Fresno, Calif. (KMPH News) – A Central Valley woman is missing. The Fresno County Sheriff's Department says 22–year–old Heather Ballinger went to Fresno's River Park shopping center on June 1st and has not been seen nor heard from since.
Heather's mom says her daughter left the house to go on a job interview, after answering an ad on Craigslist.
"It said personal assistant," Patricia Ballinger said. "I tried finding the ad on Craigslist ... it's gone, someone removed it."
Mrs. Ballinger says the manager at the Jamba Juice told her he saw Heather talking to two men the day the 22–year–old was reported missing.
Investigator say Heather was driving a white 1994 Jeep Cherokee with a large raider sticker on the rear window – California license plate: 3FKR292.
As of right now, the SUV is also missing.
Anyone with information is urged to call the Fresno County Sheriff's Department at (559) 488-3111.
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the TAROT understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
« 18th JUNE 2011 at 19:45 »
I have noticed an appeal for Heather Ballinger and have had a look at tarot to see if there is any advice on what may have happened to her.
Please always read tarots Important Notice as it will show you how tarot works . It is not 100 per cent guaranteed but may throw light on matters pertaining to the past present or the future. Please go to other sources for factual information.
Already we do have a little background on what happened as far as people are aware and tarot can confirm through the two of pentacles that there appeared to be a 'message' but it does seem that Heather had a 'choice to make' over a message and in the ace of pentacles it does tell us that plans for new business should be checked carefully before going ahead . It seems like someone was cussing a bit over the message (Im thinking it is that ad off Craigslist) because it seems that there were two options. Im not sure what these two options mean but apparently there was a choice .
The three of pentacles reversed would show that someone does,nt necessarily have the work skills required for this 'message' - so if it was an ad for work perhaps there was a problem with that maybe finding out something about the finances was not suitable or there is something not quite right about them somehow. It seems to me that there is a kind of 'quick cash' type element in all of this but it leads to this lady feeling completely insecure over money and quite honestly all I can see is roguery and theft and extreme dubious matters with finances here.
I also see a male up to the age of 35 who is not to be relied upon, he would be dark eyes and possibly ethnic, mixed race or dark skinned - aside from all this, I am actually seeing problems in the home and with finance and I dont know whether there was a problem with where Heather was living or whether something has cropped up of that nature? as I seem to see her maybe having to get out of where she lives? I might have that wrong but I will write it here just in case it is reflecting a different way.
A business/businessman not to be trusted with reversed pentacles I really think that much is quite clear I am also seeing something that is 'not on camera' but it may be an exchange of money ? Perhaps Heather had to lay money out towards a venture?? I just seem to feel there is a 'greed for wealth' signal in this tarot and at the same time feeling someone might have over extended themself. It is possible that Heathers vehicle was taken from her.
Pentacles cards are usually always North so we could presume that as an initial direction even though the card is reversed it can only really be North South. Because Pentacles are also indications of someones health, I should think that this situation might be a little bit adverse for Heather on health issues and I shall look to the next card to show me what else is here. Any business with a reversed pentacle is going to be something other then what is anticipated namely the negative side of it.
According to tarot if this is considered to be a present card (but may not be)- she is North but outside of the town where this 'business' was supposed to be? maybe even near a college or school but it is agricultural land at the same time so Im not thinking of a busy town center
Im thinking more on the outskirts with woods/vegetation as pentacles are earth cards. Though water is not a primary link in pentacles it can show a small drift of water in the vicinity. I did think about motorbikes/motorcycles or even bicycles appearing but I am not sure how or where they fit but I have this thought I cannot place. Pentacles again are money - and it should be checked whether Heather went to a bank and also if there are any areas with a BANK or the name Bank it might be possible to link that in.
It shows a church here also and someone very impoverished so if this lady had any money she wont now. I also see an ethnic woman here because she appears to be wearing a veil. I am getting the BELL and LIBERTY so they may mean nothing in the scheme of things but its always worth considering them. It could also be a signal for false alarm in employment as there is no employment in the 5 of pentacles there is only worry and strife.
The six is going to show that people who need money are ignored so this is a money scam. Farmers land, agricultural scenes are still strong in the cards. I also think at the back of my mind there is a HOE type theme - now you can take that as 'not the gardening kind' so it might let you know discreetly that there might be an element of 'that' lurking somewhere so Im wondering if there is a sex element in the advert that is not entirely seen? I might be wrong, but I seem to feel that there was a get rick quick element and I see this woman somewhere on her own in a house/garden or agricultural scene .
If she is in a building then she might not have been the first and she might have been offered an awful lot to find herself alone. Maybe all promises but is it a good thing or not I wonder. The Knight of pentacles goes there and a male and female a lot older seem to be in the picture. I see an old house here or old building with two dogs. The direction is NORTH so it appears North is here twice.
As for when Heather will be found, there is never a true direction here on the Death card but there is a number and that is 13 so one would suggest 13 to be a number which may figure either in dates/times/distances/periods of time. The horse could be moving North East and there is no promise that is the direction to find Heather but it could be right.
There is obviously something metal here because of the armour and the movement of the horse suggests the car I would have thought this might show up.
I also think with the death card we have to consider both positive and negative things which might be good or bad for Heather when being found.
I have associated scrap yards, carparks, metal places, objects, debris, landfill, canyons, stones quarry all these kind of things can come up with the death card which could form part of the location details. Also there is a bishop in this card and I have seen what appeared to be a church so places with these kind of things in the vicinity or even names like CHURCH road etc all these things could be useful and possibly the North East direction. There may be buildings or a couple of apartment blocks or stone pillars that I see in this find card so all to be borne in mind.
I think a 'flat line' is important and I am not quite sure how to explain that one, but I always hope that on every tarot a person is going to be found alive and well and I hope for this with heather. She has got the Temperence card next up and this can show us the name MICHAEL which could come up and land and water and OIL - . I think it will be like a bolt from the blue when she is found - a bit like a surprise element or that will be attached somewhere so Im expecting something else to come up at the same time or something particular that will be a bit shocking even. It might reveal something that was to be uncovered and an illusion is lifted.
Time will tell. This is just a brief synopsis of what the situation could be, but of course I cannot be absolutely certain it all follows correctly and so I shall leave it here and hope for the best with Heather. I may come back to tidy up parts of the tarot and give more indept descriptions if we do not hear anything from Heather in the next while.
There were no reports of Heather to be found at the time of writing Tarot except the leading story. Updating news on the cases I find this report which clashes with the time I wrote the Tarot but I have not seen this report before and a google search has not shown this article either. However, it seems that Heather's mother has heard from her. I am not aware of any other updates but I will try to see if there are any other references to this case. I am a bit perplexed that the situation 'turned around overnight' yet there were no reports showing up? but this is dated June 17th????
Jun 17, 2011 10:44 PM GDT
Mother of Missing Fresno Woman Says Daughter Called Her
The case of a missing Fresno woman took a turn overnight. The mother of the missing woman says her daughter called her.
The mother then called the KMPH newsroom and said her daughter's speech was slurred during the short phone call.
She told her mother the Jeep she was driving was broken, and she couldn't return it. The mother says the call then ended abruptly.
Heather Ballinger hasn't been seen since she went to Fresno's River Park shopping center two weeks ago to meet someone to interview for a job she saw on Craigslist.
The Fresno County Sheriff's Department says someone claiming to be Heather called investigators.
Authorities tell KMPH News Heather faces legal problems. There is a warrant out for her arrest, and the car she says is broken is stolen.
It seems I am not the only one who missed the report of 17 June as it is reported here on 21 June that Heather was still missing. They have since updated to mention the June 17 News on June 21st and I see a comment two days old there saying that Heather did not call back again.
November 1, 2011
3 Arrested After Deputy Stops to Help With Flat Tire
Press Release) Three people attempting to change a flat tire are behind bars -- captured during rush hour commute last night near Highway 41 and Avenue 12 in Madera County.
According to reports, a deputy was heading west on Avenue 12 when he saw a Saturn 4-door on the shoulder about a quarter mile west of Highway 41. The deputy pulled over to help when he discovered the car was reported stolen out of Fresno. Additional deputies quickly arrived to assist.
Inside the stolen vehicle deputies seized: cash, a digital scale, small plastic bags, and marijuana.
54-year-old Hannie Eugene Rice of Oakhurst, 21-year-old Randall Carlson of Fresno, and 22-year-old Heather Ballinger of Madera were arrested.
A check on Rice showed he was on bail for drug related sales and was carrying an expired medical marijuana card.
Carlson was on probation for drugs and found to be in possession of a glass smoking pipe commonly used to smoke Methamphetamine.
Ballinger was wanted on a no-bail warrant for fraud out of Fresno.
Ballinger remains jailed without bail. She was booked on the outstanding warrant for fraud, as well as suspicion of attempting to buy/sell stolen property.
Carlson is also being held without bail. He was booked on attempt to buy/sell stolen property, possession of marijuana, possession of a controlled substance, and transportation of marijuana
Rice is accused of committing a felony while out on bail, attempting to buy/sell stolen property, possession of marijuana and transporting marijuana. His bail is set at $25,000.
Latest news shows that Heather was found on 31 October (death card 1 and 3) and she was found North . Other information does seem to pick out in the Tarot but of course many details are still not known and cannot be verified at the current time. Clearly there was theft and roguery and unfortunately it seems Heather has got herself involved in the get rick quick scheme that Tarot seemed to point out. There was a distinct feeling around the car and that is how Heather was found, rather surprisingly upturning other bad dealings with the company she was with. I also notice that Tarot told us that ' a flat line was important' I guess it was seeing the Tire FLAT!!
It is 'good/bad' news about Heather just as Tarot told us because thought she is in trouble she is alive and found and that will mean a lot to her parents. Tarot is past present and future and can take into account many events - however at least some are seen here to be validated.
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