I have been asked via a Family member to look into the situation of Shannon (Baldwin) Hokanson. Shannon has not been seen since May 27th 2012 and that is the last contact that family has had with her. She hasn’t called any of her family or her sons. Shannon went missing from Enid, Oklahoma. I have left a link to her details should anyone have information. There are contact numbers to the Enid Police Department.
Shannon Hokanson : CUE Center for Missing Persons – Serving ...
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.

As with EVERY case that I publish here, I ask that it is remembered that Tarot is a metaphysical experiment. It has been ongoing here for many years and the main hope is to break down clues with Tarot for location as well as circumstance. Nothing is guaranteed as of course I take Tarot messages and simply write them down. Only time and future news reports can confirm if anything was useful. It has been very useful on many cases, perhaps not every detail but much has been outlined on various cases before. With each new case, it is difficult to say whether Tarot can pick things up in a way we can get a better picture or whether it will pick up little. I can only write what I am given.
That all being said, let us try to see what Tarot will show to us.
Firstly, I wanted to meditate on Shannon's picture. What I see is a very beautiful girl. Fresh and seemingly open, except Im not feeling that she is. I feel there is much more then what the eye can see.
Tarot offers me the Moon card. Please note that this is reversed. There is very little to go on with regard to Shannon's case. It is known however that there was possible dabbling with drugs. This card could very easily reflect that. When its reversed in this way, it shows that kind of confusion or perhaps that drugs are connected to her. However, the feeling Im getting is a sense of 'no hope'. Now as odd as it may seem, I had problems getting the link and her picture installed on this page , just minor glitches going on but I started to feel as though she didnt want my concentration on her. That might sound a bit far fetched, but it is what I thought. Not a smooth run!
But, this is a case of still waters running deep. I feel from this card and Shannons picture that that sense of no hope was a sensation of there being no inspiration left. Almost like, when someone cannot or does not feel they will get healed. Of course it may not have anything to do with drugs. It could be depression or a state of mind, a state of confusion or just a messed up feeling that overwhelms and kind of eats at the heart of the person. I do not know any circumstances or background regarding family such as parents, but this card can talk about the passing of a female or a mother figure somehow. Of course, I wouldnt jump to the conclusion of Shannon's mother but obviously do wonder if there is a mother figure here. Maybe its her own opinion of herself as a mother figure?
I feel like she is 'lost in the dark'. Im trying to figure whether that was literally or just mentally.
Her home life is actually upside down. Theres something really missing there. Some connection. Was she with a partner or was she split up from someone. Its like I see a family home and its crumbling. Theres some kind of accident or incident that is like a bolt from the blue. I really feel that she could have felt shredded as a mother, there is something here that is hard to describe. There could be debts, something to do with housing or family home or breakups, something weighing in heavily.
I just want to write freely what comes into my head. Sometimes I cant piece it together for a detailed 'story'. Stories dont unravel with Tarot, but glimpses do. I have it that she was 'ditched' or felt ditched or that a ditch is an actual 'thing'. This is a water card and cancer is attached to the moon. We have number 18 on this card. The numbers are 4, 1, 8, 18 and 9. Something needed to end. For who? There is a male here or a male persona, he is not strong in this card but he figures he figures when we look back. He is not friendly meaning that he is a dominant. Or that, someone has a very dominant character. Perhaps they are abusive even? there is a troubled relationship it could be between her and someone else. I am picking out a male but I will have to see if Tarot shows me something else. No I feel there is interference in a family situation here. I think there is infidelity of some description going on. It is like a third party - that is the thought Im getting . I am thinking this girl could have been stalked, maybe followed, or watched. Maybe a car involved. I see her disappeared. Ok, I am seeing two people and Im not sure but, Im seeing an influence that isnt working. I sense a kind of need to escape. Get away, get 'out of that'. There is something centered around the home so I will have to try to see what.
I have just made a quick enquiry as I am writing to family to check the address Shannon was last seen. The reason is because the numbers I have given may be linked to route numbers, distance, or timing. Or some of them might appear on the map. I note they do we have a route 81 for example 4th Street and routes with 4 in them. I am not saying that each number can be accounted for that way, but Tarot always gives numbers and I leave them as possibilities for routes, distance or timing in all my readings.
I do feel we have 'Enid' in the picture but I will come back to this shortly . For example, I am seeing that water and it is a home card though it is reversed so, Im feeling somewhere there is either water or water name. I am seeing water on the map to the North of Enid. To the South is a route 81. Im going to come back to this.
I am seeing a stalker, I am seeing possible bi-polar elements. That could connect to Shannon. I am seeing sexual elements too. Someone who is having a bad psychological time or possibly mental breakdown? Ive got emotional crisis and some fear of insecurity. Like maybe false accusations? I am definitely seeing something to do with water. Whether in a name, or place, but there is a Bridge. Im sure its possible there is one. Maybe a bridge by a river? something to do with the back of the head and a feeling of 'sleep'?
I felt I was drawn to Pond Creek North of Enid and/or the area around Salt Fork Arkansas River. I may be totally wrong because Tarot is going to describe the vicinity and that is the vicinity of Enid It really could just be that Im seeing the area. Or maybe there is some connection somehow if not with Shannon with someone else. I feel like someone was watching her. Maybe its not so dramatic but I have other cards to look at and other points to bring in. I am very mindful not to force a point but merely to try to give ideas of what comes up as I drew this card. I felt I saw a pond or River bank or maybe wet land of some kind. Under a roof? under something, a bridge? I am also getting some connection to January? no idea what or why that appears.
A possible pregnancy?
I have North West on this card. It is reversed I see that would take us to the 18 route/area on the map ie NW of Enid or further towards the Wildlife Refuge park. I dont know if this is showing me anything except vicinity so Im going to continue and not try to analyse this too much t the moment. Also seeing South West of Enid.
Names of places/descriptions: (please dont worry about this - Dee will do a link for the map and knows how to interpret what Im saying) Im getting, fishponds, rivers, springs, watermills, water pumps, wells, marshy or perhaps watery ground, moats, springs, the ocean, water figures somehow even around the house? possible 'church' elements. It could refer to spiritual matter or figure in another way.
Im sensing some form of mistake or bad judgement. Ive also got a mobile home park as well as cemetary. Technology so a little group on the map there. No idea how/why/connection. Also the word Carrier.
This card is the Two of Pentacles. The number 1 or 2 could be in distance/route/or timing.
This card is annoyingly North and South. I already feel the directions have shown up. Here we are shown two wheels, two circles . I may be wrong but I am seeing water again I just cant make out whether it is in a name or actually connected to water. In the first card I saw a lot of the vicinity of Enid. Quite clear to me. In this card, we have Garden or Park, but we also have that water/river or that connection. Arch ? Im getting 'Gate' so Southgate is a name in Enid. I cannot guarantee any of this only how its connecting to the card. But we have 1 and 2. I keep looking towards the Airport area Getting a broad sweep here for some reason.
Something to do with a message? letter?
Knee or name sounding like this, bones joints and skeletal structures.
For Dee (Names) : fishponds, rivers, springs, watermills, water pumps, wells, marshy or perhaps watery ground, moats, springs, the ocean, water figures somehow even around the house?
farms, farming equipment, wood stores and places where farm animals roam.fallow or bare land, barren fields, land bushy thorny, or where soil prepared with manure.locations that are low down, either near or on the ground low dark places. Ships, sails or materials. (sound a like) ? Walls, boundaries, gate, gatepost/international border (not necessarily actual) church yards, church. Confined space, waste disposal. Dens, holes, father, grandfather. Basement, Cellar, ruined buildings.
Bear in mind Tarot can point out places already searched.
Curiously this card comes up for search and find. I did feel in the previous card it would pull out ideas that may have already come up in this case, ie, places already searched. But, also will give more clues.
This card again note is North and South it will incorporate everything that is in the previous card so no need to re-write this. The number 2 is strong for distance, route or timing. It suggests Shannon would be found within the number 2. This could be up to 2 years or has some other timing significance unless it is part of a route.
To note about this card it is showing another location. It could therefore suggest that another location has to be searched because of previous failure. A B. J. D and/or R are initials of places or people that POSSIBLY might come up. Bear in mind that something has NOT been said. I feel as though something is /was written down. There is a message here of some kind. I am going to come back to this as there is more to say and a map to write. I will need to break here for a moment.
I have felt it necessary to sit down and give more thought to the information that Tarot has shown to me.There is a feeling that finding Shannon is still 'uncertain'. Unfortunately on the search/find card which is the last card Two of Pentacles, it does not rule it out BUT at the same time, it shows that some elements of information are out of balance. Clearly that means that some information has not been given or circumstances not fully known. We need total balance to give an affirmative yes and I am unable to do that even though this card shows the possibilities are there. There is another location. Clearly areas already have been searched but either something has been overlooked on the way OR there is a change of residence which has confused the issue.
Obviously, I have felt drawn to one or two areas which might have been the vicinity of where Shannon lived but I have picked out certain things that come to mind. Dee and I have discussed location and I still want to mention the word ASH besides the information on the Map.
Tarot cannot guarantee it will definitely have the location of ANYONE being as its an experiment but below is a map which seems to connect to Shannon or those that might be linked to her. The Tarot has given various directions/route numbers that link into areas on the map. It would be against policy to state health matters with Shannon and Im not prepared to speak about health but leave the map and perhaps it might be useful. Please remember to read all the information of the cards combined.
Maps are compiled following Tarot suggestions/directions which merely outlines POSSIBILITIES of all the areas that Tarot may be touching on or may be describing. They may touch upon areas connected to other people linked to the case. Please bear in mind that maps cannot be guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.
I have added CHANDLER area to the map because I note there is an 18 route just North of it. There are two lakes to the North West. It may be nothing but I think its worth putting it down as a possible area that could connect in some way. Notice also that Drumright is also around there.
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