The Charley Project: Branson Kayne Perry - United States
Apr 11, 2011 – Profiles the disappearance of Branson Kayne Perry, missing since April 11, 2001 from Skidmore, Missouri.Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.

18TH MARCH 2013
I have been asked to look at the Tarot for Branson Perry who disappeared 11 April 2001. Branson has never been heard from since. Both his parents have died since. Tarot produces possibilities of what might be helpful to the situation but it does not produce fact. Fact can only be determined if media reports after the Tarot has been published validate any points made.
I will simply write down what Tarot gives to me. Please check other sources for factual information. Tarot is written in past present and future trends.
When asking what happened to Branson Im being given the Emperor number 4. Firstly I think its Branson's way of pointing out what the connections were on that day, I feel that quite strongly, so his father was strong in his life. This card also links to vehicles so I am satisfied that Tarot is linking up with that. However, we need to push it further than that.
First of all the Emperor card does link to authority figures ie father but it can also link to 'boss' and vehicles. It is also showing us that there are two other people there and that there might be a link to K or Keys or Quay or Lock. There might be something about a set of keys. However, there are the two other people and this card is somehow pushing me to say that two other people can give good advice.
Therefore perhaps there is information to come from two people? The Number 4 may show a route or road or distance.
Meanwhile, ultimately I might be getting something about a scrapyard. I cant be sure but its lurking somewhere along the line.
This card also takes me up to April 19th and Branson was not reported missing apparently until 17th April.
Keywords that I see to have link to feeling 'imprisoned' boggy swampy places, damp and decay, basements, cellars, waste disposal, ruined buildings by water, lakes, water areas, anything connected to water, ice and snow, pipes, drains and sewers the name Clay, restricted movement.
The colour BLACK.
Also Smiths, shops, furnaces, slaughterhouses, places where bricks or charcoal is burnt, chimneys, forges and a square.
Interesting that if you look at the map south of where this boy lived there is a 'square' area and it happens to have Smith Street running through. The directions I am given however are East and North East.
This could mean we are South and the homestead is North/North East so that would take us near the river thats running right there South West of this boys house. I also have Sandy and hilly ground, newly built land or where construction work is taking place. Land for sheep/small cattle or animal stables. Isolated places where criminals find refuge.
The Colour red. Links to heat/fire and construction elements to do with houses/homes Bricks and mortar , plastering etc. Tarot seems to be identifying the area that this boy was. However, we need to look at other cards to see what else we can find for the map.
My feelings are that two other people may know more as they are placed on the next card of good advice so they should be able to say something and they are attached to a vehicle.
The father figure I have is 'ruling' so it seems there are rules to obey or things to do in respect of him and that too would completely sit with what is known at the current time. What I would be concerned about is the underlying negative nature of the Emperor figure which could show OTT behaviour and indeed problems with a vehicle could become more then what is apparent on the surface.
This card links directly to WILL and that can slip us right into the magician card of mechanics and fixers with tools. What we are looking at then is an 'untold story' and the initials B J D or R for people or places. It seems to me that there should have been a 'note' left . I note that there are two places and the name Beth (there is a Bethany on the Map to the East) There is also a road under the name Eagle which drops down from HWY V ( The Emperor is linked to the Eagle)
I also notice that Clay Center on the Map and wonder if that area is useful or is connected to anyone? thats on a 24 route.
Numbers 4, 13 and 31 could link to routes.
The negative qualities that could provide an obstacle here is the fact that though our card is upright the underlying problems might be that that someone might want to ‘use’ you or take something from you.
Therefore a possible warning about ulterior motives and the possibility of being defrauded, mislead or deceived. There could also be some exaggeration or inflation of facts but in what capacity I cannot be sure, the red could show quite a bit of anger if anything. Of course though, if anything happened on this negative level, the father figure or the boss figure would 'turn' and become overbearing and controlling. The risk is there.
Going to the next card would be hoping to pin down a bit more location. The details of all cards will be put on a map for consideration and POSSIBILITY.
This card is theoretically another water card and generally indicates North. There is a pool of water here and the number 17 which could stand for a route/ distance or another significance.
To me, this card is linked to the Empress which gives me the mother figure, notwithstanding the fact that it does also sit next to the Moon card which is the mother. I do not know the area where Bransons mother lives though I do understand the parents were not together. This might also explain the 'two houses'. But it does seem to me that this Boy might have moved towards his mother - perhaps something happened in the six days that made him want to move on? I only say this because our Star can sometimes show we need to heal and that there is a better life ahead.
However, we have the number 17, that can add up to an 8 both of which can be routes. Again we do have the water significance and we have a link to the skullcap.
What would worry me a little is that the pond in our picture is being drained by a jug and I need to offer some keywords here to help show surroundings of location if possible. Firstly, we have to look at the water aspect and here we are given North West - this can relate to bones, teeth, joints and skeletal structure and it can in some way work in with the water elements of the first card and structures as here we have keywords that are deep wells, quarries, mines and land that has recently been dug.
We also have elements that refer to the word HIGH or UPPER - hills, attic rooms eaves the roof or upper parts of a house if buildings are involved or could be names of places. We are then being shown vineyards or places of liquid, water supply, fountains or springs. Plumbing elements such as the bath, taps or showers or power supplies.
Fathers, grandfathers, gardeners, ashy colours, black, deserts, woods, obscure valleys, caves, dens, holes, mountains, church-yards, ruinous buildings, coal-mines, sinks, dirty or muddy places, wells and houses or offices. The word Hazel.
We also have West attached keywords would be Hills and mountains, high places, storehouses corn and grain barns and possibly airports . Drawers, chests places where money is kept, banks and names of money. Tradesmen's shops, markets, fairs, schools, halls, bowling-alleys, tennis courts
A link to perjury.
This simply is not a great card for finding Branson because it shows us a lot of treachery and opposition. The number is number 10 and it also links to number 1, that is the Magician and father card in opposition. It does seem to make me feel that the father might have had a few more answers but if not then it goes back to the mechanics of a vehicle. I might be wrong but that is what I seem to have here. This card is not a good card, it shows that there are delays and even court elements or trials involved but the delay is long and arduous.
What I seem to get mostly is the word HILL so whether there is a Hill area or a link to that then maybe it might help. Meanwhile, this card is South as a rule but it shows a blonde haired male, rolling hills and trees and being between two places perhaps even in between two towns as clearly when this card is upright one is being approached.
There is a Rolling Hills in Albany but who knows for sure if this is useful?
South East comes up here, Keywords are heat and fire , stables/horses, open fields, hills and land that rises higher than the rest. Also upper areas in a house if inside a building.
Links to university/college or young students, wool and drapers, priests and judges, church links and sweet smells.
An airport could be in the vicinity and in the wider area possible sport fields.
This card can show construction sites, dusty roads, industrial estates, dumping grounds, places not far from water but overall it will seem to have a negative quality which does not help to find Brandon. There is a feeling of being stabbed in the back on this journey of cards and a group of people perhaps who are not helping but hindering maybe it would be more useful if they wanted this boy found but I just get a negative impression here. I see arguments, quarrels, violence and nastiness why of course I cant say only that it is what is here.
The 10 or 1 could be routes to assist and one has to be careful to understand that Tarot is going to show everything it can in the surrounding neighbourhood to describe the movements of a person so all the information will be put on a map hopefully something might help. Perhaps there is a border somewhere? or he is South of a border? Elements of this card can bring up Freestone, so Freemont also came to mind.
I get postponement with this card though and do not feel it is the right time for Brandon to be found. I am seeing a sign of no messages here and I also see cars that crash so I do wonder about a scrapyard somewhere but again I might be wrong. I just have to leave these thoughts and hope that something might help. I always wish I could pinpoint an exact spot but realistically I know Tarot cannot give us names only descriptions and we have to try to work something out from that.
I am very sorry for family members in Brandons case and I hope eventually some truth can come out. I am certainly not pointing fingers at the father either, but there are connections or links to him here that might have had a bearing on the matter. I hope things work out. If I find I have missed something I will come back and write it in. Often I just write a brief overview and when I re read I realise I could have spotted other things so I will do this if its the case.
Dee has compiled a map following Tarot instructions/directions which merely outlines POSSIBILITIES of all the areas that Tarot may be touching on or may be describing. Please bear in mind that this is not guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.
(Hit the Grey word that says MAPS)
Show on Google Maps
Official Website | Help Find Branson Perry | "When the world ...
A site for Branson Kayne Perry, missing from Skidmore, Missouri April 11, 2001UPDATED 9TH AUGUST 2018
The last report I could find for Branson BUT we must keep him profiled. Please keep sharing!
Family Still Searching for Answers 17 Years after Branson Perry's ... (press release) (blog)-11 Apr 2018
Branson Perry mysteriously vanished from the front yard of his ... with information that will help them find out what happened to Branson.
Thank you so much for doing a reading on the case I requested!! This case is very sad. It has always stuck with me and i often wonder what happend to him. You hit on alot of key factors! From what i've learned, there were two mechanics at his house that day working on his dads car and a friend said one of the men came in the house looking for something, could that be the keys you were picking up on? Very odd case, huh?...
Hello Lynn, A map has been posted today. Nothing can truly be guaranteed but maybe something will help. Yes a very odd case.
He's dead and he ain't comin back. This is complete hogwash.
Do you have a newslink to that effect?
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