher. There have been a few News reports regarding Jill and I realise that I must prioritise the 2012 tarot requests over the cold cases but all will be written eventually.
Regarding Jill she is still missing and clues are required. Tarot can give some information but it is past present and future and I only write down what I get. Some of it may reflect known facts but often that tells us that Tarot is on track so I know it is always worth putting everything Im shown. If something helps then it is always worth trying to see what Tarot can give. However, Tarot is not considered 100 per cent accurate by law and I cannot claim to solve issues only show what I have in the cards. That being said, lets look at what Tarot wants to say.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r/r72.jpg)
Obviously its wise to read the facts regarding Jill but the first card that I have been given is the 8 of wands reversed. When I see this card I know something must have happened pretty quickly. This is actually showing initially a male person and a grasping effect which seems to lead to this card. With the 9 of wands reversed I would have thought that she was apprehended by someone much stronger then her as there does not appear to be enough strength to fight a person off. So my first impression would have been that she was attacked. I could be wrong about this but I am asked to give an opinion and that is what it looks like to me.
This card might show us more, but firstly it is a South Card as a rule. I cannot place which are starting and ending points and have to wait to see how all the places connect on a map. Dee will probably look at this and decide the pointers and I will post it later.
There MIGHT be a car here that came to a halt and the male that I see could be someone who is very virile sporty and strong but there might have been an altercation here. Perhaps it was a lift or a taxi the possibilities are there but I cant confirm for sure. What I see in this 8 of wands is an area that might have an airport in the distance.
It seems to be rural area perhaps landscape with a stream running through and a house on a hill. The word Hill does come up.
I have something about 8 weeks or under 8 weeks. I am seeing some kind of fight or argument or quarrel. Has there been any crime in the area she went missing? I am sensing with that 8 of wands that she was 'delayed' in travel so possibly apprehended and there is a sense of thievery and robbery here. Sex and weapons can come up in wands cards but Im not sure yet if they are a big part of this at the moment. I feel like there was some kind of hasty communication, that might be to do with a quarrel but I just give it anyway. I feel like there is a domestic dispute so Im not sure how that falls in.
I have mentioned South but South East might come up.
If there is another person here I am getting this description, someone tall and large and well proportioned i body and face, ruddy dark or tanned complexion with possible light chestnut colour hair , strong constitution and strong generally. Bear with these descriptions because they can be trying to describe landscape or other things but I get burns heat and fire here. Horses or horse names/stables, hills fields and high land. If in houses then lots of space like an attic as it covers upper rooms.
Has someone been in trouble with the law before, seems to be some court trial mentioned here??
I have a Thursday mentioned.
More depth of description for person comes up as Tall, brown, ruddy complexion, high forehead, large grey eyes, soft hair, kind of brown or auburn brown, beard, big belly, strong body long feet.
Some reference to 'church'. Sweet smelling odours? Number 8 to consider for route or for something else. Might be more then one person? Sport or sporty references?
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r/r1.jpg)
Not the greatest card but here we see her losing her possessions, upright she has them and reversed they are lost. There is a dog in this picture not sure if that will be a name of a place or if it has another reference, cliffs, rock and stone can come up here.
There is no number to refer to which is pretty much a nuisance but the nearest number might be 1 or perhaps zero can come up.
I think she has trusted the wrong person or people. This card is North West but I will see what else can be found here. I am feeling her insecure. Pale yellow.
Did this girl miss a flight? Someone who is a contractor or works with buildings?
I do not know if I am seeing the same person but someone who is strong, comes up but seems shorter long face and prominent bone structure. Hazel eyes, sandy or dark blonde hair. North West comes up so I think North West must be significant. Im seeing something about teeth and bones. I dont know if it relates to Jill or someone else. Something wrong with the legs or shins? Descriptions of landscape whether actual or just trying to define name are deep wells, quarries, mines land that has recently been dug. Places high off the ground, hills, uneven land, airports, roofs attic rooms or upper part of a house. Water places, fountains or springs, vineyards, water in name or place - taps showers if in rooms or descriptions of names and power supplies.
Have seen red blue and purple.
Other possible links are deserts, woods, obscure valleys, caves, dens, holes, mountains, churchyards, ruined buildings, coalmines, muddy places, wells houses/offices.
Someone who does not like women. Possibly middle stature, pale complexion, muddy, small dark eyes broad forehead, dark hair, big ears, thick lips/nose, possible beard or showing of one, person stoops. Maybe number 22 or number 23 comes up? Pyramid? A crossroads. Someone is acting irresponsibly or foolishly. Someone mad or mentally ill?
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r60.jpg)
This card talks about finding and searching. There is a number 10 on this card which might suggest October to find Jill. As you can see its not a great card as it can indicate some worrying aspects to it. When I see this card I see riverbanks and night time scenes. There is also something about a bedroom or some link to that might be a blanket? I would have thought she would be found this year before year end if not in October. It could be 10 months from writing Tarot or the 10 might be a route but I give the possibilities. Water, rock cement and stone can come up in this card as can nearby airports/railways or modes of travel. This card can give mental illness so wonder if someone has some kind of depression.
This card is East as a rule it can indicate injuries to back neck spine or head not always the case but its possible. Is there a problem with the search? DONT give up looking please. West comes up and descriptions of place whether real or descriptive are Hills and mountains, high places, barns and storehouses. Libraries and studies, the walls of houses, the hall, playrooms, chests, drawers, coffers and places linked to money such as purses, wallets Banks etc. Getting high up and if in a house/building upper rooms. Yellow or yellowish green coming up?
Number 10 or a 1. Some kind of separation, divorce might be here, doctor lawyer or attorney?
Might be future reference I cant be sure. Jewel, something black, something silver all here.
Cutting sensations might just be being 'cut off'.
Someone described as being tall, thin long arms dark hair good eyesight (glasses or no glasses) piercing Hazel eyes.
Possible abduction or kidnap, trickery and rogues are here. Possible drugs.
Perhaps a B or J, D or R name/place.
Some odd link to Tradesmen's shops, markets, fairs, schools, common halls, bowling-alleys, tennis courts might be a connection to someone else.
A Wednesday comes up.
Person, someone tall, shifty a high forehead narrow long face, long nose; eyes might be black or grey black or grey, thin lips and nose, plenty of hair on head no beard brown hair. Olive or chestnut colour complexion.
Perhaps some of this information will help I cant be sure until information comes in to verify it. Tarot tries to give as much as it can and does describe things, sometimes people descriptions are places too. Please bear that in mind. There seems to be a possible situation with more then one person here. I might be wrong on that but give what I have. This is a very brief and quick view at the moment just to get something out on print but I will come back and see if I have missed details if this girl is not found by October.
I cannot guarantee how 'order of events' comes into play please read and combine all information. Perhaps something might help.
Please check back to view a map as this will be posted as soon as is possible.
Looking at a map meanwhile, I was wondering if there was any connection to the Boeing Reserve - Lockheed Street also Tinning Street. Maybe not but Cliffton Park I believe does come up for one reason or another perhaps though because it is in the vicinity of where this girl disappeared.
![[image] [image]](http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/artua/pirates/256/treasure-map-icon.png)
Dee has compiled a map which OUTLINES all the areas that Tarot may be touching on or may be describing. Please bear in mind that this is not guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.
(Hit the Grey word that says MAPS)
Show on Maps
![[image] [image]](http://www.swiha.co.uk/PICTURES/news.gif)
Jill Meagher disappearance: Melbourne CCTV footage shown
BBC News - 4 hours ago
Melbourne police release CCTV images of Irish woman Jill Meagher, taken minutes before her disappearance in the early hours of Saturday.
- The Age - 6 hours ago
- Sky News - 17 minutes ago
Abduction theory on missing Jill Meagher as police issue statewide plea for witnesses
The witness says new CCTV footage given to police shows Ms Meagher walking unsteadily along Sydney Rd oblivious to the man running towards her.
The witness has told police a car did a sudden U-turn towards Ms Meagher as a man wearing a blue hoodie closed in.
The new CCTV showed the car and also a second man walking some distance ahead of Ms Meagher, the witness said last night.
Police last night would not confirm the witness reports.
Police building murder case after over Jill Meagher disappearance
The Australian - 23 minutes agoA man is expected to be charged with the rape and murder of missing ABC radio employee Jill Meagher.
- The Age - 1 hour ago
Tom Meagher has walked the path where his wife Jill was last seen aliv
Mr Meagher said he was coping as he solemnly walked along Sydney Rd just before 4pm.
At the nearby Brunswick Baptist Church, which his wife would have walked past, Mr Meagher stopped to quietly absorb the hundreds of floral tributes.
Validating Date and time of Tarot from the Forum Library.
JILL MEAGHER « Thread Started on Sept 25, 2012, 3:53pm » | ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
![]() ![]() Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights. It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact. Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities. Please always read the following http://empathysinsights.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/about-tarot-on-this-site.html which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children. TAROT CANNOT BE CONSIDERED AS 100 PER CENT ACCURATE BY LAW. ![]() JILL MEAGHER 25TH SEPTEMBER 2012 There have been a few News reports regarding Jill and I realise that I must prioritiese the 2012 tarot requests over the cold cases but all will be written eventually. Regarding Jill she is still missing and clues are required. Tarot can give some information but it is past present and future and I only write down what I get. Some of it may reflect known facts but often that tells us that Tarot is on track so I know it is always worth putting everything Im shown. If something helps then it is always worth trying to see what Tarot can give. However, Tarot is not considered 100 per cent accurate by law and I cannot claim to solve issues only show what I have in the cards. That being said, lets look at what Tarot wants to say. ![]() Obviously its wise to read the facts regarding Jill but the first card that I have been given is the 8 of wands reversed. When I see this card I know something must have happened pretty quickly. This is actually showing initially a male person and a grasping effect which seems to lead to this card. With the 9 of wands reversed I would have thought that she was apprehended by someone much stronger then her as there does not appear to be enough strength to fight a person off. So my first impression would have been that she was attacked. I could be wrong about this but I am asked to give an opinion and that is what it looks like to me. |
![[image] [image]](http://www.swiha.co.uk/PICTURES/news.gif)
Jill Meagher's accused killer left by his girlfriend
30 Oct 2012 – Jill Meagher's accused killer reportedly cut himself in an attempt to take his own life after being dumped by his girlfriend.UPDATED 27TH FEBRUARY 2013
Jill Meagher accused charged
3AW (blog)-31 Jan 2013
Jill Meagher accused charged with rape offences ... The man accused of the murder of Jill Meagher has been charged with raping a woman ...
Accused Jill Meagher killer Adrian Ernest Bayley hit with seven new ...
NEWS.com.au-1 Feb 2013
THE man accused of the rape and murder of Jill Meagher has faced court charged with new sex offences. Adrian Ernest Bayley, 41, is facing ...
Show more
VIP legal aid for man accused of Jill Meagher's murder
Herald Sun-1 hour ago
JILL Meagher's
alleged killer is getting "Rolls-Royce" taxpayer-funded legal
representation despite other accused criminals having their aid cut.
Tarot has been posted for Jill Meagher.
Hi I was abducted [after accepting a lift and was subsequently assaulted etc..by 7 men in Hope st Brunswick in 1987 . The police never charged them with rape , i was 15 and made up some tales as to how i got in car ... they were charged with having weapons. I had to escape and they chased me in their car, Police told me one of them was mentally ill and had similar offences b4. I think you are picking up on my yellow house , number 10 in the Hills ,and has two attics, as i am very upset about this situation and it triggers my PTSD. I recently went to court and was compensated for the Polices wrongdoing , also I was going to challenge the ESD but decided not to after so much stress.I hope to God these people havent continued doing what they did to me because they got off scott free .
This is crazy, Iv been having visions which I never get about Jill being South east, first it came to me as east, then south east, I also had the vision of a dog, and a river or stream, I kept getting the name Alberton over and over and over, initially I thought this must be a street in melbourne, but Im not from there Im from Auck and I googled it and found out Alberton is outside of Melbourne, there is a street called Pound road west which I was strongly drawn to and I instantly thought interlinked to the dog, I google earthed it and it is a farming area, with old colonial style houses like in my vision, with a stream running near...I feel she is alive, and I know how crazy this all sounds, I see spirit sometimes but not often, but when I read this it had such similarities to parts of my vision it freaked me out.I would love if I could email you privately I see inside the house, it has stairs, is dark, looks unkempt
Hi Empathy and Dee,
Unfortunately it seems like your reading is correct yet again.
This is massive news in Australia, as even though we have a lot of generic crime here, abductions are rare. Awful for her and her loved ones. Kate xx
I found this online at 5pm today.
DETECTIVES are leaning towards the possibility ABC employee Jill Meagher was abducted just minutes from her home, soon after a man wearing a blue hoodie was caught on CCTV footage approaching her on a busy Melbourne street.
"We haven't been able to rule that out at all," said Detective Inspector John Potter, as the search for the missing 29-year-old entered its sixth day.
"In fact, we're looking more and more at that as a possibility."
Police have released CCTV footage that shows Ms Meagher - who moved to Melbourne from Ireland three years ago - speaking with an unknown man in a blue hoodie as she walked home from an inner-city bar after Friday night drinks with her co-workers.
The footage narrows her last known sighting to a spot within a five-minute walk of the Brunswick flat she shares with her husband, just off Sydney Road.
Thomas Meagher has urged anyone who may have seen his wife the night she disappeared to call police.
"It's Friday night on Sydney Road. It's busy. People have to have seen something," he told reporters on Monday.
As Ms Meagher talks with the man in the hoodie, at least five other people, several taxis and a tram are seen passing by, but no one has come forward to police.
"We've very keen to talk to that man in the hoodie," Det Insp Potter said.
Police say Ms Meagher left Bar Etiquette at 1.33am (AEST) on Saturday and encountered the man nine minutes later.
The CCTV footage, released on Wednesday, shows the man walking back and forth outside a bridal store on Sydney Road before speaking to Ms Meagher, who is wearing high heels and carrying two bags.
He then walks off ahead of her, she waits behind for a moment, begins to look at her phone, and continues walking.
Ms Meagher's brother in Perth had a two-minute phone call from her at 1.43am, discussing their father's illness.
Her husband has told the media that he began calling her from home repeatedly, starting at 2am, but only reached her voicemail.
Police say Mr Meagher later left their apartment to look for her.
Several forensic searches of the couple's flat have been conducted this week, but police stress Mr Meagher is not being treated as a suspect.
On Monday, one of the two bags she was seen carrying was found dumped in a laneway between the bridal store and her home.
Police suspect whoever was behind her disappearance may have planted the bag in the laneway to throw off the investigation.
A weekend police search of the laneway had failed to find the bag.
Yes we shall see how this unfolds. Thank you for writing in with an update Kate.
I was very sorry to read your comment and more sorry that it has highlighted issues that have been a scar in your past particularly at such a young age. I wrote the Tarot for Jill and that is what I received for her. However, I feel it is terrible that you have not received justice for what you have been through.
It is interesting that your thoughts collide with Tarot perhaps we shall have to see how this unfolds?
I keep thinking Essendon as location. I keep being shown Jill on a throne, over and over again. She is peaceful.
I think that location is already pointed out on the Tarot map so its a possibility.
Ah. I can't seem to access your linked map.
Very fascinating what you are doing with tarot - I read your reading for Alison Baden-Clay and was very impressed. You have a gift.
Just click the grey link that says Google Maps it comes straight up.
I just read this and I am so so sorry to hear what you went through. I lived in Brunswick for quite a few years and never felt safe.
I hope you have somehow managed to move on and have a relatively normal and happy life.
Lots of love,
hi Empathy, did u get my previous post about mako? Am I on the wrong track? Thankyou xo
I am unable to print it because you have named somebody and unfortunately that could be classed as an accusation. I am sorry.
that's ok... I understand. Thankyou xo
http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/man-charged-with-meaghers-murder-20120928-26olt.htmlMelbourne woman Jill Meagher was allegedly raped and murdered a short distance from her home on the same morning she went missing.
The Irish-born 29-year-old's body was found early on Friday off a dirt road about 50km northwest of the Melbourne CBD.
Jill's body was found buried in a shallow grave under a leafy tree, 5 metres from the road, near paddocks in Gisborne South, 50km north-west of Melbourne.
To get there, the accused, drove up the Calder Highway passing a prominent local landmark - a house on a hill - at Digger's Rest.
Accused has sandy/ginger hair. He won't be safe in prison. The wolves are waiting for him.
Thank you for your comments letting me know details of the area and latest events. I am very sorry to hear the news.
im sorry also i was hoping for a better outcome.i didnt think so but i was hoping for her family.
You got that pretty right Empathy.
I am so amazed at how close you are with so many of the details from before the cctv footage was even released!
I noticed you have highlighted the parts which have been confirmed so far but I think there are some other parts which may be right too.
On the news today they said the 'Black Hill' Rd is in Gisborne 'South' which is north west of the city. It is a 'rural' area and they havn't yet mentioned but I'm sure there is a high chance of 'horses'or 'stables' being close by.
It obviously hasn't been proven yet but I believe there may have been a second man involved and that you got a lot more description for him which we will have to wait and see. I also wonder if he will be caught on a 'Wednesday' in 'October'?
I also think maybe the '22' and '23' may refer to the tram stops on Sydney road between Albert St and Victoria street as that is where Bar Etiquette is.
He was also caught on the 'Thursday' and had the out of court bail hearing that day. She was also found on the 'Thursday'.
So I guess we need to wait and see with a few of these things but I also think you got amazingly close without having seen the cctv footage at the time!
Thank you for this information. Having any validation for Tarot is joyful if locations are recognised as this is a very difficult part of a reading. I really appreciate your knowledge of the area and for writing this informative account. We will have to wait and see if there are further reports and I will update accordingly. Meanwhile I am very sorry that Jill was found in this way. My sympathies go out to her family.
If you scroll back there is a comment posted that seems to give more information of the area and feels that Tarot has some good points with regard to this. This is very important for us Dee as location is the most difficult part of Tarot and we do not know the area so I have thanked the person for their input. They are our eyes on this.
Thank you. Did you already know that she was no longer alive when you did the reading?
i came across your reading the other day... and as information has come to light, you are amazingly accurate in your details. RIP Jill
23 is the street number where accused lived.
There were unpleasant indications in this reading Danielle. It is not for me to confirm life or death in readings as this is unfair to families.
RIP Jill
Empathy and Dee, well done again - tragically true in your reading. Poor dear girl.
Wont there always be skeptics Empathy?
Journos have very little credibility here in Australia, particularly any who work for Herald Sun (under the News Limited banner).
Kate x
I read your insights before the news broke the police were questioning a suspect. I am very familiar with the area this north-north-west area of Melbourne where Jill was abducted from and her body found.
I knew straight off the 'house-on-the-hill' you were referring to (at a town called Digger's Rest). Also this is the region in which Melbourne's international and domestic airports are located.
I particularly remember the Calder Highway has an overpass at Gisborne South and there is a windsock - high winds are a risk there.
Also the first media pictures of the accused, had him with his hands over his head - he had a lot of silver rings on his hands. The media reported the accused is well-built with a tribal celtic tattoo on his left upper arm.
Your impressions were rather accurate. The Calder Highway does 'stream' through the foothills - it's not a challenging road to drive - it flows well through the landscape.
This link contains an area picture of Gisborne South that may help tweak future readings.
Anonymous 27 Sept 2012 21:00
4am – After discovering Ms Meagher’s body in a shallow grave on Black Hill Rd at Gisborne South, Coroner’s Office staff put the body into a white van. Police complete a five-hour investigation at the scene.
Thank you for this additional information. Again it helps to draw the big picture and so often I do not receive these kind of details. It is always imperative to check any validations because this helps to continue the challenge of locations with Tarot. Your comment is very much appreciated.
However a "mystery" remains over male voices the brother could hear in the background during the brief call, during which the pair discussed their father's health.http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1695769/Kidnap-claims-probed-in-Jill-Meagher-case
I am absolutely blown away by your accuracy in the Jill Meagher case and thought you would be interested in this article I have attached which details how the police arrived at the arrest. I read your blog before they released any information so there is no possible way you could have researched to get your reading.
Thank you so much for taking the time to so what you do, just know it is valued.
This is amazing!
The 41-year-old had an emotionally and physically abusive childhood, and a violent and fractured relationship with his father for many years.http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/troubled-past-of-murder-accused-adrian-ernest-bayley/story-e6frg6nf-1226483787739
He did an apprenticeship as a pastry chef and has found work in that role over the years.
Empathy and Dee,
I still dont know how to post links, so i will quickly update you both. The accused Adrian Bailey attempted suicide yesterday(its all over the news) apparantly self inflicted knife wounds to the wrists. He was treated in a city hospital and is now seemingly well and has been returned to prison. Kate xx
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