Very often, I write general Tarot for interest particularly if something is newsworthy and there has been a fair amount of commentary. Today, I thought I would offer a few words about President Putin of Russia.
When I write Tarot, I always remain in a very unbiased position and only take the advice given by Tarot. It is not my intentions to write about any subject in order to influence but simply to show what Tarot's views might be.
Mr Putin has likely brought a lot of thoughts to many people at the current time. With Donald Trump becoming President Elect of America, there has been much talk about the situation with Russia. That of course is all politics and I thought possibly best avoided in some aspects to ask about Mr Putin himself.

Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
25 NOVEMBER 2016
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.

25 NOVEMBER 2016
What really is Mr Putin 'about' ? a lot of people wonder dont they?
When you think of all the power that is held by Presidents, it is always the hope of people worldwide that they always choose to do the right thing. Not just for their own people, but of course for the whole world. I like to choose a picture that I can meditate on and this is the picture that spoke to me the most.
What did I see? I saw changing expressions that were quizical but sincere. President Putin is quite a remarkable man. He is highly intelligent, far more intelligent then most people realise. He is a very humane man with a good portion of Libra which gives him balance but not just balance but a sense of 'fairness'. Russia is one of those countries that intrigue people - some people are afraid of Russia, in reality, there are many things we can be afraid of in the world, so it is always wise to look with an open mind and not pinpoint fear without understanding more.
What I saw in Mr Putins chart was very much a powerful person. However, he is righteous and he is an extraordinary character who is a born leader. If there was any born leader it is him. His chart is very strong on that and he is capable of great strategy and careful thinking. He struck me as someone who was incredibly analytical, cautious, thoughtful and mindful. He has a lot of depth and he is born to do his job. When he is right, he does not hesitate to stand by his beliefs. He knows when he is right and his intuition is very good. However, he did not strike me as a 'warmonger'. There is a great strength in Libra that makes him seek balance to consider and weigh things very carefully.
I decided to draw a card to ask what we could know about him and I was not surprised at the card that I received.
The Two of Swords. PEACE. Yes Mr Putin is drawn this way and that way. There are battles here and he is there in the middle of the push and the pull looking always to try to balance things up. He is often left to consider very painful decisions. Decisions sometimes that he really would rather not make. He wishes to try to find the balance and to keep the peace. I feel he is trying to do that now. He tries to avoid negative emotions. He is also hoping to resolve conflicts. He wants to do this in a peaceful way. Peaceful resolve is a strong element here.
It means sometimes he has to shut his eyes to various factors. He has to go by what he feels is right to restore balance and peace but without using those swords, without getting too involved in conflict. He has much weighing on him and often his heart. He does not enjoy to be in the middle of battles that are not really his that he may have had to get dragged into and he has to find answers that can smooth things over so that he can avoid those swords getting brandished. Its not that he is turning a blind eye, its more that he wishes to keep cool about situations.
At this time, President Putin has a lot on his plate. The Libra is so beautiful and strong and it really is there to keep balance. He knows in the present battle that he could be involved in that there are likely three elements and one of them cuts loose. In order for that to happen and in order for there to be peace he knows that not everyone is left happy. How can you bring peace to all? Often he needs to rest. He needs time out to think, to chill out literally. There is a lot of pressure around him. He himself prays for peace unless I see that as symbolic on him. I see him wishing to resolve the turmoil and to put protection in place so that people may feel safe, so that children may feel safe. I feel somehow children are important and they look to him whilst he is meditating . Again I feel this is symbolic. Families with children look to him. He always has to make the right decision for the generations.
I just feel he wants to lead things forward to safety and safe ground. This to me is someone who tries and hopes that peace can overtake conflict. His decisions are not easy ones. He will always look at every circumstance, not overlooking anything but considering things as deeply and as probing as possible to find solutions to bring about a peaceful conclusion. That is what I see is his actual embodiment.
He has to have a plan for this. His plan is always like a blueprint. He is meticulous with good ideas and good clear intelligent thinking. He procrastinates and chews over issues. I do not see him as a deliberate war monger in his chart or in this card either. He sometimes feels he has to sit on the fence in order to keep peace even when he knows that direct action should be taken BUT he also knows that direct action must be thought out and balanced so that it benefits all. Often because of that, he is in the middle of situations that can be very taxing and need the best of his personality to deal with in a fair and proper way.
This is a man of intelligence. His intelligence is such that communication and digging for answers to obtain right action is important. Not a bull in a china shop here. I think many people around the world should be glad to know this.
There may never be another leader quite like him. He is and has a chart that I felt when reading was astonishing. He was put in a position of power but power in the wrong hands is not good. In his hands however, the power is balanced and I use that word freely in this reading as it simply reflects his ability to weigh sides up and come to sensible conclusions that will avoid conflict if possible.
People in Russia have a good leader. He is capable of compromise and common sense. He is also a great protector. He stands for Truth and will speak it. He is not an aggressor - a great leader is one who is capable of circumspection and careful deliberation. I can assure you his chart will certainly reveal to all someone who is diplomatic but it is wise for others to listen to what he has to say. I do not detect impatience with Mr Putin but I do feel that he will stand by his principles. He cannot be swayed from those but, it still does not necessarily make him an outward aggressor. I simply dont see that. Mr Putin has PEACE written all over him. If he seeks to speak compromise then he is a wise person. He does not act on whims nor can he be persuaded to go against what he feels is just and right.
There are always concerns about WAR. Swords can absolutely be war cards. I dont see Mr Putin as a person who would set out to instigate wars. I see him as one who would like to find other resolutions to conflicts. There are still wonderful aspects to the world that are far more appealing then War. I feel almost that Mr Putin appreciates that. This card seems to show me that discussions and communications need to be aired. Maybe this is part of Mr Putin's philosophy or just situations that are around at the moment. Some situations can be deadlock in battles - perhaps Mr Putin is pressed upon to take sides. This is not an easy situation at all. Sometimes battles can rage on for years , disagreements etc but what I see here with this card is the balance and the feeling that people need to lay down their weapons and open their heart to forgiveness.
That is what I have. PEACE radiates here though difficult decisions weigh heavily when one wishes to balance things out. Of course this is only a viewpoint from Tarot and it is a first impression. Impressions are just that and as with everything, Tarot is a metaphysical experiment with no guarantees.
Only the future can tell us whether it sees wisely or not.
'We don't want confrontation with anyone. Unlike our foreign colleagues who are seeing Russia as an enemy, we have never been looking for enemies, we need friends.
'But we won't allow any infringement on our interests and neglect of them.'
I am getting nervous of our Western nations Governments calling Russia a bully & my gut is telling our Govs are making up stories as propaganda for our the peoples support to take on Russia. We would have 2 hopes Bob & no Hope.
It was the USA that lied & got the West to go into Iraq & Afghanistan where this all started after 9/11, pity the US Gov never thought of the pain & fear terrorism when they were collecting money & supplying weapons to the IRA. I will say it is strange that the same amount of people died in 9/11 in one day as in the 30 years of the troubles in N/Ireland It is also a shame the innocent have to pay for the karmah for decisions made up higher.
Putin just made it illegal to question the government! He is still head of the KGB, just under another name. When I look at him, I am overwhelmed by the feeling of pure evil. I cannot look directly at him.
Thank you for your Comment. President Putin has an amazing birthchart. He has some very good qualities within it as a person. Of course, I do not myself get involved in Politics but I do try to be honest with what I see in the Tarot.
Putin is the best.He has not made question the government illegal unlike USA where obama etc have cnn not question them regarding Huntner biden.People like you Elisabeth are problem who blindly beleive in propoganda
Don't worry empathy you are right Putin is the best no matter what Elizabeth ot others say.Most of the the people are brainwashed by the socail media propogandanist
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