PORTLAND, Ore. – Dozens of searchers continued to look on Monday for a missing 7-year-old boy who disappeared from a Portland school Friday morning.
Teams fanned out around Skyline Elementary School in Northwest Portland in hopes of finding any sign of Kyron Horman, last seen at a science fair Friday morning at the school where his stepmother dropped him off.
Horman was marked absent for class a short time later and has not been seen since, although he was seen at the science fair by other adults and students
Please read the NOTICE below regarding tarot on this blogger and take note that tarot cannot be 100 per cent accurate.
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
PLEASE NOTE - Tarot picks up past present and future 'vibrations'. Referring to a person is simply their vibration through intuition and not alluding to mediumistic qualities.
« Thread Started Today at 20:19 »2010
KYRON HORMAN updated 19 December 2010
Looking at Kyron once more asking his whereabouts and receiving the four of cups. I never know if tarot is answering the question literally or telling me what it wants to point out. But interesting really that the card previous to the four of cups shows three women who are at loggerheads with each other. They would know each other and they are often described as a redhead, a blonde and one with darker hair. Are they all involved around Kyron? they have perhaps all had the opportunity to know him or be around him at some stage perhaps. The fact that the four of cups is reversed makes me re-consider the three of cups as not just three women celebrating a child but three women who have fought over him. Gossip iness and a general feeling of motherhood qualities being hidden in this card perhaps they all wanted to be the perfect mother and that caused a problem.
I almost feel like an 'accidental pregnancy' is in this card - perhaps put the chickens in the ring ? this card can show parties/excess drinking and indulgence which might have created some gossip and it 'got out there'. It does tell us about gossip from an old friend after all. Three young women stand in a garden. They raise their cups in the air in a toast. The garden has grapes, gords and other vegetables. This card may link in the Garden that I have seen and written about perhaps outside the garden on extended land?
This card is linking to someone who possibly lives West when reversed can mean East so its very much a difficult thing as somehow both directions could mean something regarding the person with the garden?
Back to that four of cups and what do we have really? We have a tree so perhaps names or places linking to the word TREE and that could be any type of tree might mean something. Its reversed on receipt, it makes me feel that there are opportunities around a Tree name that perhaps we might need to consider?
The three of cups gives us expedition, dispatch, achievement, end. I would be taking in the details of the three of cups and the garden connection because I see a lot of 'vigilance' in this card. A man and a woman sitting at a table full of mirth and riches, so someone is benefitting here are they not. With that four of cups opportunities have been seized. With Mercury and Cancer that looks like 'splitting from home/house' in this card shows a connection to someone who has left their own home.
Back to four of cups. we have SOUTH which I have had quite a lot with Kyron and there is a West connection there. Even putting South and West together is possible.
Plenty of illusions about someones home here - and I do see very deluded personalities. This could all be 'because of a mother' taking opportunities through a new acquaintance. Plenty of deception afoot with that Moon.
July 12 to July 21 are dates and timings that are elusive. The man in the four of cups is offered three cups, the three cups are the women described and he is being offered a new cup ? really, well who is that being introduced then, someone seized that opportunity I think. Heres someone who was completely discontent with their environment, maybe that could even be Kyron himself - three women in front of him there. The four can represent serious obstacles with love created by other people and it is not the fault of a 'couple' - perhaps someone in the relations/relatives thought there was too much contention around Kyron and hence he was removed from the situation. There has been a dog around this boy or dogs. Definately a strange couple relationship where it was,nt working and another has put in measures of swiftness regarding Kyron.
These are all thoughts from tarot and nothing can be guaranteed.
I have felt that someone was protecting Kyron from certain influences, that does seem to link with the above.
If we move to the next card which is the five of cups. We see a place of sorrow. We see the picture on this card
so the bridge, building in the distance cliff edge water all seem to be present here but it is reversed. This shows somewhere North but West is attributed also, so perhaps North came first then West came afterwards? Perhaps its all linked somehow?
I see a recovery of someone - if Kyron went North at all I believe he was 'brought back' south to south west and the WEST has some significance.
If this child died he would have been moved from the original place that he was.
The man with black hair who is associated with the three women? was losing - or is it a woman with black hair very difficult but in all the loss and sadness of losing there is a recovery.
There is a blue river (emotions) running through the landscape with a bridge that allows crossings. On the other side of the river is a castle with trees and green ground. The castle in the background represents what is desired
This description above may describe people looking in Sauvie Island - Im not sure that is where Kyron is. I see him near a Garden and a Home. I also see some form of confinement in that but I think I have raised that point before.
A citrine is given for something.
What I see though is FALSE PROJECTS - Im very sorry but I do think there is something not right about the situation with Kyron as perhaps people are looking in the wrong directions or have wrong information.
There was or is a return of a relative that has not been seen for some time.
Does this suggest that they know where Kyron is ? please go back to the beginning of the readings this has shown itself before.
I do not think this child was happy its possible that someone intervened. Some people may have decided that this child was not doing too well it could be some form of protection for him.
I cant be certain of that as tarot is not 100 per cent accurate.
I am feeling there might be some news soon it has,nt happened yet but it will be to do with 'recovery'.
All of the suggestions in this tarot could be over past present and future tenses, how they meld I am not quite sure. I write what I see and it wont be completely accurate. We shall have to bide time?
Kyrons previous readings are on this link.
KYRON HORMAN updated 26 Nov 2010
There is an area in SW Portland called Garden Home.
Thank you for posting this.
Thank you to psychic Helen for visiting. I dont advertise psychic site links Helen as I keep personal readings low profile in order to promote the MISSING Children work as a priority here.
I had to remove your link I am sorry. Thank you for your positive energy comment.
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