Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
I have been meaning to attach a special blog for Phonomena and enthusiasts for some time and find I am too busy to 'get on with it'. I PROMISE to do this very soon. However, there are various other Tarot Entries on this blog that do not relate to Missing Children but are subjects that have 'come up' or have been asked about.
I find it interesting to be open minded about everything and am naturally very curious at some of Tarot's advice. Of course, Tarot is speculative until proven and I always bear that in mind and certainly do not feel that it has to be taken literally as of course 'who can say' unless something can validate what I have seen. True to say there could be a 'miscalculation' with some of my relayed messages from Tarot but I do try to post exactly what I am given.
One of the most intriguing subjects has always been UFO's and I have other posts on this subject.
Recently we had the Russian Meteor that crashed in the Urals though no evidence of it was found and speculation has been whether or not it was a nuclear missiles test. This all occurred on the same day that Asteroid D14 came the closest to earth in a flyby. It certainly was close as it passed between the Moon and the Earth at 17,500 miles out and lower than the satelites.
It raises questions of course about the many 'objects' that are out there but always we get back to UFO's and whether or not they really exist. I think they do but I have various ideas from Tarot on that which I have already posted. Meanwhile, the question is , if there are UFO's what are they powered by, or what is their Energy Source?
I know that I have absolutely no ability to understand the 'science' or 'technical' elements of this question so I might not be able to explain the 'workings' of a power source I would only be able to make the suggestions that Tarot has given and it will either make people fall about laughing or it might have some creedence.
So when asking Tarot about this Tarot gave me the Knight of Swords reversed.
This is a blustery card to say the least and reverses itself. Because I know that this card can bring in Military factors it could suggest military elements which could throw the question back at ourselves - humans- in respect of Flying Saucers but it is reversed. Our card can show an armoured vehicle or a vehicle that is metal because when we see flying saucers we think of metal or a kind of metal.
That is not the question though is it? We ask what might POWER UFO or these flying objects that people purport to see. So looking at that again and knowing how Tarot is so symbolic and cryptic I note that we are given MERCURY.
Mercury as we all know is 'metallic' that otherwise known as quick silver. Im sure there are many links to its ability as to whether it is found in solid compounds. However, we are given Mercury and our card relates to Fire and Air. We are told by Tarot that clouds form a kind of tornado but yet we are given that they are created via the Stratus Clouds. Below is information to Stratus Clouds.
Stratus clouds are uniformed layered clouds that are below 6,000 feet. They are formed in sheets and are usually associated with overcast weather.
Here below is a Cloud 'type' chart.
Obviously the one thing that seems to come to mind is Clouds and Mercury. How that combination works or whether it is even possible I have absolutely no idea. But I did go hunting to see if there is any possible way that Mercury could cause 'airlift' and I was astonished to find this.
Make of that what you WILL!!! Personally I am no expert and scientifically the suggestion could be quite blown out of the water. Looking at my cards, there also appears to be a feeling that no evidence can be found anywhere for anything meaning that we are left to wonder.
Our card is a 12 card and together we add this to give us a 3 number. Firstly it might indicate to me that there are either two or three elements that link to the source or energy power of possible UFOs. As the card is reversed I would suggest that this is not a 3 dimentional object or not of 3 dimentional world which could then rather suggest that the three properties might not be all found on our own terrain. Clouds are formed through terrain but they are above it.
It is very curious. Our card is the Prince of the Air a very furious type of card that is mutable and therefore we do have to apply the word MUTABLE which means it cannot be copied, though this card is reversed it may show that the object might be copied, or do people try to copy the energy or the energy source? or is Mercury the nearest kind of description FOR the Energy source. Perhaps Tarot is trying to tell us that it is similar to that but as Mercury can be found on earth and this substance is non 3 dimentional perhaps it cannot be identified but that it works in the same way?
It is considered by Tarot to be of 'un-disciplined' source. Clouds are rather like that in some ways I presume unless there is truth in HAARP that we can affect the weather. The weather seems to have quite a bit to do with flying objects if this Tarot were giving truthful advice.
This 'energy' has great inner strength and tenacity according to Tarot. There may be a Mars link.
Because Fire and Air show on this card and is reversed, it rather gives me the impression of heat that is cooled? Air that is both eratic but passive.
East and West show on our card.
Touchstone, marcasite, jasper, gold, vermillion, bloodstone are just some of the items that come up with the metals of the Knight of Swords. Touchstone in particular is interesting because it is a stone used to identify precious metals - Tarot shows that it understands our question here. Clearly though METALS or something Metallic must be coming to the fore?
However, it may be non magnetic source as loadstone is also mentioned but reversed rather loses its capacity to connect. Therefore we are describing mercury that can split but 'does not go together again'. We know the property of Mercury can do exactly that,(I.E. rejoin) so that is what I feel Tarot has given, that the source is not unlike Mercury but it is also not quite the same either.
Please remember Tarot gives possibilities and NOT Fact.
There are other factors that I will come back to write.
That is very interesting. I read about the mercury engines and it sees some information regarding the flying and other technology went missing. Maybe it is in safer hands. There is also stories about disk like weapons made from an energy that are very powerful. I look forward to further reading on this page.
I hope to write more eventually Sue. Thanks for your comment.
Even though this is an older article you wrote I’m surprised it did not get more comments in view of recent disclosures by America on UFO sightings declassified by military. There is probably technology out there we don’t know about relating to newer and renewable energy sources that are kept under wraps because the world monitory energy economy would collapse and people would realise the small wealthy elites are not needed because the earth looks after us if we look after it and respect the laws of nature. We don’t pay plants to grow and creatures to breed, the wind and rain to come or the sun to shine do we? I believe we are not alone in the universe but the truth often lies somewhere in the middle. We probably do have secret development of technology that ordinary people do not know about because it is kept secret and likewise there are things in existence that are beyond most peoples understanding. I often re read your posts because I rethink things of this nature. Thanks for your posts. I always look forward to these.
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