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Tuesday, 15 January 2013



Victor went Missing May 1st 1994 and was last seen playing with children in the woods near Short Mountain. He left the group and has not been seen since. He was last seen wearing red shorts and a red T-shirt.
Anyone having information should contact:
West Virginia State Police - Missing Persons Unit - 1-304-822-3561


Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.

It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.

Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.

Please always read the following


which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.





I have a request here on this site to look at Tarot for Victor Dwight Shoemaker. I have written for Victor before some years ago but I did not record the details. There have been many speculations and much internet detail regarding Victor's disappearance but I am going to dismiss everything in favour of just writing down what I get from the Tarot. I have not refreshed my memory regarding this case, I feel it is best to just try to record the the Tarot and give out the advice as it stands but this will be in past present and future time pockets. Please read the notes for Tarot on this site.


As always I find myself staring into the face of a beautiful child and sigh. I wish so much that they did not end up in these situations but of course these things do happen and with a great frequency.
My first card is number 13 which reversed is a 31 or together adds up to a four. These might represent routes or distances.

Tiredness, exhaustion, depression, physical ailments, accidents and incidents are generally prevalent here and we are looking at the DARK and not the light due to the reversal of our card. Therefore I am getting dark or darkness here. Victor could have go into a situation by accident, there are some kind of water elements here that might suggest the name of a place or that there is some kind of water or even dampness here. Was he playing 'Hide and Seek'? because its daylight but somehow he is in the 'dark'?

Im getting a hostile environment where there is a lack of light and restricted movement. I see insects and water, muddy/swampy ground, bogs marshes. Sewers/drains, black kind of mud and the name Clay. Ice and Snow come up here smelly lakes ruined houses near water, underground elements like pipes or tunnels. Basements, toilets drains somewhere cooped up, old buildings ruined/decay or untenanted. North facing walls, holes in the ground and puddles/ponds.

I would have taken this card to show us the North East but reversed we may have to look to the West or even South West.
There may also be some kind of connection or link to smiths, shops, furnaces, slaughterhouses, places where bricks or charcoal is burnt, chimneys, forges as we have some heat elements so perhaps a burnt out fire or that a building was demolished in fire?

I am seeing some violent actions or could be quarrels about cheating or being a cheat? but I have some person descriptions here. Someone who is about middle height very strong, big bones but not fat, brown ruddy complexion round face, hair red or sandy or dark blonde crispy or curly type hair. Sharp hazel looking eyes. This could be a male as they are fearless in action.
Also someone who may be well built quite hairy. Dark eyes, dark hair short neck hunkering down?

Bear wards come up here. I am seeing land and water and losing our balance. I am also seeing an abusive non biological male. A possible stalker? at the same time someone around the family or family precincts. I see a scout camp, or caravans or mobile homes, but Im looking underneath them . A pitch? We want to get away from bad people. We are scared to move? Need to go to the toilet?
A possible bridge like object? Someone is territorial about their property? do they have a gun? I see someone trying to protect their patch? Someone is very abusive here, very stern. At the foot of the mountain, something Yellow a triangle.


I am being given a 10 or a 1 and this card is often the grandparents home as it is considered the ancestral home. Note that it is reversed. It may be our 10 and 1 is a distance or a route. We are being shown a vicinity that is familiar to us but at the same time its not a biological home but we are possibly near or beneath ? This is a North Card. We need to re search we are being told. Perhaps we have overlooked certain elements are there any fingerprints? There may be water/damp aspects. I think we are possibly near or beneath a building? I am seeing dogs ? Theres an arch like structure? We are estranged. This is a house or dwelling and we have been under it? Old place, abandoned?

South West is given too but still East must be taken into consideration.
Was any clothing found?

Keywords for places or descriptions of vicinities can sound strange but they can help on a map. Those keywords are places that are low down and near to the floor. Places of agriculture, harvest storage such as barns cabins or whatever would be considered to be suitable for storage. Diaries, granaries, breweries (might imply someone drunk or drugs?) cornfields, hayricks, greenhouses, barley wheat peas or cheese all names that could turn up.

There are odd significance to places such as shops, markets, fairs, schools, common halls, bowling-alleys, tennis courts. These could connect via someone else or link in some other way that right now I cannot place. But we are also being given storage in houses, or places where we put things to stow away, cupboards pantries closets are possibly signifying confined spaces for example but drug stores/health matters are coming up here. Names that might represent sewing such as pins, needles etc, tools can come up here, old offices, books and pens also show up? as do pets small animals and vets.

These odd descriptions can be trying to point out names of things and it takes careful inspection to try to break them down. There will be a map posted to point out as many areas as possible.
Schools farms and valleys/rural areas come up as do the words manor, bird and hood. An old shop or abandoned building?


We are given the King of Wands for the find and search card. Hunters are in this card but in general there are delays signified in such a way that I do not know how permanent this is. The number 14 comes up here as does number 41 and number 5 which again might have some route/distance associated with them.

Aspects of this card will have come up in the searching past present and future of this little boy.
The card is generally South by nature and the colour red is strong.

It is suggesting that two people who could give advice are not doing so but the letter K or Quay or Key or even 'lock' could come up here. I also note there is an abusive male individual here who is being overlooked perhaps or has not somehow come to the surface. I note that someone here comes and goes? I cannot see any messages or news at the current time in this card but I see we are possibly between places though I still feel I am seeing a building at the foot of a 'town' with rolling trees and hills.

I am also seeing a vehicle here but its not going anywhere.

There might be some identity problems. I see something that might be white?

Some kind of pushy man here self indulgent and superficial. Someone tries a get rich quick scheme? was there ever a ransom indicated?
Someone bald or the word BALD OR BALDY.

If there is a person they are described in the cards above with sandy or dark blonde hair natural curl maybe glint of red. Sport or sport elements?

This card brings up similar directions as before as this card normally signifies North East but in a reversed postion we might be looking South West or East.

Might be the name of the area or road.

Respiration stomach or throat problems.

Yellow red orange and gold.

Places described as ROYAL names like King or Prince, princess etc, along with theatres, lavish public buildings and monuments, public halls, auditoriums, parks palaces, castles, forts. Places describing deserts, forests and areas where wild animals roam (like ZOO) . Name Michael or odd name beginning with W comes up. Boxes and packing.

These are references that I have been given for Victor, there is something about his name that makes me feel ' not Victor' but I dont know why I would say that. I just feel that if this boy is alive anywhere then he would be unlikely to be able to change anything for fear of changing things if that makes sense. If not then I would look to the references that are given. I do not discuss health but I would have said that this boy was in a confined situation at some point in these cards and I also think there is someone who is very abusive around him at some point of time also. I hope something is useful, but I cannot see a movement to finding him at the moment and really that is what I wish to see but dont see. Maybe the 14 is next year and something might come to light but I cannot guarantee this.

In this last card there is a possibility of an airport and a house on the Hill somewhere in the vicinity. There may also be a place where you break down cars ie, scrapyard as I am seeing METAL in our first card and Iron Metal or Guns/weapons might show up. In a place could even be an Ironmonger but I cant even vouch for that its just breaking down the thoughts/ideas of what we are given here.

Im getting something about vacations? holiday property? There may be a father figure here but what I am seeing is someone who is aggressive or bad tempered. 

A post office? Co Route 10/4 ?

It is recommended to read everything TOGETHER so that a picture might be formed of the situation. Tarot does not produce FACT it produces possibilities and they cannot be considered solid unless they are verified in some form or other. I think there should be more media about Victor there is not enough media for him right now so this case needs re-igniting in a big way if something is going to shift into a favourable light. 

I want to add in that Hotts Chapel (church elements in first card) and construction elements might show up. They come within the configurations but might just be vicinity, also looking at the 50 route. It is best to follow numbers to assist. 



Dee has compiled a map which OUTLINES all the areas that Tarot may be touching on or may be describing. Please bear in mind that this is not guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.

(Hit the Grey word that says MAPS) 

 Show on Maps


Anonymous said...

I would Love to find him, but am struggling to do so. So sad

Anonymous said...

Can you please contact me about Victor Shoemaker? A few things in your reading are of great interest to me. Please post here as I check it daily.


You would need to write to

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Below are 'resolved' Missing Persons cases detailing news events after the person was found. Sadly some did not survive. On many, Tarot has described accurately either events, landscape or named Locations or suggested when the person would be found. The details of the validations differ on each case. This section will help assess Tarot's ability to assist in its ongoing experiment.






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