Matthew Allen Hill , 26, Washington DC, MISSING ALERT:
D.C. police now have classified a 26-year-old Christian outreach worker last seen Tuesday morning near the Verizon Center as a "critical missing person."
A Facebook page has been set up to help locate Matthew Alan Hill, a 2008 graduate of Elon University in North Carolina. Additional contact information can be found on the "Praying and Searching for Matt Hill * Missing *" Facebook page.
From that page " Matt Hill is missing and so is his car. Any information we can find about his car would be extremely helpful. 1996 Black Honda Civic LX. DC License Plate: DT 2747. If you live or work near any car impound lots in DC/VA/MD, PLEASE look for it and let the authorities know."
Friends say he was last seen at about 10:30 a.m. Tuesday near the Verizon Center in Northwest D.C. Hill -- who works for Campus Outreach D.C. -- had dropped off a friend before he went missing.
Matt was last seen wearing a blue shirt and plaid shorts
updated from FaceBook group 723pm CST
Hill was driving a 1996 Black Honda Civic LX with D.C. plates DT-2747. The car also is missing.
Cmdr. Michael Reese of the Metropolitan Police Department's 2nd District says police have talked with Hill's friends and family, and that Hill is a "very conscientious person" who "keeps in touch with everyone."
"The established pattern is not indicative of his normal behavior," Reese says. "It's not like Matt not to call or not to keep in touch with his friends."
Hill is described as being 6 feet tall and weighing 165 pounds. He has light brown or dirty blond hair and blue eyes.
Anyone with information can call police at 202-715-7300, 202-727-9099 or 202-730-1903
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the TAROT understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
« Thread Started 28 MAY 2011 at 22:34 »
Looking at Matthews information I have looked at tarot to see if it can shed any light on the situation as to why Matthew has disappeared. Tarot can pick up information past present and future and therefore because of this messages can appear to tumble together so I ask you be careful when you read. It may incorporate information already known. Tarot is not 100 per cent accurate and bearing that in mind it is always wise to seek factual sources for true information.
Firstly asking tarot about the date in question and the time, I have the Page of Cups which seems to show some kind of messages from someone who may be fairly youthful . It is often news of a child but it can also represent an immature nature . I see there is some kind of proposal here and a journey of some description that may go towards lakes and boats or even someplace that is beside the water. The proposal seems to come from someone who is very emotionally caring and though it is a west card primarily there may have been an East West road here. I feel as though a proposal of some description is being made to a female who is blonde??
Alternatively it could be that Matthew was driving to help someone out. The Queen of cups is often a distant relative or simply fair haired lady. It can be a man, but its a very poetic and feminine card that I have here. There are very strong connections to the Church through the King of Cups so wonder if its one of the parishioners (I might have spelt that wrong). It does seem to show Matthew in his town of origin via the 10 of cups which he bypasses. The Page of cups shows a walkway with water beside it and often is called the fishermans card. Did Matthew have a sexuality problem? OR someone he knows ?
Here we have the hanged man - well, this card is reversed and often is a card that can show someone who is in total suspension. - I have always felt with this card that it is a situation you can get yourself out of if you want to. But does Matthew want to? This card always reminds me of Marble Arch in London - the old Traitors Gate - the Ydrassill tree - it makes me feel that people needed to be enlightened about something and Matthew wanted them to know something also but are people left to draw their own conclusions? I dont have a direction on the Hanged man - I see it as some kind of loss or problem with spirituality and to me this is a card thats in the mind more then anything which upsets the emotions. Others might feel that it is a water card being linked to Neptune, but I dont see him underwater I see him by water. Therefore he must be somewhere where there is 'water' in the name of the place even more particularly with the Fishermans card showing on the first turn. However number 12 is on this card and it may be a distance marker of some description. I think this is a card of indecision, Im feeling that Matthew did,nt want to give something up, perhaps a possession of his or perhaps a viewpoint??
There may be another person in the picture somewhere. Was he having problems with his religious beliefs?? Matthew does have a very overdeveloped sense of duty, he may really have been trying to help someone else out?
He may have taken financial risks, that is true but what I also see is that Matthew always needed to be true to himself and maybe that wont make other people happy but its a case of -I gotta do what I gotta do.
From what I see here Matthews disappearance is self inflicted and self imposed. Maybe he wanted time out. Maybe he was naive, maybe irresponsible but it just seems that is the way it is that isolates him from friends and family. He needs to deal with people and situations that he feels are unhealthy in other peoples eyes and I suppose that is what I see here. There may be an older guy in the picture here its possible but this is a completion card so I feel that Matthew should be found on either a 9 time marker or a 6 time marker. Perhaps he just did,nt want to listen to good advice. The strength card reversed shows problems to the neck area which can mean respiration problems - so clearly there could have been a mishap here. The Hermit often shows a big hill or 'above a town' where you can look down somehow - and it is very rustic where there might be trees etc , woodland or just that kind of country feel. I think he is hidden/concealed but I see a kind of isolated paranoia of some description here.
This could all relate to Matthew or someone he was going to help I cant be sure which it is. But finding Matthew this is all the description I have except that he is likely to be found BEFORE August if the Hermits timing is correct. Someone here is very immature and not listening to practical advice. I seem to be getting a 'Peter Pan' signal here too.
I hope this turns out well for Matthew but it just depends whether tarot is talking about him or another person. If it is Matthew there could be a big problem here AND if not the big problem is with someone else that Matthew tried to sort out. This is just a brief look at the tarot but if Matthew is not found I will look again. Meanwhile I will still consider what I have been given via the tarot and post further if necessary.
I have North West for West for Matthew but the car Im not sure of as it might be North or South I cant decide which. Its possible that a blonde female has the car? it could still be a male, but I leave what I have. PS HERMITS are apartments and attics - if that is reversed - UNDER??? it can also mean roof, caravan, trailer or anything like that. So I give all possibilities.
Tarot is not 100 per cent accurate but I hope at least some of the indications might assist as its possible not everything applies. This is a very brief reading for Matthew and not an indepth report.
Matthew found six days after disappearance. His disappearance was something he chose to do and clearly he does not wish to discuss this.
Matthew Hill Found Alive And Well
From wusa9.com9:49 AM, May 29, 2011
WASHINGTON, DC (WUSA)--DC Police say that Matthew Alan Hill, the 26-year-old man last seen Tuesday, May 24, has been found alive and is doing well.
Police say that Hill did not want to disclose his location or offer an explanation for his disappearance.
Hill was the subject of an intense search by police and by members of the Capitol Hill Baptist Church for which Hill did outreach work on the campus of George Washington University.
Holger Hill, Matthew's father, had come to Washington from North Carolina to join in the search efforts.
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