Christopher and Lisa Zaharias were abducted by their non-custodial mother, Susan Elizabeth Zaharias Last seen in Santa Ana, California, on November 20, 1987. Their father, Louis Zaharias, reports marital conflict and says Susan was acting "recklessly" at the time including verbal and physical violence. They may be travelling in a black 1986 Toyota Four Runner with license plate number 2X85442.
A felony warrant for crimes against persons was issued for her on February 17, 1988. They were known to be in Detroit, Michigan in 1988 but their whereabouts after that are unknown. They may be in Oklahoma or Pennsylvania, where Susan has relatives. They may also be in Canada or still in California or Michigan.
If you have any information as to the Zaharias' children's whereabouts, please contact the Orange County District Attorney's Office at 714-541-7531. Any information received can be kept confidential.
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
12 JUNE 2012
I have been asked if I would look at Tarot for this family situation regarding the two children and their mother who apparently has abducted them. I am not sure whether I should consider this a 'missing childrens' case as they are with their natural mother and this is likely a custodial issue. When a child is with one parent it would seem to me that they are not in the company of strangers and therefore I have debated whether or not to go ahead and look into Tarot. However, there are two parents here and I feel perhaps I could just take a brief look.
I wish to make it clear that these children would be considered grown up and therefore I have not really felt the wish to pry into their lives.
All that being said I have only printed the mother's picture and will work on the issue from this standpoint.
What I feel from Susan is that she simply 'walked away' . I just feel that she thought she could cope on her own and make life work for herself as I see her in my cards as being independent and building up her own life and putting everything around her herself. She is a strong woman with an ability to work out her problems in a way that offers her security and safety. That is what comes to me in this picture. I think she wanted to teach someone a lesson and that it was a 'long time coming'.
She is capable, competent and perfectly able to make another life and another home and these cards show that as well as the fact that she is physically robust and can have a thick skin when it suits her.
The children would come into this and she would be depicted as a mother to those children. Though for some reason I do see her 'alone' now but it could just be the feelings she had back then which come through to me as I am asking about the situation all that time ago. She is telling me something about 12 years ? and its a long time coming so I will repeat that. The card can also give us a 1 and a 3 for other reasons and add up to 5. This can tell us that two people may hold the key to where she is.
I want to move directly on here to location factors.
Here I receive a card that reflects 'insensitivity' would it be suicide to give locational factors? or is it that I get the impression that that is not wanted? I have a number 13 here which can added to a 4. The four can represent the husband or father and that is reversed suggesting a difficult or abusive relationship so even though I am not saying that what I am saying is that perhaps one would not wish the father to know as here is a woman keeping secrets. However, my card suggests that information could be used in manipulative ways. I have water elements here and quite some distance from the family home. West comes up but at the same time I sense North. The sea, rivers and places near ponds or waters - brooks, springs, wells, wash-houses, sea shores, marshy land, all suggest areas or places that bring up water or coastlines but also cellars and basements come up here.
An M or a W may show up as well as the word Bells. Water seems to be the Key. Somebody drinks a lot and takes drugs. I dont know who that is or whether Susan is even alive at this current point as there are suicidal elements which can be taken for real or that information is secretive and should not be revealed. Either way that is what I have. I also think that there may be other deceptive factors that have not come to light. I dont know if this is to do with the father or not but again Im not feeling it right to dig deep. Have areas around her original home been searched?
Again I wish to leave this part of the Tarot and move to when this lady can be found.
Regarding the children I dont see them with her but maybe its because I have reversed cards and this breaks up a family home. I am seeing a church name here or some kind of religious reference so not sure if there is a place near a church. Also see a white bridge and a river and oddly a garden and flowers.
When I ask if Susan will be found I get given a number 13 - and we seem to have that number given to us before so 1 and 3 , seperately or number 13 comes up here. I have a sense of freedom from the past and getting rid of shackles with a new beginning attached to this.
The old life is dead because there has been a major transformation. But she will be found even so. My card gives a dead cert on that. New thoughts are going to come to life because something stirs it up so I would have thought it were possible. I am given North East and to take into account the descriptions given already as they apply. If she is found she may go to prison as confined places seems to show up here, or she perhaps is in a confined place.
Black mud seems to describe the state of affairs as does a security threat or some feeling of fear or threat. If Susan is alive she might not want to be found, I hear, over my dead body??? and some church references? I also sense 'metal'.
This is all I wish to give on this matter.
Thank you for doing this, it is appreciated
You are welcome George. Thank you for posting.
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