Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
16TH MARCH 2014
I have been asked by a family member if I would look at Tarot for Henry
Willard Smith (111) who disappeared on 11th November 2011. Obviously as
always, though I want to give as much information as possible I cannot
guarantee everything I am given. Tarot is an experiment and this applies
to all cases on the blog. Tarot gives possibilities past present and
future and NOT FACTS therefore please do read the information/advice
that Tarot gives and if you feel it is useful and can help I am always
pleased that Tarot is able to assist. Please remember read the notes on
this page to help you understand what Tarot can/cannot do.

This card might place Henry near the Marriot Hotel where he was last seen. I did ask Tarot to tell me what happened after he was last seen there and as you can see he felt intimidated by a bunch of others? he is seen here on a hill. If there is a hill name or Hill in the area then this card might be helpful. I would need to see a map.
Starting at the beginning though we do have a 7 and we do have his car attached to that - someone is driving very fast whether him or someone else maybe someone was chasing him. It does not show that someone was actually hurting him on this card but it shows that there might be some other people there. If not actual people then he felt very intimidated in his head and imaginings. Often this card can make a person feel persecuted when they are not because the wands are not actually touching the person but the person has a fear of being attacked.
This card might place Henry near the Marriot Hotel where he was last seen. I did ask Tarot to tell me what happened after he was last seen there and as you can see he felt intimidated by a bunch of others? he is seen here on a hill. If there is a hill name or Hill in the area then this card might be helpful. I would need to see a map.
Starting at the beginning though we do have a 7 and we do have his car attached to that - someone is driving very fast whether him or someone else maybe someone was chasing him. It does not show that someone was actually hurting him on this card but it shows that there might be some other people there. If not actual people then he felt very intimidated in his head and imaginings. Often this card can make a person feel persecuted when they are not because the wands are not actually touching the person but the person has a fear of being attacked.
I do see some very swift
travel though at some point. The 7 on this card may represent either a
route distance or timing and we are given South on this card initially
which might be a name of an area or a direction. It could be numbers
that add to 7 also. Perhaps a fence or even enclosure could come up.
We also note that he might be on the borderline of something or there is something about the word either shoe or boot or some footwear. We also note that there might be an airport in the area and a bay or water at some point and a bridge. As this is also not far from a hotel element we could also add in sports elements like a soccer field or gym or some kind of fitness element but initially seeing going South East out of town.
We also note that he might be on the borderline of something or there is something about the word either shoe or boot or some footwear. We also note that there might be an airport in the area and a bay or water at some point and a bridge. As this is also not far from a hotel element we could also add in sports elements like a soccer field or gym or some kind of fitness element but initially seeing going South East out of town.
I feel as though there was some kind of test or challenge that
was confronting Henry and he did not want to fail that. I have no idea
if that is actual or in his mind or if it was an obstacle he needed to
get around but I am seeing him summoning a lot of strength and
determination and that is why I wondered if he was being intimidated in
some way. I could have this wrong of course.
It seems to me that he 'got a call' or that he was invited to go somewhere which might have been a bit daring or even to do something. Again I can only see him here but I can see the 'possibities of imagining others attacking him' or perhaps they were for real but there is nobody actually present in the picture except him so perhaps he was concerned about something. I seem to see a house on a hill which is also over some kind of rural kind of land with a stream. It could be figurative from Tarot but I will just give it anyway. Was he interested in aeroplanes at all as I do see something about an airport.
I feel like he was standing up for his beliefs over something and of course I do not know Henry so Im not sure what this is referring to but he did not like to be embarrassed so if something was bothering him or put to him I think he would try to be brave about something.
Did he take any form of drugs or alchohol? I can see a market here? or Fair. Colour red.
I feel like I see him both sides of some water. Its possible he had a few words with someone but I cant quite decide if it was negative or not but if he had to stand up for himself perhaps he was speaking his mind about something. This card can show a craggy 'eminence' so perhaps that describes the land? Im also getting East and North - maybe North East generally or one area and one direction name I cant be certain of this. Tarot could just be describing places around him so do be careful with this. It seems to suggest he 'took a trip' whether actually or physically went somewhere.
The descriptions I am given are possibly landscape or names of places but I am shown royals names, theatres, nice public buildings, monuments, public halls auditoriums, parks palaces, castles, forts. Possibly places you are not meant to go or are inaccessible such as deserts, forests and areas where wild animals roam freely. Fire and heat are on this card and whether it means anything or not areas that can link to these element can come up such as the word BURN as an example Hunters can also come up in this run of cards and places to eat or dining halls. If in town wild animals can mean a zoo. Perhaps 'defence'.
It seems to me that he 'got a call' or that he was invited to go somewhere which might have been a bit daring or even to do something. Again I can only see him here but I can see the 'possibities of imagining others attacking him' or perhaps they were for real but there is nobody actually present in the picture except him so perhaps he was concerned about something. I seem to see a house on a hill which is also over some kind of rural kind of land with a stream. It could be figurative from Tarot but I will just give it anyway. Was he interested in aeroplanes at all as I do see something about an airport.
I feel like he was standing up for his beliefs over something and of course I do not know Henry so Im not sure what this is referring to but he did not like to be embarrassed so if something was bothering him or put to him I think he would try to be brave about something.
Did he take any form of drugs or alchohol? I can see a market here? or Fair. Colour red.
I feel like I see him both sides of some water. Its possible he had a few words with someone but I cant quite decide if it was negative or not but if he had to stand up for himself perhaps he was speaking his mind about something. This card can show a craggy 'eminence' so perhaps that describes the land? Im also getting East and North - maybe North East generally or one area and one direction name I cant be certain of this. Tarot could just be describing places around him so do be careful with this. It seems to suggest he 'took a trip' whether actually or physically went somewhere.
The descriptions I am given are possibly landscape or names of places but I am shown royals names, theatres, nice public buildings, monuments, public halls auditoriums, parks palaces, castles, forts. Possibly places you are not meant to go or are inaccessible such as deserts, forests and areas where wild animals roam freely. Fire and heat are on this card and whether it means anything or not areas that can link to these element can come up such as the word BURN as an example Hunters can also come up in this run of cards and places to eat or dining halls. If in town wild animals can mean a zoo. Perhaps 'defence'.
Asking regarding location but also remembering tarot will give surrounding areas I am given Temperance number 14. This card is going to give a number 14, 1 or 4 or 5 for route roads distance timing or possible 13 or part of that number. On this card we are shown the foot of a mountain which can be symbolic or suggest a mountain is in a name but Steel oil and water can be attached to this card as can drugs or alcohol.
card is reversed and there is land and water to be seen here also yellow
flowers and being in the center of something or half way or middle of
something. It can also stand for eating/restaurants, cooks or mixing
ingredients but it can also show a lack of self control or losing ones
cool and wanting to 'get away' or escape? Makes me feel as though he
didnt want to get involved with certain types of people. I see boats
and chains here too maybe a ferry? Possibly the name Michael.
Was Henry working or worried about work?
This card can suggest 'going overboard'. Unfortunately it could be just that or it could suggest someone who is really cross about something and reacting a bit badly to it. This card may suggest South East. Did his car overheat?? Were oil and water levels checked?
Descriptions are always a bit strange but we get names that might describe places so I will just give them as stables horses and a military element. Also, upper areas on the landscape, open fields, hills. Sweet smells. Other names or places that could figure that might be attached in some way are church names - such as bishop minister etc students university or college and clothes and wool.
Seeing a guy here who is quite fat with a big belly and a beard.
Also possible yellow triangle or an arrow. Letter M or N and colour Black (opp White?). Following the 14 we might note there is a centerville Highway but these certainly could be surroundings areas along the Colombia River and Burnside Road. Dee will likely pick it all out and put it on a map to reference some areas.
He could have wanted to put the past behind him because this card is NEED and reversed on location card its saying 'no need' again we will see what comes up on the map. Also have the word Beech.

Our last card is the search and find card hoping to get some form of timing here but it can also represent people and searches already carried out as well as what may be suggested as its past present and future elements on all cards.
This card tells us that even in the face of what might seem complete failure it might be possible to find Henry if a different approach was taken. For example, this card does show that his car was stationary and maybe he is 12 away from the car. 12 can be the road/route or distance or timing too. It can add up to the figure 3 which can be used the same way. It shows me that Henry disappeared in 2011 as its in reverse mode looking to the previous year 2011 maybe within 3 years?? all possible but it takes a while is what I am told. But there needs to be more promotion apparently to get the job done.
This card is generally North. I dont see a change of residence so Im wondering if he is still in the same town or neighbourhood?? I could be wrong of course its easy to misinterpret but I will suggest that possibility. Perhaps a reward would help?
I am still getting Hill and Mountain here though not sure what it refers to. Im getting something about a roof? OR even an attic unless Im supposed to look up high? something about this man with a beard. Perhaps camping, trailers, off the beaten track, a bridge somewhere dark, hidden somewhere might all come up. I see someone pointing a finger maybe they are saying LOOK.Corn and Hay names to consider also Dairies Granaries, agricultural elements. Its a card that tends to show that health has not been in the best condition.
Was a car checked for fingerprints? seeing something about debts or finance here.
Theres more then one person here theres two. Maybe both vanished . One dark hair?
Was Henry working or worried about work?
This card can suggest 'going overboard'. Unfortunately it could be just that or it could suggest someone who is really cross about something and reacting a bit badly to it. This card may suggest South East. Did his car overheat?? Were oil and water levels checked?
Descriptions are always a bit strange but we get names that might describe places so I will just give them as stables horses and a military element. Also, upper areas on the landscape, open fields, hills. Sweet smells. Other names or places that could figure that might be attached in some way are church names - such as bishop minister etc students university or college and clothes and wool.
Seeing a guy here who is quite fat with a big belly and a beard.
Also possible yellow triangle or an arrow. Letter M or N and colour Black (opp White?). Following the 14 we might note there is a centerville Highway but these certainly could be surroundings areas along the Colombia River and Burnside Road. Dee will likely pick it all out and put it on a map to reference some areas.
He could have wanted to put the past behind him because this card is NEED and reversed on location card its saying 'no need' again we will see what comes up on the map. Also have the word Beech.
Our last card is the search and find card hoping to get some form of timing here but it can also represent people and searches already carried out as well as what may be suggested as its past present and future elements on all cards.
This card tells us that even in the face of what might seem complete failure it might be possible to find Henry if a different approach was taken. For example, this card does show that his car was stationary and maybe he is 12 away from the car. 12 can be the road/route or distance or timing too. It can add up to the figure 3 which can be used the same way. It shows me that Henry disappeared in 2011 as its in reverse mode looking to the previous year 2011 maybe within 3 years?? all possible but it takes a while is what I am told. But there needs to be more promotion apparently to get the job done.
This card is generally North. I dont see a change of residence so Im wondering if he is still in the same town or neighbourhood?? I could be wrong of course its easy to misinterpret but I will suggest that possibility. Perhaps a reward would help?
I am still getting Hill and Mountain here though not sure what it refers to. Im getting something about a roof? OR even an attic unless Im supposed to look up high? something about this man with a beard. Perhaps camping, trailers, off the beaten track, a bridge somewhere dark, hidden somewhere might all come up. I see someone pointing a finger maybe they are saying LOOK.Corn and Hay names to consider also Dairies Granaries, agricultural elements. Its a card that tends to show that health has not been in the best condition.
Was a car checked for fingerprints? seeing something about debts or finance here.
Theres more then one person here theres two. Maybe both vanished . One dark hair?
Seeing a Wednesday for some significance.
Ive got some link to South West too. I can see castle rock and longview in the first card I think as part of the North Directions and number 12 is up there so just a few ideas of landscape.
Please read the information combined and remember Tarot cannot promise or guarantee locations. I will post up a map so please do check back.
I hope something helps.
Ive got some link to South West too. I can see castle rock and longview in the first card I think as part of the North Directions and number 12 is up there so just a few ideas of landscape.
Please read the information combined and remember Tarot cannot promise or guarantee locations. I will post up a map so please do check back.
I hope something helps.
Maps are compiled following Tarot suggestions/directions which merely outlines POSSIBILITIES of all the areas that Tarot may be touching on or may be describing. They may touch upon areas connected to other people linked to the case. Please bear in mind that maps cannot be guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.
1 comment:
I miss you everyday Henry. I tried to channel you in 2014, without ever seeing this. It was very dark but could have been my own state of mind, I haven no idea what I was doing. This is the first time I ever read this. I pray to the universe that you are still traveling, alive and making art. I love you so, so much. Your best friend, forever, with all the love,
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