Man missing from Bellevue home for two days
by KING 5 News
Posted on November 26, 2010 at 10:56 PM
BELLEVUE, WA. -- Bellevue Police are searching for a man who hasn't been seen two days.
Police say Eugene Wekesa, 24, was last seen Wednesday at 9:00 p.m. leaving his Bellevue resident, located on the 15200 block of NE 16th Place.
Officers say he was presumably walking to the Crossroads Shopping Center, but left all of his personal belongings in his residence.
Wekesa was last seen wearing a black beanie cap, black jacket, a grey t-shirt, black jeans and brown boots.
Wekesa is described as a 24 year old black male from Kenya, 5'9, 140 pounds with black hair and brown eyes.
Call Bellevue Police at 911 or (425) 577-5656 if you see him.
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the TAROT understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
« Thread Started 26 FEBRUARY 2011 at 1:32 »
Looking at tarot for Eugene I first want to remind readers that Tarot is NOT 100 per cent accurate. Some details may not apply to every aspect of this case.
Tarot is past present and future and attempts to glimpse the situation as best as its able. Please go to other factual sources for true information.
The first card is not the best card to pick out of the pack. This card is the 10 of swords and even from the picture it can depict a very unhappy scene. Sometimes its not what it looks like even though this is a card that points to ruin and disasters of one kind or another. The card is a 10 and therefore may be representing the year that Eugene went missing or indeed may have some other value.
This card can represent some kind of catastrophe and there is often a sense of completion in this card. East Spring and Sunrise comes up in this card which is strange because it is said that Eugene left his home around 9pm or was seen at that time alive. Im wondering why sunrise comes into it as of course that is much earlier in the day.
What may be the situation is that either something creates a concern for Eugene earlier in the day or we are looking at the black of night here much later after 9pm which may be the case with the dark sky. You can see that there is a man lying there on the earth near what appears to be a river or river bank.
That is really depicting the lowest a guy can go. Sometimes in this card we have problems with the back nerves, spinal areas 10 of swords can also be brain or neurological problems or mental distress.. There are some leanings on this card to an overkill situation when someone has been betrayed, or they are getting divorced or seperated, or may have money/bankruptcy problems its one of those feelings that problems have arisen to create a full crisis in someones life or it is exactly what is depicted on the card, a total overkill of this man.
Loss tears and illness and just wipeout are suggested here. People who let him down perhaps, people who just say one thing and do another can all culminate into what we see on this card whether in actuality or mentally it does,nt seem the best position to be in. The 9 of swords prior can often show that he had a lot of worry and might have been thinking about it a lot. May have even suffered a lot of insominia and in general concerning himself about the what ifs in life because it is a card of worry and even things that are mentally becoming a strain.
If anything this card makes me feel that if Eugene is still alive and with us and has not suffered the worst of fates in the 10 of swords, it can imply that he has had to start over all again. Not so much a fresh start, but beginning again elsewhere maybe. The next card can tell us two things, either someone who is a spy or rival and willing to attack Eugene or it can depict some form of travel and taking a journey to somewhere else.
Therefore there are twin choices on the 10 of Swords and this is depicted quite openly with the Sun in Gemini boldly sitting on the card. Sun cards mean travel and Gemini has its dual aspect. Its all very possible but I give both ideas here until I draw another card but we have to remind ourselves that 10 of swords is not ALWAYS violent death but starting over again and beginning again.
When I ask the tarot where this man is today I get given the 9 of cups. The 9 of cups is a WEST card in direction or by name. This is a card where we see someone in an eatery/restaurant/kitchen or a place name that might have a link with Kitchen/hospitality or Food or it could just be a name of place/county that sounds like that.
You can see him there with arms folding up and it might seem that I have a 'party' word here so I dont know if this could be reflecting other messages so I will just write it and leave that. Here the person is giving nothing up, has their arms folded and has all their 'ducks in a row' we cant see beneath the blue table cloth here and who knows if something BLUE is hidden. We only know that the feeling of this card is doing fine, nothing to declare.
In this card relationships are blooming so it may indicate him at a party of some description at some point though where in the scheme of things I cannot be sure. It might just represent a Kitchen as simple as that. The 10 of cups next to this card is the original home town card so it is really indicating he is in a town he is calling home. Sometimes it could mean that this is his actual town but it is where he would be linked to family and friends past or present. It could also indicate a water location that is in the WEST.
The card previous to the 9 of cups is indicating being somewhere by water/bank so we must take into account what we saw in the first card as somehow all this will link up to names. Tarot cannot tell us names but it can keep describing things to us. In the 10 0f Swords there is sometimes a 'container' and also there are 'containers' in the cup card these are also things to bear in mind and you can 'get in something' or be 'in something' so its worth remembering this too. On the negative side the nine of cups has the Moon and West in it and sometimes this can mean either someones mother died or it can mean that there may be a passing or was one. Im also seeing quite a bit of wine in the 9 of cups maybe drowning someones sorrows could be depicted. Again emotional cards because of the water elements. There may even be something about a 'mother figure' getting her wish.
Im getting MARCH in this card but Im not sure why March is appearing.
Asking when Eugene will be found we are given the Lovers card which links as a SIX number it could actually represent WEST once more as Six is linked to six of cups and that is WEST. In this card perhaps someone came in between a relationship - I also am being given a KEY a Map and a car here for people who are looking for him and that calvary are out in full trying to find him if not so much now they will be. Possible timing for Eugene to be found May 21 to June 21 I do not have a YEAR for that but I am giving those dates. Summer months are always on this card and always take us to half way in the year and the longest day.
This card will give us TWO PATHS however and this is something to remember. Maybe it means that there are two strong seperate leads or two particular places to look.
He WILL be found.
This is a very brief synopsis for Eugene and as always Im holding on to the optimistic side of this case because of the Lovers card and finding him. Im pretty sure he will be. I think its also important to GO BACK to somewhere in the past and look there. Maybe his own vicinity or somewhere very familiar to him that may represent flowers gardens or just a house with garden that he knows. We shall have to see in the future as to whether tarot has been helpful. Again the cards do point WEST and for some reason I am getting 'smell' - there are no dogs in this picture that I see or I would have said sniffer dogs can be on the scene however Smell is on the cards and I just leave that as Im given it. It could be that at that period of time in the year that the SCENT grows stronger to finding him. My personal wish for him is that he found a new love and new life - that may have been a wish I hope for that very much because the other side of the cards here may not be so bright and beautiful.
I wish everone luck on the search and regards to Eugene and blessings to wherever he may be.
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