Name: Ilya Lastovkin
Date of Birth: 08/08/1987
Date Missing: 11/12/2009
Age at time of disappearance: 22
City Missing From: Stoughton
State Missing From: MA
Ilya Was last seen at home between 6 am and 7 am. and left on foot. He had his wallet and possibly his green card with him.
Medical Conditions: The family states that Ilya may suffer from depression and may be emotionally unstable.
Investigative Agency: Stoughton Police Department
Agency Phone: (781) 344-2424
Investigative Case #: 09-1166-0f
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
I have been asked to write Tarot for Ilya who disappeared in 2009. At the time of writing I am under the impression that he is still missing. Please remember to read all the important notes regarding Tarot and the information in the top right hand menu.
Tarot cannot be considered 100 per cent accurate by Law and all insights are in the past present and future mode. Please go to other sources for factual information.
The first card I have for Ilya is the Sun reversed. This boy suffered from disappointment either at work or home. Insecurity, loneliness and clouded happiness seem to be what surrounds him. There are relationships here that have gone badly wrong resulting in depression and a sense of illness and I see a complete lack of confidence as though whatever he did someone rained on his parade. Maybe his ego was punctured or maybe he just felt that his future was not going as he had hoped.There appears to be disagreements and misunderstandings that have contributed to him feeling that either hes a failure or that he has failed in some way. The sun can tell of us a loss of a valuable object but it might be referring to Ilya himself and describing why he disappeared or what the emotions were.
Sunburn and sunstroke do come up in this card and a feeling of being angry which makes me think that something really upset him and made him glower. Family life travel and work life are all in a negative and pessimistic mode here. Chances are that things were going on inside his mind for the past year. I also see that there is a cancellation that comes up but I am not sure in what respect it is showing itself but disappointments seem to be strong .
I am being shown a person described as large and strong ; a yellow, saffron complexion, a round, large forehead: goggle-eyes or large, sharp and piercing; , their hair yellowish (BLONDE/FAIR)? , texture that can go quickly bald, possible beard, ruddy complexion someone arrogant and proud , restless, troublesome and domineering;
This card is possibly south East to South West and favours the heart. So some kind of heart problem or heartbreak possible. I am given Houses, royal names? theatres, big structures, and also halls and dining rooms. These are places that seem to connect to him either in name or actuality at some point. The Sun can describe basements when reversed as the light is 'cut off' or it can show being somewhere 'underneath' and that there might be a wall. It does not always apply but I have to give it just in case. It seems to me that his visions and personal plans did not sit with reality or that there were unrealistic expectations or obstacles to his desires. Someone has changed plans here or if Ilya planned to do something something has gone wrong and it might be through someone else.
I hope someone did not try to fool him. Any travel or plans here seems to be met with an obstacle. The North East is very strong here. Deserts and forests as well as royal name links can come up for place names. I sense some stomach or throat problems. I have a Sunday and possibly the name Michael here.
There is some difficulty regarding a mother figure here also. Though it does not stand out hugely there is a possibility of drugs/drinks or medicines coming up. There also seems to be an inability to heal from factors of the past. Someone seems to show up here from the past over some matter and I feel the reason this boy has disappeared is something to do with the past that has not been sorted out? Number 19 comes up strong. This can add to a 10 or a 1 so I will point that out.
All I am getting is that he 'is seeking the truth'. Whether that is past present or future I cannot say only that he wanted to put something right that in his own mind was wrong. The number 11 does come up on this card and often this card can represent WORK. I dont know where he worked or what area that is or whether he is located somewhere near there? I am also given the word 'Center'. Also being given a 'field' and the month of June. Is or was there a law trial? Im seeing poetic justice here? other thoughts coming up on this card seem to relate to social work, the police force, careers involving legal issues and government departments.
Im being given West here either in direction or name/place. Descriptions of landscape or place names are mountains and hillsides,windmills, wind power. Air force bases, airports, and high communication towers can show up here. Also sandy and gravely ground, saw-pits, places where wood is cut or stored, and to barns or out-houses that are away from other buildings.
If he was inside a building, Im getting 'rooms within rooms' upper rooms. The thought is 'somewhere up high'.
Asking when Ilya will be found often wands are weeks and clearly Ilya has not been found within 10 weeks so we must look at the 10 for other reasons/purposes. Firstly it seems he is 'between places' and again I have a wall or some kind of barrier here, fences or something of that description. Also I often find an airport is nearby with the 8 of wands not far away. Countryside with a river running through but going towards buildings? rolling hills and trees are all clues it seems.
I do get South with this card but perhaps more South East which links to our first card. So the Hills come up in our cards quite strongly. It is possible to find Ilya but there is a lot of obstacles to overcome in order to do so it seems. In other words, it is not easy but not impossible. A lot seems to oppress the search whether through difficulty or otherwise. Maybe the number 10 is important as our Sun card does break down to number 10 also.August can come up in this card. these numbers can also come up - 36 / 9 with the Sun reversed my first impression was that he was not far away from home but it may be referring to the past.
Work can come up here as can heat and fire. Stables and horses can also come up or even where commercial horses can be kept. Forts or names like that might show up. However open fields, hills and land that rises higher than the rest seem prominent and again if inside a property we have links to upper rooms hearths and fireplaces or somewhere that would be connected to a lot of space. It seems to me that we should try to find names of places that go with these descriptions.
Though I cannot give a specific time when Ilya will be found we do have some clues that might assist to finding him. Perhaps there is something here connected that was to do with a trip? was anyone aware of any plans he had made? if so those are the kind of messages that might be important. I will point out that water can come up in two factors in the cards but must also say that there is also the word WHITE that could show up too.
This is a brief overview for Ilya but hopefully something useful might be printed here.
Dee has compiled a map which OUTLINES all the areas that Tarot may be touching on or may be describing. Please bear in mind that this is not guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.
(Hit the Grey word that says MAPS)
Show on Maps
Details of Disappearance
Lastovkin was last seen at his residence on Memorial Drive in Stoughton, Massachusetts between 6:00 and 7:00 a.m. on November 12, 2009. He walked away from his home without his cellular phone and with very little money, although he did have his wallet and possibly his green card. He has never been heard from again. Lastovkin left behind some notes which indicated he was suicidal. Lastovkin's family stated he had suffered from a bout of severe depression earlier in 2009, but appeared to improve before his disappearance. His family describes him as a shy, modest individual. His hobbies include drawing, creative writing and musical composition. He had a job at the Family Dollar Store on Washington Street at the time of his disappearance, and had recently been given extra hours, which he was happy about. He was scheduled to work on the day he went missing, but never showed up.
Lastovkin had lived in Stoughton for about six years before his disappearance. Prior to that he lived in Canton, Massachusetts and attended elementary, middle and high school there. He has traveled to other states in the past, but he has never been out of touch with his family before. He may be hitchhiking or taking the bus as a means of transportation. Foul play is not suspected in Lastkovin's case, but due to his depression there is concern for his safety. His case remains unsolved.
Hi I just read your tarot reading. I am Ilya's sister. How did you come to make a tarot reading for Ilya or hear about him? Did someone from my family ask you to do this or did you do this of your own accord?
Hi I just read your tarot reading. I am Ilya's sister. How did you come to make this tarot reading or hear about Ilya? Did someone in my family ask you to do this or did you come to do it of your own accord?
Im not sure if Im comfortable with his personal details or what looks like personal details to be displayed on a public site. You see, I may or may not believe this. But there is no way to know for sure, and Id like to avoid any chance of his pain being exploited to promote someone's business. His dignity is too valuable and precious to those that love and know him not to.
Im sure you have the best intentions, but you were never asked to do this. And that makes me a little uncomfortable. I think you have best at heart but you may be misguided.
Hello Katya, I am very sorry to know your brother is missing. I actually was asked to write for him and you can find that in my requests pages. I do not write for anyone as a rule unless I am asked. Not all requests are family requests but families do approach me and I have worked with them because they know I will try to do my best for them. Having your brothers details on this page raises his profile in the public eye. Many people who are missing do not get a platform for very long in the press or the help they need to be found. A lot of families do get upset that their missing relative does not have public support. Your brothers 'missing details' are in many places on the internet, this is not the only place that he has been highlighted. The only difference between my page and others is that I have been asked to look at what might have happened and I have given my free time to be able to assist. My work is completely free of charge and therefore I do not have a 'business' nor do my readings for missing people support a business. I do personal readings for people as you can see by my link under the big tarot card but that is nothing to do with missing people. I also spend many hours of my day assisting everyone that I can voluntarily so I do hope you know that I do not randomly 'do things' I am asked to do them and you can trace that back on this blog. I pray your brother can be found and that anything I have seen may bring him some assistance. Thank you for contacting me and please contact me if there is anything else you feel that I can do. Kind regards, Empathy.
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