Hello Everyone!
I hope this post finds you all well and that 2019 has been a reasonable year for each and all of you.
I have not been here posting on a regular basis for a good part of the year but I am still here!
It was a difficult year health wise and , issues of importance and work that could not be posted here all took up the space/time that I would normally spend on this site. There is quite a lot of work to be done on the site too. I tried very hard to fix a lot of the pictures and those that are 'timed out' but it became rather an overwhelming task as there are so many to replace. Google does not allow some pictures to be copied in some instances so that did not help matters much. Never mind.This site is getting 'old' I guess as I have been posting here for well over a decade and more and I dont doubt it needs a good old tidy up.
This post today however is about you. To thank you as always for still visiting and even writing to ask me how I have been. I appreciate that very much. I hope to try to expand on a few more ideas for the site in 2020 and write quite a bit more than I was able to do this year so please do stay in touch and keep visiting.
Please have a truly wonderful Christmas Season. I am still doing personal readings and you can access those on the link under the big flashing tarot card in the right hand margin. You can donate what you wish for those except the full reading. All details are on that link. Have a thought for all the families this year who are still missing their loved ones. May they find some peace of mind and answers come to them. I always hope every year that more mysteries will be cleared up. Sometimes, its time that does that and patience from us all until that time comes along.
Be good to yourselves, your neighbours and spread love in the world.
A merry Christmas and may you be well! I really like your site and would like you to read about the disappearance of Rui Pedro Teixeira Mendonça, missing boy in 1998 in Portugal.
Merry Christmas Empathy. This website is a great place to search. It is also a very large and complicated site. Have you thought about starting fresh with a new website with a link to this one?
Dear Empathy thank you for all your good wishes. The same for you!!! Thank you for all what you are doing! For health issues go to medical medium website if there is something that could be helpful. Many blessings for you, yours and your work.
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