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Sunday, 13 January 2013


Picture of Jaime Cheesman

Police and the family of Jaime Cheesman, who has been missing for 16 years, are renewing their appeals for Jaime or anyone who knows where she is to contact them.

Jaime, who lived with her parents Eric and Barbara in Wellingborough, was 16 when she was reported missing in November 1993 after staying with friends in Grimsby.
Media appeals at the time of her disappearance led to a number of unconfirmed sightings of Jaime, but none of these were ever corroborated. Checks of official records have also failed to locate Jaime and she is officially recorded as a missing person – her details are registered with the National Missing Persons Helpline and on the Missing Kids UK website.

 call Northamptonshire Police on 03000 111 222 or, if you would prefer to remain anonymous, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111. Alternatively, Jaime or anyone who knew her or knows her can contact Chief Inspector Martin Kinchin by e-mail on martin.kinchin@northants.pnn.police.


Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.

It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.

Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.

Please always read the following


which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.




I have been working through many requests on the blogger and I have an enquiry for Jaime Cheesman. Brief details are posted above.

Tarot notes are on site which please read as they will explain what Tarot can and cannot do. Generally the readings are in past present and future mode and the hope is that they will highlight some clue to assist. Tarot gives possibilities NOT fact so please refer to factual sources of information.


When I see this card the interesting thing to note is the '0' IE, Zero. When asking what might have happened to Jaime you might consider that 'nothing happened' to her because here we have the young fresh innocence of someone who sets out on a journey and seemingly in a North West direction with their bags packed. They do not seem particularly concerned about that much or they might be considering that 'they wont make THAT mistake again' and then appear to go on their way.

But the problem with this story is that the Fool is 'unaware' of any danger. That in itself could tell us that perhaps there were some things that Jaime should have been aware of and that though she felt protected in some respects perhaps she was not. Now with this card I have to admit it is a difficult thing to decide the fate of someone and hence I always use three cards so that it can help other elements to unfold. However, in this card we are at a 'crossroads' whether actual or in life.

It would seem very odd for a girl to be missing for 19 years and never let her parents know where she is particularly if she got on with them so one must assume that something significant may have occurred but all we have is the stretch of the arcana journey ahead of us yet all that comes forward is this fresh faced girl setting out. One would have thought that she knew where she was going but according to this card she was setting out to a place 'unknown'.

Therefore, Jaime may not have planned her journey or where she was going to go. There is a little dog at heel of the fool card and it is pictorially nipping at the ankle of the person on the card. This is a way of warning the person to watch where they are going or to warn them of a problem ahead. Clearly the person in the card is on a road or walking along a road but we are being shown a cliff, a bit of a 'look before you leap' card.

So, cliffs and rocks could come up in this card even if they are in names of places. Though I have to say we have to think of the zero also as a 'circle. We start with a 'circle' and we end in a 'circle' from one end of the arcana to the other. So the word 'circle' is going to mean something .

Do we go around in circles, or is there a place called circle? that is the question. I will be looking at a map and see if I can formulate some ideas in this Tarot and also ask Dee if she can put together a map of Tarots indications to see how it looks on direction.

Meanwhile, North West comes up with this card. One thing that is noted is that this card shows belongings with her, had it been reversed her belongings would have been lost but at the moment looking at this card she has something with her. However, tarot is working in past present and future modes and this is something that we have to understand. This card could be showing her when she first sets out to go to Grimsby so we have to be careful here.

Looking at the map of Comber Place and North West there is a route 180 which leads into a big circular roundabout which then has a bridge and area called Westgate that passes over water.
Now I only actually have that as a direction in this first card that I feel makes sense to our circle/zero as it picks up in that route and possibly the area of Lower Spring Street.

If we were to follow the 180 route I see it lands in Ashby and 'ash' can link into this card as can various woods or woodland or areas of nature. There is a school to the left and a couple of green park areas. This is simply speculation rather than anything that is certifiable or definite location direction. As this is also an 'awakening' card we could also wonder if there are connections to Wakefield?

Almost in a direct line is Blackpool. These are areas that would somehow stand out to me yet it may be completely an illusion of course as who could be sure except that I have North West and very little here to help.

The School that I saw near Ashby has a name that relates to LEG, I dont want to point it out too much and this card is about ones legs and shins - but here are some keywords that might be describing areas/landscapes or attempting names at places (Dee generally is able to place them on a map which will be posted later) .

Those keywords are deep wells, quarries, mines land that has recently been dug, hills, or land that is uneven aviation or places that refer to being HIGH whether in name or structurally, In houses the roof, attic rooms, eaves, or places upwards which would also give or signify names that might be like the word BED - again if you look at the map there is BEDFORD and this would make Wellingsbrough (where the family live) North West. So this might be interesting too.

However, we are given water elements or water names, fountains springs vineyards. Places that connect or sound like Bath (there is a bath street near to the last street location connected to Jaime) and also taps showers (might be referencing plumbing?) or links to power supplies.

We also have deserts, woods, obscure valleys, caves, dens, holes, mountains, church-yards, ruins or ruined buildings, coal-mines, sinks, dirty muddy places, wells and houses or offices. Colour Black.

Bear in mind that when we have land that is DUG it could represent some form of construction site.

There is also a link to 'chandlers' in this card - and though it is not North West, and is South West we have two Chandler names near Buck Beck. Perhaps Tarot is just pointing out vicinity that was around her? it is difficult but the next card could be more useful. However a CIRCLE seems important.

Now one other interesting point is KILN LANE - Because there is a travel company there with a name that I have mentioned in this second paragraph of this reading. So if we break this down could it be that this girl was at a 'crossroads' at the side of the road and maybe wanting a lift which would then produce the risky element that the fool could give us bearing in mind our next card could be a car salesman or mechanic. It really is pure speculation and all areas could link in to vicinity/surrounding areas .


This card is the Queen of cups, it is a water card so I would have expected water either in a name or that it was in the area. Incidently just North West of Kiln Lane is in fact Queens Road. Curious really.
The numbers 1 and 3 or 13 can represent a route and a road nearby does have these numbers in them. Further along is Chase Hill Wood and closer is Homestead Park.

The letters M or W appear here , the colour silver, container, a white bridge and fast water whethere in name or actual can be present. Also a Tree name or an 'island'. There is a music element here in this card and a link to friends, perhaps a party or some kind of getting together. There seems to be a trip to a lake and someone who has a motorbike or a vehicle? I am seeing the word HOME and a hill (thats why I wondered about this park) .

When I read the Tarot I generally have to pick up everything that is past present and future as that is what I am given and it is quite natural for Tarot to pick up areas that might have been visited by a person or are linked in someway even if it is just confirming a vicinity therefore, nothing I write regarding location can really be truly established unless something makes sense or that there is some verification. Locational factors are STILL in experimental stages.

Water elements are quite strong on the Queen of Cups and North West is all I really have for that location possibility along with the 13 number or reduced to a 4.

Campus's love affairs, festivals and open spaces can come up in the first card.


When asking about Jaime and when she is likely to be found I am given the number 12 or it might be a number three for routes or distances or even some form of timing. This card also is West and just seems to link very well with the card above. Here we have water elements and showing us going to a lake whereby there might be two or three people. Boats can come up on this card which might be show up in names'. There might also be a fair haired female linked but also it seems to me as though she had a 'lift'. As this is a knight card I am inclined to feel that eventually Jaime can be found, its a nice positive card where that question is concerned.

I am getting some kind of 'home' element too. I am still not quite sure how that is going to figure but I leave that. I have made some quite bold 'road' suggestions too but I ask you to remember that they could be vicinity linked to her at any time.

I am seeing a male here too who might be linked to her in the form of a lover or someone who might even have some information. Our card shows going over land and towards a river or lake.

Again North West seems to come up here. Keywords that might help are fishponds, rivers, springs, watermills, water pumps, wells, marshy or watery ground, moats, springs, the ocean, and anything that relates to water. There are also links to churches or church names or spiritual aspects.

University/college also comes up here or students. Im not sure how that figures but I will leave it here.

There might be an overseas link because of the strong water elements.

A Thursday comes up here too.

I have given possibilities with respect to Jaime but they are only POSSIBILITIES and certainly not to be considered as FACT unless there are verifications for what Tarot has given. I do hope that Jaime can be found. The indications are that those who have searched for her should follow their hunches because its the hunches that will produce the best results. I hope that is the case.

I have tried to follow a 'possible' trail on the map but I will ask Dee to put her impressions that Tarot is giving on a Map and post it here shortly.



Dee has compiled a map which OUTLINES all the areas that Tarot may be touching on or may be describing. Please bear in mind that this is not guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.

(Hit the Grey word that says MAPS) 

 Show on  Maps

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THANKYOU, it was me who requested Jamie/Jaime Cheeseman. Just happened to look on here again and you've done it.......thankyou so much. I have no link or connection to her, but her case just touched me so much. God bless you. xxx

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There are a selection of Personal Tarot and Astrological Readings to choose from.


Below are 'resolved' Missing Persons cases detailing news events after the person was found. Sadly some did not survive. On many, Tarot has described accurately either events, landscape or named Locations or suggested when the person would be found. The details of the validations differ on each case. This section will help assess Tarot's ability to assist in its ongoing experiment.






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