Case Type: Endangered Missing
Missing Date: Friday 04th February 2011
Missing From: New Braunfels Texas
Missing Country: USA
Sex: Male
DOB: 16/Aug/2009
Age Now: 1 Joshua Davis
Specific Details:
Hair: Black Eye Color: Brown
Height: 2'0" Weight: 30lbs
Race: Black language: n/a
Special Facts: He was last seen wearing a blue and red button down long sleeve shirt, a gray long sleeve Rocawear shirt, dark blue Rocawear jeans, a beige and white Rocawear onesie, a diaper, and black and white socks. He may be in need of medical attention.
HFMC International Searching
Known Circumstances:
Police, friends and neighbors of a New Braunfels couple searched the area for a missing toddler Saturday.
The family said the boy disappeared from their home Friday night, New Braunfels Police Lt. Mike Penshorn said.
Police got a call just after 8:30 p.m. Friday from the child's parents saying the small boy was gone.
Penshorn said the couple last saw 18 month-old Joshua Davis inside their home about 20 minutes before they called police.
Officers searched the home, then began a sweep of the neighborhood.
They searched surrounding homes and called in a Department of Public Safety helicopter to scan the area, but could not find the child, Penshorn said.
The searched continued for little Joshua Saturday afternoon.
Police say he is 2-feet tall and weighs 30 pounds.
If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact New Braunfels Police immediately at 830-221-4100.
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the TAROT understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
« Thread Started 20 FEBRUARY 2011 at 15:07 »
This is a VERY BRIEF SYNOPSIS of what may be the situation with the missing boy Joshua Davis. Tarot gives glimpses of situations past present and future. Tarot is NOT 100 per cent accurate but may throw light on a situation in some way. Please go to other sources for factual information.
This first card for Joshua is the Ace of Swords for what may have happened to him. First the Card represents EAST. The main thing I see here is 'cutting'. There is a very sharp sword in this card and it may represent someone cutting themselves, it is not always the case but it may be the situation regarding Joshua so it is possible that he hurt himself or somehow was hurt.
This card seems to show his immediate surroundings as its an 'origin' point card. There is also vegetation in this card. The Fool is linked to this card which can show the 'outdoors' but also it can represent 'falling off' a ledge or an edge of something a little high. So I would have thought he fell off something and possibly cut himself. The sword goes through the crown so it may suggest a head injury.
The Ace can suggest 'ideas/plans' so it may have crossed someones mind to 'make a plan' about something here. The vegetation is sometimes linked to marijuana though it is not fair to suggest this was in the air, but this is an 'air card' and there may have been something 'in the air' that unbalanced this boy for him to fall. There also seems to be communication on this card regarding plans of some ilk though I cannot be sure what. The next card shows the Two of swords which is a kind of stalemate within an argument of a heated exchange possibly between two people. The Two can show water in the card in the background. The Moon in the sky which is either sunrise or later in the day. I see some kind of 'difficult decision' that needs to be made here and that seems to follow the 'seperation'. I therefore think that events before the seperation occurred are between the Ace and Two of Swords. The Two of swords can show someone who 'hoodwinks'.
In this next card I see rejection of some description and I also see people here who are unemployed or who do not have a lot of money. This is not always the case but as you can see it shows a difficult situation here. The direction I have on this card is North so I would have thought that is the direction of this child. I see health problems here and financial/family crisis.
There is a church in this picture and there may be one in the vicinity of where this child is.but I seem to see this child 'out in the cold' in the card it is snowing. There may be a 'bell' name here. I see a lot insecurity on this card. The next card shows someone going towards the 'market/town'. The number 5 may be of use here.
7 of cups reversed may suggest this little boy could be found under SEVEN which may represent 7 days or some period of time that could be in connection with a seven. There may be a container in the picture that reveals the child so its possible that he is 'in something'. Cups are water cards as a rule therefore water may be involved. There may be a garden here of a home Im not positive but Im feeling that it wont be long before this boy is found. I see him predominantly WEST but East is also in this card. I would give either a short interlude before he is found , less then a week or we may be looking at 7 months both are possible and it all depends but there is a very strong action on this card which lead me to feel it could be the shorter interlude.
Empathy. PS. I actually made a 'mistake' in my tarot about the Market town but once written I have to let it stay. However, it was the six of wands I was referring to and it should have been six of PENTACLES. The six of Pentacles is to do with charity and giving. It shows us that someone is helping another who is not really in need with finances. By that, instead of giving to someone who really needs it, someone is getting something that does,nt really need it so they are being chosen over the more underprivileged. As this is a money concern Im wondering if finances are going to come into the picture here somewhere. This is to do with money coming in for some reason. It might just be background information that is just there.
If we went further into the tarot it could show Joshua being released from a DRAIN. This is possible because the 7 of cups shows a container, the 8 of cups shows water and the 9 of cups shows a draining out of liquid. It might NOT be a drain but something else hes contained in but I mention it because this card came up for Aisling Symes. Please note however that we have the seven of cups and have not reached the 9 of cups so though a container is still in the picture it might not be a drain. I dont know for sure.
Thank you Empathy for doing a reading on this little boy. There is so much mystery surrounding this case.....and there was record setting cold, snow and ice.
I've felt uncomfortable with the time frame from the beginning. I get nothing about the actual occurance when I concentrate on that night.
I do feel a strong sense of fear coming from the family. Feeling anger and guilt coming from the mom..why is she angry? I wonder if there is a cover up because the family is afraid the very pregnant mom (who just gave birth yesterday) might have to go to jail.
I also felt a fall.....involving wood....aged wood like old fence or railing material. It was icy but if he fell near his home I think LE (dogs) would have picked that up.
I strongly feel he was away from the home earlier and something happened. This could have been an accident caused by neglect which then caused the strong FEAR I am feeling from this family.
I hope I am wrong....he is such a cutie....maybe someone just wanted him for a son.
I just did a quick synopsis for this child in order to get something out to help. I will look a bit further into it but I thought I sensed falling so I often stick with my gut feeling with my card. However, it will warrant a second look.
I think there are possible financial problems too. Not sure why but they seem to be there. I will try to look again soon.
thank you em,you have done a wonderful job as usual. deanna.
Thx for doing this, there r so many unanswered questions in this disappearance, seems as thought there r no clues as if he just vanished without a trace from a home full of ppl. His mom just had her new baby and there is a search today for baby Josh!
Oh, all this case is so strange... :(
As a Tarot Reader and a Psychic I say the father feels guilty for Joshua. As I see, Joshua was under his care when something happened.
I do not blame him for hurting his baby but I am almost completely sure he was the one who last saw Joshua that night, at least my cards and the info from the Akasha say so. He (the father) did or said something that Joshua got frightened with, maybe it was something like a "punishment" for something Josua committed. I have the very strong feeling that he pushed Joshua out of the house for a few minutes just to "calm him down" out in the cold. I think it was his worst nightmare when he realized a few minutes later that Joshua disappeared. Of course, they say someone kidnapped their baby - it is true in a way, but they MUST know no one came in the house for that purpose.
This very short time was just enough for someone to take him away - not to keep the baby forever, just for a time while the parents learn more responsibility because they really should.
I think Joshua is under good treatment, wherever he is. I also see something "ecclesiastic" in the cards with an older man who takes care of Joshua right now.
Would like to see an update on him when ever you get the change.
Empathy, could you please look again at this case? Do you think he will eventually be found? Many thanks for all your wonderful work!
Kind Regards
In a dream a while back. In the dream the little boy was at a playground buried under a bunch of sand with only his hand showing and then I saw in the dream a a boy about 7 years old hiding in shame. I don’t really remember anything else. Sorry
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