Bethany Decker
Police in Virginia have questioned a U.S. soldier stationed in Afghanistan about the mysterious disappearance of his pregnant wife just days after the soldier returned to the battlefield.
"We've been in contact with him," said Vincent DiBenedetto, spokesman for the Loudoun Sheriff's Office in Virginia. He said investigators had reached the young woman's husband, Pvt. Emile Decker, by phone.
"We're in constant contact with the Army's Criminal Investigation Division," he said.
Cops, for now, are treating Bethany Decker's disappearance as a missing person case and not a crime. They are not identifying anyone as a suspect in an effort to encourage the public to keep looking for the missing college student and mother of one.
"We contacted Emile because he's her husband and was with her in late January," said DiBenedetto. "It's premature to identify a suspect. Anyone who to spoke to her in the last month, we consider a person of interest."
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the TAROT understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.

8 MARCH 2011
I am currently looking at the case of Bethany Decker and what may have occurred to her. Tarot will cover issues past present and future and throw up glimpses of what may be the situation on each card. Tarot cannot be considered 100 per cent accurate and as always I suggest factual information is always sought on each individual case.
The first card I have for Bethany is the 'no forwarding address' card. Six of Swords reversed is a very difficult card to begin with. This card shows Bethany in a situation that there just seems to be no solution for. Clearly this is a communication/mind card and shows she had a lot of things on her mind where she could,nt find any way out of them or no real idea of how to free herself.
The waters are emotional in this card and because the card is reversed it shows her stuck in these emotional problems and not being able to safely deliver herself of them. Though cups represent emotions as the norm, the choppy waters on this card do give me the turmoil mentally I feel she may have. I also note that the next card is a military camp on the 7 of swords and often there is deceit on that card.
It may be that Bethany was in a a deceitful situation and really wanted to make some kind of apology or someone apologise to her. It may even connect to a lover who was returning or coming back. This card for me is not normally an environmental card I consider it as the situation at the time as to what may be going on. However, there are two males in the Five of SWORDS and Bethany could be in the middle. I do believe reports show that she was married but also had a boyfriend. I think this card can show us that this was a huge problem and may be the cause of her disappearance. It might be noted that there is a child on the boat with the woman in the six of swords this may be symbolic but I see there is a stuck situation over a child here and really feeling as though one is tempting stormy waters here.
Reports mention that Bethany was 5 months pregnant and swords are months it may reflect a child on this card or problems of that nature under the six month mark.
Somehow the card tells us that there is 'no help' or that she felt the situation was out of control? as there is an out of the frying pan into the fire kind of element to this card.
It appears to me that she was worried about the future.
This card does seem to give an East direction but when reversed one might also have to consider West for problems.
I dont know if someone felt they owed another an apology?
On the first card I see delays in travel and this also appears on the second card so Im wondering whether she went anywhere? It depends where she was before she disappeared. Normally 8 of wands is South West - but reversed it could indicate North East - that is not always the case to use the reversed direction but Im going to mention both. I am seeing some kind of communication that was probably nasty here. The 8 of wands is generally countryside with a river or stream nearby plenty of greenery and often a house on the hill in the distance . I am wondering if in fact that she is closer to that house as this card reversed tends to bring us nearer to it. It could be someone she has known for 8 weeks. Wands are weeks and the number is 8.
9 of wands can bring us fences or barriers. Sometimes this can be psychological barriers but other times it really can show us fences/walls and structures that stand upright. She may be near somewhere of that description. Sometimes the 7 of wands can show us that someone has had some very bad quarrel at a 5 week mark and this has resulted in a backstabbing situation whereby someone might have wanted to get even. It may all be words and strife rather than action but it does seem to tell us that she has been involved in some kind of altercation and where she might be in a descriptive format. Often the six of wands gives us the word LAUREL - It sometimes comes up in name format. We also have to note there is something hidden here and the colour Blue/green may be prominent. I also have seen a car which may be of either of those colours. This car could be parked up. This may just be an incidental detail.
Six of swords can show us water and water edge which also comes up on the 8 of wands. It may just be an emotional signal but I put it here anyway as possible descriptions of location. Note that West and East are the most prominent directions at this point. It cannot be ruled out that Bethany may have been hurt as the result of a quarrel. If this is the case then her head/neck areas are the most vulnerable and possibly her leg.
This card is a military man. I asked when Bethany would be found and Im not sure if this card indicates that it is the military man/her husband who finds her or may give some information that can help to track her down as this is quick strong bursts of communication.
Unfortunately all I can say is that this card is pointed to the West and shows someone going towards the West from the East .The timing of this card is generally around May 11 to June 10 or those dates figure in some way. The Lovers card is attached and that links to the Six of Cups which is West and indicates normally six days. However it may be that it is at the six month of the year, or any period that is linked to SIX. I am seeing her being found somewhere 'in the past'. I see children on this card and an attachment for them. I also see flower pots and a garden with flowers though am not sure of that significance. It could be a vicinity that she is familiar with.
Airports/motorbikes cars are all on the 'find card' am not sure how they fit in. Travel is on this card so someone seems to arrive by those methods which is indicated at the point when Bethany is found. I have a 'foreign element' on this card which could show someone coming in from another country.
I hope Bethany is found soon. This is a very BRIEF LOOK at Bethany's tarot and I may be able to look at the details more closely soon in case I have left anything out.
Mother of missing Bethany Decker to boyfriend: Take the ... Jan 2014 - The mother of Bethany Anne Decker, who was last seen three years ago Wednesday, prays her daughter and child are safe, but would like her ...
-boyfriend-Tak...Boyfriend of missing pregnant woman breaks silence ... Apr 2012 - The last person to see Bethany Ann Decker, before she disappeared in Jan. 2011 while five months pregnant, believes she is alive and will ...
woman-breaks-silenc...Find Bethany Decker | Facebook Sunday, August 7, 2011, marks the arrival of a missing pregnant woman's due date. Twenty-two-year-old Bethany Anne Decker has been missing since ...