Police say they are growing increasingly concerned for the safety of a 19 year old who's gone missing after a night out in Bristol.
William Appleby, a student at UWE, was last seen at Motion nightclub at Avon Street at around 2am on Sunday 12th June 2011. He had been on a night out with friends.
His parents and brother, John, Cheryl and Alex said:
"Will was in a very positive place, enjoying his media course and life in Bristol and looking forward to his summer plans. We are desperate for any information about what happened when Will left Motion night club in the early hours of Sunday. Please help us find him ."
Alex added: "I couldn't have wished for a better brother. He is much loved by his family and his many friend s."
Investigations into Will's disappearance have been ongoing all week and on Thursday (June 16) police divers will enter the water near to Motion nightclub.
Detective Inspector Andy Gwyther is leading the search, he said:
"We are extremely concerned for Will's safety and continue to investigate what is out of character for him. We know he was in Motion nightclub and have seized CCTV from the location. What we now need to establish is where Will went from there. There will have been other people in the area that may have seen him, we urge you to get in touch with us and provide us with any information you may have. It could be key to finding Will ."
William [pictured] is 6ft tall, with short dark brown hair and was last seen wearing a blue shirt and jeans.
CLICK STORY LINK to see CCTV of the last known sighting of Will
Anyone who has seen him or knows of his whereabouts is asked to contact Bristol CID on 0845 456 7000 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 .
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the TAROT understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
« Thread Started 17th June 2011 at 10:57
I have a request here on blogger to look at tarot for WIlliam Appleby who disappeared recently after a night out. I just want to remind you to read the important notices here on the blogger about Tarot and how it works. Tarot can bring up anything past present and future and I just write down what it gives to me. Hopefully something might help but I ask that you read all the factual sources of information and do not rely on tarot alone.
Please also note that tarot can give several messages at once and we must be careful when we read so that we understand that they can be 'jumbled' at times.
Asking what happened to William I am being given the Page of cups, this is often a 'west' direction. It seems to show me water in this card. Looking back to the 9 of cups can show 'drinking' or having been to a party OR party drinking atmosphere which does tie in to the situation of when William was last seen. Looking at the cups I can almost see where William was it seems to fit the description anyway but I think he had been drinking a lot and people around him to the point that he might have not really known what he was doing.
I see possible conflicts here and even a love interest but it does,nt seem to be that committal and might have been misunderstood creating a problem. I feel as though there is some kind of trickery here and I have a male and female who seem older, the guy I see is actually crafty and a bit cunning and not really to be trusted at all. The female not much better, pretty insensitive and cant keep a secret or sensitive information to herself. Maybe a lot of disorientation here. I dont know if there is anything effeminate about William or whether there was any jibes or suggestions but I just feel like there might have been scars from the past. I dont know if this boy really felt he 'fit in' to some situations as he seems to really be bothered about what people say or think about him.
The cups do represent water and emotional feelings and disorientation perhaps. The Knight of cups always suggests someone under 35, younger and even perhaps the age of William. I just feel that too much drink was being splashed about that night and maybe conversation became out of order? The knight can show water/lake etc somewhere a boat could float . Im seeing emotional insecurity and really a lack of direction which tells me he was inebriated as there is substance abuse on these cards and might even have been 'offered something' its possible. Someone could even have slipped him something in his drink.
Again all possible so that he did,nt even know where he was or who he was - a confused state probably through drinking. There might be an older woman, male and someone perhaps his own age. He might have offended someone accidently or someone said or did something negatively and that has not helped matters. I do see some 'disunion' seperation in friendships people, someone who was a subject of gossip and he may have walked west towards a bridge?
I dont know why it shows up but problems in the family arise?? not sure how or why or whether this is the right connection but it is there.
Asking where William might be I groaned receiving this card because its tricky. What I am being shown is a manipulative authority figure, colleagues or friends. This card can even be a non biological father figure or can be the Law itself or dislike for the law. I dont feel William has good influences around him but I feel someone is lying about something here and /or the truth is being suppressed by someone who could throw light. This might be to do with the male and female I saw in the first cards I cant be sure. There is a 'door 4' on this card so number 4 may be of significance.
I feel like someone has been using this boy for their own ends and he is dominated by a parent figure or somebody who stands over him. Maybe its police I see with him when I look at this card as its to do with where he might be. I cant help but feel William drained, threatened and vulnerable. I have someone here who dislikes authority also. Sometimes non biological parents come up on this card.
I just feel that there is bad advice here somewhere and three way relationships possibly even 'stalker' type personalitys, dominate or domination tactics. Thats not exactly telling me where William is or pehaps it is and it will unravel itself ultimately.
The Heirophant can be teachers or colleges - and Im getting some kind of link there - I know William is studying so wonder if there is some link nearer to where he goes to college as to where he is or may be connected in some way? The knight of cups reversed also can reveal suicide tendencies and I am not attributing that to William but I have to point out that it pops up for someone or someones state of mind somewhere along the line.
Asking when William will be found, he either HAS been found or there is some significance on the number 17. If this is not the case there is a problem to him being found because people are searching the water feeling he is in it. I think I am not to write anymore at this point but I will come back and write more if this young man is not found in the next three weeks. I will allow 17 days.
This is a very brief reading for William and no doubt I may have to go back and write more indepth on the tarot that has been presented, however I will publish this for now and return to it shortly if necessary. I feel there are some 'misunderstandings' here about the situation. He may be found by 'accident' or had an accident. He might have a connection to someone in Redcliffe?
In the report they seem to indicate William was found 'last night' which would be the 17th of June but then say it was 2.25pm Saturday so I am not clear what they mean however they are sure this is William. However the 17 in tarot might have indicated he was on the verge of being found and might not have wanted to say more.
enter this address of the Motion Night Club where William was last seen. - 74 Avon Street, Saint Philips, Bristol BS2 0PX
I think if you come out of the nightclub you would turn west and there is a bridge there. The feeder road and cattle market road goes towards floating harbour and Redcliffe and Redcliffe way is that side also. It is all pretty close for location from tarot.
Tarot does jumble its information but it seems there are a few pointers here although at the moment why William was found in this way it is not certain. Police seem sure it is William who was found. I will update with what happened if it is made clear.
I am so sorry for the family I really am.
Body found in canal
Last updated at 14:06, Saturday, 18 June 2011
POLICE divers searching a canal for a missing student have recovered a body.
Officers believe the body is that of 19-year-old Ulverston student Will Appleby, who has been missing since the early hours of Sunday morning.
Last night the body had yet to be formally identified and the coroner had been informed.
Police said last night they were not treating the incident as suspicious.
1 comment:
Comfort to his family & friends that loved him very much!
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