DOB: Aug 18, 1985
Missing: Jun 13, 2005
Age at time disappearance: 20
Sex: Male
Race: White
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 6'1" (185 cm)
Weight: 165 lbs (75 kg)
Missing From:
United States
Both photos shown are of Benjamin. He was last seen leaving his home on June 13, 2005. His vehicle has since been recovered, however, Benjamin's whereabouts are still unknown. Benjamin has a thin build, a scar on his upper lip and a scar on his abdomen. He typically keeps his hair closely shaven and may have grown a goatee. He may also wear an earring, baseball style caps and eyeglasses. Benjamin's eyes are hazel/green in color, but they also tend to appear brown. His nickname is Ben.
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children - 1-800-843-5678
SPECIAL NOTE: This case was initiated pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 5779. The individual pictured on this poster was reported missing when he or she was between the ages of 18 and 20. Law enforcement has entered this case in the FBI National Crime Information Center database and has asked NCMEC to disseminate this poster.
Kileen Police Department (Texas) 1-254-501-8830
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the TAROT understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.

21 MAY 2011
I have had a recent request on Blogger to look at tarot for Benjamin Lund who disappeared six years ago. Tarot can often provide glimpses of past present and future but not all details are 100 per cent accurate and does not claim to be.
Please look to other sources for factual information.
There is a bit of background for Benjamin and what he was thought to be doing on the day he disappeared. The details are above. Asking Tarot what may have happened, Tarot gives to me the Heirophant which automatically makes me think that Benjamin did not listen to good advice about 'something'. There seems to be three people here around him that I can see and there are some contraversial issues in that also. He may have had a stalker who was looking out for him with that Lover card in that reversed manner, it does seem to point to before June so maybe he had attracted the attention of someone that might not have been to his better good. I do see a car here that is stationary also. It makes me feel like he might have been in the car and it was brought to a halt? - The heirophant is often a mentor or someone who gives good advice but I just seem to feel that some advice or good counsel has been ignored. I wonder if there was something odd about his car that might not have been picked up?
The Emperor reversed gives me a door with a number 4 on it. Sometimes that turns out to be an actuality with tarot and such a door can exist, othertimes it might be trying to tell us about four people, three and another perhaps. The Emperor comes across as someone who thinks they are the 'boss' sometimes its someone who is 'employing you to do something' therefore perhaps there was a boss or ringleader figure and Benjamin was doing something in connection with them but it turned out to be bad advice?
I see him at this point near a Hill. Sometimes its the only way Tarot can describe some things. There was a written note of some kind possibly with some instructions on it and initial B and J might be useful. Apartments seem to come to mind also for some reason or another and also a lot of trickery here maybe on behalf of someone or just generally about Benjamins disappearance.
Im feeling somewhere there is a misrepresentation of the truth in the Heirophant reversed coupled with the Magician it seems to be even more the case? I keep thinking of the saying ' you cant teach an old dog new tricks'?
I feel his wallet is lost with the Fool reversed and if he set out to leave home or had that idea in mind he would have stepped into some kind of obstacles. The Heirophant does,nt give me a direction, but offers us two keys and a map. So I wonder if Benjamin was supposed to go somewhere in particular or had something on paper to follow? The fool card might initially give us North West but reversed might Offer us South West but perhaps that was the starting out point? Fools reversed can be cards that are linked to Drugs, but when reversed it can show a terribly folly or mistake - what about exactly I cant put my finger on but he did,nt make a secret about drugs as it is in his background and I doubt he would have tried to hide that fact. If he had some on him, maybe he was not able to conceal them?
I can see the journey in the first card leading to this one which is the Hanged man. Our cards have seemed to stay in the major arcana status so they are specific cards. The Hanged man seems to show me him in a position where he might have got tied up - literally - but in this card reversed it does,nt seem to me that he could,nt get out of that, or if he was in a tricky situation that he was unable to get out of it. This card is number 12 Though I am not sure if that number has any significance. It could be a distance marker from a place to connect to water. This card shows someone hanging onto material things having money etc. It could be a place where people hang out who have money. I dont see any spiritual value in this card so Im wondering if he is still alive and with us - but the next card is a death card and that is reversed.
The hanged man just seems to tell me that he hangs out with the crowd and thats all he is interested in and would,nt respond to 'outside voices' so might have indicated that he does,nt want to be found. Mind you, that is not an absolute guarantee and tarot is past present and future therefore anything I write can be information from any period of time and relate to that. If he was taking drugs he might have had a 'bad trip' which could be construed in the Wheel of Fortune but can also be connected to a car also. Hopefully not at the same time. Then we have the name Michael on the Temperence card with land and water in the vicinity. The number 14 is here and some indication of mixing some ingredients together that dont actually mix very well. This could be to do with drugs again or it could be simply matters within family where views are opposite to each other and people cant get along and see the same way of thinking. Oil and water are in this card and we know that they dont mix.
Im not getting a clear direction of where Benjamin is in direction except he is on Terrafirma?? With this card he could have made a bad financial transaction so that is worth considering and this card does represent the past so wherever he was in the past is likely where he was now. It might refer to the area he was last in?
It seems Benjamin wanted to be true to himself and sometimes he knows that does,nt make other people happy he does,nt like being stalked or watched or accounted for on occasion therefore this card seems to let me feel that he likes to make his own decisions and he cant always please everyone if he is not the kind of person that they expect to be.
Asking when Benjamin will be found Im being given no number no place or something of that effect. In this card is a cliff and sometimes cliffs are in names or areas when we ask this question and receive this card. You can see someone here who is totally oblivious to being found. I get from this card someone who is a tourist, a wanderer and someone who is doing their own thing on new adventures - but it is also a landscape card and you could see areas like tourist attractions and campers, festivals and places where a lot of people gather who are of like kind. Sometimes there are lots of drugs in this card and also music elements people who hang out and listen to music perhaps. Or, it could be an area that might encompass this kind of place.
The Magician comes up once more and seems to suggest that there is a NORTH/SOUTH element here but the Fool gives us North West. As for periods of time or WHEN - the Magician is number one but he does have an EIGHT over the top of his head so perhaps the figure eight might be years, a date, or a month?? The Fool usually represents the Spring though - so all I can do is leave the various thoughts that tarot gives to me and hope that it helps the family/relatives in some way.
I do not see anything nasty in these cards at the current time. Just because I dont see it does,nt make it a clear view regarding health matters. I cannot promise anything on health here. I would have thought though that Benjamin just wanted his freedom. Obviously I hope that will be the outcome of this and nothing dark or dangerous. Time will tell.
I would hope that Benjamin can realise that everyone understands being young. Nobody wants to be strapped into conformity and it can be a drag, but its still best to let someone know where you are and if you are out there somewhere make it plain you want time on your own? Meanwhile I send good wishes to all.
Once again I cannot guarantee that all tarot has said is 100 per cent accurate. Please always bear this in mind.