Michele Pulsifer,3 Missing 3/17/69 Huntington Beach, CA
MICHELLE PULSIFER DOB: Mar 17, 1966 Missing: Mar 17, 1969 Height: 3'5" (104 cm) Eyes: Brown Race: White Age Now: 39 Sex: Female Weight: 40 lbs (18 kg) Hair: Blonde Missing From: HUNTINGTON BEACH CA United States Michelle was last seen in 1969, but the exact date is unknown. The above missing date is an approximation. She is missing under suspicious circumstances. ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT National Center for Missing & Exploited Children 1-800-843-5678 (1-800-THE-LOST) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orange County District Attorney's Office (California) 1-714-245-8408 http://www.missingkids.com/missingkids/s....a rchLang=en_US
I have had a request to look for five children from one of the posters in the requests section here on the blogger. I have a reading for the first child Michelle results are below.
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
PLEASE NOTE - Tarot picks up past present and future 'vibrations'. Referring to a person is simply their vibration through intuition and not alluding to mediumistic qualities.
« Thread Started Today at 5:43 » 2010
Theres a lot of information on the link about this child but it is extensive and I have not read it all as not to cloud a reading.
I am going to ask three simple questions of tarot to see what it turns up. It may reflect what is already in the information but if it does then at least we are on the right track. Please remember to always read the Important Notices about Tarot which tell you that it is not 100 per cent accurate and that all tarot will reflect past present and future events.
Asking tarot what happened to Michelle in 1969 to cause her to disappear, I am given the 9 of pentacles. The nine of pentacles is a health and security card and when thats reversed it shows very little security around this child. There is also a massive money problem and this could have contributed to problems within the household. There is also a lack of discipline here and possibly even dishonesty in finance or money matter.
This card can show 'theft'. It is a money card so it could suggest its to do with that because there are legal entanglements and possibly even problems with the home itself whereby it might have come to a point where the people had to move or could not afford to live there. It could also show this girl being taken out of the house as theft is one way of putting it. Healthy influences are not on this card at all. There is a lot of upset to house and even business here because the card before shows someone who works really hard and for some reason they just seem to drop their enthusiasm somewhat. Someone here in this card wanted to do well with money and there is a kind of wishing to get up the ladder perhaps to success and make a real go of something but there are vain hopes with this. There is a really deluded feeling about this card and deception.
If there is deception regarding health and safety, then we can suppose that this child was neither healthy NOR safe in her own home. This card can signify someone holding a bag and putting something in it. I hope of course it was not this child.
North Winter Midnight seems to be a timing/direction of some importance and also South Summer and Midday.
The 9 reversed shows something deceptive about a matter that was NOT completed . I need to look further to understand that.
This card shows that matters to do with this child are not completed and are derailed. The home life is upside down, finances are upside down, the house looks as though theres some kind of eviction the whole thing is a mess and someone in this card was worried that their relationship could not stay secure. If we applied this to little Michelle surely it would tells us that her security and homelife was incomplete, out of balance and that she was 'put out of the home'. So I dont think shes in that house thats for sure and there are deceptive qualities so I think we need to be careful about deciding this child is deceased or not. She went OUT of the house and if we consider that the 10 of pentacles is the next card up which describes the biological home and that also is upside down that rather confirms things.Divorce split ups and nothing left to cling to much less is there money to look after a child because I dont see that here.
As you can see the tarot brings up the home life which briefly would pick up on the state of events ( not that I have read all of it) BUT the underlying factor is that this girl was 'taken/stolen' away from the home perhaps in a bag from a very unhealthy insecure and unproductive atmosphere.
Tarot is with us on this matter because when asking what the Mother did with the child tarot is telling us that this was never solved and that though a grave is being looked for it has not manifested and it also points to events from the past. That seems to agree with the reports.
The Sun is prior to Judgement which shows us the child being taken away from family domain. The world on the other side of the Judgement card if it is connected to a reverse cycle would suggest 'not going anywhere' but releases a person from 'unwanted ties'. Loss of health here. Sometimes judgement in this position can tell us that someone sacrifices something for a better life. Whether or not the child was killed or whether she was given to someone else I am not clear because of course we do have a red cross on this card which can really mean an accident or something of that nature which the report tells us that the mother did declare the child was dead.
If this child was had died she already had an illness and this is clear over these cards that this child had respiratory problems so I would have thought it is likely that she could have been deceased before leaving the house and removed in a bag.
The tower reversed is a typical card for agrophobia - someone who is shut in. A home or a building is on the card - upright people are thrown out of the home and when reversed they are 'still there' but that could mean that this child is still linked to the property? as again there appears to be a lot of deception on this card.
There is broken Masonry with the Tower and rubble. It sort of suggests having to remove that and this card talks about writing on the wall - whether that means anything I cannot be sure.
We could be talking about a ruined building that has collapsed. The card previous to this one is the Devil card which is a fatality for evil which is,nt nice and the Devil card can show us places where there is nature attached. But this is reversed so I would be looking somewhere rural but in a building that is collapsed ruined or perhaps even deserted because the people are thrown out of it in the tower. That may not mean the family home itself but another place. Writing on the wall is a clue it seems.
A tower could be something tall or something that was tall.
The Devil gives us a circle and a line and North I see there is a Lake Park but interestingly 'circle park' - so thats a pretty wild guess and possibly way out but I find location pretty difficult with tarot.
However it is North - and would work out to be South perhaps of the family home if you were in that position. So North South would be pretty much practical.
Im sure the Devil card at 15 is connected to the Death card at 13. There is a 13 th street near the Circle park. Following the Tower which is number 16 we also have the Star at 17. So all numbers that could be useful perhaps. 17th St goes to another park which is Worthy Park and the star shows a lake there. Well there is a dual park as mentioned called Lake Park/ Circle Park. Worthy Park does,nt seem to have much there on Google. I have no idea what was there in 1969 but I only offer a couple of ideas which as I have said must not be fully relied on.
Circle park used to be a camping ground. That fits very well with the Devil and nature and obviously rubble might have been part of the scenery once upon a time.
Farquhar Park was once called Circle Park because it was surrounded by streets giving it a circular shape. In 1967, the land adjacent to Circle Park, which was separated by a street, was covered with clean fill thereby connecting the two parcels and creating one large park.
The land used to be an open dirt area used by the Boys and Girl Scouts for camping.
Asking if this child will ever be found, we have the hanged man which shows matters in suspension. If she were found it is likely to be in the 'fall' it is never out of the question that this child will be forever in limbo because changes can always come with the hanged man. We must remember that the hanged man shows Limbo status but one that can be changed. It is not fixed. Strangely this card is for this little girl notice the hanged man wearing a tunic. There seems to be a stake in the ground somewhere. Its been a long time a very long time the world card shows at least 30 years but I say never say never as a 'great awakening' is always possible. Perhaps there is a tree nearby just as there is in the hanged man?
Here are some links to the story of Michelle. As you can see there is a confession that she was buried in a canyan on the riverbank in orange county. Devil cards can bring up Riverbanks and nature areas. If there is a confession I guess that must be where she is?....
Well perhaps thats so but then again there is a lot of deception in the cards - there is Sun and Life, but there is illness and sickness.
The Hanged man passes Justice and walks into the Death Card and the death card promises resurrection. So who can say, maybe she will be found - did she die? well tarot reflects a lot of the story - but Im just going to say that prudence can be a fine thing and maybe it was used????
More links
Reading back over this tarot, I am feeling that tarot has picked up the news reports saying this child has died. I would put a huge question mark on this as it is not completely a bone fide event. Perhaps tarot is picking up that the mother said she gave the child to relatives. I have now read all the story.
It could be possible this child was removed from bad circumstances but being a girl she could also have been subject to sexual matters not that it was very clear to me only that there was an unhealthy situation in the home.
Prudence comes up very strongly with the Hanged man. Prudence would suggest just that. With the lies and deception perhaps it really is a case of the little girl all those years ago is 'dead' in name but perhaps not in actuality. Whatever the case if Prudence is present does that not mean that we should step back?
NOTE: No comments will be allowed on this particular case due to complaints of accusations. If you have information on this case please send it to Law Enforcement not discuss it or name others. Thank you for your co operation.