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Wednesday, 16 January 2013

NICK WILCOX - UPDATED 29TH MARCH 2013 Milwaukee-14 Jan 2013
MILWAUKEE (WITI) — Family and friends of Nick Wilcox are ... January 13th looking for 24-year-old Wilcox, who has been missing since early ...

Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.

It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.

Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.

Please always read the following


which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.




 I have had a request here on the blog to look at Tarot for Nick Wilcox in the hope that it will help the searchers. As always, I can never guarantee locations but I have tried to break down as many clues as possible in the hope that somehow something might assist. Tarot gives POSSIBILITIES and NOT Facts and for that reason you are always asked to read the factual elements.

Location has to be treated sensibly as Tarot is an experiment and in the case of location is still in very early stages of trial. Tarot looks at past present and future elements and will likely pick up anything already reported as well as other information.
I am going to record all the information I am given from Tarot exactly as I am given it. I cannot guarantee every detail but I will just have to hope something will assist.


First card from Tarot is the Moon. As a general rule this card can show some kind of disorientation whether through drugs or drink the idea is that everything seems confused. Its a night card, but we are seeing the day here. Prominent here is a bridge or two towers and the water and land. 
The number is 18which can break down to a 9 or a 6 or can also give us 81. These numbers often can help for distance or route. Sometimes they have other significance but at this stage it is hard to say what that might be.

The moon is a dodgy card, 'dodgy' because it can put us in contact with people that are not always the best company for us, there are often deceptions on this card and illusions. Its also a card of temptations. We might also want to get away from a situation that does not really suit us.

This card can show we went to sleep or that our head was mugged out, perhaps we woke up somewhere wondering where the hell we were? its just that kind of situation where confusion might come in. Im getting some kind of misunderstanding here that has happened and it has raised insecurities. Being falsely accused can come up too. Im not sure if a woman is involved here or not but the moral is not to take risks on this card so Nick should not take any risks because there might have been something he did not know.

Alternatively, it might be something we dont know - yet. However, Im getting a roof, January, something about some kind of falsity or someone lying about something? a path that when at night is dimly lit. Blue hills? Sometimes this card can represent hidden dangers that come to light after the fact.
Im getting red and violet.
Back of head.

There might be some secrets here or some kind of deception. I cannot work out yet whether people are worrying for nothing, or whether Nick is in a situation where deception surrounds him either to do with himself or to do with someone around him. But, I do feel some kind of misunderstanding has taken place I just cant direct that right now to the correct connection.

If something has been going on behind the scenes it is going to come to light. So any level of deception or intrigue or anything that Nick might have got involved in some clarity would have come up as there is an indication of incorrect information.
I have the word Dolphin and Fish.
Violet and Black.

I wonder if he has got into some disagreements here with someone.

Z. Colour Gold.
A feeling of ill health or being unwell, surgery?.
A warning siren or alarm.
A lost item may be found.

Has Nick been found yet? part of this reading makes me feel I should hold off writing anything as though there is something I dont know yet, or something might come to light soon.
Im getting something about mother here.
Im also getting the possibility of being stuck somewhere in the dark or we might have taken a wrong turning when travelling.

The next card Im getting is like a Wall, a break in a wall, sometimes flowers/gardens can show, I am getting somewhere there isnt any light, so Im seeing the dark again. Often I have seen this card for basements or cellars but its not always the case. Its like a hole in the wall. (That might not make sense right now) but thats what I have.

This card is usually North or North West, it is reversed and can reverse the directions so I will have to look on the other cards to see how this is going to work out.
Colour White.

The keywords that I have may be connecting names of roads or places but equally might be actual landscape and those keywords are fishponds, rivers, springs, watermills, water pumps, wells, marshy o/watery ground, moats, springs, the ocean, any water connection including plumbing, fisherman, baths, taps showers tanks swimming pools etc. Being secluded or isolated a possibility.
Church names for places or roads or spiritual element. Angels.
Possible links to university students or college.
Sweet smelling odours.

Person description which could also hold keywords for places or place names would be someone who is straight and tall ; brown, ruddy complexion; plump, high forehead; large grey eyes, hair auburn brown; possible beard. Possible mole or scar on foot.
Someone does not want another person to know 'what they are doing'?
logic thrown out the window.
Stalker? or some link to someone we know.
A smell.
Red material or banner.
Possible stationary vehicle.
Something that has happened in the past has resurfaced.


This is a number 4 card which might be direction or route or distance/timing

Initially I see us going North West, I have the word WILL here. I am seeing a vehicle, or car park.

Two people know where Nick is. I have a 'K' here or Key or Quay or Lock. They can be names of people or places. They can offer good advice? I have a church name here or a church , also a teacher or a mentor? School links perhaps. I am seeing authority such as LE or someone in authority who will spot/sight him. Possible father figure or boss can come up here also. Not sure why.
Something Gray, I am not sure if its is a vehicle or not.
The word Mountain.
Man with a beard.

South or south East comes up with this card, but East is stronger.
Possible person description/keywords or possible names or decriptions of landscape can come up in the guise of someone who is red skinned or the hair has red, complexion tanned. Lean body, medium height, large bones. Bald or thin hair. Red or Sandy. Hazel eyes. Sporty elements, fearless. (Dee will understand the keywords for a map).

Descriptions of landscape/vicinity or names to consider would be sandy and hilly ground, newly built land or where there is construction work . Land linked to sheep and small cattlestables for small animals. Places where criminals might find refuge. Ceilings, attics, materials that build a house plastering. Heat and fire, bricks and mortar/foundaries. Other keywords are smiths, shops, furnaces, slaughterhouses, places where bricks or charcoal is burnt, chimneys, forges.
These keywords can link to place names or describe them.

Possible aggression or fighting or temper?
A square.
Solid foundations.
A shield?

Letters B J D or R might represent people or places. A Monday comes up here. A female. Some odd things happening over a 28 days cyle. Someone wears Blue. A Hood OR something over the head.

Two buildings. Letter or message half written or not finnished.
Woman holding secrets or withholding them.
Someone pregnant?


I am given a three for when Nick is to be found. This could be timing distance or route. Sometimes the Swords cards can mean MONTHS but I leave the three because it could represent other things.

This card shows that there has been an argument. It also shows three people and one person breaking away. Airports, railways lines, golf courses can all be in the area notwithstanding there is water rocks stone, concrete the word Canyon can come up but so can the word CON.

There is possibly water with two islands here. I feel we are somehow stuck or stuck in a situation.

Words that sound like weapons can come up in this card so can the word HART or Heart.

I am being given a circle here - this can show a 'return' but this card has represented a delay before. However, there may be unsettling news or upsetting news. I am not sure what form that takes whether to Nick himself or to others. What I seem to see is that there is a possibility of finding him, so I might just say Yes he will be found. Im not sure how soon but I do have the three. Someone may come forward and offer some information.

I am seeing some form of betrayal in these cards, certainly this card represents seperations. It also represents cutting or cutting implements and could suggest cutting ties. I am not sure whether that is past present or future only that it could be here. I am seeing a form of depression or anxiety. The word BED might come up or even bedrooms or upper rooms might show up.

This is an East card.

Feeling contained or restricted. Relationship crisis? or a destructive relationship. Im seeing a church name or element here.
Colour Yellow. Someone who should have picked their battles.
Two people here with negative consequences. Divorce, seperation or rupture of relationships. Colour Black, Silver, Jewels. Music element? dancing.
Blonde person with dimples.
West signified.

This card will represent search and find. It will cover issues that may have occurred in the search as well as information for the find. Descriptions of landscape vicinity /possible keywords are mountains and hillsides. Windmills, windpower. Hunting Hawking, air force bases, airports, high communication towers. Sandy /gravely ground, saw pits , places for wood or where its cut, barns/outhouses not part of another building. Ceilings ventilation ducts, upper parts of buildings, rooms within rooms. Gardens, fountains, brides, bridle, bed and breakfast, beds, hangings dancing schools, wardrobes.

A Friday comes up as significance.

Dee understands the keywords to the descriptions that I am given via Tarot and they will be placed on a map very soon. Please check back.

Tarot can only present possibilities and give its information to me but it must NOT BE CONSIDERED AS FACT. Fact can only be established if there is verification on any points that Tarot has given to us. Locations are in experimental stage. All card information should be read together in past present and future time epochs but something here might be able to assist. I cannot guarantee I have all the details correct but I give everything that I can see at the current time.


PLEASE NOTE: The maps are not guaranteed.


Dee has compiled a map which OUTLINES all the areas that Tarot may be touching on or may be describing. Please bear in mind that this is not guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.

(Hit the Grey word that says MAPS) 

 Show on  Maps



 A body pulled from the Milwaukee River Thursday evening has been identified by the medical examiner's office.

Very sadly it appears that Nick has been found deceased in Water.  There are no indications as yet what happened to Nick so at the moment there is only news about where he was found.  Tarot gave us number 18 which is the area that Nick was found and Water seemed to be very much part of that. 

Tarot indicated that Nick would be found in THREE and we are in March and the third Month from when he went missing so does seem to be correct about that and also that news is upsetting. Tarot also gave a Friday and it is today (Friday 29 March) I am given this news.  I was also given a Thursday and it appears that is the day Nick was found.     I feel so very sorry for the family. 

Location on the maps are not guaranteed and in this case does point out a few areas that Nick or anyone connected to him might be linked to. However, we are given a circle and perhaps it was an indication that Nick was not far.   Location is very experimental at the current time so if any of the other areas link in some way only time will tell.

My sympathies go to the family entirely.



Anonymous said...

I searched the EAST Bank Trail with other volunteers last Friday. I found a smiley face on a rock, behind it a HILL and a factory or FOUNDRY. A NEWLY BUILT paved road leading up to the factory. I am working with detectives on this.

Anonymous said...

I took the 'clues' and pinpointed a location not listed on the map. The area I came up with would be where the Milwaukee & KK rivers converge near the Summerfest grounds. This might makes sense IF -- and only if -- Matt Wilcox went into the Milwaukee River. I pray that isn't what happened.

Here's how I came to my conclusion:

**1st card 'clues': number 18, prominent is bridge/2 towers, words Dolphin/Fish, Gold – warning siren/alarm.

“like a Wall, a break in the wall”, North/North WEST, then EAST card.

Keywords for roads or places: Wells and things to do with water. Church names for roads.

**Number 4 card 'clues': “K” and/or word “Lock” followed by something to do with a church (not that it has anything to do with this, but the name/word 'Lock' followed by church or church mentor (?) reminds me of Michael Lock who was a Preacher and also ran a heinous criminal operation that included murder/torture houses).

**3 for when Nick can be found: “word Canyon can come up, but so can CON” (the KK river is pronounced CONickCONick), words that sound like weapons, word Hart or Heart, “music element/dancing”

Here's what I surmised:

W. WELLS street is also '18' and crosses Milwaukee River. There is also RIVERWALK Way and WATER street.

794 EAST-WEST then crosses the river, followed by ST PAUL ave (church name for road), there is then the BLUE Horse (don't know if it is on hill, but bldg is along river & horses can be categorized w/ cattle/sheep). The college could be MIAD (Milwaukee Institute Art & Design). A little further down is MOCT night club (Moct is Russian for 'bridge'), followed by FLORIDA street (Florida has dolphins & fish, plus Miami Dolphins)

Then for “K” and/or word 'Lock'... after Florida street is Bruce street where AERO LOCKsmith is located. Furthermore, Bruce street is exactly where the Milwaukee and KK (Kinnickinnic) Rivers converge. As I mentioned, this river is pronounced: CONickCONick (the word CON can come up). In this area are both POLK and PIERCE streets (could have to do with weapon actions)

In this exact area where the Milwaukee & KK converge is the 'Hank Aaron Trail' [HA(R)T] as well as the HOAN BRIDGE (if Hoan/Hart could be seen as similar sounding). Right by the bridge is a lighthouse (which gives a 'warning'). I'm not positive, but I believe there are BREAK WALLS for Lake Michigan right here (“like a Wall, a break in a wall). What I am absolutely 100% certain of is that this is right by Summerfest, hence the “music element/dancing.”

I don't know if this is correct, and my location is not anything mapped, but it might make sense IF Nick Wilcox went in the water around Wells St/18 and was carried by the current. I hope I'm greatly mistaken and he is found Alive and Well. My heart breaks for you. My friend went missing about a year ago. I know what an awful feeling it is.


MILWAUKEE -- It's been nearly three weeks since a UW-Milwaukee student was last seen but Nick Wilcox's family is determined not to give up their search.

A group of about 20 people searched areas around 1st and National Saturday. They walked around the Summerfest grounds and scoured the river.

Also adding new fuel to the search are the billboards that went up around Milwaukee to remind people to keep their eyes open for any sign of the missing man.

"We're just hoping that people that are from out of town that aren't necessarily walking around the city as much seeing the flyers that they'll take awareness to the billboards," Wilcox's girlfriend Kelly McGonagil said. "Maybe someone was here from out of town on New Years that saw something."

McGongil tells CBS 58's Matt Doyle the billbaord space was donated by Clear Channel.

Wilcox's family asks anyone who might have information about Nick to call Milwaukee Police.


I really hope this young man can be found safe.

JenS said...

It has been over 12 weeks and still no sign of Nick. The search teams continue and family and friends hold fundraisers to help with reward offers. It is a very sad time for all. Thank you for everything.

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There are a selection of Personal Tarot and Astrological Readings to choose from.


Below are 'resolved' Missing Persons cases detailing news events after the person was found. Sadly some did not survive. On many, Tarot has described accurately either events, landscape or named Locations or suggested when the person would be found. The details of the validations differ on each case. This section will help assess Tarot's ability to assist in its ongoing experiment.






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