Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Bill Wheeler Sr. has been missing since May 26, 2010. and there is an active investigation into his whereabouts. He was the owner of the Grab n Go Bikini stands and Nationwide and is known nationwide because of it. He went to pick up an espresso machine and truck from his house in Vegas where his estranged wife lived and was never heard of again. His truck was found burned in Victorville, Ca and the person leaving the scene was not him. The case has gone cold with no leads.
I have personally written to Mr Wheelers son who frequents another forum as he posted the details of his father and circumstances inviting psychic messages. I offered my tarot on the situation. I am having to edit some of the information which is basically the emails in full. However, I have posted the information that I received in respect of his Father from my 'private thread' therefore the dates of posting are authentic.
Please find it below and note some parts are repetative as this was a transcript. I have taken out personal references.
Dates of posting as per detailed below.
November 4, 10:25 pm.2010
Tarot is not 100 per cent. It probably is, but there are very many situations that can come up with just one card and its easy to misinterpret on occasion.
I asked tarot what happened to Bill Wheeler senior on 26 May 2010
He was going towards a home/house - it may or may not have gates but often there are some in this card. Its the four of wands. Usually it shows a reunion with a home thats familiar or with someone familiar - but I see that this card is reversed and it is showing me some very 'shaky relationship here' if he was making his way to this home was not that happy it as it did not give him any pleasure to go there - this card says that the relationship which might be with either someone in the home or connected to the home itself seems very unsteady theres some kind of hasty action there and theres a non commital feeling in this card.
Because this is an action card, it means that Bill might have had to go there to DO something but for some reason did,nt want to do it.
This card is four and four numbers are usually rest and peace - if you get that reversed you can see his rest and peace is definately not coming out regarding this place or building he was going to or went to.
This card does suggest he is going to a place. I really dont know why hes so uneasy about this. Theres some kind of problem with material security and its relecting in some kind of conflict Im not sure whether this is physical or just emotional.
.... he really did,nt want to go there at all because I think he thought there might be some conflict about that so I dont know if they got on at this stage of writing tarot but I can sense all his feelings here.
This card generally points to the South but when its reversed it can mean NORTH instead. Its worth noting that but I put both just in caseThe astrological side of this card is Venus in Aries venus can show emotional relationships and aries can show action and go getting - those are now reversed with the reversed card, that indicates what I have said that there is no pleasure in this action.
What could be interesting about this card is that though tarot can be lousy at times for timing there is a date timing on this card so it might even suggest that he could have been connected to this person in some way or other whether by a diary date or something around Dates & Timing: April 11 to April 20
I am not absolutely sure Bill reached that house - because the four of wands reversed can show someone going somewhere which is to the building BUT by the same token that four of wands is posing some kind of obstacle to this as well. So though I cannot be sure he did,nt get there, - the next card to that four of wands is a card with Fire - the four of wands is also a fire card they all are in Wands but fire is just another trait of the card and word for action.
But in this next card the five of wands you see some competion where you get a guy brandishing a stake and theres four others there - its meant to suggest messing around or sporting about - with no intention to really hurt anybody - but that card has come out reversed. It is sometimes connected to sports as well as mbition, activity, dangerous games, desire, power struggles, rush of action, clash of will, boldness
Now that card is reversed because it was also reversed in the first one I pulled out about what happened so far, thats what I m asking still. And when this is reversed it shows cruelty and violence and there is FIRE there - someones fingers get burnt which can be figurative as well as actual.
Sometimes there is a competition of words where someone is threatening a lawsuit or there might be some kind of contradiction going on about something. I see that Bill is feeling frustration with current situation. Situation gets Nasty. Major disputes and arguments. Things are not going his way. Need to apply effort and change plans. So it rather looks like if your dad went to collect this machine there are a couple of scenarios.
Either he thought about it and all this stuff was in his head and he thought better of it - or he did go to the house and there were other people there or him and another person ( this does represent 5 people as a rule) and it all got bitter and nasty that he thought better of it all and wanted to probably walk away.
It seems to me that there was conflict though and its not nice
There is some kind of trickery in that five of wands and I just feel like maybe Bill was set up or something like that. It does look a bit that way does,nt it? depending on whether I have this right or not. Again we have got North and South on this card so whichever way you look at it we have not moved in direction yet.
Even if we go back to the four of wands and look to the card beforehand - what we can see is a three of wands also reversed. Now that three wands still bears out the situation whereby Bill was going to do something it was a joining of forces he would have had in mind - so going to do something, going to meet someone - but thats reversed and you can see that even in that card there is some kind of fear of deception. So I really honestly dont know what was in Bills mind but it all seems to point to the fact that he was uneasy about it all and also in this card it shows a difficulty to put plans into motion.
So tarot might be showing us what your Bill INTENDED TO DO but its whether he actually did get there or not.
If there is a field nearby that would be useful to know because in the Five of wands which comes after the four towards the house or on the way - it tends to show up for some reason?
This five of wands tells me when reversed that Bill is not one to play games and if someone starts to mess him around or he knows he cant win a battle he will just let them get on with it and withdraw from that kind of situation that could just sap his strength.
So Im really searching for a connection here as to whether he got to this house and there were others there who tried to put obstacles in his way to stop him from taking this machine or just generally be a pain in the neck or whether somehow this obstacle was in his path before he got there.
Im feeling its one or the other and offering that to you .Please forgive me if I have the actual details wrong about what Bill set out to do. Anyway moving on Im going to ask about 27 May 2010 and in this card I am seeing many troubling things--running away from fights or engaging in dishonorable combat, problems with travel, miscommunication and changes leading to disaster: So it seems to me Bill run into a lot of trouble here.
That knight of wands could represent a younger person around 35 or 38 or under. This could be male or female. They might have red hair or that might be that they are aggressive but they seem to be in the picture somewhere. It also represents trips again but this card is an obstacle and I just dont see Bill going anywhere or I dont see him being able to go forward. There is a really horrible woman here - she is the type who thinks she is very special a bit of a floor stopper type, when the cards reversed she is highly strung, judgemental bitter and domineering.and this is not someone you confide in at all. She is in opposition to someone in this card.
Has the house been checked out the basement and areas of it just in case? The female I see had a secret - and perhaps that secret came out.
I just see crying and flying off the handle emotions out of control and Im just not sure whats gone down here but its all seemingly linking up to quarrels and annoyances.
November 4, 10:52 pm.2010
I have asked where Bill Senior is today in a kind of a jump to see what Tarot might give. I have the King of cups reversed.
I dont know that I can extract a name of a place but I could suggest that this card has watery elements in it. It is connected to the direction of west and autumn. So perhaps we could say we are still in Autumn right now. I think this could be linked directly to Bill because this King wears a necklace and Im sure I can see one in the picture that is on this site.
I get worried about giving directions but that is definately direction of this particular card. This is the physical description
Physical description - light brown hair, fair complexion. Clear liquid eyes. Older man, business man in responsible position. A kindly gentleman. A fatherly figure. When thats upside down its like a man who is abused by a female and not able to tell anybody. I could be wrong on that but thats what I have.
I think the woman knows where he is she must do because she is card previous to the King when asking about location and when shes the right way up, shes senstive and intuitive, but when she is,nt it shows a different character altogether. We are now looking at someone who could be deceptive and a manipulator.
The water may be an emotional location - it could be near water or even under water or a place that links to a water name. But west is what I have. I dont know if Bill is taking medications but he could have been taking too many at some point and I have to tell you that this card is also about drinking and drugs. Now dont get me wrong Im not saying Bill is doing that but what I am saying is that there could be situation where this figures somewhere particularly where medication is concerned.
If Bill had bad internal problems I think this card is most certainly picking him up.
Theres nowhere to go after the King of cups except back to the ace to find more and when I look at that Ace I have been given an initial which is either an M or a W. Tarot seems to think this is a clue?????
I have 3 bells and and not far from a hill. There may be water/lake or something in the picture .
November 4, 11:22 pm.2010
I noticed that Bill Seniors phone calls ended 29 may. I just saw it.
So I thought would ask where Bill was on 29 May this is the card.
This distinctly shows a barren watery type of wasteland. I saw the water with Bill in the king of cups and its here on 29 May question.
There is a building there you can see it in the background so its not isolated in that theres not a soul for miles because the building shows us the opposite .
This seems like some kind of prison or enclosure, so that suggests someone who is stuck somewhere.
He might not think he can get out of the situation and remember we are talking about 29 May.
The king of cups is also generally connected to a watery place and that was current day. That 8 of swords is normally about 8 months. We are in November - if there is a time period on this, it would suggest Bill could be in that situation for that amount of time which would take us to January.
Someones misused their power and put him in that situation. In that picture the person is blindfolded so it makes you wonder whether theres a problem with his glasses or whether he had them with him at the time.
It could be that he cant seem to see a way out of the situation feeling fenced in and so much deception around him.
I have East and West in this card. West was on the King of Cups for November 2010.
Dates & Timing: May 21 to May 30 for the 8 of swords so that targets him perfectly in this card.
Theretically the location description There is a mountain in the distance on the left side on the card. In the background on the right is a tall hill with a castle on it. The hill is gray and the roofs are red.
November 5, 7:46 pm. 2010
Because I had the King of Cups and I linked it to the Ace of cups I was looking for places that might bounce off them. When I looked at some areas I asked through tarot if Bill was there and tarot went from maybes, to laughing at me and I almost decided that I may not be able to find his location.
I was told rose looking glass and I have just seen Roseburg which is south and it has a road there called lookinglass rd.
I also saw Bellflower above Long Beach.
Bellflower might have fitted with the ace of cups.
Please note LOCATIONS in tarot cannot be RELIED on. Please always seek information from concrete sources as Tarot is not 100 per cent.
With all I wrote about possible location I forgot to enter some dates and these are possible dates also when Mr Wheeler can be found: October 13 to November 12 or at least these dates appear to be important.
Though it may be extremely unpopular to say this I have to tell you that tarot does indicate very much that this is a very deceptive matter. For one thing legal matters and disputes have been hidden and by that I feel that not all the situation was known regarding Mr Wheelers finances. If there is deception on this and this is not Mr Wheeler but someone else then I have to say that there is a degree of cunning and deceit in the King of cups reversed, the person it describes actually would sell you up the river and you would really not realise it so we do have to consider there could be this kind of personality in the picture somewhere. It is fair to say that next to the King the Queen I see who is fair colouring is actually incredibly insensitive a person. We also have something here that stretches out into the wilderness of the ether which is bringing into the picture an aunt, or distant relative cousin or someone of that ilk but I dont know who they are at all perhaps they might even be knowledgable of something and people close in the family dont realise it.
The Ace of cups is generally a FOUNTAIN and this can reversed suggest the fountain is dry so maybe a bit of embezzling to offshore accounts or that kind of thing sits very much in the picture of things.
If Mr Wheeler is alive there would be very serious reasons why he is not present day. If he is deceased then there are some very underhanded dealings in the midst of it all. There could be some very serious allegations in this case in the future but I really think this is because there was a severe disunion in emotional matters and possibly more closely linked then thought though I cannot be 100 per cent accurate in this. I see someone on the cards who is bound/bandaged round the eyes, so it does give me the impression that the real situation is not truly seen and a property with a red roof is prominent but how or why I dont know.
One of the other things to know about the King of Cups is an ALTAR - and I did go looking for 'altar' road/routes and found one called ALTA but I was not positive it would make any dent or impression. Smuggling goods is not a good thing I think of that as a form of embezzlement and its seen quite clearly on the King of cups with the red ship in the background. Maybe someone was trying to do this and Bill was not stupid or he knew someone was trying to do him out of something that was his. The King of cups also wears a very large RUBY RING. Whether this is an actual piece of jewelry or not or what significance I cannot be sure but it could also be the name of someone, someplace or have some other connection. The king of cups is really a nice man who finds business utterly exhaustibly BORING they find themselves in their office sipping a drink late into the night instead of going home and really would rather be carefree and just be a kid at heart. When that is reversed we see that perhaps someone has given that impression but actually they have not been in the office at all but up to no good without anyone realising.
Diggery pokery is what comes to mind for Bill Wheelers case and the fact is he is a likeable man, but you dont get on the wrong side of him. He is a canny businessman but I feel he always held his hands/cards close to his chest.
What this really tells us overall is not to pin the descriptions on Bill but to take into account what may be in the atmosphere here and then realise that someone had to be pretty smart to get the better of him and that would take some doing would,nt it?
When the Ace of Cups is reversed it often implies a refusal to accept someones children.
Thank you for this information I appreciate all the work you are doing and helping our family during these hard times.
Bill Jr.
You are very welcome Bill.
good job em. deanna
I had many months of clairvoyance with Mr. Bill and Kyron I often speculated the connection between the two may be they passed in the same way....
I worked on a few cases but I always wondered why I only saw Mr. Bill and Kyron I see the lady C with the little dog and M. I saw Mr. Bill go into a lemon yellow house with them. I have had many visions of Mr. B they were shared privately and I have no copies of my readings for him. I do see a screen door and hear it slam off the back porch...Something about the four corners is significant..Arizona, Utah...what are the other two states..Also felt a strong energy coming from Boron on the way to Victorville.
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