Toni Lee Sharpless is a happy, twenty-nine year old nurse and mother. She's struggled with some problems in the past, but by all accounts has pulled her life together. But on August 22nd, 2009, a night out on the town puts Toni's newfound stability at risk. A mix of alcohol, bi-polar medication and lack of sleep seem to push her out of control. At a small gathering outside of Philadelphia, Toni becomes belligerent and abandons a friend on the street, driving away into the darkness and disappearing.
If you have information about Toni Lee Sharpless, contact West Brandywine Police Dept at (610) 380-8201, or Lower Merion Township Police Dept at (610)649-1000.
Can you please do a tarot reading on Toni?
Yes I will do this. There are a few requests I must work through but I do get all cases done eventually. Hope this helps.
Okay, thank you :)
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