BALTIMORE (WJZ) ― Baltimore County Police are asking for the public's help in locating a young woman.
Cherice Maria Ragins, 24, was last seen Feb. 21st 2010 in the Catonsville area of Route 40 and Rolling Road.
Ragins, who lives in Baltimore City, went to the Catonsville area of Baltimore County to meet with someone. She has not been seen or heard from since.
She is described as a black female, 5'4" tall, 120 pounds, with brown eyes and brown hair. Ragins also has her name "Cherice" tattooed on her neck. She was last seen wearing gray sweatpants, a red hooded sweatshirt over a black shirt, and green and pink shoes. She was also carrying a black purse with silver trim.
It is unclear whether the woman was abducted or left on her own free will.
"Her family is concerned. They came to the police looking for her and asked for assistance in locating her. We are making every attempt to locate her," said Lt. Robert McCullough, Baltimore County Police.
This is being investigated as a missing person's case and is not a criminal investigation.
Anyone with information about the whereabouts of Cherice Ragins is asked to call Baltimore County Police at 410-307-2020.
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the TAROT understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.

13 May 2011
I have been asked if Tarot might throw any light on the disappearance on Cherice Ragins who has been missing for well over a year now. Tarot can produce glimpses past present and future however it can only show what it gives. Please go to other sources for factual information.
Not a great card to begin with Im afraid. King of Swords reversed in response to a 'what happened' question does not bode good. This is a man who is not well disposed towards Cherice. He would be someone who was thought to be dark skinned and over 35 years of age so we are looking at an older male and not a younger man. The reversed King might show that he acts younger in some ways or has some youthful views, however, character would not be described as friendly.
Im seeing a situation where someone is demanding some kind of 'obedience' here and see a very overpowering person who would use language as a tool for deception. In other words, here is someone who might have said or persuaded her into a false situation or there is a false situation here being reported. It can be to her or about her, either way that is what we have.
I see this person as a total tyrant in attitude and I do not know yet whether they have inflicted some hurt on Cherice or whether she left because of this person, it has to be one or the other. However, when we get to the King I know we have to look at the journey of the swords all of which are very difficult cards showing this woman has undergone a lot of difficulty maybe in her daily existence since it is her 'journey' to disappearance or being a missing person. She might have been trying to get away from someone who could be very handy with weapons and if not weapons exceedingly cutting words. Not a nice person.
This man would exercise absolute authority over this girl - either that or she was wanting to flee a situation that might enforce the law on her. It doesnt look good especially as its a card of force. Sounds ominous. Im seeing 'vengeful' situations here and possibly 'being used' - bullyish situations - manipulation - critical - horrible nasty situation.
It can represent government officials who would have no mercy at all if there is something to be vigilante about so we do have a couple of situations here to pop up on what may be the trouble.
This could be how Cherice sees this man, and if it is,nt a man its authority, lawyers, even police. Whichever way it falls it isnt good because there is worry, grief fear and disturbance on this card. This can also represent, boss, father, partner anyone who could adopt a dignity of authority in some way or try to enforce it. I am sensing cruelty.
There may have been a lack of love or caring around Cherice. I just see horrible personalities so dominating and pushy around her and a lot of malicious gossip. So a great start to the tarot but not great for this girl because she has been through the mill. We could have an older male and older female here that are very calculating possibly untruthful?
Queen of cups might suggest West for Cherice as a direction - might even be South West. This card is well known for chronic emotion and water elements. It is suggests very insensitive things. It might even be arguing about this revelation of tarot. I do feel there are certain things in this particular disappearance that perhaps are negative to revelation though cant think what that might be exactly. The Queen of cups can suggest being under water or by water. It can also suggest being in a vicinity of a distant cousin.
This card shows me that Cherice might have got involved in a negative relationship because she was lonely? In my opinion it may suggest that she is some distance from home - could be as much as 13 in distance away - might be miles or a route number I cannot be sure but I think the water elements must be taken into account because even on the knight of cups we have water/lake terrain - but also some other rather negative elements possibly with a man.
As the cups are reversed it is indicating that things at home were very dificult for her and she might have been involved with someone who she could,nt live with and could,nt live without and really its a 'what can I do' situation. Either all this problem is coming from home or she is linked with someone that brings about that feeling. Note the Knight of cups can sometimes be a suicidal card so it could suggest walking straight out of the frying pan into the fire. Very heavy stuff.
Asking when Cherice will be found I am seeing here four months. That might be from when Tarot is written but having said that its also a card of seeking peace therefore maybe there is a reason why she wont be found for a while .
There are doctors elements in the tarot - maybe she might even have had to seek one out. Being withheld, being alone, going somewhere to get peace or being, laid to rest are all things to consider on this card. What I am really seeing is 'no forwarding address' so perhaps the overall view here is - dont seek this girl because she got out of something that she did,nt want to be in.
I might be totally wrong, always accepting that and wanting to respect what I see also. We write about peoples lives and always in the hope to help. Sometimes helping is hindering. Maybe theres a bit of both here Im not quite clear.
I see a FOUR on this card so being found I would put down to FOUR. I also feel she went East and she can found East but I see her wishing to move to peaceful elements - so that could be foreboding or it really can mean to leave her alone.
On the find card, I see cemetarys/tombstones, churches all very much part of this card and visually it is what you see in most respects but does,nt always mean someone is deceased - but I would be looking East towards water and I would also take much of tarot as part of her feelings and fears. She was in fear. Lots of water in the card so I would look for water/stream/lake or water names in locations.
Tarot is not 100 per cent accurate and I make a point of that as sometimes not all details apply. Please bear in mind this is a brief tarot synopsis for Cherice and will try to look at it again shortly.
Sadly our last card does not promote health but to consider families when writing on this blog I no longer speak about life/death issues. Someone has now been found responsible as you can see from news link below. It does not appear that Cherise has been found and that also seems to reflect in the 'no forwarding address'. This is yet another sad case where relatives cannot bury those they love. Its so odd when I mention that Cherice had been 'through the Mill' describing a bad situation with a man and we find a man from Windsor Mill involved. Coincidence possibly.
Windsor Mill man charged in murder of woman missing since 2010
Baltimore Sun-13 Sep 2016
Six years after 24-year-old Baltimore resident Cherice Ragins went missing, a grand jury in Baltimore County has indicted her boyfriend on a
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