![[image] [image]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v373/silkrose/QLD%20Missing/sargent.jpg)
Sean Sargent disappeared on March 19th 1999.
Sean visited friends at 1900hrs on 19/3/99 at Orchid Street, St Lucia Brisbane. He became intoxicated and at about 2300hrs he and three friends attended a party at Hawkins Drive, St Lucia. Sean had an altercation with a male person in front of the residence, a fight took place and Sean and friends returned to Orchid Street. Sean had been drinking alcohol at the party and indicated he would sleep in his car. At about 2345hrs Sean allegedly left Hawkins Drive and has not been seen since. His blue 1992 EB falcon sedan Qld reg. 746 ENN is also missing.
![[image] [image]](http://vvv.pictonale.net/2011/02/27/064d6mb/mid-important.gif)
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
![[image] [image]](http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n163/odmod/tarot3_logo.gif)
7TH JUNE 2012
I have been asked to look at Tarot for Sean. As you are aware, Tarot tries to give us possibilities of the situation and attempts to offer clues that may assist. Tarot looks at past present and future but events may be jumbled and we do have to consider everything given. Tarot is not considered 100 per cent accurate by law so please go to factual sources of information.
We do have some background information about Sean which may show in the Tarot but lets see what Tarot can give to us.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r/r45.jpg)
This card does not indicate a fight itself, but it can show that quarrels took place in this run of cards. I would feel from this card that Sean's security and possibly finances/possessions were compromised. This card is one of insecurity and threats to our health. I seem to see theft here (rogues or burglary also) so Im not sure about him sleeping in his car.
A car can be seen stationary but it does not offer a safe port of call, in that case I would either say it was unsafe for him to sleep in his car or perhaps that he did not do that. It rather negatises things to see this card reversed as some deception seems to come up here. Our card is North in direction but I seem to have a link too to the South West. These could be starting points or other links/connections for directions. There could be a 'feeling ill' coming in here with stomach so if he was drinking he might not have been feeling good.
Agricultural or rural environment comes up here but so does the letter 'G'. Are there schools nearby or school/college names? I seem to see 'finances' here very strongly. I also see shops? or some kind of business. Perhaps an abandoned property? but what I seem to see overall is that his well being is shaky and he has to depend on someone else here whether friend, girlfriend or relative for his wellbeing. Seems to me that he lost his sense of independence and needed to figure out how to make things right. I seem to see him being cut off from property?
Also was he having problems at work? or perhaps a working environment is coming up here.
The army/military can show up in these cards but Im not getting a positive feel for that.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r/r62.jpg)
East seems to be the direction or name of a place to come up here as well as West as to where Sean might be located. Hills, airports, high ground could surround him possibly railways in the area too though that is not always the case.
Travel is halted in this card and may show a connection to his vehicle going off the road or that it could be found off the road. The sense of no protection seems to come up here and barns/storehouses can show here also. I do get the feeling of some kind of deception regarding Sean or people around him. Three people do show up but I just feel that there is something missing here in the events story. Perhaps some more truth needs to come out? as it seems that two people seem to know more or hold the key to Sean.
I see respiration is affected in these cards and I also sense 'small animals' or pets, dogs perhaps? Water in the name of vicinity, rocks or stone come up here. A tree name, possibly an 'island' as well as a white bridge and a large river seem to show as do the initials M or W . Bells come up? and a lake or body of water. Drunk people show a lot here but I think he is near water or a lake. Did someone move house/office? Number 12 or 21 has significance but so does number 3.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r28.jpg)
Seems to me that Sean can be found somewhere near his hometown, this is a familiar vicinity and it is also a card of friends and family so that seems to be the vicinity that stands out the most. An old friend might be able to help? again all the water references come up here but so do flowers. I notice Orchid was the name of the street and seems to come up here so the clues seem to be at Orchid street?
I see him alone and Im just being sent there with this card unless there are other areas with flower names? This card is West too. All the information relating to the last card from the last 4 lines seems to apply. Note this card is number 6 which may be route or have some other significance. I still see him with the water significances and I do still see a lake or body of water or that a place has that water name.
Has a property been renovated? bedrooms might come up at some point but so can cellars and basements. I wonder if he can be connected to either. Church names might also show up here too. I feel Im being taken back to the past and where he was as a place to find him. Drug stores can come up as can 'vets'.
I could be wrong but its a coincidence that flowers and north facing garden walls show up on this card so I keep feeling past environment connections are important and also the North East. Also in particular a BRIDGE. It seems that more concentration on the past area could bring some results. He may be found in a summer month or towards the end of the year, November for example. What year I cannot give only the possible season.
This is just a very brief look at Tarot and Im not sure if anything here can help but maybe something might? Please read Tarot as a 'whole'.
Looking at a Map or Orchid Street I notice that West from there is a river and bridges that cross it. I have no idea if this area is important but Orchid Street would be North East from there. There is also another Bridge on the M5 and I see 'Mosquito Island'. Again these places may just be coming up in Tarot? If Dee sees this case and gives a tarot map I will post it.
Dee has provided a map which OUTLINES all the areas that Tarot may be touching on or may be describing. I have left the link below the Icon. Please bear in mind that this is not guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.
![[image] [image]](http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/artua/pirates/256/treasure-map-icon.png)
Orchid Street, St Lucia Brisbane. to Sir William Macgregor Dr, St Lucia QLD 4067, Australia - Google
maps.google.comDee also has produced a link for Schonell Bridge.
![[image] [image]](http://www.swiha.co.uk/PICTURES/news.gif)
- http://www.australianmissingpersonsregister.com/SeanSargent.htmwww.australianmissingpersonsre
gister.com The faces staring out are ghosts of the past, their faces reflect lives which suddenly froze the moment they vanished.
the bridge here is very possible that he went over it.that could be why sean or his car has never been found. just thinking here.and this is jmo
I truly hope that Sean is found. His dissapeance was very out of character and so much time has gone by. I can't imagine how tough this has been on his family! I have fond memories of Sean and it saddens me that he is no longer around.
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