I have been asked a few times to look at the situation of this young lady from Tijuana who has been missing since 1st September 2012 but will point out that there is/was a report from yesterday suggesting she is alive and her phone cell is being tracked.
"Baja State Attorney: Missing Tijuana woman is alive" by News ...
22 hours ago – Baja State Attorney: Missing Tijuana woman is alive. 1 1 ... announced Tuesday morning, September 11th, that Magaly Salazar Bravo is alive.
However I will look briefly at the Tarot for Magaly. Firstly please read all the notes on the blogger about Tarot and what it can and cannot do. I cannot guarantee that Tarot will give every detail but sometimes it has been useful for certain clues or pointers. Tarot is not considered 100 per cent accurate by law but as always I write what I get and all I can do is hope something helps.
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
Our first card can literally suggest getting away from it all because of stress and needing to find some peace and quiet but it can also show that there may have been an argument or volatile situations may have brought that on. The swords are cutting and seperation signs as well as what is going on in our head. This card seems to suggest that there is some kind of plan here to do something but it might have been challenged.
Generally I never like the swords cards because they can suggest good and bad things but right now we can see that this card is giving us signals of a church or peace and showing that there are three people here that have helped to create this situation. This card is generally East in direction the number of the card is four and this could represent either a time span or a route number.
On this card we sometimes need to re organise our plans or re formulate our thinking and it could be because of situations that have concerned us but often its because of some kind of argument or disagreement. or we may need healing. We also have West on this card again directions can be actual directions or names of places or starting and ending points.
Places or landscape described are those high off the ground. Here we have actual or soundalike names/places such as mountains and hillsides. Because of the air factor in this card wind - power, hunting hawking air force bases, airports and high communication towers can come into this card. Sandy gravelly ground, saw-pits, places where wood is cut or stored, and to barns or out-houses that lie away from other dwellings. If inside buildings, places near windows or ceiling, upper rooms and rooms inside others such as wardrobes can be described.
Person descriptions can be included if another person is involved and they would likely be tall, slender, round face, attractive, might have pimples or dimpled skin. Hair fair and possibly long.
For Magaly I have the Star card reversed which seems to show difficulties in her location although we have the number 17 or 71 here they may very well come down to be added as an 8. 8 might suggest links to music. This card can show someone who has not felt well or has been physically unwell. I see some kind of disappointment with her and some kind of severence of relationship.
This card can tell us about an accident out of the blue, but it can also tell us that there has been some kind of lack of self esteem here. This card shows a person who is bogged down. There may be a link to mother here or a mother figure.
The directional link I have here is North West and person description is someone not very tall, face long and prominent bone structure. Hazel eyes fair sandy or dark blonde hair. Problems with bones teeth or skeletal structure. Perhaps sprains or fractures. Places or connections to deep wells, quarries, mines and land that has recently been dug. Hills, aviation or in rooms we have the roof, attic or upper parts of a building. Signification is up high. Water, ponds fountains or springs may come or vineyards or anything connected to water in a house, baths taps showers or power supplies. These are attempts at describing places or landscapes or soundalike names.
Also areas such as deserts, woods valleys, caves, dens, holes, mountains, or where men have been buried, church-yards, ruined buildings, coal-mines, sinks, dirty or muddy places, wells and houses of offices are again possible descriptions of links to others or places.
Colours Yellow and/or blue.
Someone described as with a muddy or pale complexion with small dark eyes, broad forehead, dark hair, thick lips, nose or possible beard growth unplesant person comes up here. Person may stoop. There seems to be a building here where there are two people. Perhaps there is a sign or some writing on the wall.
Strangely this card can bring up a G name (see linked report) but it can also give us the name BANK. It is a 4 and therefore a 4 may show when this girl will be found. It can be up to four months, the four month or 4 weeks or days. It is simply showing us that 4 which could also be a route. This card shows being out of town as the town is behind us . The direction on this card is primarily North. We may be somewhere near a church or lodgings? the word 'gold' may come up as may arches, a bridge valleys and parks. A male may hear or know of where Magaly is. There is a matter of possible finance here. I am seeing someone who is lame? Colour Green is strong.
Is there a ransom?
South comes up here either direction or name of place as do descriptions naming farms, farming equipment, wood stores and places where there migh be farm animals . There may be bare land, or barren fields, bushy or thorny. Soil. Low dark places, sometimes storage places for boats or names that sound like that. Boundaries, or dividing walls, garden fences, gateposts and international borders may arise. Also references to churches and ruines, churchyards. This again may be naming places or be actual.
Someone here if a person can be described as medium height, small neck hair thin and/dark or white or pale. Little colour in complexion or may be brooding. Prominent bone structure, possible narrow chin or something wrong with knees or legs/shins?
Other descriptions are the same as in the card previously as they are the same in places and people.
There is a possibility that Magaly can be found but at the same time this may come from someone who is 'in the know'. Information seems to come from that source.
I may be wrong and I accept whenever Tarot is not hitting the spot, but hopefully something might help. It seems to me that trying to get a map together will be difficult but I will try to look up where Magaly vanished and see if I can see anything of interest that might match or link with the Tarot.
This is a very brief over view of Tarot which is posted as quickly as possible but if Megaly is not found within four months I will come back and look again.
I have a message today from family that Magaly has now been found safe . What WONDERFUL news! Today's date is 14th! Magaly was also found within 4 days of writing Tarot.
Also quote from tarot.'
'There is a possibility that Magaly can be found but at the same time this may come from someone who is 'in the know'. Information seems to come from that source.'
(Edit 14th sept: Just to say that family informed me today Magaly was safe therefore Tarot has told me correctly that information would come from 'someone in the know')
1 comment:
Woooowww era verdaaad...lo que te dijo el tarot.,esta viva y sii creo que fueron problemas familiaress!=(
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