31 May 2011 Last updated at 14:17
Joel Andrews Joel Andrews was looking forward to sister's visit, says his cousin
The cousin of a man who is missing after a rave on Dartmoor says it is "not in his nature" to disappear.
Joel Andrews, 24, of Caldicot, Monmouthshire, was last seen in the early hours of 22 May at the Fernworthy Reservoir area near Chagford.
His friends and family have joined Devon and Cornwall Police and the Dartmoor Rescue Group in their search.
Emma Scott, Mr Andrews' cousin, said he would have wanted to see his sister, who was visiting from Germany.
"It's not in Joel's nature to not contact his family," she said.
"She was coming over for a visit and I know that he would have wanted to see her and his niece."
"I would urge anyone who attended and may have seen Joel to please contact police ”
Police have appealed for a group of six people seen "wading...fully clothed" at Fernworthy Reservoir between 1330 BST and 1500 BST on the day Mr Andrews disappeared.
A spokesman for Devon and Cornwall Police said: "We are keen to speak to the members of this group as they may have vital information that could help us find Joel Andrews".
Mr Andrews was last seen wearing a grey Animal hooded top and jeans and a dark green waist-length jacket.
Det Insp Brett Mitchell, who is leading the inquiry, said: "We now know that Joel was last seen at midday on Sunday 22 May and he was still at the site where the rave was held.
"I would urge anyone who attended and may have seen Joel to please contact police as they may have a vital piece of information that will allow us to find him."
A Facebook page has been created by friends who joined the search for Mr Andrews.
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the TAROT understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.

JOEL ANDREWS« Thread Started Today (early hours 1st June 2011) at 1:38 »
I have a request on blogger to look at tarot for Joel Andrews who went missing just recently on 22nd May 2011.
I must advise that when asking tarot for advice that it will give us information from the past as well as the present and future. It gives 'glimpses' rather than every detail. Tarot cannot always give 100 per cent accuracy and all I can do is pass on what I actually get from tarot. Some details may not apply at the current time or may even apply to someone in the background, but I give whatever I find. Please go to other sources for factual information.
Looking at tarot the first card I have on Joel is the 9 of pentacles reversed. We are asking tarot what happened after 12pm on 22 May which is the last time that Joel was seen. Perhaps tarot wants to tell us other things but I will continue. This card seems to tell us about insecuries sometimes with finances. On this card I am getting feelings of isolation and loneliness and there appears to be some problem with money. I am wondering if Joel has run out of money or he has some problem regarding it as this seems quite specific to get this card in this way.
I feel like he has to depend on others to help him financially because he himself is cut off with not a lot of money. At what point this is I do not know as tarot tells us things and it can mean 'any time epoch'. Im sort of feeling that he has made some poor decisions here.'OTHERS' are mentioned in this card even though you can see the person is alone clearly they were with others but Im seeing some kind of situation where there is a lack of finance here and its possible that he might have needed a helping hand or something has formed an obstacle with cash?
I do see 'family obligations' and problems here . I dont know if Joel was having problems at work or what was on his mind here. I am definitely seeing a situation here of making 'quick cash'.This might be someone else There might even be dishonesty in financial matters and this seems to be around him but Im not sure how it links exactly.
I am not that sure that he is surrounded by 'nature' in this card because it seems to show a dissociation from that environment so perhaps he was in that environment but something came up here somewhere. Yes, it does seem to me that perhaps someone has had to help him out or the other way around? As for some reason I see some 're-structuring of finances ' here maybe he has lost his money or has had to give it away? or maybe taken off him? I cant be quite clear but the bottom line is that someone could have stolen money from him as it all seems to look a bit like that and that he has lost his security and caution is warned here. He might have attracted some 'hanger on' type people who could have swindled him.
PLACES: Caves, canyons, forests, groves, valleys, fields, farms, gardens, parks, plant nurseries, farmer's markets, kitchens, baby nurseries, basements, mines, holes.
This card has several places representative of pentacles, not all will apply but some do seem to be the right description of the 'environment' that Joel was in. Im still trying to figure out if he is still in the vicinity.
This card always represents NORTH all pentacles but on this card can represent North and West. This could apply to where Joel comes from and what direction he was in at the time given.
Looking to see where Joel might be now.
I am getting East and some kind of foreign element here. I dont know if there is someone who is foreign here. I cant think that it could be a foreign country I dont know if that is making sense. But what I do see is authority, a soldier, police and and people of that nature are coming into this card when I ask where Joel is. I dont know if they have found him as I write this but it might be the case.
However, it could be that where they are searching is where he is and that would make sense. The King of Swords is next to the STAR card and is a card of inspiration so perhaps he is not quite where he was last seen but might be somewhere still in the vicinity. This card also is a card of a doctor so there might be a doctor here somewhere. I might have this all wrong and tarot is talking about where Joel was last and not giving me more but its what Im getting.
The King always takes us to the 10 of Swords and its possible that someone has hurt his head or back because on the 10 of swords we have indications of neurological matters and I do seem to see that the 10 of swords has a riverbank here. Im not seeing Joel in the water but perhaps near water?? The star card shows people who are trying to drain a pond or trying to look in the water. I do hope everything will be alright. The 10 is an after completion card so Joel might have come into contact with rogues which I dont really like but I hope that they find him. I keep seeing a someone who is black for some reason and not sure why. There might have been two men here. I really cant be certain. I think one is found first and then the other one.
Also some very outside link to America, wonder if he met someone american?
I feel that someone is going to come forward or some news will come forward soon about finding Joel. The King of Wands is also 'authority' and I can see this coming to a head soon. I also see someone here who has much worry and stress and there is a 10 of this card. Sometimes this 10 can mean a person is found under 10 weeks but it can mean other things too like distance or have some other significance. I seem to see some buildings by a town but the town is on the edge of the country. It just might mean some 'buildings' that are reached out of the countryside. I hope that makes sense somehow. However, I just think that tarot is telling us that this matter will be sorted out and hopefully I feel it could be soon. I do see a News reporter here . I also seem to see some messages on the internet and Im not sure why that is.
While Im writing, Im not sure whether Joel intended to think about a new job or career I maybe the army or maybe something like that or some kind of job that offered him better money and security. I seem to feel this is at the back of my mind and also if this was the case, it might mean he would have to be away from home a lot.I truly hope that SOME of tarots information is useful. I understand that sometimes we can get a lot of messages and I might on occasion misinterpret them but at the same time it will try to explain in its own way. Tarot is not 100 per cent accurate and can dump information that is from thoughts, inspirations and actualities that may have either crossed the path or come to the mind of the person Im writing for or be a part of people they know.
Keeping my fingers crossed that Joel is found and soon ultimately, this card tells us that Joel is SOUTH. (Towards Buckfastleigh?)
Wands are action cards but they can also represent places with fire in them or show that there is a lot of action to find Joel. I am also seeing someone driving a car here and some kind of sporting element so I dont know how this figures, but I see sports fields, gyms, suanas, locker rooms just things to do with sport and it might be someone who Joel knows or met but again not sure about why I have this. Tarot may give mixing up all its messages so we shall just have to see how this works out as I might picking up different aspects of other people in the picture.
This is fresh news and seems to report that Joel was last seen riding a motor scooter. I thought it was a car in the tarot but its true to say that the Knight of Wands (leading to King) can be a motorbike or a car.
So thats interesting.
« 16 June 2011 at 17:11 »
Being as the King of Wands is a FIND card, the number on the King is 14. Wands are weeks. This might suggest that Joel could be found within 14 weeks . The only problem is whether it is 14 weeks from when tarot was written or from when he went missing. It could be either. I am still seeing buildings and worry and stress about something. The King of wands does tell us that there should be news maybe from a man in authority or a man within the 14 week period. Woods might still figure he could be somewhere where the woods meet buildings or 'edge of nearest town/place ' near woods but in a building at some point. Tarot is not 100 per cent. Wands are South - and Swords are East - maybe SOUTH EAST?
Regretfully, Joel has been found deceased. So sad for his family. At the current time, it appears no details are in the press as to what may have occurred and I will post this as it comes in. Tarot felt Joel would be found in 14 weeks and there are other points here but I cannot check the other details in tarot until we know what the Police feel on the matter of whether foul play is suspected. Again, once more to family and to friends, I am very sorry for the loss of Joel.
On Sunday, 3rd July 2011, a local walker discovered a body in woods close to Fernworthy Reservoir, Devon.
Police officers attended the scene and the body was later removed.
At this time the deceased has not been identified but the family of missing man Joel Andrews from Gwent have been notified of this development.
A post mortem is due to take place today.
Body found is missing Caldicot man
9:25am Wednesday 6th July 2011
Mr Andrews’ family were told about the discovery of a body in woodland close to the Fernworthy Reservoir, Devon, on Sunday.
There was an update on 24th of June. I have only just seen these details and they have appeared after tarot was written.
Police renew appeal to help trace missing man, Chagford / Gwent
Detectives searching for missing Gwent man Joel Andrews have appealed to the public for more information.
Police are keen to renew the appeal for information surrounding the disappearance of Joel Andrews at Fernworthy reservoir on Sunday 22 May 2011.
It is a month since Joel was reported missing and Monday 27 June 2011 will be Joel’s 25th birthday.
A great deal of assistance has been received from those who attended the rave.
Detective Inspector Steve Parker said: “We know that Joel was last seen at a junction of the tracks about 200metres from the main site, approximately between midday and 1pm on Sunday 22 May, although the timings may be slightly wrong.
“He was in the area of a white Transit style van and we are keen to trace the occupants. The van was parked beside a red car and anyone who can assist in identifying the occupants is asked to contact the police.
“I would also like to reiterate that it is not my team’s intention to investigate minor offences that may have been committed, we are focusing on the search for Joel and anyone who has information that can assist us in that search should contact the investigation team.”
Police continue to make searches of the area and will do so for some time given the nature of the area.
Inquest opens into Caldicot man's death
10:10am Thursday 14th July 2011
AN INQUEST into the death of Caldicot man Joel Andrews who went missing while on a rave in Devon, was opened and adjourned.
Mr Andrews went missing on May 22 while attending an outdoor rave near Chagford on the edge of Dartmoor on May 22.
His body was discovered six weeks later in woodland close to Fernworthy Reservoir where he was last seen.
Devon and Cornwall Police notified Mr Andrews’ family after a body was discovered by a walker on July 3.
Apost-mortem examination was carried out last week before his family were told of the confirmed identity.
An inquest into his death was opened at North Devon Coroner’s Court and adjourned pending further investigations.
The cause of death has not yet been established.
In a tribute released last week, Mr Andrews’ mother, Tracey Reid, grandmother, Sidonia Cartwright, sister Carleigh Deakin, and brothers Christopher and Gareth Andrews thanked all of Mr Andrews’ friends who posted messages on a special Facebook page and helped for the search in Devon, as well as the South Wales Argus for publicising the ongoing search.
They said: “We have been overwhelmed by all the good wishes we’ve had from the people of Caldicot and people who didn’t know Joel.”
Mr Andrews’ body has been released and his family are currently organising his funeral.
Friends and family came together last weekend to celebrate Mr Andrews’ life with a fundraising event for Dartmoor Search & Rescue, social networking site Social Alert Me, and Global Rescue Services.
Following an afternoon and evening of music and food, Mrs Reid joined others in a two-minute silence for her son before releasing balloons, each with a handwritten note inside.
Not sure what to think but anything is worth a try we just want joel home
Just reading back on this, RIP Joel, make sure you keep the partying going up there, my heart goes out to your family, make sure you look after them fella X
How did he die?
I have had no confirmation at all about what happened to Joel there has been nothing in the papers that I know of. I hope someone might actually tell me.
He died of a drug overdose.
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