Missing Person-Lorrin Jane Whitehead | Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/...Lorrin-Jane-Whitehead/586655404680385Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.

27TH MARCH 2015
I have had a family request to look at the Tarot for Lorrin Jane Whitehead. Lorrin disappeared on 8th February 2013 nearly two years ago.That Friday, CCTV vision captured Lorrin leaving a supermarket in Bannockburn at 4.55pm, wearing black pants and a light-coloured shirt with a collar. Earlier, about 3.30pm, she made a withdrawal from the Bendigo Bank ATM in the same street.They are her last-known movements. Lorrin had been under a bit of stress for a couple of years. I have left a link regarding the circumstances.
As must be appreciated, Tarot does not promise to solve a situation, all it can do is give me glimpses of past present and future. I in turn, write those down. I always hope for something useful to show up as of course it can show consideration to avenues that might not have been looked at. However, there is no hard and fast guarantee as to Tarots results. All that can be done is to wait for supportive news stories once Tarot has been published. Please read my notes on this site for further reading.
Tarot always gets to say what it wants to - that is the way of the cards. This card is given for what may have occurred, sometimes of course it has its foot into the future but I am going to just let you know what I am being given. I feel with this card this lady might have had an invitation or maybe she was going to meet someone. I would get that indication if the card was upright as there are opportunities here to 'go off' somewhere. It would make me feel a whole lot better if I could just say that but this card is showing some kind of real disappointment as though something did not happen as expected or that somehow there is a 'fail' here in whatever the situation. The card is a water card so it is either showing a water name or somewhere near water or it could be that there have been high emotions, or both. We have been given a number 5 so we have to look at either that, number 4 or 2 and half. These are numbers that could appear in route numbers, distance, timing or have some other connotation. Possible that there is an M or W initial whether person or place.
West is the general direction of this card but it is reversed. I will look at that in a moment. This card shows somewhere that was near water or water name, or with possibly a bridge or a bridge in the name of the place, the colour Silver, the word Bell and possibly five water rivulets or little lakes or ponds of water. It is looking at the card previously which is showing a TREE and an Island. Now sometimes there are places with these names or it could suggest them being actual. If its emotional though and not a place at the time, it could very well indicate someone who feels that 'no man is an island' so it feels to me that this woman is upset about something. Perhaps its gossip or people she thought were friends because there is a friend card but when it is reversed it tends to give off some kind of slander or negativity. Perhaps it could refer to a friendship of hers that falls below the expectation of others even. Either way I think there is some kind of disappointment with regard to friends or someone close perhaps.
The other thing here is suggesting 'the return' of someone whether its someone she has not seen for a while or not I cannot be sure but someone else is possibly in the picture here.
Sometimes this card is about someone who has had a relationship broken off and it is on the verge of being rekindled so I am not sure if she had met up with someone in that circumstance or not but I feel in some way in some situations she had rather accepted the past and decided to just get on with life but still, this card is a card of upset as a rule.
There is also a possible 'container' in this set of cards. Im feeling like at one point she was deciding about whether love should come before duty? falling out with someone perhaps? Or perhaps some unequal feelings are here.
I feel like there is something here to do with a relationship that has caused this disappearance.
Maybe there were situations where she had to forgive people or someone perhaps for her feeling low or down but in that case it does kind of bring someone else into view doesnt it? I do see her alone on this card though that has shown up at least initially.
Something to do with the past? I feel like there were issues to resolve even if she did want to get on with her life. So I feel that either she decided to move on with her life or somehow something to do with the past has seemingly come up to create a problem for her emotionally.
It is most certainly an emotional card if anything and not so much a 'mental' one so this is not 'thought' it is what is felt. There is also a possibility of some unrequited love, perhaps someone wanted her and she did not feel the same or the other way around. It could be someone coming back into her life when she did not want them. Its difficult to say exactly and I do try to give thoughts and options here.
Now this card I did say was West which could be in a name or wind direction but it is upside down. Therefore I might have to look East and we do have North. Being reversed this card presents problems at times because North West could be what we are looking for. The trouble being that it could be that her home is in one of these directions and there could be connections to the other. Difficult to say which is the starting point.
We have some descriptions. If there is a person here we are given someone who is well built, with a strong constitution.Someone quite 'hairy'. Eyes and hair/complexion are thought to be dark and dark penetrating eyes are usual. Square broad face and short neck and squat appearance likely.
This card can show sexual elements on it, lust or just points to that element. There are other descriptions that could refer to place but I find there are clues in each card as to possible location and this card tries to tell us more what happened. However I will also put the other information here also as it could relate in some way.
Descriptions could be names of places or just as you read. Mars is connected to our card so it can suggest a hostile environment where there is a possibility of fear or threat. This card sometimes shows a lack of light or some kind of restricted movement. Deserted places could come up or feelings of being imprisoned. This could represent being somewhere dark and cold or that those kind of feelings run through a person.
Church elements could come up but water seems to be prevalent, so muddy or swampy grounds, bogs marshes lakes or delapidated or under tenanted buildings or old ruins can come up. Sometimes these are by water, or could represent a bridge tunnel cellar. The idea of being under something could sometimes be suggested.
Sewers drains water treatment centers damp and decay come up. Sometimes north facing walls showor ponds. The word Clay can be seen at times and maybe snow or ice can come up as well as smiths shops, furnaces, slaughterhouses, places where bricks or charcoal is burnt, chimneys, forges.
These suggestions just may be trying to describe substances or areas or names of areas. (Interesting that there is a Burnside Road not far from where this lady lived). A suggestion can be there of 'visiting the past'.
This next card we have is the 5 of wands so it suggests a possibility of a route/road or part of the number being a 5. Direction given is generally South. Again we have to be careful of starting ending points. This card can literally show fields that are agricultural but it does give ideas of surroundings in the vicinity. There is an airport at a distance. Sometimes there are sport connections to this card such as sports fields or race tracks or speedways. This card can refer to Gold or sunshine The North East would figure on this card which could suggest either Lorrins home is North East and we look south with that in mind or that we go from her home to the North East. Possibly the name 'Michael' might be here.
Words, Ash Palm Laurel Victory,Castle, bay, hotel,vineyard.
Stomach, Heart, Chest can come up here. Descriptions of places may be s theatres, lavish public buildings and monuments, public halls, auditoriums, parks; places, royal names such as prince, king etc. Palaces, castles, forts. Deserts, forests and wild animals, heat and fire. Halls and Dining rooms.
Also see box or boxes at some point? ultimately and it is a 'long shot' - but a holiday might have been mentioned though it might seem a bit out of context with what I have here. Tarot just picks up on anything that is in the air about the situation whether its 'been said' or whether it is 'actual'.
Sometimes when I have seen the 5 of wands I think of a 'gang' situation . Its not always correct but there are 5 people in that card and they are either sports related or there is something about competition which made me feel perhaps there were some sport elements. Unfortunately only time will see what Tarot is trying to say.
Dangerous games and power struggles do show themselves, had this card been reversed there would be very strong disruptive quarrelsome elements maybe there are anyway but wands can be aggressive due to the Mars nature of them and often tempers can be lost.
When it comes to Lorrin being found we have a reversed Major card which gives us again a number 5 but we should also look at a 4. These numbers could represent a month or they could represent a particular year . ' No helpful advice was given about 2 other people and a stalker issue'. Here we just have bad or incompetent advice about this lady and when she will be found. That rather suggests that people who are asked cannot shed enough thought perhaps. It is odd that we have to look to the Emperor reversed and this can be an abusive person, a boss, or spouse or someone connected, a demoted figure who might have had control or someone who abuses that. There could be an estranged figure here to, someone non biological. Even step fathers can show up here though I have no idea why.
I always think of this card as a church card, or linked to organisations or schools but, it is reversed and I see some detachment from that as well. Generally this card would suggest April or May.
There is some leaning towards an anti church element here, dogmatism and conservativeness.
I wondered at some point if there was a connection to Lethbridge and Tall Tree Road where the 5 of cups was concerned as sometimes when a bridge comes up and its reversed it means its not an actual bridge but a name. I just had that fleeting thought though please bear in mind it may mean nothing at all. I have to think of West and the North Element which could have been North West but when a card is reversed such as the 5 of cups we get that tricky situation where the concern is that things could stretch to the East so maybe there is a wide vicinity that has been thought of perhaps.
Going back here to Heirophant we are being asked to take into account some of the elements on that first card and descriptions of places. You can get 'horse' names or things that relate to them.
However, this card the Heirophant reversed is not telling us much because unfortunately as in the case of Katelyn Markham I know she was not found for a time. There was a school element on there and a kind of stalker mentioned and that could be possible in this case too. Finding a person can be very hard when the cards delay things - you usually get some guy involved who is athiest or has some drink problem or some negative element about them or even someone who is ex church. It doesnt always apply but a Friday has come up here it might be for 'something' .
I know this lady is the mother of a young girl who has asked me to look at this Tarot and I really wish I could be more helpful. Sometimes Tarot does not give me the exact location of a person but maybe some of the clues might help on footprints in some way. I would love to tell the daughter yes your mother will be found, but I know there is a delay as yet. I dont see it being quite yet. The number 5 or 4 is here either in routes, distances or timing and thats all I can give.
Tarot picks up 'white noise' and if you do read the notes you will see how it works through the link I leave at the early part of my posting on this subject. There really are no guarantees as this is an experiment. I always hope it will be more and more able to pinpoint location but we just have to work on it and write down the detail and see how that transpires.
Please read all cards combined. I really do not like to name possible location due to the fact it can raise searches and waste valuable resources so one has to be careful how they interpret.
Good luck to the young daughter and I hope one way or another some information will come forward.
Maps are compiled following Tarot suggestions/directions which merely outlines POSSIBILITIES of all the areas that Tarot may be touching on or may be describing. They may touch upon areas connected to other people linked to the case. Please bear in mind that maps cannot be guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.
Your reading showed links to school Empathy.
A catholic college. Your reading mentioned possible ex church. Thanks Empathy for your reading on this missing woman.
How do we request an update ?
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