WAUSAU, Wis. (CBS/WSAW) Wisconsin police say they have found evidence in the apartment of missing Wausau woman Stephanie Low that may provide some answers about her disappearance, reports WSAU.
Police will not say what was recovered from the apartment, but have reason to believe that the 22-year-old was taken against her will. She was last heard from early Sunday.
CBS affiliate WSAW said Stephanie placed a frantic call to her brother that morning, asking him to come her Thomas Street apartment; however, when he arrived she was nowhere to be found.
"If she's out there and somebody knows where she is, they just need to come forward, there's a lot of people who want to know what happened to Stephanie," her father, George Low, told the station.
Low is a 22-year-old white female, 5-2, 135-pounds, with brown hair and blue eyes. If you have information about the case, call Wausau police at 715-261-7800.
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the TAROT understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
« Thread Started 23 FEBRUARY 2011 at 5:43 »
I have been asked if I could look at tarot with reference to helping Stephanie who from the above story appears to have vanished under quite strange circumstances. Tarot is never 100 per cent accurate and it can turn up information or suggestions that cover past present and future events. Sometimes not ALL the details of the individual card readings apply but I will try to see what I can find with respect to this young woman. Please do not rely entirely on the tarot but seek factual information elsewhere.
The first card I have received is the Queen of Pentacles which when I looked at it I wondered why I got this first as a reason for disappearing?? I thought I would look at the previous card and I can see a Knight of Pentacles here. This is someone with dark eyes and dark hair, it is not always that description but it could be a male of approximately 25 -35 that 'arrived' as this card can show an arrival of someone by bike, car or on foot. So it does appear that someone has turned up where Stephanie lived. The person in the Knight of Pentacles is generally thought of as a quite responsible dutiful type of person - so it does,nt give the indication that its anyone you would suspect as being odd or that seemed strange in any way. He may have 'travelled' from a distance.
Sometimes this can be someone you work with because of the pentacles aspect or it could be something to do with finance but it does anyway appear to be an arrival.
Next though we come to this Queen. The Queen is usually the 'soup kitchen' lady who is kind and generous and really nice to everybody so very welcoming. I dont know but perhaps this queen is someones mum. However, the Queen also stands for PETS and I know this lady Stephanie has dogs. I dont know how dogs could be the reason why this lady has disappeared but I am giving what this card can tell to us, but one thing I do see about the Queen is that she may alter a work situation or there may be something to do with establishing a business - I wonder then if the person that arrived is connected somehow because of work or some new routine? There seems to be some practical advise being given here so I dont know whether whoever came to the door came under the pretense of asking questions?
The next card appears to be the King of Pentacles who is always thought of as quite a wealthy businessman. and owner of property. He is thought to be the type to have rooftop penthouses or roof gardens but that may just signify that he is well off. This person is a bit of an accountant /financial aspect character could fall into being a landlord, or someone who is connected to construction, real estate business that kind of thing.
For where Stephanie might be I have the four of pentacles reversed. She could be in the basement of a building thats possible because of the three of pentacles in the card previously. However, firstly this card shows the direction of North but if reversed it may mean south. It depends what direction she was in before she vanished therefore the opposite direction may be the right way to go. I see some neglect of financial responsibility on this card. I feel drawn to money issues quite strongly. Sometimes the card can represent a Bank. Whether that is an actual place or bank as in river or name I am not sure. But in this card you can see that if it were upright the person left the town or is outside of it but when its reversed, Im not quite sure if she has left the town shes in. I could be wrong but I just give what might be the case. Im still wondering if this situation is to do with work or money because the 'banker' is prominent in this card.
I ask when this lady will be found and I receive the Ace of Cups. To me the cups represented ONE DAY but sometimes it can be a period of a month however, this card is reversed so perhaps it really is sooner then we think . Often this card can say Jan/feb. Cups normally have a West direction always, but when reversed we have to consider the word EAST also.
This card shows an initial on it. An M or a W which may of use. It could be somewhere wet/watery or it can be a drinking establishment or something of that nature. It certainly seems to have water attached here or something highly emotional.
Its also linked to the Hanged man and is connected to finance once again and has the number 12 on it where something seems to give up. I hope that does,nt mean people will give up looking - I feel that we have to let go of expectation here because I feel this will resolve. This is the origin card and I still seem to think this lady will be found within her own town or not far from where she lives. I dont know if this is all coming to some conclusion as I write this. I think there will be an unexpected message very shortly.
I hope things turn out well here I always try to stay optimistic.
I feel that this girl is still in Wausau, and was taken because of drug money owed. The type of people she was associated with along with her background If I was an officer I would start looking at some f the drug deals she hung out with. I am a criminal justice student and I know a few of the people around wausau and know for a fact there are people out there that know what happened to her but because they are too scared of what will happen to them they keep their mouth shut. This girl I fear is not alive God forbid but if she was some one would have let some one know some thing.
Thank you for your comments and information. I must look to see if there is any further news for Stephanie.
There has been no news thusfar, Unfortunatly. Are you able to read again and see if anything has changed? It has been almost a year since your last reading?
Are you able to do another reading as we have had nno real update on Stephanies whereabouts. There are "persons of intrest" that have been talked to and things that have been said but it is all hearsay as nothing has panned out. She has been gone almost 2 years now and everyday without her has been very heartbreaking to her family. Thank you for any help you could give.
she is my cousin and it is hard
this si my cousin and thanks for your consurnes
I heard sephaney is dead- I would like to know WHY is her death a big secret!!!
Anon- you say you have heard that Stephanie is dead, if you have heard that have you called the police with the information you were told? Do you know something that your afraid to talk about? No one has been able to find any proof that she is dead, only missing & possible injured. Please call anonymously if you want to the Marathon county crime stoppers 877-409-8777. I am very tired of everyone talk to eachother talk to the police!!!!!!!
Can you please do an updated reading? The family is still searching.....
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