MISSING: January 24, 2010
FROM: Wichita Falls, Texas
Danielle Hill Alvarado, 27 is missing. A young mom who adores her young daughter and was very close with her family. She was last seen following church services and attended a baby shower with family. Danielle was afraid to go home as her husband was very upset that she attended a family function. She feared him. Her mother begged her to stay at her home, however, Danielle said if she didn't go home it would be a far worse punishment. She left and has never been seen again. Her husband has not been considered a suspect by police.
Her young daughter resides with her grandparents and Danielle's parents have been continually searching for their needed answers as to what happened to Danielle?
Danielle would never go without contacting her family and daughter. At one point, a woman told her mother that she had reliable information that Danielle was choked and put in the city landfill. At the same time, when questioned by police, the "source" wavered on her statements and therefore was not considered to have "first hand knowledge."
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
« Thread Started 28th May 2011 at 21:18 »
This young lady disappeared in January 2010 and from then on her family have wondered what happened to her. Tarot can provide glimpses of the past the present and the future but is not 100 per cent accurate. Please go to other sources for factual information.
Well my first confirmation here is obviously recording events of the day on which Danielle disappeared. Daniel's story is recorded in the text above. It seems to me that Danielle might have even had problems going to that baby shower beforehand because there is a total disunity about it on the tarot. There might have been quarrels about the child or just some kind of negative vibe over the whole event. If it had not been said that Danielle attended this celebration I would have said she did,nt even go there, but tarot might just be saying that there were problems about it so I will stick to the information that is given. Clearly then the event was a problem to someone? Though there is some kind of 'problem with women here.
I might have to stop right here and skip to the next question because already there is a problem here as there has been some defective knowledge - something is alerting that gossip of the situation is incorrect and this is going to come out in the future. I am getting someone who drank too much at a ceremony or party??
Six of wands is showing going towards the town or a busy place and we have a Laurel wreath here which seems to conclude some kind of victory. The six of Wands is a card that might be going South East as that is the direction that appears to be on this card. It is showing a town or a market where we have to take note of the number 6. I am also seeing someone with a white car that might actually be quite sporty. It also seems that someone is claiming something that is not true. I see Danielle being betrayed by a friend. I am seeing sports/sports field - places where people carry out sport, it may be a place near a motel or even somewhere that you might have celebrations? Here I am seeing a situation where one is thinking about possible harm which has not yet been inflicted and I am seeing countryside with a house on the Hill in fact the Hill shows itself twice, one near the Motel/place of celebration and going towards this place also. I have to say this is curious because I do see a man in a white car here who would be considered to be a friend??
According to the Page of Swords Danielle will be found with an 11. This could be 2011 or might even be a distance marker or 11 is a number in terms of time.
The swords are normally months but 11 months from when Danielle vanished has not brought her home it has come and gone therefore perhaps it may mean 11 months from when tarot is written or we may have to refer to the other suggestions I have made here.
I seem to hear/see music in the name of a place where Danielle might be as the Page connects to the Fool who is often thought of as an artistic card linked to music paintings and art. The Page can also show Hills, Railways and Airports as well as Golf Clubs and fields. This card shows EAST and seems to indicate that Danielle will be found East ultimately. I would be very interested where the Baby shower was held and will look at a map once I have that information as for some reason I am not moving very far away from there . Did Danielle plan a divorce or consider one? even if she did I see that whenever her romance broke down it somehow became re-kindled as it seems to me that the man in her life always managed to 'get around her' ? I personaly think Law and Order have full clarity of the situation even if this is not apparent to others? I could be wrong of course.
This is an extremely short synopsis of what may have occurred to Danielle.
1 comment:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/49510344/ns/local_news-wichita_falls_tx/t/murder-investigation-opened-alvarados-death/ Police say they first investigated the disappearance of Danielle Hill Alvarado as a missing persons case, but that changed once her body was recovered late last week.
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